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Everything posted by GazzaGarratt

  1. How many players can Chilavry 2 have online, Matt? I may loopk at the others but we have Gran Turismo, Wreckfest and then even GTA Races which are all great racing games we can already play.
  2. I'd agree on that front. Its similar to Destiny in that way, as sometimes it helps having someone experienced that just knows what certain items or missions are supposed to be next. I got totally lost last time I played. It would be good to know from anyone experienced if you should try this new bit out or do the main campaign instead. I think i'll try and install later tonight when I get chance.
  3. State of Play was released nearly a few weeks ago below. Release date is June 22nd. It looks like it will suite the new gen PS5 but also looks to have those RPG features that you'd probably want in AAA title and what some FF games in the past haven't had before. I still struggle to fully enjoy the Live RPG combat nature of things they've moved to but I can understand why they have, given so many people these days find ATB systems more of a strategy game than action based. However, the introduction of the 'timely' accessories will definitely make me more interested in playing the game. Definitely a great addition that allows simple button functions to do more complex roles that experienced folk are more used to. How much could you control other players in previous FF games? I know you could in earlier games but this one is pretty clear that its only Clive (and his dog with direct commands) you control and your team is made up of AI driven characters. Outside of that the story background mini-game that you go and find more lore is a nice little addition but doubt many will play it unless there is a trophy connected to it. Whats everyone's thoughts?
    Thats one of the good streaks for sure. Great little clip.
  4. Doh! Thanks James! Amended now. Ahh, you see thats why i'm happy Ihaven't played Forbidden West yet so hopefully I can pick it up and play throguh it and just continue easily into the DLC as I thought it might take a while to remember certain moves and ways combat works lol. Yeah, it is interesting but usually Sony don't push stuff that has been out for a while and the DLC is similar to the game. That way it gets more plaudits as you effectively over-deliver on something people weren't really expecting. Apparently very good reviews and they say it is worth it for the new area and story parts.
  5. I would've thought by default some would've turned Gold by now?! Platinum is the killer of the camo grind for sure.
  6. GazzaGarratt

