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Everything posted by GazzaGarratt

  1. Absolutely the right call, since no one is surprised in the slightest. Makes you wonder why on earth Activision let the decision go for so long. Games are changing, evolving into things that we don't see as many new AAA games out as often, with people more wanting to invest time in games they already own. They can make a huge W still after all this if they get the next 2 years right on the correct model. This proves the point too. It has been great to get back into it and definitely stands out - it doesn't feel like a 3 year old game after all. I think it just got caught up in the usual 'If its named CoD, its shit' mentality at the time.
  2. It does look decent mate, great little videos to share. Its weird, I think they'll need to do some form of Marketing campaign to get people back into it. If it doesn't go free, looking into a few freeweekends where they can get a deal on the game if they play.
  3. I want to be happy for it...but GT7 is just around the corner! 😄
  4. Will have to keep an eye on this @Antpool84 . Remake sounds much more positive than another remaster!
  5. 🤣🤣 You're probably closer to the main feeling than not tbh mate! Harsh reality is, that people that aren't liking it are the ones that have major FOMO of just missing out on doing a Day 1 try. If the FOMO for people wasn't there (which really shouldn't anyway cos the raid aint going anywhere!), then i'd say everyone would be loving it. There's plenty of time between now and Week 1 of the raid to be 'raid ready' after contest mode is switched off. I think sometimes we've become a victim of our own demise. I personally would like to at least try and complete the new raid before a specific time if there is a IRL reward as good as the DSC raid jacket which was awesome btw. Back to the actual content, I think i've re-ran multiple missions with a bunch of FGers just to help them for the hell of it, the campaign really is that good. Cutscenes, varied mechanics and the flow of the story really has hit a place where we can say we're getting our money's worth from a quality POV - and then after that, it does flow you to get involved in much more activities, ranking up certain vendors, and then even more exotic style missions. I've seen it said alot on Twitter from other people anbd my feeling is the same. As the Power level to start is the same for all, if you were ever to get into, or back into, Destiny 2 I really don't think there's a better time.
  6. I appreciate they are going up very late at the moment but let's see who's about for FG Friday with Among Us 😄 Hit that RSVP Button
  7. They look awesome they do! Tagging fellow D&D hotties so they can have a look and share too! @phil bottle @Bluebear @Middle Class Caveman
  8. So, I think i'm definitely getting close to already saying this is the best campaign Destiny has ever done. I'm not finished on it yet and I switched from the Normal missions to the Legendary ones after 2 missions so I could jump in with a few FGers and its bloody fantastic. The gameplay is really well done and the missions are looooong, which is essentially what you want out of a decent DLC. The fact we know we can also replay missions over and over so we can experience the story and missions with other FGers is great. I'm hoping the last steps will be fun, I think the only thing to note is that it scales the power based on your fireteam for legendary. Really great way to keep it difficult but not impossible...although it is way better this time round in a fireteam as solo on legendary can hit you like a train with no support! I've only just started the Seasonal stuff too and that is extremely well done too from the Introductory mission. The Seasonal quest seems to have multiple steps and the new PsiOps playlist that replaces the old Strike playlist already seems like a fantastic addition. I may finally go back to grinding strikes which i haven't done since D1. The new areas so far look pretty decent but i haven't started any secrets or too much exploring on them. Hopefully they'll also be stuff to find out in the wild and reasons to just enjoy running around the new worlds too.
  9. @Stretch616 needs to get this game based on your thoughts @Riff Machine . Maybe @LordBaguette too considering you seem to get on well with the harder settings on games.
  10. @LordBaguette , changed to Weds night as per request 👍
  11. Yeah, until we get a bit more in a routine with people posting up what they are missing/need help with, it could be easier to ask on the night before you start a raid. Just the difficult ones should really be called out so we can plan ahead.
  12. (edited the event so it had a start time and RSVP @LordBaguette ) I won't be on this tonight, as Destiny Witch Queen starts tonight 😄 I'll probably be around Thursday potentially though. Maybe even a weekend one too.
  13. Yeah, all is good. Random talk is probably everyone's middle name at FG. No harm done 😄❤️
  14. I really do think it could be a good idea to see if its a decent game to bring to the meet up in November perhaps? Depends how long it is but i'm willing to give it a go if others are!
