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Everything posted by GazzaGarratt

  1. until

    Game of 2 halves for sure 😄 Just couldn't get going in the first half of the night. We were unlucky to start with but then we couldn't create enough up top. Probably needed to switch the play more some passes through the middle alongside crosses perhaps. Either way, we started to turn it around through the night ending with 4 wins out of 5. It can happen, the week before we got battered for the most part lol. Reminds me of the Overwatch days of winning most nights and then having epic fail nights losing game after game 🤣
  2. GazzaGarratt

    DayZ PVP

    Good video @phil bottle. Worthwhile working out what settings should be on a private server to help players in these situations, otherwise it could end up being a really harsh experience whilst learning the game again.
  3. You're not being a twat, I think my post was trying to be hopeful but knowingly watched this and thought very similar. Abut gutted tbh, was expecting way more from it but that was naive to think that way.
  4. So a gameplay reveal has come out. Its not AAA so there is that to bear in mind. Part of me feels like it would work better as a PSVR2 game perhaps? I like the puzzle solving side, I just have a little worry over controls and shooting mechanics. The nostalgia of being Robocop though is still an overwhelmingly good feeling to have, even if the game isn't top notch. Thoughts?
  5. You know what, we experienced this that night too! And you're right its a sucker punch, especially when you go to one map, get the intel and need to go to the other map to drop the intel off. Love the idea of how mixing the missions across 2 maps works. Hopefully more of the same at the higher tiers.
  6. Just as James said @Tove, this is awesome work! Your stories and updates have been a great read. So much so, I tried to have some time for some DMZ this past weekend and really enjoyed it. One quick game on Friday @LordBaguette and @James5497 jumped in with me and we ended up getting a Tier 2 quest where we needed to get a few UAV Towers done, buy a car, drive across the whole map to the City to kill 15 people with the turret and then blow it up. Hilarious stuff as there ended up being multiple teams at the Extraction point given we had around 3-4 minutes to go. I feel like those games give you the best feeling as its definitely high risk, high reward. Extracted with £97k but didn't realise until afterwards....just kept picking up the dog tags whilst gunfire went off everywhere. Love pieces of candy 😅 Which faction has the best and fun missions to do so far in Season 2?
  7. Welcome to FG Aiden! Hope you enjoy your stay here and getting involved where you can. ❤️ Hopefully see you on for a CoD or GTA Races on an FG Friday soon! I kid you not, that line of 'oh, I have a story about that' came out last night. Not sure how someone of his age has that many stories to tell! 😅 Yes, you are an all round kind person, Bones. 😎
  8. The most successful FG Friday games will also be the ones most accessible to large parties grouping up and the ones that cover off an element of variety in-game. I think the staple games I'll always try and arrange nights as a minimum for FG are: GTA Races (Car races and other car modes can take up to 16-18, others slightly less) Among Us & Fall Guys (Both really require at least 10 of us to play so its more varied, and worthwhile to try out - also, these games normally have a 2 hour limit cos they are simplistic games). CoD MW Remastered (Most have it cos it was free years ago on PS Plus - and you can have up to 16-18 on Gun Game) CoD MW2 (Seems to be the most up to date game most have and does have many gamemodes that can be used in Private Matches. Need to check can we have more than 12 in Private though) Wreckfest (Max 16 players. When we all have PS5s that goes up to 24) Couple of things to mention. We've slacked this year on FG Fridays because I have. No excuses. I ploughed effort into all parts of FG in Jan and haven't got a rythm going yet. Also, to get new games into this list reglarly is extremely difficult because a) not everyone owns whatever game we suggest and b) most other games struggle to get anywhere near 12 in one group. A few thoughts on the other candidates that would work some one off nights but maybe not as regular FG Fridays: Battlefield 2042 or 4 - Most have 4, some have 2042. The squad size is an absolute killer. Max 4 in squad is just a nightmare. Private matches are difficult as maps are so big. It would help if we had 20+ for this, so more FGers are needed for sure. Destiny 2 - Most have it but limited to 6v6 Deathmatch or Control. Difficult because most haven't played much so may not have a back catalog of guns so if we wanted to be creative, we struggle because there aren't the same guns owned by everyone. You also sometimes find people joke too much about this which puts people off it before we even play. Overwatch 2 - We did try this a few times. Main challenge is again the max party size. Can only really play team games so 3v3, 4v4 or now max 5v5 which is a PITA cos it used to be 6v6. Most nights on FPS tend to need a large Free For All mode, like Gun Game, One in the Chamber, Snipers Only, etc, but I think FFA is maxed out at 8 on this game. Star Wars BF2 - We tried this once, was really up for it - max 4 in squad killed it. Such a stupid rule as we hoped it would work but no one could get on