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Everything posted by GazzaGarratt

  1. Stream back up to catch up some legendary goals in with a full 11 of FG's finest! RSVP please! GGFG
  2. Personally, I'd focus on the slightly lower foods to create as Shepherds Pie whilst awesome in the amount of health it gives, it uses finite resources and doesn't last as long. Clearly make them if we have Peas but no point going out of our way to find Peas! ๐Ÿ˜„ I'd suggest making Hobo Stews supplemented by the other stuff with cans to broaden it out e.g. Fish Tacos and Chili Dogs. I've been living off Fish Tacos for abit so it doesn't hurt the food back up. Hobo Stews should be available in large supply due to it using farmed resources and rotten flesh which we have shed loads of. Meat Stews are an alternative with meat instead of rotten flesh but Hobo give an extra 14 Food I think (64 overall).
  3. You don't know? Okay. Let's have a chat about it then. First though, Happy New Year to everyone at FG. You're all fantastic, awesome individuals that deserve all the good luck and fortune that we can wish for. To look forward, we should always recognise looking back for a moment to see how far we've come in the last 12 months. With the world in still great difficulty, I think we pushed forward in many places and did many good things, to give FGers and all that are connected to us a bit more purpose and fun in their lives. Some stats I suppose help as always to back that up! 2021 Stats New FGers registering - 199 - Up 2.58% (figures against year before) Unique Contributors - 114 - Down 12.31% Users Who Reacted - 72 - New stat last year, no comparison available Reactions Given - 12,078 - Down 2.77% New Topics - 561 - Down 23.05% New Posts - 8010 - Down 19.88% New Events - 257 - Up 110.66% New Quizzes - 2 - Down 75% New Quiz Plays - 41 - Down 66.12% New Articles - 14 - Up 366.67% New Guides - 8 - Up 300% New Tournaments - 1 - First ever one New Teams - 17 - First teams created New Videos - 73 - Up 135.48% New Video Reviews - 28 - Up 16.67% New Raffles - 1 - Down 96% 1 Huge overhaul to our Home, with a brand new homepage and new sections 19 gifts via the FGFGF (FG's Feel Good Fund), inc. 2 brand new PS5s So, with all that exhausting our minds, what should we do this year? I'm a firm believer of building on good things, dusting ourselves off and giving it everything you've got. So I think we should this year after a few years of all our lives sitting virtually in purgatory with COVID dictacting every step of it. I think a good way to try and start somewhere is let's bring it back to what we great at - Games. Let's bring the togetherness back online and especially on here at FG. One way we'll look to do this is through Community Goals. This can be collective goals that we all work together and try and aim to achieve by the end of the year. I'm busy trying to create a page to store them all on so we can return here and see how far we've got as a team. If you have any good ones, let's hear them out in the comments below. For this to work though, it will need some support - like a lot of support. I'm urging all of you, to keep FG updated with everything you're up to. This is a great place to share after each session; how many raids you did, the best bits about your CoD battles, how many races you won, or lost in my case in Gran Turismo, goals we scored on an FGFC FIFA night, how many Zombies were killed in our 7 Days horde nights....the list could go on but I hope you get the jist. This helps me and others helping me a track of how we are doing towards our community goals as I won't be able to get everything from automated places. Let's make a real good go of it and do what we can. Next stop is Achievements. Mentioned this quite a few times and we've been terribly delayed whilst we waited for the software to be in place. And whilst its not 100% perfect, I want us to give this a go and improve as we go live. To support this, we have brand new FG Ranks to help everyone 'Level Up'. We spent a while designing these, and truth be told we couldn't do any of these without the talents of Christine AKA @WildeThang . I'll be asking her to help out with some medals and badges that we hope to give out over the course of 2022 and beyond. Stop by to make sure you give thanks to her fantastic work! I'll be trying to work on some form of an infographic with available badges soon, with some hopefully hidden for you all to find for yourselves. The main thing is to try and be supportive and engaging wherever you can. Not just on the forums, on videos, quizzes, events and even online games with FG. Maybe we can get some special FG Friday ones for all to try and obtain too ๐Ÿคฉ Outside of this, and with the help of all of you, we're also going to make sure we more sustainable moving forward. Some technical points are being changed behind the scenes and we'll hopefully see some great things that will help you feel like its super easy to come here and more often too. I don't want to say much on this part just yet, other than keeping watching this space... As the above are just a couple of things to highlight, you know the score with everything else. "What? We have a website?". Yes, yes, we do. The joke is something that should be one that I hope to be turned around with a mic drop saying, "There ya go. Enjoy." Come on, I need your support this year to make the best one we've ever had. More Posts - have a voice! More Personal Progress Posts - check on other people's too! More Events - more clicking those Going buttons! More Videos - grab those funny clips and stick them up here More...just everything! I'll sign out with the thought of all your generous donations and support have helped keep people alive in the world today - and that isn't even an exaggeration either. They'll be a moment we all need that friend, that family, in our desperate hour of need. Its why FG exists. We'll make the tracks, all you lot have to do is show people the way. GGFG.
