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  1. Like
    techno got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in What do you do in your daily work life?   
    My work day is a work night well it has been pretty much constantly since 95... just passed 37 years service as a CNC machinist in a heavy engineering company mostly producing pump equipment for the oil and gas industry. No we didn't do piper alpha😉.
    We have however done some world record stuff at times, I'm pretty proud of the stuff I've produced but im now looking forward to getting out for good hopefully at the right time with a nice wedge of redundancy.
    I'm also not just an operator but programmer and setter too. I've posted some pics on my ppr before but this will give some idea.

  2. Like
    techno got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in MW3 Multiplayer Gameplay   
    That's the video I went straight to.
    I can see what he means about the maps but I disagree but then I'm pretty vocal on the state of modern maps so I'm at least looking forward to those maps and as I've spent so much time on shipment and shoothouse I can't see them getting boring. On the flip side the modern cod community can seriously ruin any experience 😁
    One thing tho if this game is solid I can finally delete mw2 22 off my ps5....no doubt will need the space.
  3. Haha
    techno got a reaction from phil bottle in Does climate change scare / concern you?   
    I'm not sure who these right wing nut jobs are but having done a quick Google it seems some "environmental" sources etc seem to deem it one. However it's the over consumption part that I was hinting at especially the ever increasing throw away society aspect of it.
    No doubt that encompasses your dislike of the capitalist way of life.
  4. Love
    techno got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in What do you do in your daily work life?   
    My work day is a work night well it has been pretty much constantly since 95... just passed 37 years service as a CNC machinist in a heavy engineering company mostly producing pump equipment for the oil and gas industry. No we didn't do piper alpha😉.
    We have however done some world record stuff at times, I'm pretty proud of the stuff I've produced but im now looking forward to getting out for good hopefully at the right time with a nice wedge of redundancy.
    I'm also not just an operator but programmer and setter too. I've posted some pics on my ppr before but this will give some idea.

  5. Like
    techno got a reaction from Luseth in What do you do in your daily work life?   
    My work day is a work night well it has been pretty much constantly since 95... just passed 37 years service as a CNC machinist in a heavy engineering company mostly producing pump equipment for the oil and gas industry. No we didn't do piper alpha😉.
    We have however done some world record stuff at times, I'm pretty proud of the stuff I've produced but im now looking forward to getting out for good hopefully at the right time with a nice wedge of redundancy.
    I'm also not just an operator but programmer and setter too. I've posted some pics on my ppr before but this will give some idea.

  6. Like
    techno reacted to MrBiron in MW3 Multiplayer Gameplay   
    Proper gameplay footage. I tend to trust Ace's opinion as he isn't scared to criticise a game if it's got issues.
  7. Haha
    techno reacted to phil bottle in Does climate change scare / concern you?   
    Yep, I'm worried, but then I don't have my head stuck up my arse. I don't really think about it too much as I value my mental health 🙂
    On another note, over population is a discredited myth usually only peddled by extreme right wing nut jobs these days, so now I'm dying to know who's been scaring Gary 😅
    Over consumption, now that's a different matter.
  8. Like
    techno got a reaction from Luseth in Does climate change scare / concern you?   
    In answer to your thread question 
    No and no.
    Climate change denier is a dumb term because most people would agree the climate has always changed its the effect people have on it that's the point. 
    My point is, I,  like most live pretty average lives we recycle we don't waste energy as who seeks higher bills etc however I see those that are better off and or in power not changing their ways while expecting us too. We all have a limited time on earth and as such I would while I can enjoy it, I won't be giving up the things I enjoy, I'm not a hypocrite like those I see on social media.
    Also we can all agree that if technology exists to benefit a greener healthier world then great but not at any cost, putting time limits on hitting targets imo is not the right way to go, some better tech may get overlooked as it doesn't fit a particular timescale, see the EV debate. Also green initiatives  seem to impact the poorer in society more.
    Nobody also seems to want to address a major issue population growth, does anyone think that's sustainable?
  9. Like
    techno got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in Does climate change scare / concern you?   
    In answer to your thread question 
    No and no.
    Climate change denier is a dumb term because most people would agree the climate has always changed its the effect people have on it that's the point. 
