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Everything posted by GazzaGarratt

  1. The Bandwagon is get very heavy, metaphorically speaking of course cos its not even real 😄
  2. Love the colours, even if they are pretty straightforward. And the fact that White suits my setup anyway 🤣 If i ever need a new controller, the purple seems kinda cool if you ask me.
  3. One million percent agree mate. Wreckfest have created it by advising when you start a lobby, if you set it to 16 then PS4 and PS5 players play together but set it at 24 and only PS5 players play together. I'm not sure how its that hard to so. Definitely a business and commercial decision over technical feasibility.
  4. You point out exactly the issue unfortunately Bob, that Masi had multiple options to him, now they've used the Article 15.3 "Do what the fuck I want" badge out in the open. He chose the worst option from a Sporting Code perspective. When the crash happened at a high speed corner, he could've chosen to red flag the race. He could've chosen to start with the cars where they were as it was safe. He could've chosen to let the other final cars pass. He could've finished it behind the safety car. But he didn't. Regradless whether you like Hamilton or hate him, you have to factor in the moment where Masi clearly knew Verstappen was on Soft new tyres and Hamilton was a sitting duck on Hard old tyres. If he wanted a spectacle that was fair, red flag it at the 4 laps left both could be on Soft tyres and next to each other for a 4 lap shootout. "but, but thats just given the balance back to Hamilton, Lee". No it isn't. Hamilton was clear of Verstappen through the entire race. He got closer due to Virtual Safety Car and got new tyres and then the real Safety Car got the best tyres. Hamilton would've lost his lead but the fairness would've come from the tyres and a potential Grid Restart. Horner using the late Niki Lauda's words after theresult from the stewards came in late yesterday was just sickening imo. A Mercedes consult until the day he died, that was a stab at Merc and using Lauda's words just shows how much of a **** he really is. I didn't want Mercedes to appeal because whichever way you look at it, its a Lose/Lose for them. No way they would turn over those celebrations but what could Merc do as if it was anyone else you have to raise to the stewards when rules are broken. I always think about you have to be careful and considerate when you speak of others in positions as it could be yourself under scrutiny one day - but i have an overwhelming emotion to say out loud that everyone should be accountable for actions. If this challenge and appeal lead to at least one thing, I would expect it to be for Michael Masi to be held accountable for his actions. Charlie Whiting must be turning in his grave watching that. I really have to admit, this year has been superb. Great respect for both drivers to give us this championship, regardless of what I think of them. But the first time in years, yesterday left the worst bitter taste in my mouth for this sport and even waking up today, I can't shift it. It was the most immoral thing to do because everyone then knew EXACTLY what was going to happen on that final lap. I wanted Verstappen to win on merit. That way, even though I'm passionate that his driving skills are too dangerous, I could at least understand that he won perfectly on merit of his own doing. This wasn't his doing though. I'm hoping next year Lando Norris and McLarten have a great year but I'm honestly still feeling sick to the stomach on whether I want to watch racing with those decisions happening.
  5. Good talk here i see. Anyway, haven't got the energy anymore after that. Like or hate Hamilton, rules are rules. Geniunely boring and CBA.
  6. Completely forgot about that! Your right, random lag happened in our first match last night and it was incredibly bad. Looks like you need stabilising for a match or two when you get online.
  7. Shake ups sometimes are needed and lets hope that this will give the franchise what it needs, although I don't think they were as far off the mark as some of the biggest critics say. This game has a great foundation and just needs continued tweaking, just like most successful live service games. Portal has the potential to be a gamechnager. I do wonder if they could just be a little more vocal after these changes with the consumer. It won't mean all the changes people think they want will go in the game but it helps manage expectations. The bigger issue outside all of DICE's problems are more EA and the continued stubborness not to remove the cross-gen restrictions stopping PS4 play with PS5.
  8. This made me chuckle 🤣 Yeah, great games everyone. Definitely a different FG Friday feel for sure. Nice to see so many of us work on different stuff like we really chipping in to get a cool start to the game. I've started on Food this time round rather than engineering as I know Anna and someone else was working on that. Pretty sure @crispymorgan was working on medicine too. Weird we can't do more than one quest at a time now, unless thats a bug perhaps? I think the funniest thing that happened on my screen was Dave @Plumbers Crack standing with us at one of the next Quests and just looked like he had enough and dropped dead (like in a proper CBA way) and everyone was so confused. Apparently a Zombie was near and kicking the shit out of him, much to hilarity cos none of saw him! 🤣🤣 Hoping we get lots more stories up here of any time you all pop on. 👍 Also looing forward to getting @Macca89 and @G_dub52 on too!
  9. I've tried to have a few games last night and I think its the case of learning the key areas of the map first before I make an assessment. Removing all loadouts was an unwelcome surprise before playing our first games but it felt good to experience new places. Guns felt abit over the place, although the BAR worked brilliantly for me. The SMG felt unstable as hell. My major thought was just how pale/beigy the colours were which made it difficult for me to spot and find most people that clearly know the map more than me already. I might see if Ican do anything with the contrast next time we jump on. Still, good games watching @jordie1892 , @Macca89 and @J-Lurch do well 🤣 I think Tom @LordBaguette found it pretty refreshing too. We'll see how the coming weeks go as we get more used to the map and what areas not to get caught out wide in the open.
  10. The borders look that big that they could cover some of the key play in the Killcam. Weird choice to try and monetize.