  4. I think @crispymorgan found one yesterday buddy so hopefully it's in your chest ๐Ÿ˜„ Spent a little time jumping on yesterday and saw that Crispy carried on the progress I started with Carl on the runway, adding a Tower to the area so getting there for sure. I want to add 2-3 parking bays so we can gyrocopters parked up ready to go and one maybe spare for incoming landing. My main time was then spent with @phil bottle and @Plumbers Crack extending the not-so-euro-tunnel (we need a better name) from newer base to OG base. By the time we made it close, it took little time to convince Carl @TurboR56Mini to start making a way to connect them downstairs at OG base. Some great progress and probably should get a few screenshots to share here or a small video somehow. GG's all!
    Gotta love abit of the SAS....the Stim and Shoot technique! ๐Ÿคฃ Great clip.
  5. I'll try and log on today and see if I have any access rights as i'm sure I do. If I can also make you a leitutant or whatever its called @IRaMPaGe then I will do. Seems a little stupid you can't invite friends when the clan thing doesn't do a huge amount of things. Either way, we'll get you in ASAP @MuzzLiteYear !! I'll report back later ๐Ÿ‘Š
  6. FG Races is back! Grab a drink and lets get ready for the car crash shenanigans! RSVP please everyone!!
  7. So I think you were gonna try Black Ops 4 Zombies instead right @Leeesh13 ? When are we thinking its a good time? I'll try and get mine back up to date as i think @slamminbones and @Horrible_Hector are the ones that have expressed an interest so far.
  8. no they'll be in the destiny psn chat room
  9. I think the Solo horde base is great @Diddums. Especially as Horde night can come round so quickly and if you want to play but just want to get through it we should defo use it. Can I suggest that you paint the turret blocks with an arrow or target? You know how people will forget when they're looking at the exact thing they need to do! Cheers for the awesome work mate! ๐Ÿงก
  10. Love you can do this, if you play the other game modes that is ๐Ÿ˜„ Cheers for sharing Connor @JamaicanSteve ๐Ÿ‘ Anyone tried this out at all btw?
  11. Nice Harold! We tried one of these a year ago, but I think it went badly because my wife hasn't got the patience for these book ones (whilst on holiday, drinking, lol) and they are probably more for our minds than the kids. Be good to know how you get on with the next ones mate! Love the controller i've seen you post on Instagram, defo need to think about that for PC ๐Ÿ˜„ I also don't think you're George without some form of a hat ๐Ÿคฃ #beanies4lyfe Nice haul buddy!
  12. I need to get it back updated. Any gamemodes to start with in your opinions? @MuzzLiteYear @IRaMPaGe ?
  13. I imagine we need to mine for Nitrate soon then? ๐Ÿ˜… It does make me wonder if we can utilise some other methods to kill zombies like what you've all done with traps and bombs so far. Does grenades and Molotovs use much gunpowder? Maybe a few hours of mining together will nail that resource problem instead. I made a ton of food last week as its easy to plough through some of the more nutritious food. I think we could make Hobo and Meat Stew the easiest based on what we grow and have readily available in case someone wants to help the food supply but doesn't know what to cook. The other food that would be next to make imo is Fish Tacos that use Tins of Salmon and Chili Dog which uses Corn Bread that you make from Cornmeal and Boiled Water. Cornmeal is made from Ear of Corn, so hopefully all the stuff in bold is something we can look out for in order to make the above dishes and keep stock up.
