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Everything posted by GazzaGarratt

  1. I managed to get a Closed Alpha code!! Gonna hopefully make one of the sessions across the next 5 days. Did anyone else get an email??!
  2. We might be busy doing bits and pieces (there is soooooo much to do ๐Ÿ˜…) but we try to ensure that a few people get recognised to give them a big smile along the way. We wouldn't have it any other way would we?? The FGFGF recently: As mentioned above, @Antpool84 has been a great addition to FG this year and whilst he's tried to get involved in many game nights, the storage has been holding him back for some time. Hopefully the 2TB external drive goes a little way to keeping his smile on his face. Huzzah! Equally, we never thanked @jordie1892 back in the day to help create and get the FIFA mini euro league up and running. To get over 40 matches done was immense considering we hadn't done anything like this before and as a gesture to one of the coolest FGers we have, some FIFA Points went his way so he can boss everyone on Ultimate Team in FIFA 22 ๐Ÿ˜„ Finally, our resident Batman Chad @Riff Machine , has gone through a hell of a lot of late so it felt logical and common sense to perk him up with a few goodies below and some Steam vouchers so he can find something to enjoy on his PC. We're always here for you big man ๐Ÿ‘Š We have lots more to do, loads of ideas and thoughts to implement and we're nearing Christmas (a little too quickly, even for me), so where possible we should and must continue to make people smile with the FGFGF and keep donating when and where you can. Who knows....if I/we can find the time to muster something on similar lines to the Big Xmas Giveaways we've done in the past then we'll certainly give it our best shot to try. GGFG ๐Ÿงก P.S. Don't forget looking at out next big meet up next November and our potential first Charity team event in April/May (See Site Info Section for more!)
  3. Good news regarding the Standard DIGITAL version in regards to crossgen. This version (currently ยฃ69.99), will now include cross gen so you know don't need to buy the ยฃ90 "cross-gen" bundle which includes the season pass. I'll be getting the the standard version now it has cross-gen as we can always make a decision later down the line if the Season Battle Pass bit is worth buying. ยฃ20 saved which is nice unexpected surprise.
  4. Not worth it due to the fact you also only get 10 hours between 12th-19th so its only a few nights of gaming.
  5. Great advice @Docwagon , I've been very prudent over the last 10-15 years but that was more to survive rather than save. I think its also about where your life is too e.g. I could've saved when my kids were younger, but the middle-teen ages are quite tough as you have more new direct debits (phones, data plans, etc) alongside increasing existing ones (e.g. food, etc). I'm not putting myself under too much pressure to save a huge amount right now, more so focusing hard on when's the next time I can get rid of or decrease some direct debits. Also, this is ALWAYS about priorities, as we always have different ones depending who we are and our situation. Personally, don't be scared to cancel Netflix, Amazon Prime, Spotify, Disney, and any other rental plans for just one month. You would be surprised how much you can save and how much you don't really miss it. They're made to turn them off or on whenever you want so just do it! I cancelled my Amazon Music 2 months ago and i've seen myself use Spotify free version on my PC for a while and I've not yet come across a song I can't play. Equally the adverts don't bother me that much at all as they aren't after every song.
  6. Some great pictures, Doc. The visit to see Christoper Columbus' tomb must've been a great experience.
  7. Great run. Nice, solid and great to get @slamminbones one of his first FG raids! And great to catch up again @Shucker ๐Ÿ˜„
  8. Just another Friday night with FG. Enjoy!
  9. Let's try and get back up to the dizzy heights of Division 1 and win that trophy one more time! RSVP people!
  10. Getting ridiculous now. What do they expect of them, they're 15th not bottom.
  11. Worst home defeat in our entire history....but by 5pm yesterday we finished the week with 2 wins out of 3 and back up into the playoffs. Football is a funny old game.
  12. Its like CoD opened the doors for 3 figure storage games and everyone else is trying to follow suit ๐Ÿ˜„
  13. How did we let this bot post up that link?? ๐Ÿ˜„ In all seriousness, cheers for the heads up Elliott @Middle Class Caveman , I must admit that is impressive since the Savings market is decimated with the Bank of Base Rate remaining at 0.1%. Have you seen any decreases in that time with anything else you've used with them at all? I don't any of this crypto-bs but since this is something ideally for the kids future which we're looking into next year that sounds like a good option for sure.
  14. I do think this is right, although that doesn't mean it won't be a shite game. I think it'll be the usual stuff, good to hear you've enjoyed the initial games @Middle Class Caveman . @G_dub52 @Dan94 I will still play Warzone more often but I do miss Search and Destroy so much. However, that was only fun because we used to have quite a few of us online so we could party up in a 6 stack to go into that gamemode. Let us know if you try it out.
  15. Looks a combination of Destiny and Overwatch ๐Ÿ˜„...and I love it! Is it too late to ask for an Xbox for Christmas? ๐Ÿ˜
  16. Yep, still not watched the films but would easily watch this like I watched the Mandalorian.
  17. Looks incredible and the fact its a huge open world is even more impressive. This has Game of the Year written all over it.
    Some cracking goals in there Sebba @ChaosGladiator , taken note of the quick corner routine too for future reference ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  18. Not a pretty sight at all. This will probably unearth the whole ECB you know and probably lead to a full reform of English Cricket.
  19. Scratching last night off. Couldn't get it going, poor qualy time and dropped off slowly after 4 laps picking up a penalty. Very quiet race after that stuck in no mans land.
  20. I'm only leaving this bot post up because thats a belter of a response! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿคฃ
  21. All good. We didn't want a large positive goal difference anyway ๐Ÿ™ƒ
  22. I'd probably go for a gravel bike too if I was biking to work...although I never they had names these days! @phil bottle is your man with bikes but also @Mikepjbell because he used to sell them...not sure if he still does?? I suppose they might want to know if you intend to use it for other things or just going to work and back?
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