  15. If you think there's a few WQ Medals we could do, i'm well up for it. I thought I would wait to see what actually drops and then we can see what would be cool Achievements. I'd love a campaign one and then Legendary Campaign. I'm with you, I really want to enjoy the campaign with FGers and not on my own for this. I don't think i've been like that since D1, lol.
  16. Joined in on the action on Saturday night, when @Forty6_N_two , @FallenDark200 and @Teenwolf25 were already doing GM farming on Lake of Shadows. Nice to see Nick @Bluebear taken through with Justin and Forty whilst Clive suffered with me and @ImRyzxn as we didn't have a Warlock to make it a little easier. Having said that I enjoyed doing it a little harder without the crutch of a well. I think i'm going to look into builds much more post Witch Queen release. Definitely lots of things to try and I think a lot of my inexperience boils down to not knowing which mods work well in certain situations or GMs. I'm sure others can share when they have some good go-to build at some point! Let us know how the rest of you all got on? Excited to start giving out the first Destiny 2 FG Medals now! 😄
  17. Superb overview. One thing that always gets overlooked is the joining of other members. Bloodborne didn't quite get that right in my opinion. It would be amazing to explore and seamlessly go into Dungeons as a group. Looked like 3 in the trailer but interested to know what the max party size is if anyone knows?
  18. Here's our new megathread that we can keep everyone up to date with our FG activity completions, fails, lolz and everything else. This will also help us all grab the FG Achievements and allow the admins and mods to reward you with your shiny stuff!! Looking forward to hearing all your Destiny stories everyone!!
  19. To assist with obtaining FG Medals for specific Games, this will be a place for the current list of medals to obtain for Destiny 2: Criteria: The ask from everyone is to complete all the following Achievements that require a fireteam with a full FG team. I'll set up a separate new megathread where I'm asking everyone to post up your 'Destiny Diaries' on how you got on, with whoever you got on with (best to tag them) and hopefully when one of us picks it up we can award a medal to all FGers that were involved. Share abit about it, the laughs, the fails, screenshots if you want...it may help us work out what the next Achievements with Medals will be - could be a 400k Nightfall, or a full Titan run on a GM. More ideas, more interaction, the better this will all land. (Oh, and be honest!) Achievements: Lost Sectors FG Solo Legendary Lost Sector Complete FG Solo Master Lost Sector Complete Dungeons FG Dungeon Completed! - Prophecy FG Dungeon Completed! - Pit of Heresy FG Dungeon Completed! - Shattered Throne FG SOLO Dungeon Completed! - Prophecy FG SOLO Dungeon Completed! - Pit of Heresy FG SOLO Dungeon Completed! - Shattered Throne GrandMaster Nightfalls FG GM Nightfall Completed! - Arms Dealer FG GM Nightfall Completed! - Broodhold FG GM Nightfall Completed! - The Corrupted FG GM Nightfall Completed! - Devils' Lair FG GM Nightfall Completed! - Exodus Crash FG GM Nightfall Completed! - Fallen S.A.B.E.R. FG GM Nightfall Completed! - Hollowed Lair FG GM Nightfall Completed! - Insight Terminus FG GM Nightfall Completed! - Inverted Spire FG GM Nightfall Completed! - Lake Of Shadows FG GM Nightfall Completed! - Proving Grounds FG GM Nightfall Completed! - Scarlet Keep FG GM Nightfall Completed! - The Disgraced FG GM Nightfall Completed! - The Glassway FG GM Nightfall Completed! - Warden of Nothing Raids FG Raid Completed! - Vault of Glass FG Raid Completed! - Garden of Salvation FG Raid Completed! - Last Wish FG Raid Completed! - Deep Stone Scrypt FG Raid Completed! - Witch Queen FG Raid Completed! - 5 MAN Vault of Glass FG Raid Completed! - 4 MAN Vault of Glass Colours are mainly taken from each activity where i could. I'll lock this thread so that its a simplistic list to look back at. One day, i'll look to have a completely separate page from the forums that list all the Achievements. Until then, take a read, find an FG Fireteam and post up about your escapades in the new Topic thread 'Destiny Diaries - D2 FG Activity Updates' GGFG and good luck all!