    FG France FIFA 22 Cup

    Lyon @James5497 3 - 0 Stade de Reims @GazzaGarratt GG bud!
  7. I'd probably say the past 7 games now. Performances have been very good but horrible moments have happened and results just haven't gone our way; especially in the last 2 games. To think 30 seconds in both games had past, we'd have 4 more points and we'd have secured a Play Off spot pretty much. Alas, I've had my time to feel crap about it, at least its 2 points and not zero out of them. We have the hardest run-in too but taking a step back to ensure i don't get too irrational, we still have the opportunity in our hands. I'll take the time to say now that I've grown up and some horrible crap banter which never stops, ironically all from Coventry fans. I don't know any other team that has fans that genuinely think they are the best thing since sliced bread and everyone is their 'rivals'. Its a shame for them because the honest truth is no one is their rival, and its the one team in my life that I'd feel better off without them existing. Football is a funny old game, makes our brains go all over the place - but that view will always stand for Coventry. I'm glad so many other supporters club fans say exactly the same about them so its not just me. Onwards to our official rivals on Tuesday - Burnley, at Home. Oh, and if they beat us, they get to lift the trophy at Ewood Park. Marvellous. 💩 Until the season is over though, gonna stay positive that we can still make it.....somehow 😄
  8. FG GTA Races were a great success a few weeks ago when we brought it back. Hopefully no need to hassle you this week to get your name down on the RSVP so we know if you are in and around or you aren't available 👊 Probably some more new Nascar, Sumo, Target, Bikes and whatever else we can find like we did a few weeks ago. Don't forget, its the PS4 VERSION.
  9. Its been a while since Warframe surfaced on FG after having quite a decent following back in the day. This launch trailer shows off the newest part of Warframe coming on April 26th on all platforms - I assume it all is still free too. Looks like the game is getting an overhaul which allows you to go straight into this if you wish or start the game with all other content instead. Some lovely looking areas and lots of modifications if people are into that. The Devstream seems to go through a ton of stuff that is available. Would be good to know if you can start the main campaign and jump into this whenever you want to as it seems like a potential separate open world area that is connected to the main Warframe world in certain ways. Who's been playing of late and anyone fancying this as a playthrough at all?
  10. This paid DLC released yesterday and is accessible once you complete the main story is Forbidden West. Any one that has completed HZD Forbidden West going to give this a go? Its been getting very good reviews, not perfect but worthy of buying if you listen to some game critics.
  11. I've gotta lot of thoughts about them, so i'll probably visit this thread back and forth over time. Everything is cyclical @Luseth so they won't really ever die out imo. People want everything in one space like your phone, but with games because people will demand more in the coming years of AAA games, mobiles won't be able to handle them as they'll be a Jack of all trades, Master of sweet FA. Look at the camera industry. Don't need them as much now because of phones, but there is slowly becoming a resurgence in fully fledged standalone cameras because they give you more freedom for the people that love taking photos. Gameboy is where I started so will always be close to my heart, sorry @phil bottle. It was a great device that got me into games, although they don't hold my attention too long because I love home consoles way more. I'd Game Gear was up there for me. My cousin had one, loved the colours in Columns and the size of it was awesome. Big but not ridiculously huge that it couldn't be taken anywhere. I wish the PSP held me more like you @Luseth, it really was a great device. The PS Vita should be held in higher regard but I think the games on the PSP were more true gamer style and it was an added boost we could watch films on it too! Out of everything, I'd say the Switch is unreal. If it had a better online way of connecting and keeping in touch with everyone, I think i'd be on it so much more. I'm with @Spacedeck when he says its seamless from hands to TV. And lets face it, if the games are awesome then thats where most of us end up. The games on the Switch have that unique flair that i'd say was similar vibes to when the Gamecube came out and was literally better than anything i'd played before. I do wonder if Nintendo gets that multiplayer online space right in the future, they could change the gaming scene more than we realise. I'll come back and talk Neo Geo Pocket soon...
  12. Is this actual gameplay from an actual game? I just don't know if I can believe it until its in our hands and we can play with this realism. Will absolutely agree that it is insane. Like mind-blowing insane if real and playable one day but until then I'm not gonna get ahead of myself and hype this up.
  13. 🤣 Told you! 😔😭 As per usual, abuse from messages started way before kick off so I wasn't answering anything last night. Shame as yet again dominated a game only to be outdone by that handball at the end. Whilst we shouldn't have dropped deep for the last 10 mins, injuries cost us as we had a makeshift back 5 so something was bound to happen as its Cov. Have to keep the faith and keep positive. One more point gained. One extra game in hand so we have to do all we can, even if we have the hardest run-in. I'd have snapped your hand off before the season started if you said we'd be in the playoffs with 4 games to go.
  14. So Dead Island 2 launches in 2 days, here's the trailer So its clear its not the absolute graphical game that some peop[le may want, but Ithink Skill Up has a good review from a positive angle below. Tldr, it doesn't have to be deep, high graphics, and complex in game mechanics. The game just seems pure simplistic fun with and crazy ways to kills zombies. I think the key here will be how much is it worth to buy the game. It opens on Amazon at £50 for the Day One edition. Thats 20 less than usual AAA games on launch. I suspect it will drop in a few months but i'd be keen for a co-op play, similar to Dying Light. It can handle 3 player co-op so if a few like the idea of it i'll keep it on my 'likely' list and see who else could dip for this.
  15. Turd Moor? Only if you spell it right 😎
  16. until

    Blackburn play Coventry tonight so may get on late afterwards if we've had a decent result 😅
  17. Not many fans like them tbh, it didn't help when they had Nathan Jones as their manager not long ago too, felt like they were giving everyone the biggun'. I bloody hope they don't go up either @phil bottle 😁 but tbh, we have more chance of stopping Millwall rather than Luton given they are already pretty much in the playoffs with their points total. Wash your mouth out with soap as soon as you can, Kenny. Thats nearly a bannable post here.
  18. Thanks @Tove. Is it the same reward? The Caution Tape from Season 1?
    Great run with that Icarus.
  19. I really liked watching that. Looks like some gamemodes mixed up all in one. More probably like some Overwatch competitive rounds where one teams has a go first and then the second tries to beat the first team. Good smaller portion of the map too. I think it would bring more people in if it didn't feel like running simulator sometimes on BF games.
  20. Never got them from a butchers either! Maybe as it compliments other meat dinners to help customers think they can get everything all from one place perhaps? If i'm honest, this is where I would go too. Some of my friends would have way better knowledge on stuff like this. One of my work friends whose family made curry at home regularly helped me get off normal Chicken Curry and have Chicken Kurayi as that is the closest to home made currys. Can honestly say it was the best advice he ever gave me!
  21. Glad to hear you enjoyed it @J4MES OX4D. You forget how short some of these RE games were made if you fly through them.
  22. I wish I had the patience for this. Looks gloriously good.
  23. What attachments on the Sakin @IRaMPaGe? Struggling to find the best setup for it. I need better ADS I think.
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