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Everything posted by GazzaGarratt

  1. I'll happily change to D4 initially as it'll probably be more relevant. Cheers for the heads up.
  2. Changed it in the interim to match the red black theme we have and keep the Light white red working too. Shout up if any more issues.
  3. @James5497 cheers for the heads up. This one I do know about 😅 but its working out what colour will work best as when the update happened it made them very red so you couldn't see anyone's names! It may need to be a completely different colour altogether so we can all see the mentioned tag so don't be surprised if you see it change again. Well, it is a pretty pink 💗😄
    • One Right Answer
    • 5 minutes
    • 14 Questions
    • 18 Players
    The next pub quiz in our series is all about the 1990s! Like it tells you...DON'T LEAVE THE BROWSER! It knows if you do and immediately ends the quiz for you. You have been warned!
  4. Thanks for highlighting @J4MES OX4D. No, you aren't on your own. The latest software updated knocked some things out, including colours so i'm slowly rectifying each one as and when I come across them. I didn't notice this straight away as I more miss the 'Back To Top' button in the bottom right...thats just waiting for a software update to add it back on so hopefully both can be fixed relatively soon. Let us know if anything else doesn't look quite right too as I only know what I know! Cheers! 🙂
    • One Right Answer
    • 5 minutes
    • 12 Questions
    • 13 Players
    Finally, a new installment in our Call of Duty quizzes for you all!
  5. until
    I have this on the PS4 and was wondering if we could get a crew together to try and play through the campaign together?? I'd love to experience it co-op as I've barely had the chance and it can take up to 6 players too if we have enough! Unfortunately its not crossplay atm so please check its the PS4 version! Its actually on offer on the PSN store for £15.99 until 29th March too 😄 ITS COWABUNGA TIME!
  6. Simply devastated yesterday 💔 Being so close to Wembley, somewhere where we haven't been since it has changed to the 'New' Wembley, would've been incredible and probably our best chance too. No fault on the players for me. Probably the tie of the round, 2 teams absolutely going for it, end to end. Whilst it could be said i'm bias, I think most were in agreement that Blackburn were the better team overall on the day and just needed one of those chances to go in at 2-1 up to kill the game off. I'm hoping the international break will give Rovers time to get over the disappointment and push forward to try and seal a play off spot. Still chance to play at Wembley this year...
  7. Sorry I couldn't make it @TurboR56Mini, Mothers Day yesterday so we were out for a meal when you were on! Glad its going well though and can't wait to see what's been built so far 😄
  8. YES, it does matter! Thanks for the reminder! We'll all play on the PS4 version! 😄
  9. I re-read what I said...when i say 'replace' I mean, effectively replace the leader in the game to another character. So yeah, no one else do him or his lines. Best to remove him as a tribute to Lance.
  10. GazzaGarratt

    FG France FIFA 22 Cup

    For quick reference, the team selection is as follows: @Camers93 - Strasbourg @Findmartin - Stade Brestois @Antpool84 - Stade Rennais @Macca89 - Lorient @Ally - Montpellier @Tadnothad - Monaco @jordie1892 - Nantes @Stretch616 - Lens @GazzaGarratt - Stade de Reims @G_dub52 - Nice @LordBaguette - Troyes @Luseth - Lille @JamaicanSteve - Marseille @James5497 - Lyon Good Luck all! GGFG
  11. GazzaGarratt