    My point is, I,  like most live pretty average lives we recycle we don't waste energy as who seeks higher bills etc however I see those that are better off and or in power not changing their ways while expecting us too. We all have a limited time on earth and as such I would while I can enjoy it, I won't be giving up the things I enjoy, I'm not a hypocrite like those I see on social media.
    Also we can all agree that if technology exists to benefit a greener healthier world then great but not at any cost, putting time limits on hitting targets imo is not the right way to go, some better tech may get overlooked as it doesn't fit a particular timescale, see the EV debate. Also green initiatives  seem to impact the poorer in society more.
    Nobody also seems to want to address a major issue population growth, does anyone think that's sustainable?
  10. Like
    techno got a reaction from NCA-Paendrag in Does climate change scare / concern you?   
    In answer to your thread question 
    No and no.
    Climate change denier is a dumb term because most people would agree the climate has always changed its the effect people have on it that's the point. 
    My point is, I,  like most live pretty average lives we recycle we don't waste energy as who seeks higher bills etc however I see those that are better off and or in power not changing their ways while expecting us too. We all have a limited time on earth and as such I would while I can enjoy it, I won't be giving up the things I enjoy, I'm not a hypocrite like those I see on social media.
    Also we can all agree that if technology exists to benefit a greener healthier world then great but not at any cost, putting time limits on hitting targets imo is not the right way to go, some better tech may get overlooked as it doesn't fit a particular timescale, see the EV debate. Also green initiatives  seem to impact the poorer in society more.
    Nobody also seems to want to address a major issue population growth, does anyone think that's sustainable?
  11. Like
    techno reacted to J4MES OX4D in Does climate change scare / concern you?   
    Climate change is definitely a concern but at the same time, so is fearmongering bullshit peddled by the ill-informed media. These climate extremes are nothing new - October in 2011 was pushing 30 degrees and over 100 years ago, even the end of September's could often exceed 30. In the 1970's, the UK experienced 16 consecutive days over 30 degrees before having several periods of wank weather since. Our July was miserable here and almost like a nostalgic English summer.
    These incidents are just more pronounced now thanks to social media, heavily-bankrolled researchers needing persistent funding spanning decades and hypocritical climate protesters who post persistent misinformation they don't understand or can't comprehend. Even the Greece wildfires which were exclusively blamed on climate change by the Western media were actually a result of collaborated arson attacks which were filmed and published online and eventually saw 79 people identified and arrested. There were similar cases in Canada and California and once the human-element was discovered, the stories were sent to the bottom of the pile and comment sections were locked. The recent Hawaii fires which were also jumped on as a result of climate turned out to be poorly maintained electrical equipment setting fire to vegetation. Winds in the area also helped propel the fire rapidly. Once this was confirmed, the media abandoned the story and articles were 'modified' to add a speculative angle. 
    There is also overwhelming evidence that counter-research is being supressed from public publication at a huge cost and even Sadiq Khan was listed as an instigator as he blocked a conclusive report that his ULEZ scheme was worthless to the environment. There is no doubt climate change exists but it is very hard to have a real understanding of the true projected impact because of all this absolute tripe being peddled. Countries need to be doing more to reduce pollution regardless though. 
  12. Like
    techno reacted to Plumbers Crack in Who's getting MW3? (pre beta)   
    Just pre-ordered 👍
  13. Like
    techno got a reaction from crippled_viper in Who's getting MW3? (pre beta)   
    I'll be getting it just for playing Fridays if nothing else which is what I said before putting 14 days into mw2(22) but at least I can't moan about the maps 😉. 
    However I won't pick it up until after launch.
  14. Like
    techno reacted to Greboth in Art / Digital Art   
    Thread bump and something different from me.  I’ve been doing some sketching recently and fancied getting back in to more traditional media so broke out the alcohol markers for the first time in at least 15 years (God! I feel old now 😞) A few issues and problems with the drawing both in colour, lighting and technique but nice to have something real for a change than pixels on a screen.

  15. Like
    techno got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in MW3 - 16 Returning Maps!   
    I have to say they do seem to look good. 
    It's a good call because these days they can't make MP maps for shit. 
  16. Like
    techno got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Who's getting MW3? (pre beta)   
    I'll be getting it just for playing Fridays if nothing else which is what I said before putting 14 days into mw2(22) but at least I can't moan about the maps 😉. 
    However I won't pick it up until after launch.
