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Everything posted by GazzaGarratt

  1. Then for me, i'm calling it out early and saying they will turn on this functionality later on down the line because the function must be there as it was in GT Sport. They clearly want people to gain money through other means atm. Feels abit scrougey if i'm brutally honest 😕
  2. No and not really interested tbh. Nothing shouting out saying 'Buy Me' tbh. Wouldn't be surprised if it did come out as a PS plus game as its FF on Playstation.
  3. We'll see what will Unreal Engine will bring to the game, as on the face of it, it seems a good change. Oustide of that, only other good news is that it won't be an Epic exclusive....but we all knew that wouldn't happen as that would've been yet another own goal that CDPR don't need to follow up after Cyberpunk's launch issues.
  4. Here's the update from CD Projeckt Red's Witcher website page: MARCH 21ST, 2022 We’re happy to announce that the next installment in The Witcher series of video games is currently in development, kicking off a new saga for the franchise. This is an exciting moment as we’re moving from REDengine to Unreal Engine 5, beginning a multi-year strategic partnership with Epic Games. It covers not only licensing, but technical development of Unreal Engine 5, as well as potential future versions of Unreal Engine, where relevant. We'll closely collaborate with Epic Games’ developers with the primary goal being to help tailor the engine for open-world experiences. At this point, no further details regarding the game — such as a development time frame or release date — are available. REDengine, the technology which powers Cyberpunk 2077, is still being used for the development of the upcoming Cyberpunk 2077 expansion.
  5. You can't knock the Playstation exclusives too much when they do get a lot of quality of life updates for free. I do fancy the idea of a co-op try, mainly because I think I would suck at this very badly given how hard it is 😅 Anyone found any deals on this? Still holds it value at £55 with Amazon. @Stretch616 @jordie1892 heads up on the co-op element. @LordBaguette , you'd probably like the difficulty too.
  6. I thought you could sell cars that you buy but not sell the cars you get as a gift? That's how GT Sport worked. Although, I'm with everyone above that you should be able to sell any car. Seems pointless to have a car just sit there.
  7. We need to do this more often for sure. Id like to see every so often a few dates in the diary that people can make as I think it will take us a while to get cars, tyres and the practice to get a group of us on for the next mini league.
  8. Nolan! Awesome to see you back mate! It has seriously been a while but hopefully life hasn't been too hard for you since you've been away? Yep, PPRs are still a thing and yours is sitting there, waiting for the dust to be blown off it 😄 D2 definitely still has a large group too. Legendary campaign is great so hopefully we can get some missions in soon. And hopefully my odd check-in message to you wasn't too annoying over the years 😅 Once an FGer, always an FGer buddy.
  9. Yeah it was but it did add to the thrilling end of the race which I don't think anyone expected. Ferrari being on top does have a refreshing sound to it, although I wish it was McLaren! Bad day at the office for them as they need some parts quickly. It'll be interesting to see how the Ferrari engines can hold themselves up top. Red Bull looked like they were matching it until 3 retirements for their engine. I'm sure Merc will be up there in 3-4 races. Racing wise, it was a great first 20 laps, quiet middle 20, followed by a decent last 20 but that was because the there was a Safety Car more so for Gasly. Seems closer racing but i'm not as convinced as some of the commentators were as I think DRS will still be needed, maybe even 3 times on the track to keep the excitement going. Outside that, it has to Kevin that was the great result. Seeing Guenther not as his miserable self was a delight for sure!