  20. So it took a while but was live last night and looks like many of you have found the bits and pieces so far, which is great to see. What I've picked up so far just from my own viewing: Ranks are reasonably set well, may need a slight tweak with numbers here and there. However, my intention to bring 5 extra ranks into the mix at a later date might come forward so the most active here have something to chase and work towards. Added a Widget on the front page showing Recent Rank Promotions and Recent Medals Obtained. Rocket League medals are under consideration Taking Quizzes was one I wanted to get out but just missed the launch due to how the software is created. An update will come soon that then will introduce lots of medals for interacting with Quizzes - and doing well too. There are some already live for people that create them, and with the update there may be ones where people get extra medals for people not being able to 'Beat the Quiz Host', etc. Note these won't backdate, just means we'll have to make more Quizzes! 😄 We need to identify the topics for each Game where it can help us understand what Medals people have been obtaining. Thats from one evening through my eyes so hopefully you see more. Oh, and when you obtain a badge that less than 3% of FGers have, it will have a 'RARE' badge across it, so you can see how even more special it is whilst it sits on your Profile. Definitely been way more fun checking people's profiles out recently. Thanks for all the support so far.
  21. Sort of, but also not always. Wanted to leave most open ended so we can add more later down the line. You'll see a common theme in the overall design that they should change shape with some of them, so should give you a sense of getting better ones over time. And thank you...yeah, each badge did take a bit of time to create, but it was the automated rules that you have to write to save us all a bucket load of time to manually hand out every single one! 🤣😅
  22. Thanks mate. You'll see them, just as people will see them on PC. They'll be in your profile and we can show some screenshots when it's live shortly today. 🤣 I'll add that to my next batch of potential medals...until then, you can get so many more medals than you realise 👀
  23. Have you read the Article yet? Take a read below first if you haven't already! So, i'll grab the key points to be aware of first from the article: PLEASE TAKE NOTE Its a brand new, never done before FG System. We will have issues problems from time to time so please share your thoughts and help us make it better! When its first turned on, it may take upto a few days to register everything - it has to run through every single rule i've created for every single FGer. Hopefully you'll see your Medals grow over time! We may tweak the Ranks and their respective points targets after going live if we find they are imbalanced in some way. Most Rules for points will be retrospectively activated when Live. There may be rules we add at a later date that will only look forward (e.g some Quiz ones will be created soon but look forward, not backwards) unless I rebuild the system...which may mean you get 're-awarded' automatic points and medals you had. Games will not look backwards - this is to help give everyone a chance to focus on starting out how to get them all and create some buzz about bringing FGers together. Most Games Medals are manually awarded with the help of the FG Team here. I expect us all to start talking and sharing information about our escapades as FG online in all of our games. It helps bring to life what we're all achieving together and it speeds up the validation time to award Medals. I will NEED HELP with this. If you're interested in supporting the cause in helping, please let me know. Its about doing things here but also encouraging FGers to get involved across all aspects of what we do. Outside of this, lets hear your questions and stuff you want to know more about below! Thanks All! P.S. If you want to know how soon it will be....well, its already moving so hopefully it won't be long today!