with it for Private or Public lobbies. Most own it though. Super Bomberman - We've done this a few more times and has been successful a few times. You can have up to 64 players and game is cheap on PS Store if not owned. Difficulty is longevity. Some struggle to play more than 30 mins, max 60. Would work well with a Fall Guys or Among Us night. Brawhalla - Max 8 players. Fun small game and similar to Bomberman. Just wish more than 8 could join. Sports games like Golf, other Racers. I think these would work well but difficulty is many don't own the same game or version to crossplay. I could go on, but as you can see its something I've put a lot of effort and thought into over the years and continue to do so. Challenge is understanding the whole FG crowd and trying to find something that hits the spot on. Thats tough sometimes as we are a very unique and diverse group. FG Fridays don't always have to be large 12+ nights, always open to try out other stuff that has lower max players. The challenge is always what do you do when max is 10 and 11th person shows up. We try to help where possible with larger ones so no one misses out. Maybe the RSVP system needs to be used better here, I don't know if i'm honest. One thing is clear though, no matter how many turn up, FG Fridays were and still are killer as long as everyone makes an effort to get the word out and join in, even if you were hoping to play one of the other games on the list. I'll think of some other options out these when I check whats available for cheap or owned in our back catalog.
  9. Ah good spots! Easy to get the names jumbled up. Does the remake have these endings cos you said it was fairly short? I thought they remastered it with new sections, etc?
  10. I'm gonna try and be on for a little bit too 😄 Getting kids sleep over out of my house around 2pm so will pop in discord after that.
  11. Resident Evil 2 by a mile for me first, although I actually loved Resident Evil 3 because of how short it was. Back in the day, these games scared me so I was so happy to actually fully complete this one on its own. As people say above the camera aesthetics were/are unique for how the early ones played. Does the new one allow multiple playthroughs like the old one? The reason I say RE2 is because you were actually supposed to play it through 4 times. Once as Clare, then Leon and then vice versa to get the outfits. At least twice would show how forward thinking they were on how the stories were put together from different angles and perspectives. I may play RE1 again to see how it plays as I never got far with @Findmartin on it. For some reason, although RE4 was given huge praise I never really was interested in it. Mainly because it was actually the opposte of sneaking around and using ammo decisions. It was way more action packed and I actually like the look of the remake camera angle than the OG camera as over the shoulder was super close to the camera on PS2. I nearly have the whole set on GameCube just missing RE2 which I think may be a good playthrough from start to finish. Code Veronica has to be up there too as visuals and aesthetics are superb in that.
  12. Thanks for the views so far @Luseth @SWAINEY84 and @TurboR56Mini. @Luseth Matt, its difficult to explain how it used to be for quite a while. Most nights would be a one game thing through the week, as it was with CoD right now. However it used to be Destiny most of the time and then Overwatch other nights. I think the game is in a far better shape where we can chill and talk and not have to feel like we're miles apart becase the game doesn't have FOMO or any grind. Its more about learning techniques on how to play, build a armour set which even i need help with but its far better bouncing off you guys than just looking at a YouTube video. And FG Fridays, i've slacked tbh. They were never normally the same game like the past 6 weeks. You'll find some games can be on one night whereas others, just from experience I know that its easier just to stick up one game. I'll commit to getting the other Fridays up...although we need all round support to get people's butts online to have a laugh. They are still legendary so won't go away from here. @SWAINEY84, you hit some of the feelings I have. I know this game has actually helped people more in their own life than just playing, like yourself. There's now plenty of options with the Dungeons, Raids and now even the Strikes getting a facelift, that I think just running a few things together would be nice to do as a group. @TurboR56Mini, thanks for being honest. I think luckily, with raids and Dungeons there isn't really much you need before you go in that needs a heavy grind. FOMO is literally down to how we 'used to play' imo. We used to play so much that it felt like we couldn't have a day off! Now, I've missed so much that I don't care about getting everything, I just want to have the experiences together. In fact even back to Destiny 1, the stuff we remember isn't getting everything, its more the memories of epic laughter whilst doing a raid, or even just crucible together. I'm actually with you on wanting to build cool stuff on Valheim, the point should be we play this alongside other stuff, not to make it feel its the only game that exists at FG. Theres so much to talk about in the game that if all of us played it would give us a different perspective to what we had before now we have most of us starting from scratch or for the first time in ages.