  10. Happy birthday @Shucker !! Hope its a good one bud! 😎❤️
  11. Maybe it'll help give it a kick then instead! 🤣 EDIT - In fact, i'll move it back! 😄
  12. Moved this to Sports from Motors, maybe why it got missed @TurboR56Mini 🤣 Qualifying for Bahrain yesterday was defnitely something that was refreshing seeing the pack move around so much. Personally disappointed that McLaren seem to have been hit quite hard with problems and are way back although good to see Ferrari back once again with Leclerc beating Verstappen to pole. Mercedes have some big problems that for once i belived them that they weren't sandbagging. Still Hamilton pulling off a huge 5th with car that really isn't competitive for a win was incredible. K-Mag and Bottas flying the flag for Haas and Alfa Romeo too! The Ferrari engines have a bonus on traction in the colder evenings currently so we'll have to see in the longer race if the Mercedes engine cars come back into it later on in the race. Looing forward to the race more than I expected, maybe helped by all the changes we've had for this year and its always nice to see the grid shook up once in a while. Not sure why they had to change the Grid rule where you start on the Q2 tyre, I thought that adds to the excitement of different strategies but we'll see how it plays out if we get the same issue now everyone gets their choice of their own tyre at the start of the race from 2022.
  13. The colours and audio is definitely appealing, loved that trailer @Riff Machine How long into it do you get the sword mate?
    I wish we had these modded maps for Shipment on older CoD games! Nice work, Kenny.
    You horrible person @IRaMPaGe 🤣🤣
  14. Good for you, Doc. Usually people are looking for that step to get to retirement as early as possible 😄 but you've always loved your job it seems. And if it gives us more stories out and about with the scenes then it's good for us all!
  15. Feels like a great reason to get the game tbh 😄 I remember @techno talking about this series a while back so its nice to see it get another game in the series. I think they still have their place these FPS war campaign games. Do they ever have a Multiplayer side of things?
  16. Happy birthday @Antpool84 !! Hope you have a cracking day mate!! 😎🖤🎉💃
  17. I think the balance in a live game was, if they make it too simple to start with then it might not be worth it because people say there's nothing to it. Then its harder to add into the mechanics extra stuff like they have done. I think luckily its better this way that they go out guns blazing and then make it simpler afterwards. As long as they add more guns to craft at some point soon mind you! 😅
  18. Well, its nice to have it in the game - although i've not really used it yet! I'm not concerned about any of the max caps that has been fedback recently by streamers as I really can't see that affecting me. Its a little weird we have to level up the gun to sometimes to get perks that we've already received via RNG, but I suppose that's because we are trying to unlock enhanced traits that give tiny upgrades to what we already have. I still get an awful lot of RNG loot so its difficult to try out crafting a weapon as I find my time spent trying RNG guns, and then using the red border guns to get the materials...even though I don't really reshape anything just yet! I think its a concept that they've managed to get in the game ahead of us knowing we'll need it. Early days, you usually don't need these things at all, but as the game goes on and different content comes into the game, I'm sure there is a vested interest in crafting the ideal weapon you want. After all, it must be for endgame content otherwise it won't have longevity in it. One thing I would love to see earlier than later is more standard guns added to the crafting. I don't see the point in just closing it off to the new guns that are in the game as we're likely to use RNG drops first on them before we go and think about crafting another one.
  19. I was hyped when I knew they were making this but you always have some skepticism as to whether they can pull off a game that is worthy of wizarding wands and suited for all ages. That State of Play makes it look very fleshed out, more than i anticipated. The combat looks like its actually fun rather than just very basic too. Excited to explore a large open world, seems to be a game with many stories and side quests to keep you going. Hopefully the playloop will be rewarding and fun, as we all know there will be one of some kind for a game this big.
  20. Picked it up for the first time over a week...I can't believe the second one. I'll take the screenshot so I can say 'I woz there!' whilst no one is under 18 seconds!
  21. I've yet to play the PSI Ops thats just out but the Story beat has been fantastic so far. Didn't expect a good season alongside an expansion but it seems to be working this time out. It will definitely lead to more. I thought they said ages ago, they have an extra special additional story element that helps us move from this to the next part? I think it was in Joe Blackburn's big State of Destiny thread ages ago. I'll dig it out.
  22. Already signed up to the Destiny raid that was up on Thursday Philly! Will get it all reinstalled and updated. Maybe will get on PC games on the weekend and we can have another event like this over the next week or two.
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