  24. Well, the day has finally come! 😅 If you've wondered why i've been reasonably more quiet of late and not updating a few events, my PPR, etc its mainly because whilst my own work has been extremely manic since the back end of last year, kids schools and work on the house just needed to happen now rather than later unfortunately. Every moment i did have spare though, I've stuck it into this place and tried to create something that gives you all a nice fuzzy feeling when you come to FG moving foward (even though, you really should feel that way already 😎). So, enter the room, FG Achievements. As a reminder to all, the objective of Achievements (with Medals) is to help us all interact more and have fun with each other on FG, and on Games we all play - Resulting in all of us using more/all of the fun features that FG has that you might not have even explored yet. This FG Achievements system breaks down into the following parts; Ranks, Points and Medals. Ranks Shortly today/tomorrow, you will start to see that you will have an XP bar with your profile: The more you interact with FG, the better it is for your own personal FG Rank. You'll also be able to see all the ranks and how many you've got to unlock on your own profile. As a reminder of the FG Rank Badges shared on the previous article I did in January, are below. Each one will have a specific name with them that you can find out, when they're live: Points So, how do I get to rank up, Lee? Ah, thought you might ask that 😅. Pretty much nearly everything you do to interact with FG, will gain you points. Replied to someone's post? Rack up a point. Put up a video in the Video section? Grab 10 points. Vote on a Poll....or even someone voting on your Poll? Maybe even just logging in every day will get you something...👀 Points totals aren't shown anywhere as the main objective with points is to see how you can get your next rank. You'll see from your XP Progress Bar how many points you have until your next FG Rank (see first picture above) so its a good way to know where you are in the world of FG! There is well over 200 different ways to grab points (and the following medals) so please do try and interact and get as much out of this system as you can! Medals Every loves a shiny thing don't they? Well, to aid your task to reach the top of the hill at FG, I've created an absolute shed of Medals - in fact, there is the best part of 200 Medals for everyone to try and achieve. They are broken down into two parts - FG Website and FG Games. FG Website Medals will cover off all the following activity, and beyond: Posts Topics Events Videos Polls Visits Follows Reactions PPR Guides Merch Quizzes Articles Memberships 👀 FG Games Medals will initially cover 5 of our top games played in the community, however I want more added over time so will be asking for lots of feedback...and lots of help too! Destiny 2 FIFA 22 Gran Turismo 7 7 Days to Die Valheim To help you understand what is available from a visual POV, I have created the following Infographics of all the medals so far. I will look to try and make a few more infographics along the way if people want to see what each medal gets you - I would encourage you all to take a look at people's profiles which may give you hints on how to obtain certain medals!! For Game specific ones, i'll create some form of Guide to help you all know what each one is, either in Guides or pinned in their forum section. Please remember, this is an initial launch - if we can hit the ground running and everyone is enjoying the fun out of obtaining Medals, then we will absolutely be creating more across the board for both FG and the specific games we all play Website Medals Infographics FG Games Medals Infographics PLEASE TAKE NOTE Its a brand new, never done before FG System. We will have issues problems from time to time so please share your thoughts and help us make it better! When its first turned on, it may take upto a few days to register everything - it has to run through every single rule i've created for every single FGer. Hopefully you'll see your Medals grow over time! We may tweak the Ranks and their respective points targets after going live if we find they are imbalanced in some way. Most Rules for points will be retrospectively activated when Live. There may be rules we add at a later date that will only look forward (e.g some Quiz ones will be created soon but look forward, not backwards) unless I rebuild the system...which may mean you get 're-awarded' automatic points and medals you had. Games will not look backwards - this is to help give everyone a chance to focus on starting out how to get them all and create some buzz about bringing FGers together. Most Games Medals are manually awarded with the help of the FG Team here. I expect us all to start talking and sharing information about our escapades as FG online in all of our games. It helps bring to life what we're all achieving together and it speeds up the validation time to award Medals. I will NEED HELP with this. If you're interested in supporting the cause in helping, please let me know. Its about doing things here but also encouraging FGers to get involved across all aspects of what we do. I really would love for you all to explore what we have available here. It's took me an absolute age to get it in a position to launch it as I wanted to give this the best chance of hitting the ground running. I'll set up a separate topic on the forums to capture any feedback and questions you may have about it all. We can then have separate topics where we can post up gaming updates to support the awarding of medals. Its a great thing to finally do something I've wanted for here for years. Its like our internal mini FG game, with lots of fun and interaction. Keep an eye out for when you start getting awarded points, medals and ranks - it may even be worth turning your browser notifications on (check your 'Bell' icon next to your profile and enable them!) so you can start seeing them pop up on your phone and other devices 😎 The only thing left is for you all to enjoy! GGFG
  25. For £20? Absolutely. Its just like a No Mans Sky scenario whereas we knew the game would get supported the longer it has been out. Its a huge deep game so i'm not enjoying the overall pace of it, but if you enjoy Single Player games that you can sink a few hours into it for a few days it should be worth it now.
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