Well, its nice to have it in the game - although i've not really used it yet!
I'm not concerned about any of the max caps that has been fedback recently by streamers as I really can't see that affecting me. Its a little weird we have to level up the gun to sometimes to get perks that we've already received via RNG, but I suppose that's because we are trying to unlock enhanced traits that give tiny upgrades to what we already have.
I still get an awful lot of RNG loot so its difficult to try out crafting a weapon as I find my time spent trying RNG guns, and then using the red border guns to get the materials...even though I don't really reshape anything just yet!
I think its a concept that they've managed to get in the game ahead of us knowing we'll need it. Early days, you usually don't need these things at all, but as the game goes on and different content comes into the game, I'm sure there is a vested interest in crafting the ideal weapon you want. After all, it must be for endgame content otherwise it won't have longevity in it.
One thing I would love to see earlier than later is more standard guns added to the crafting. I don't see the point in just closing it off to the new guns that are in the game as we're likely to use RNG drops first on them before we go and think about crafting another one.