  11. Hey up Matt! Ace to always see some people come home 🤗 How has life been anyway? Went to write this before I left for my daughter's football and wanted to see your cave but now you have, it looks awesome pal! Is that a 3D maker thingy? How you been find CoD anyway? Not many have bought it here tbh. Same old CoD and with Battlefield coming out we were expecting more to buy that but you never know with Christmas right round the corner. We do play a lot of Warzone though, I really enjoy that for a fun chilled couple of games. Just go out there and get as many kills as we can, and if we win at the same time its a bonus. Hope you stick around at FG once more mate 🧡
  12. It totally was. I hope the replayability value will feel up there with it! Sounds like a plan to me Gaz, looking forward to dying multiple more times to spikes 🤣 Iron Banner wasn't populated much at all as we played 7-8 games on Tuesday and never had a 6v6 game. We also dominated every game, with 5-6 ending up as a Mercy win. Good time to get some Valor ranks as they are also offering bonus points this week too. Hoping the new Battle Rifle is going to hit hard in there. INCREDIBLE NEIGHS 😍 Honestly, the whole Xur and Starhorse gameshow hosts is quite clearly the best thing from it. Especially alongside Lightning Rounds and nostalgic bosses to contend with in the 6 player activity. Oh, and lets not forget - The Dawning is happening at next week's reset. The choice to do things are superb right now and totally unexpected. Great time to pick the game back up again.
  13. A new 'Brawler Royale' game where up to 40 players can play in a single to knock their opponents out. It's out on February 8th for ALL platforms. There is also an early access available for all platfoms - sign up below! Trailer Official Gameplay EARLY ACCESS SIGN UP LINK - http://www.rumbleverse.com/ It looks like its something fresh to the BR genre and i'm glad we can get to try it out before we buy too. Be good to try out the early access together perhaps as well.
  14. An amazing new story trailer released at The Game Awards yesterday @Jason I feel like this your Destiny 🤣
  15. Stop what you're doing tonight after work and put that bad boy on with the family. Its a super family film, not like amazingly 10 out of 10 good but I think you would be surprised given how much nervousness there was around before the film came out. Jim Carrey is fantastic as Dr. Robotnik.
  16. I forgot that was the only moment I watched it and thought "We're screwed" 😄
  17. A tech demo is available now for free on PS5 and Xbox Series X. The full demo is below and it acts as a tease to the new film (Matrix Resurrections) coming out very soon and also to show off the ability of the next gen consoles. I initially thought it was a game and it very much looked like the old James Bond RPG games which could be pretty linear but also very enjoyable but now its not that i'm a little gutted truth be told. Who knows if the film gets a good reception they may decide to create a fully fledged game in the future. Let us know if you try it out.
  18. TAILS AND KNUCKLES!! Out April 8th 2022 They've even managed to link in Emeralds into the film which I think is a great move. Can't beat just all out fun films.
  19. I didn't realise there's a further drop from Europa to Conference. How in the world do UEFA not see that this ruling devalues the entire European football i'll never know.
  20. Would love to but i've ran it once! Although can't remember much of where we're supposed to go again 🤣 Enjoy it mate, its a good one!
  21. January 14th next year - PC Trailer and Specs below 😄
  22. A new trailer released just before it went live: Well, firstly i'd say that when I looked at the pricing model, I did think this was going to be overpriced in some ways versus the seasons and upcoming DLC in Feb 2022. However, yesterday was absolute blast. It was like opening the game and everything wacky, fun as hell to do was right there to do yesterday. I think what has also helped is that we have Iron Banner and Moments of Triumph that have started on the same day so it felt like you could pretty much go anywhere and do something fun. What I like most about it though, is it is exactly what they've been saying it was for weeks on social media. They knew it was going to be exactly connected to story but more of a celebration for all things Bungie related. What we got was a Xur and Horsey playing Wheel of Fortune Gameshow with tons of randoms Power Ups alongside some fun, simplistic mechanics. The Dungeon is also just really good fun for anyone that wants to have a real laugh at watching your mates get spiked by accidentally hitting a pressure pad or a lever. @Ajay , @ImRyzxn and myself spent over an hour just dying and laughing away, finding our way through it 🤣 Is much of the content easy? Yeah, I think so. But they also shipped stuff with Master difficulties to be challenged a little more and there are triumphs to grab that will give you some pretty cool emblems and other cosmetics. Loot? Well, if you love Halo like I do, the fact you now can get the CE Pistol and Battle Rifle from Halo in the game is absolutely awesome. The Battle Rifle scope is just like what you would expect, detailed for a long range Pulse Rifle. Cosmetics/Ornaments - There are some great new emotes and some crazily good ornaments. One of which makes me want to start using a Warlock more (yes, I did say that). The Titan has a Burning Tiger Helmet which i'm so looking forward to getting. Oh, and I nearly forgot. Xur and Starhorse's inventory in the 'Eternity' space now on the overall Map, feels like there is a ton of stuff to do and doesn't feel grindy on the face of it. Time will tell of course. How is everyone else finding it? Truly surpised for a 20 quid DLC unexpected at this time.
  23. Yeah, I expected this one to be up there with others but I geniunely loved it. Gambit is a great gamemode and having Prime with the Reckoning loop made it feel really beefy. Sometimes you do need abit of grind to feel the value. I'm annoyed that I was 3 pieces of armour off Reckoner and only have myself to blame! Stepping back I can understand how others that just don't like Gambit would definitely feel like this one was lacking something though. What I would say on a positive note is that the seasonal model has been on an overall upward curve, with only a few 'dips' along the way. Thats pretty clear when you look at the list of the Seasons. DLCs on the other hand feel like they need this Witch Queen to bring it back up to the Forsaken quality.
  24. The drone looks bloody awesome. We've never had something like that before! I'm also stocked by another quest variety added, alongside the Bicycle reward after 10 Tier 1 Quests - thats massive for us I believe. Sounds like we'll have to be careful on the meds because the rarity is going up. At least it means people can help focus on certain skills to help the overall FG crew.
  25. Good, because as much as I laugh about it, I do want a game to use my racing wheel with otherwise its pointless having it! 😄
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