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Everything posted by GazzaGarratt

  1. That was Spectre I'm sure! 😄
  2. Now contest mode is over its all about Oracles as the main issue. The fact you have to now shoot them in the order of when they appear, and when you're at Atheon you have to rely on good callouts in the Atheon room, this basically makes or breaks the boss fight. The absolute key is remain as calm as we can and most of not fill the comms with huge chatter as its the one main section you just need to be focused on the job at hand - something that we at FG are pretty pants at, lets face it! 🤣🤣 Only other thing to consider is DPS on the boss. Ultimately, I think we all worry about getting it done quickly e.g. in 1 or 2 phases but its really something we shouldn't worry about. I 4 phased it the other night and there was no pressure as we all stayed calm and kept calling out oracles to finally take Atheon down. A Divinity seems to help overall if 1 or 2 people have that on, with complimentary things such as high DPS snipers - one I use is the Kinetic sniper 'Succession' (from Deep Stone Crypt). My last loadout was: Kinetic - Sniper - Succession Energy - Scout - Eternal Blazon Heavy - Machine Gun - Xenophage You should also maximise damage by using supers. As a Titan, finally use Thundercrash a little more is some fun, although have to get back to the middle damage zone before Atheon slams you into the next Vex life. A Warlock well is pretty much essential I think, otherwise you need people to bring bubbles and a couple of the squad to shoot supplicants that like to annoy you. What else is working for other people?
  3. Yep, that would make sense but good ol' EA got abit more money out of it being a singular title I can only imagine 🤣 At least its free now, so we get to see how it plays for nothing.
  4. GazzaGarratt

    VOG full run

    I see Carl @TurboR56Mini has jumped in so hopefully i'll be around where I can tonight, even if its for another run. I think i'd like to lead the comms on Atheon next time when i'm on the next FG raid. The quieter and calmer we can all be, the more success we make (and it doesn't matter if you 1,2,3 or 4 phase it. What matters is that you're consistent with oracles 😄).
  5. Not a chance. This is where all these big clubs are going wrong and thank fully some of them are starting to not change managers every 5 minutes. He's effectively done nearly what Mourinho did, just without the trophy. Its a shame they didn't turn up but they only lost on pens, albeit thats not much of a consolation. I still can't wrap my head around that many see the second biggest european trophy as a joke. It shouldn't be. Any team should literally be crying out for a chance at being entered into it, let alone winning it. I know its money driven, but whilst we all dont agree with how football shouldn't be a business, you cant deny how it has subconsciously driven people's opinions about what matters to them and their club.
  6. GazzaGarratt

    VOG full run

    I might be able to make it Bob @Baabcat but as i'm away for the whole weekend I just need to check later if I'm packing up duty and getting everything charged. You wanna start earlier if all of us are about at all?
  7. For the first time in a long time, I knew where the link was gonna go before clicking it 🤣🤣
  8. Yeah it doesn't look great overall, however I'm pretty sure Squadrons is actually a great MP game and something slightly different to what we're used to. I'm definitely picking that up and trying it out. I remember Rob @The3rdWalker raving about it so no lose situation really.
  9. Yes, its aracadey. Yes, its looks a little corny. However, its a damn OLYMPIC GAME! 😄 I've been waiting for the next one in the pipeline ever since I played the shit out of Athens 2004 and many a night on International Track and Field back in the day with my mates, bashing the shit out of the controller. The great news is that its up to 8 players online so a decent size for many an FG night of hilarious games trying to beat each other at whatever sport is up next. There's 18 events, not in any order btw: 4 x 100M Relay 110M Hurdles Football 200M Individual Medley Boxing Beach Volleyball Table Tennis Tennis Sport Climbing 100M 100M Freestyle Hammer Throw Baseball Rugby Sevens Basketball Judo Long Jump BMX Its availble on June 22nd, although I've tried to pre-order after I received my email and the website is still showing that they've not got the links for retailers to buy it from. Anyone else fancy some hilarious games on an FG night???! Can't believe they have Rugby Sevens ffs! 🤣
  10. Tbf, I did think it was dull and inviting...but my half-full atitude wants to think they did that on purpose. Marvel aren't stupid, and I think they've downplayed the trailer because they want a better reaction in the cinema. It feels similar to Sonic vibes when they cocked up the trailer. Thats just my opinion though....and i'm praying its right cos it would be a nightmare if this divebombed!
  11. Doesn't give too much away at all. This one is the one I really want to succeed given how much I loved the Avengers movies. We need a new group to feel like you can follow so I'm keeping everything crossed for this. Although the last part was strange. I thought they were set thousands of years before Avengers but they reference them in the past tense so I suppose thats a good thing as they can meet with the other heros now.
  12. Nope, just love playing all the games!.... 😅🤣 I think this stuff comes in waves. Theres always games to play but once i find something, I'll sit on eBay and whatnot to try and find the console and some of the games for it. Plus, you kind of need the right space for them so you know you can make best use of them. I really want to get a 3DO and also a Wii U at some stage. Nothing beats physical games/cartridges and using old wired controllers 😎
  13. GazzaGarratt