  17. Like
    techno reacted to Plumbers Crack in Who's getting MW3? (pre beta)   
  18. Like
    techno got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Event and M13C   
    Well I'm not sure eitherway as I did it in 3 goes and didn't go in the bunker the first try and not sure what I shot at the second time. I just heard it was one 🤷
  19. Like
    techno got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Event and M13C   
    Easiest way as I found out is just stay outside the bunker and shoot down one of the attack helicopters. No need to find commanders.
  20. Haha
    techno reacted to MrBiron in Come on now, really?   
    Getting banned from public chat is probably a blessing in disguise. It means you won't have to listen to all of the squeekers bragging about how they've shagged your mum (much like all of the FG lot).
  21. Haha
    techno got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in Come on now, really?   
    AI listening in, is this what it's come too?
  22. Thanks
    techno reacted to phil bottle in 10 Years   
    So, FG just officially hit it's anniversary last week and a bunch of us now have the 10 year badge.
    Congrats to all who have made it this far and to whose who keep the community what it is today. 
    Thanks to prodigal son @Diddums for getting the show on the road and to @GazzaGarratt for keeping the wheels spinning 🖤
    You can blame both these twats for my presence lol 🖤🥳👏🙈😍🍻😜
  23. Like
    techno got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in I wrote this post about money during Covid and never posted it   
    Some great advice etc throughout this thread. I hold my hands up to spending years just wasting money and to a point the wife and I still do, Starbucks and takeaway food at breakfast time and my growing alcohol consumption which I blame squarely on COVID probably the worst. What turned it around for me is when work dropped off I realised if it happened long term I'd be screwed so I sorted it, that took a year but really helped. COVID then came along and I was fortunate to work through it and with not being able to do the things I enjoyed my bank balance grew and I now like Elliot suggested have a few months savings in hand. Now we did get credit for house improvements because of wife's disability and my car but I'm buying a new motorbike and instead of getting more credit I've ordered it for next year so I have chance to hopefully save enough to buy it and still have my buffer. 
    I struggled when I was younger financially but got through it, 37 years and most on nights at the same company helped but it  means that now I'm "ok" I don't mind a few wasteful decisions but I am forward planning more especially with the mortgage as paying that off would help me to retire early. 
    Sorry it's so long 🤦
  24. Like
    techno got a reaction from slamminbones in I wrote this post about money during Covid and never posted it   
    Some great advice etc throughout this thread. I hold my hands up to spending years just wasting money and to a point the wife and I still do, Starbucks and takeaway food at breakfast time and my growing alcohol consumption which I blame squarely on COVID probably the worst. What turned it around for me is when work dropped off I realised if it happened long term I'd be screwed so I sorted it, that took a year but really helped. COVID then came along and I was fortunate to work through it and with not being able to do the things I enjoyed my bank balance grew and I now like Elliot suggested have a few months savings in hand. Now we did get credit for house improvements because of wife's disability and my car but I'm buying a new motorbike and instead of getting more credit I've ordered it for next year so I have chance to hopefully save enough to buy it and still have my buffer. 
    I struggled when I was younger financially but got through it, 37 years and most on nights at the same company helped but it  means that now I'm "ok" I don't mind a few wasteful decisions but I am forward planning more especially with the mortgage as paying that off would help me to retire early. 
    Sorry it's so long 🤦
  25. Like
    techno got a reaction from Lurchzy in I wrote this post about money during Covid and never posted it   
    Some great advice etc throughout this thread. I hold my hands up to spending years just wasting money and to a point the wife and I still do, Starbucks and takeaway food at breakfast time and my growing alcohol consumption which I blame squarely on COVID probably the worst. What turned it around for me is when work dropped off I realised if it happened long term I'd be screwed so I sorted it, that took a year but really helped. COVID then came along and I was fortunate to work through it and with not being able to do the things I enjoyed my bank balance grew and I now like Elliot suggested have a few months savings in hand. Now we did get credit for house improvements because of wife's disability and my car but I'm buying a new motorbike and instead of getting more credit I've ordered it for next year so I have chance to hopefully save enough to buy it and still have my buffer. 
    I struggled when I was younger financially but got through it, 37 years and most on nights at the same company helped but it  means that now I'm "ok" I don't mind a few wasteful decisions but I am forward planning more especially with the mortgage as paying that off would help me to retire early. 
    Sorry it's so long 🤦
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