  13. Yeah...I mentioned when playing last night about it as it has some ideas, i've been trying to get on here for quite a while....added to the backlog of interesting fun stuff to have on FG if we can get it on here!!
  14. Hear me out for 2 minutes please. I'm really wanting to have a good discussion about it because I honestly feel like there is a game to be played that fits right into our fun happy place without the need to be having to grind or play multiple hours of it and feel 'left behind', etc. I look at the past feelings about CoD over the years, even money wise, but we keep coming back to that, paying the money and this time round its proven (generally here) that the latest one has been a success. I think a significant part of that is many of us here playing it and having others to group together on it - although I see many here too play solo and be fine with that also. So, being there still feels no superior competitor to Destiny 2, and given thats it had a pretty big overhaul of the game again just now, what would it take for you to come back? Or even, start playing for the first time? With Discord integrated with Xbox and PS5, we're even closer to crossplay feeling pretty simple now as the chat was the only major blocker for me (now its just PS4s ffs Sony). I'm just really interested in whether or not we could create that buzz and talk again about the game, given there is still loads of different activities to do and especially at Endgame where most here haven't completed any Dungeons (3 players) or Raids (6 players). So don't hold back, lets chat about it and be open. I feel an FG hole waiting to be filled in 👀 Lets try and be positive and constructive about what we could do together as a community. It could be Guides we could write together, open group up nights, videos, private matches, etc. And the existing ones that still play, give ideas on what you think we could do too! Looking forward to seeing what we all come up with. GGFG!
  15. I think it looks great tbh. Not that I will be playing it but I may pick it up at some point later down the line. Its way more gun-ho in this one which may help me get over how I always used to be struggling for ammo in the others!
  16. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II is a first-person shooter video game developed by Infinity Ward for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Microsoft Windows. It is the nineteenth game in the Call of Duty franchise, and the sequel to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Its logo was revealed on April 28th, 2022 the game was released on October 28th, 2022. On PC, the game marks the return of Call of Duty to the Steam platform, that since 2018 with Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 was exclusive in the Battle.net platform.
  17. Call of Duty: Vanguard is a first-person shooter video game developed by Sledgehammer Games for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S and Microsoft Windows. It is set during World War II. Vanguard is the eighteenth game in the Call of Duty franchise. Announced on August 19th, 2021, the game was released on November 5th, 2021. TVanguard was later released on Steam on March 8th, 2023.
  18. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is a first-person shooter video game developed by Treyarch and Raven Software for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S and Microsoft Windows. It is set in the early 1980s and is a direct sequel to the original Call of Duty: Black Ops. Black Ops Cold War is the seventeenth game in the Call of Duty franchise and the sixth game in the Black Ops series. Announced on August 26th, 2020, the game was released on November 13th, 2020. Black Ops Cold War was later released on Steam on March 8th, 2023.
  19. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is a first-person shooter video game developed by Infinity Ward for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Windows. It is a reboot of the original Modern Warfare trilogy. Part of the Modern Warfare series, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is the sixteenth game in the Call of Duty franchise. Announced on May 30th, 2019, the game was released on October 25th, 2019. Modern Warfare was later released on Steam on March 8th, 2023. After 10 months, the game sold over 30 million copies and became the best-selling game of 2020. Modern Warfare also became the best-selling game of the Call of Duty franchise since its debut in 2003. A sequel, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II, was revealed on April 28th, 2022 and was released on October 28th, 2022.
