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Everything posted by GazzaGarratt

  1. @Macca89 @RenFengge @TurboR56Mini @Tar-Eruntalion @Misneach_ @J-Lurch @LordBaguette @Mikepjbell just tagging a few more on PC that maybe can get on this too which would be another fun server to join with us all.
  2. I'm in - the slots thing though I believe is 10 players online concurrently rather than 10 max but totally would be ace to see large party nights on this. Horde nights with a large group are hilarious as ever, especially if you fall from tall heights 👀🤣
  3. I think a huge problem for Seasons are when the DLCs come out, they never truly get them right. I always think of Season of the Undying (8) and Season of the Hunt (12). They were massively propped up by huge content drops so I get that the content may not be the most engaging for specific reasons but for someone who wants more 6 player activities, Undying was very basic, long and boring with no change to the boss. Hunt had these Lore things and i've still not got more than 10% through the whole thing as they were so quick it didn't make much sense - and it could be done solo with a slow replayability factor involved. Appreciate some here didn't like the Sundial activity in Season 9 (Dawn) but for me that was a huge season that started getting the story back on track with Saint-14 and there were replayable mini-levels within it that at least kept it interesting, with guaranteed selectable loot at the end. You could also argue that Season of the Outlaw (4) was pretty sketchy if you think of it in isolation. For the same reasons above, it came out with Forsaken DLC, which one of the best we received...but makes you wonder what we actually did around that for the Season. I believe it was the Spider bounties and not much else. At least the end weekly bounty was always a fun one to do as the missions were like bespoke, cool Lost Sector bosses. What was yours @Leeesh13 ?
  4. Thanks for the responses @The3rdWalker @techno and @J4MES OX4D . I was trying to understand both sides because I do agree that priority should be sorting out the crappy parts of the game first, and i'd also go along with that you want the general themes to at least stay within the realms of what the game is about, to an extent. I suppose my initial reaction was it was just bad marketing timing rather than a huge issue for me. I think all the games that have an element of realism to them e.g. using humans, war based games, etc, will always get criticism of wacky skins. Whereas games that are more about fiction e.g. Overwatch, Destiny, Fortnite, etc, can get away with having pretty much any skin they want because it doesn't mess with the mind of the consumer as much. I hope they fix the game in the coming weeks and months so we can actually see if they can put some decent skins together like Warzone actually has of late.
  5. Not everyday will feel like progress, but you are making progress mate. You have sorted so many practical things like your house potential sale to other key factors like your kids - all alongside you dealing with this emotionally. So many things have already been sorted and time is helping you heal, we can definitely see that. Just know on the days where it seems more tougher than others, that we're here pal, like always. Talk, moan, laugh and joke with us whilst we play online. Because everyone like Dad jokes, right? 😎
  6. Coronavirus will definitely hit a few more clubs in the next month. Praying its not going to hit Rovers though. I actually think top players won't go until they see them moving away from the relegation zone. They might have to go to the Championship and lower down to buy some up and coming quality but they aren't like Man City or Chelsea when they both got took over as they were mid/lower table teams, not relegation bound ones.
  7. I hope so too. Never understood why BR games force players on one map at a time. Sure, the playerbase could hate a map and then back out every time if it was in a rotation but surely that means you fix the map to make it better overall rathert than forget the old maps completely. Fingers crossed we see some form of rotation of both maps in a few months time.
  8. Disappointed that a big player has pro-actively took this step. What is this world coming to when we are saying something intangible as a Digital 'thing' costs millions.
  9. That's fair. I think people are quick to buy battle passes and i've noticed that playing Warzone without spending a penny lately has been largely fun, especially when a few others want to jump into a match with you.
  10. Good concept, still looks rough around the edges. It does feel like there hasn't been a good squad game like this since Rainbow Six 3 I played on the OG Xbox.