  14. Well that's got me back thinking this will be great to play again!! Love that, hope the tribes will be very interactable and can see how we may have to help certain ones at certain times.
    Love the fact you didn't give up wanting to knock that one out with your elbow! ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ @IRaMPaGe
    Some awesome shotgunning Kenny! @IRaMPaGe
  15. GazzaGarratt

    BMW iX

    When I saw this last week I did think would it ever become legal. "No sir, I don't own a grey car, it must be your eyes seeing something else I can't"
  16. My lad played it before Christmas and smashed through it very quickly. It doesn't seem the longest game platform and I think the change to not worrying about lack of ammo as much and more action works very well for the newer generation into Resident Evil. I'm not sure how many these days that would have the patience to be tactical with ammo and green herbs like back in the day of Resident Evil 2! Some random story parts when I did sit and watch his playthrough but he did love the game a hell of a lot.
  17. Would love to play tonight Sam @Capn_Underpants but football training starts again 8-9 so I won't be back til later. If I have the energy though, I'll try and pop on afterwards and see how you're getting on! ๐Ÿ‘
  18. Hugely appreciated @TurboR56Mini ! Thanks for also explaining whilst online last night too, as I don't think i've ever been involved and known about this can happen! It could be a great idea to have a chest next to the Pink Mist exit that has just steel in it so people can pick it up and upgrade the walls around the building and then pop the surplus back in the box. Haven't had chance for a mini game update like I do, so now seems a good chance to do just that. @phil bottle mentioned to me last week that we've created a huge massive container that we call our 'new' base but not really pushed it forward so much. Therefore I took up the challenge to help make something of it for everyone so others can feel like they can chip in for certain areas. I did try and start on the shell of the front quarter unit that had slightly been started but we then came up against the stability issue. For now it has stairs and a little more structure but I intend to make more of it for us, potentially FG Quarters for us all I think. As we kept driving in the manual front door at the time, I decided to use a large space for car and bike parking. I did a ton of work for bays and structure so it would look professional - even to the extent of adding arrows, which then started the debate of we then can't ever leave as the arrows don't go both ways! (much to my frustration ofc ๐Ÿ˜„). So, whilst they loved every minute of jabbing me about why I didn't plan correctly, I did what any great Agile Project person would do - adapt and make it even better! So below shows a brand new exit too with further bike bays (as 4 didn't seem enough for everyone online at the time) and then changed the small bike bay area to a disabled bike bays for Dave @Plumbers Crack to take full advantage of ๐Ÿ˜ With the support of Carl, we managed to make the exit door powered on sight and ensured the road would connect once outside the massive base. Since these picks, Carl has taken it forward to make the front entrance powered on sight too. I'll try and take another pick over the next few days showing my work on the roof over the parking in which I planned to make into a Helipad/Gyrocopter runway - hoping that everyone will love that we have that a space for this in the new base! Great work everyone so far. Horde nights have been ridiclously fun too, even if i'm on 4 FPS and low settings ๐Ÿ˜„ Its been frantic and funny as balls falling off the top and drinking Moonshine to stay alive! The base last week The entrance to new base car park
  19. Deep Rock Galactic has been on my waiting list for my PC for absolutely ages. However, now its made the move to playstation and its free, I've downloaded this because its definitely had fantastic reviews of replayability. Hopefully the quests available will help get you into the game. 4 player co-op I do believe.
  20. Hey Rob! I'm glad we've managed to keep you going my friend. No one deserves to go through what you've been through, especially at 32! I know you play Destiny and FIFA aswell as CoD so let's get you involved mate. Tried much Pro Clubs at all? Also, which raids did you never get chance to try? I recall we did the Leviathan a few times back in the day ๐Ÿ˜„ Lets help you get back on track in 2022 ๐Ÿ‘Š We're all here rooting for you mate. ๐Ÿงก
  21. We definitely had a 'Barracks' on Modern Warfare. Now that they've kind of merged Cold War and Vanguard due to Warzone, we'll have to check how it works. Have you got your Activision ID to hand mate? That seems to be what we need to get you into the existing clan tag stuff! ๐Ÿ˜„
  22. Would be good to know which one you want to try first? I can potentially look at re-installing the preferred one as others might be against HD space.
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