  20. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 (stylized as Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII) is a first-person shooter video game developed by Treyarch for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and by Beenox (with assistance from Blizzard Entertainment) for Microsoft Windows. The game was released on October 12th, 2018. Featuring no traditional campaign mode for the first time in the franchise, Black Ops 4 puts all its attention into three distinct modes: Multiplayer, Zombies, and the all-new battle royale mode Blackout. However, the game will include single-player Solo Missions that focus on the lore and stories of the game's multiplayer characters, or "Specialists." Multiplayer is traditional, yet redefined, featuring gritty, grounded, fluid multiplayer combat. Zombies contains brand new experiences along with more customization on how the player wishes to play, with the deep gameplay and easter eggs that its fans have come to expect. Blackout is a brand new addition to the Call of Duty franchise. It is Treyarch's take on the battle royale genre of games, where the universe of Black Ops comes to life in one massive battle royale experience featuring the largest map in Call of Duty history, signature Black Ops combat, characters, locations and weapons from the entire Black Ops series. An official announcement trailer for the game was released on March 8, 2018, in addition, a community reveal event was held on May 17, 2018. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is the 15th game in the Call of Duty franchise and Treyarch's second to be developed in a three-year development cycle. It is the fifth game in the Black Ops series, following Call of Duty: World at War, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Call of Duty: Black Ops II and Call of Duty: Black Ops III. It is set between Black Ops II and Black Ops III in the multiplayer narrative, as well as the Specialist HQ Missions. On PC, the game was launched in the Battle.net platform, rather than Steam along with any future releases, making Call of Duty: WWII the final game in the series to be purchasable on Steam until Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II's release on the platform.
  21. Call of Duty: WWII is a first-person shooter video game developed by Sledgehammer Games for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Windows. Leaked concept art for the game was initially found in late March 2017, a month before the official reveal on April 26th, 2017. The game was released on November 3rd, 2017. Call of Duty: WWII is the fourteenth game in the Call of Duty franchise and Sledgehammer Games' second to be developed in a three-year development cycle. Set during World War II, it tells the story of an unbreakable brotherhood of common men fighting to preserve freedom in a world on the brink of tyranny. From the beaches of Normandy to the Hürtgen Forest, experience a dramatic story highlighting some of the most dramatic and iconic moments of World War II as a young soldier, Ronald "Red" Daniels, who is facing the unforgiving reality of war alongside his brothers in arms. It is the first Call of Duty since 2008 to be set in World War II and is the fifth main World War II title in the series.
  22. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (also known as COD: IW and IW7 internally) is a first-person shooter video game developed by Infinity Ward for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Windows. Leaked advertisements for the game were initially found in late April 2016, days prior to the official trailer, which was unveiled on May 2nd, 2016. The game was released on November 4th, 2016. Infinite Warfare is the thirteenth game in the Call of Duty franchise and Infinity Ward's first to be developed in a three-year development cycle. Set just before a devastating attack on earth, you play as Captain Nick Reyes, a Tier 1 Special Operations pilot, as you must lead the remaining coalition forces against a relentless enemy, while trying to overcome the deadly, extreme environments of space. It is the first Call of Duty game since Call of Duty 2 not to be released on seventh generation consoles. The game, on select bundles known as the Legacy Edition, comes with a remastered version of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, known as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered. On PC, the game is available on both of Steam and Microsoft Store. The games are identical, but in Microsoft Store version, all data must be downloaded. The Steam version allows players to select which content they want to download, just like Black Ops III. The game does not support Xbox Play Anywhere, hence the Xbox One version and Microsoft Store version do not share data with each other. Therefore, players have to buy the game twice if they want to play on both of PC (Microsoft Store version) and Xbox One.
  23. Call of Duty: Black Ops III is a first-person shooter video game developed by Treyarch for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Windows and Beenox and Mercenary Technology for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. It was announced on February 5th, 2015 and officially named on April 9 of the same year. The official, full gameplay reveal was shown on April 26th, 2015, and the game was officially released on November 6th. Black Ops III is the twelfth game in the Call of Duty franchise and Treyarch's first to be developed in a three-year development cycle. It is the fourth game in the Black Ops series, following Call of Duty: World at War, Call of Duty: Black Ops and Call of Duty: Black Ops II. A fifth entry to the series, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, was released on October 12th, 2018. It is the first Call of Duty game for which downloadable content, including Beta Access, is available first on PlayStation consoles. The Beta was released for PlayStation 4 on August 19th, and ended on August 23rd. The Xbox One and PC Beta version was released on August 25th and ended on August 30th. Black Ops III is also the first modern Call of Duty that has official Chinese translation. The game was ported on macOS by Aspyr Media and released on April 4th, 2019.
  24. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, codenamed "Blacksmith" during development, is the eleventh major release in the Call of Duty series. It was developed by Sledgehammer Games for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, and by High Moon Studios for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It was released on November 4, 2014 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. It was the first game to be developed primarily by Sledgehammer Games, as they helped develop Modern Warfare 3 with Infinity Ward in 2011. It is also the first main series game since Call of Duty 3 to not use the IW Engine. It is also the final game in the series to feature a single-player campaign mode for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
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