  11. I like the sound of that. I've added the PS4 version to my Xmas list.
  12. Now that's a shame. I was hoping it would still be a solid 7 out of 10 considering it has Paul Rudd in it.
  13. IMHO, I thought the Santa skin looked hilarious and not bad at all. I wouldn't have bought it, but I can see why they've pulled it if there are still bugs as it puts across the sentiment they're more bothered about bucks than fixes...but its pretty clear these skins are usually made by a different team to bug fixers but that gets dismissed because of the way they handle their broad communications - which is barely available anyway. Where do people stand on skins? Is the main reason why people hate them is because it feels an easy money grab or the fact they don't fit into the game environment? If its the latter, I kind of think to myself its not really something I give two shits about as it adds an element of fun to a game. Warzone introduced Rambo and John McClane which worked quite well I thought. Makes you want them more tbh! lolz I just think if they communicate better that can manage expectations better in an industry that is quite lethal when things go wrong.
  14. Heard Eddie Howe wants Trippier to help him get out of relegation. I really hope he doesn't go. Swapping from the La Liga Champions to relegation potential alongside impacting his England World Cup chances is a no brainer.
  15. Fine with me, makes total sense.
  16. I don't wanna say 'its only getting better' cos that sounds like I think it can't get any worse but its a decent spot considering how BF launches go historically and with some QoL tweaks i the right places the game will be great. I think having different games to pop on and off to rather than focusing on one game is the way to go.
  17. It's Dance song which some may not like but brilliant words.
  18. This is a great move which keeps Warzone really fresh as it probably needed a full map refresh now. I think the balance will be over time if they decide to rotate maps at some point alongside the multiple Gulag instances they have created too. I actually think gunplay in Warzone has been in a good spot for a while and there are multiple guns to pick up that will work very well so with everyone learning a new map coming up to Christmas time noobs to join too, it could be a great time for many to hop back on it again considering it remains free. The shipwreck and the backdrop of the palm trees looks ace. Lets hope it plays out that way!
  19. The 63 shots got me laughing hard, its basically a shot every 90 seconds in the game! 🤣🤣 I turned on ITV4 when they were 14-0 up and it was a massacre for sure. The Goalkeeper is really what stands out for me as the dealbreaker in womens football. The agility and physical prowess you would expect from International Qualifiers was just not there. Some shots dribbled past the keeper...and that was after they subbed the other keeper after it went 8-0 at half time!! 🤦‍♂️🤣
  20. So are you basically saying there isn't a budget or there is? Cos like Didds says that seems overpriced to hell. That also comes with nothing else, just the Tower btw.
  21. @Diddums @phil bottle @Greboth @Tar-Eruntalion @RenFengge @TurboR56Mini @cyberninja2601 @BO7H B4RRELS and anyone else to help with some advice and bundles please. Clive I think also needs Intel vs Ryzen advice too. Fanks 🧡
  22. Getting a ready made one if you haven't got the knowledge or patience is the way to go as there isn't much difference in pricing these days. To help people here help you find some bundles you need to share what you're looking for, so for example: What's your budget? Do you need peripherals too e.g. mouse, keyboard, etc? Any minimum requirements e.g. at least 24" monitor or needs 2 monitors, etc? Do you need it to fit a certain space? What games do you want it to run? Your budget will dictate most stuff but the games are important as that will dictate the type of performance it needs.
  23. Looks amazing dude, can't beat more RGBs in the room 😎 Now you just have to get used to using it alongside your console. I have my PC nearly 24/7 just so i can check stuff out which will get you used to having it there. Valhalla is a cheap game on Steam that is a dead chil game and something completely away from your normal I imagine. Good news our 2 servers are there to drop right in them. Outside of Valhalla and the Game Pass suggested above, we have played other survival games such as 7 Days to Die and Green Hell which are really fun when we get on them. The one I really want to get back into is Sea of Thieves. Not sure if its on Game Pass or not though?
  24. Thank god everyone here didn't spunk 70 quid on Godfall when it first came out. Would be good to check it out now its free!
  25. @Stretch616 and @LordBaguette have also been saying how impressed they are with it on their PS5s. A top game to pick up if you have 30 mins to an hour free.
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