    FG France FIFA 22 Cup

    Here's the random selection and draw for you all!
  12. Thanks for the thoughts @Riff Machine @techno and @Baabcat. I think we all feel that struggle on these games, especially if you've played them as long as we all have! The good news is that the grind is virtually going away which I think is needed as no one really wants a time sink of one game solidly taking our time away from also experiencing new things. The new player experience and returning one doesn't seem as overwhelming and I've had a look at the Guardian Ranks page myself which looks more inviting then the last update they did to triumphs which I think was a back step so we have things to help us work through the game now. I agree @Baabcat, that Deep Stone Crypt Raid times were the best. Its still my best raid to date, not for the difficulty but for the experience. So many cool sections and its a relatively straightforward raid to learn with all of us. I think whats great is that it will remain in the game and we should look to get more people into it as the rewards were very good weapons and sometimes it will be on the wekly rotation where if you do need 'higher' gear then it will grant that too. I feel like if you see the core people here and chose to start playing one night or two nights a week, there would be enough of us to jump on and help each other. I'm not bothered about getting through content ASAP so the timegating issue people have isn't much of a burden. It works in our favour sometimes as we can say 'thats enough for today on Destiny' and switch to other games that some of us are enjoying. We have a huge pool of people not really even experienced hard lost sectors, dungeons and raids and with people like ourselves @Riff Machine @techno @Baabcat, I think we'd have a right laugh learning and going through stuff together. I'll keep saying it as it feels pretty factual to me - there is nothing that competes with it still in that multiplayer, co-op, objective experience and i'd love to jump on and do a mission or 2 every so often. Any others that haven't got Destiny like to share what things stop them jumping in to this?
  13. Good news on these is that the destorying UAVs and other scorestreaks will grant progress as my Launcher is progressing nicely. Not looking forward to trying to get Sniper kills, still haven't ventured near them lol
  14. Added and signed up for Alpha so we'll see when it arrives 🙂
  15. View this giveaway March 2023 FGFGF Giveaway 2 Prizes this month! Prize 1 - A £10/$10 Game voucher of your choice! Prize 2 - A £5/$5 Game voucher of your choice! Choose either: Playstation Voucher Xbox Voucher Steam Voucher Available to all Members that are part of the FGers Group and above (FG Rank 'Apprentice' and above). This is being made available as part of the Forever Gaming Feel Good Fund - to support and help us give more back to gamers this way please consider donating via our FG Memberships or a one-off donation! Good Luck FGers! Submitter GazzaGarratt Expiration Date 13 days and 5 hours Submitted 03/18/2023 Category Monthly FG Giveaways  
  16. Type: Giveaway


    • 2 Prizes
    • 12 Participants

    2 Prizes this month! Prize 1 - A £10/$10 Game voucher of your choice! Prize 2 - A £5/$5 Game voucher of your choice! Choose either: Playstation Voucher Xbox Voucher Steam Voucher Available to all Members that are part of the FGers Group and above (FG Rank 'Apprentice' and above). This is being made available as part of the Forever Gaming Feel Good Fund - to support and help us give more back to gamers this way please consider donating via our FG Memberships or a one-off donation! Good Luck FGers!
  17. Seems so weird thinking about it tbh. The more these guys and girls go, especially at the age they do is really hits home. 60 was no age, and he really seemed to be a great guy. Destiny wise, I think at some point Zavala was due to be removed at some point. Many people didn't like how he was portrayed as the Leader of the defence but not doing too much to help. As usual, you don't realise what you've got til it's gone and I think having a regular, comforting leader always at the front of your franchise always gives that stability you need in games and in life. A real hard one to replace but I think they should do it, like they did with Cayde-6 when Nathan Fillion stopped doing his voice.
  18. Ah man, I feel for you @Luseth. I've not been too bothered about Dentists but if I had to get a tooth pulled out I can feel my stomach going a little sick already 😅 I think we were speaking a little about it last night online - have you had it out now as I think you said were awake when they had to do it?! I'd want to be awake too as I don't like the idea of being put to sleep, but i'd want to feel absolutely NOTHING in return 😄
  19. I'm with everyone else that it certainly looks interesting. Hopefully nearer the launch we'll get to see more of the building and crafting side of gameplay as I think I'd be more interested in that side whereas others will be more into the dangers of an PvP MMORPG. Not sure the game offers that side as much but still feels too early to pass judgement on the game just yet. I'd love to see that in a game....although you'd be rich from NFTs paying for your services! 🤣
  20. FG GTA Races are BACK 👊 FG Fridays are a thing because of GTA, so lets tell everyone and get the game updated way ahead of Friday so we can go and play some Nascar, Sumo, Target, Bikes and whatever else we can find! Get your name down so we now to get your invites out on the night 👊
  21. until
    We've talked about getting more FG Friday games up recently so I'd love to try and now get 10-12 of us on for a few hours across both Among Us and Fall Guys! Get Discord ready for chat too as if we get many more people outside of PlayStation online it would be cool to try and do it all together. Either way, lets get a big enough lobby for some fun. 7.30/8pm start - RSVP below 👇
  22. I know what you mean....its been taken out of the core software 😔 If there was a demand for it, I could see if I can get some code and plugins that could try to bring it back if we feel it was a nice added touch? If someone can add an Idea for it here that would be great to see if there is enough interest in it. ❤️
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