What's kind of ironic about the gamers and the gaming industry is that no one wants a power player to take advantage of the others (effectively become niche) and we all want crossplay but in reality what keeps the excitement going about games over the years has mainly been exclusive games that you can't get on other consoles or platforms.
I don't have a preference either way on the matter, and I don't talk much on here about backing exclusive games because I fear people here will just think thats me being naive, but in actual fact its looking at the bigger picture on games across the board. The more diluted and available games become, especially in a cloud environment, the connection and draw into top games will soon fade away. When that happens, effectively means we all accept lower standards in games (lower graphics, functions, gamemodes, etc) which effectively dominate the F2P market right now.
If the block keeps multiple console markets going in the long run, then I'd be happy with that. Crossplay should still be a thing btw, I just don't like the cloud rental game space.