    Not sure I can make tonight @Baabcat . I always make myself available for FIFA MNF cos....its a Monday 😄. Kinda why I hoped to get it done yesterday but it doesn't mean any of the others could fit in. This is THE bit to learn as the other parts are reasonably easy to handle for most people. This just needs patient people with the calls we were using last night. Once we have a good DPS strat it'll be fine and dandy.
  14. Let's break the yo-yo-ing and move on up the leagues again! GGFGFC!
  15. Right, teams are as follows: @Baabcat @Venom @Ajay @crispymorgan @TurboR56Mini @RenFengge And then @GazzaGarratt @Greboth @Bluebear @Kemp210 @Raven_13_7 @Therealraiser We have others around to help pop in if needed as I'm sure the night ahead could take us lots of places! Good Luck all! GGFG! 👊❤
  16. GIF logged and stored for future requirements 🔥
  17. Grandstand. Man, my Uncle has one and i've always said to him that I would frickin bite his hand off to have it! I played that shit so much when we went to visit them as a child!
  18. Super thread @Antpool84 ! Whilst i know some have this in their PPRs its always good to see interest in console history to bring them to life again! I always consider my Sega Mega Drive was my first console although arguably my first gaming thing was when I won a Nintendo Gameboy at my primary school raffle. As I got older, I picked up a couple of consoles that I didn't get chance to own when they first came out and we used to have them all in my living room with a bunch of TVs so me and my friends growing up could play through lots of games at the same time. Magical moments. Heres my list in the order I got them (as best I can remember anyway): Nintendo Game Boy Amstrad CPC 464 Sega Mega Drive Sony Playstation 1 Sony Playstation 2 Sega Dreamcast Nintendo GameCube Microsoft Xbox Microsoft Xbox 360 Nintendo SNES Nintendo NES Nintendo 64 Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP Sega Game Gear Sega Master System II [Alex Kidd in Miracle World built in] Sega Master System II [Sonic The Hedgehog built in] Sega Mega CD Sega Saturn Atari ST 500 Atari Jaguar Atari Lynx Nokia N-Gage Sony PSP SNK Neo Geo CD Nintendo Wii Sony Playstation 4 Sony PS Vita Microsoft Xbox One SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color Sony Playstation 3 Sony Playstation 5
  19. Ace find @Greboth!! We played it that time for abit round @Diddums house when I brought my Switch down and that was good fun so hopefully we can more than 4 players in it!
  20. I like Riskrunner as an option. All I'd say to people is make sure you have a number of high level guns that you can infuse into whatever you may need to call upon and grab some extra upgrade modules too to save the time and hassle. I'd argue at Templar stage it was always the sniper Hobgoblins that we're worse than the Ad-control. They only overwhelmed us if we didn't get the Minotaurs quickly that would spawn in the top corners of the map. Part of me suggests a decent scout to call on for some stages. I haven't got a decent Linear Fusion rifle though and I'm very much feeling like we'll need one for Atheon. I get that and its a difficult one to balance as they're non-FG. Ideally we can find more that would like to run it but with FGers getting behind this I cant see how they can take a slot over them right at this minute. I always felt more would FGers would be around and its great they are. Lets hope a few more come out of the woodwork too. Don't forget, I cant see a problem in getting them in a raid with us in the first few days I imagine, just might be difficult for other FGers to get to know them on the first time meeting is a Day 1 raid with the additional challenge that comes with it issall. 😅 It might help if they come over and do an intro? 😄
  21. Fantastic season. I can't actually believe we've been racing in this for 3 whole months. Insane, especially more so because of how many of you all turned up most weeks. Having 10+ FGers on the track is so awesome and it adds to the unpredictability of the whole league. I'm also proud that whilst we all had our own bumps and bruises through the weeks, we really didn't get at each other and showed that you can have a decent mini league and have a good laugh along the way. I doubt most places could do that. Huge kudos has to go to @phil bottle for arranging everything and pushing out races each week. It really helped keep the momentum going even through your busy spells outside of gaming. Well done @JBR-Kiwi for winning a super tight league and great job by @Greboth doing some awesome driving right down to the wire, not to mention his awesome articles that really brought the evenings to life. Let's hope this is the first of many now we have a lot of people really interested in what we're doing and see some of the promising improvements that many have made keep continuing. We could all be extremely closer next time! Oh, and don't worry Phil, I now know not to mess about with the wheel if I don't need to..those last few weeks can stay in your mind as a lovely memory for next season 😄😘
  22. I don't think this will be a problem - we could start mid-june but we have to be realistic and try to do this alongside people not always being here every week. Its worked well with the first league we did with us all individually and i can't see why it couldn't again. All in all whatever those teams are i'm cool with. I actually think we should pair up the remaining people too so they also get some form of a team but perhaps they don't need a specific manufacturer as their apearances won't impact it all as much. Good balance potentially - cos lets face it, having 20 of us all around to be in races would be so awesome. What you all reckon?
  23. Variety is the spice of life i'm finding - and pushing yourself into these things when you don't quite feel it will make an impact in a positive way. I don't mean all games too, i mean also getting out and about (not sure what the covid situation is though where you are). I love Destiny but I enjoy it far more now that I don't feel like i have to play it every day. Similar to BF5. A few rounds here and there are great or a night of it, and then i move to the next game we're all playing. Lets get another night setup even if its midweek on BF5 but also let us know what other games you have and when you're normally around so we can get other game nights in too 😎👍
  24. Great to see more fans at the grounds. Makes sucha adifference and will be interesting to see how players perform with them at the crowds now.
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