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Everything posted by GazzaGarratt

  1. Released on 1st April 2021 ACTIVITIES Strike: Proving Grounds Fixed an issue where players could get out of bounds during the Proving Grounds boss fight. Players must now take on the Right of Proving from an even playing field. Crucible Fixed an issue where Heavy ammo spawned under the Distant Shore map in some game modes GAMEPLAY AND INVESTMENT Bounties and Pursuits Fixed an issue impacting the glyph puzzles for the Xenophage Exotic quest chain. The Hive glyphs will now correctly react and respond when shot with semi-auto, burst, automatic, or energy weapon variants. Triumphs Fixed an issue where the The Insight Terminus Nightfall Triumph wasn't counting progress. Rewards Fixed an issue where Guardian Games Ghosts were removed from inventory. Alongside this hotfix, players who lost Guardian Games Ghosts will receive replacements upon log-in. If your Inventory is full when entering orbit, Ghosts will be forwarded to the Postmaster. View full update
  2. I'd like to see it because I never played KOTOR although I watched my Stepdad's son play it abit years and years ago and it looked pretty cool. Do you think they would make it for all platforms or just PC again?
  3. You don't need a teapot every time to make one you know! Just stick a teabag in a mug and wait for it to stew. I mean, its the same as coffee as you have to wait for it to cool down anyway 😄 Disgraceful. I'd love to find a coffee that isn't like drinking a Cig, so good luck with that one....and Earl Grey can get in the deepest darkest hole in the ground. Don't mix. Just do Tea, Paulo. I always knew you were the brightest one of the bunch 😎
  4. Right, I've had a quick play around and seen what I could work up with Owayo football kits as they can really customise kits further than the standard kits you can find at the most common places online. I've come up with a few designs and it would be cool to get all your thoughts on which ones you like...and maybe more ideas if you do think there is other things we can add! Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5 We can also change the colours but i'm mainly seeing the only real change to be the collar colour from white to black imo. Black and red are our main colours with a dash of white so it would be cool to keep those as primary colours for the 'Home' kit. Yes, you're now thinking we could do Home and Away?! Of course, its up to us what we do if we all want it. If we get enough interest - and that doesn't have to be just the FIFA FG lot as this is a cool enough jersey for anyone to have, we can buy in a bulk load to significantly reduce the cost. It can go from £65 to around £30-35 per shirt if we def know what we want. Also, we may be able to add names and numbers with that too. Examples are below: Let us know what you think on your options and also thoughts below would be ace! I love Option 1 but also like 2 and 3 too. GGFGFC!
  5. Right, its been a while in the FG Destiny clan thread so lets rev it back up again! I actually think lots has been happening and its been great to see so many of us be so active, especially in the Deep Stone Crypt raid. The DSC raid was probably the best thing to happen for us all since D1 as the raid is such a fun raid to complete and allows more of us to get used to how the mechanics work as it isn't the most complicated to learn either. Many thanks to La @RenFengge and Bob @Baabcat for setting lots of sessions and opportunity for us all to get some key objectives completed. Charlie @Venom coming more into the fold and helping out set up some goals and objective monitoring so we don't miss out on stuff has been amazeballs too. I really think this was a great time to get back into the game with out any FOMO or worry about grinding, since it is basically been completely watered down now. I think it would be ideal to start looking at the other raids now alongside keeping DSC runs going, as well as looking at a few other activities that Bob has noticed - especially GMs if people have had the time to rack up extra season levels which gives you extra power but also i'd like to see who wants/needs to look at Dungeons and the connected triumps, weapons, armour thats connected to all of these. Btw, i'm not expecting huge hours and this game only to be played by everyone. In fact, I think i only get a few times on it each week at max, especiallyas the season goes on and thats absolutely fine in my book. I'm definitely enjoying chilling in it more for the love of just doing a few bits and bobs as it keeps it fresh and lots of stuff to do. I'm gearing up for next season too, thats in a few weeks which i'm hoping i'll then get more time back on it, with more new stuff to play and also the reintroduction of Vault of Glass with its own updates. Looking forward to grabbing the Kabr Titan Armour again, one of the best sets in the whole game! If people have somethoughts on more stuff, sound off below and we can see what we can all do together. I know some of the new ones definitely could do with a helping hand 👍
  6. Looking back just at how far we've come as its good to take stock at our first proper little tourney for fun....and we've managed an incredible 40 GAMES. Whilst we're not finished by any means, I think thats an amazing effort so far so thank you all for trying to get games done and have a laugh along the way - even if its just to laugh at me and my woes 😄 I'd love to ask how you all are finding it, what you like and not like so much because it may help what we think about doing about the rest of this tourney and other potential knockout tourneys for fun, as always. I think it would be helpful to get feedback from the ones also that either have played a couple or no games at all to help understand what might be stopping you from joining in? I know the games only last around 10-15 mins so I was hoping to see eveeryone at least try a few games but be honest! Its all okay if you think something is stopping you and we can amend stuff moving forward for future things. Great to see a difference of results too. I've learned a lot about FIFA over this and that was one of my objectives out of it, as we all help each other leanr and get better alongside having some fun. Sound off below guys! 👇
  7. I hear you both, as EA do churn out the same game just with updated teams and drivers, similar to FIFA. However as i haven't played it for years and years i'm comfortable in buying at least one from new to see how it is...if i'm impatient I can see that F1 2020 is on sale right now on the PSN Store if I really wanted it. I think its not the same as playing GT Sport MP, as you say Phil. I think some won't get on with how the game flows and the speed of the cars. I just want to at some day have a fully fledged proper full race with full Qualifying. I did that way back on my last F1 game and i'd love to do it again if others want to join me. I think @Mikepjbell mentioned something about a co-op mode in game but not sure how that works?
  8. I've only just watched this now 🤣 and now i'm hyped. He already has the vibe that he could take the mantle of being the main hero to lead the next phase of Superheroes imo and its been far too long for a Martial Arts master to come on to our screens and blow us away. If its has the mix of the best Asian and Western films combined with the budget of Marvel, we should be in for a real treat.
  9. Is the new map in a rotation btw? Or can you still select Verdansk if its a pile of doodoo?
  10. Which one is better, FG decides! Tea or Coffee? I've also added Water and Alcohol for the drinkers that don't have warm drinks, you heathen lot. Tea all the way for me. Coffee stinks. It's just like drinking a cigarette for me. Or black tar. Whichever makes you feel better. Not too fussy about teabags either, apart from flavoured tea and Earl Grey which is basically drinking perfume. Yuk.
  11. Man, I hope this rotten luck changes soon! Great report as always @Greboth! ❤️
  12. Some really good drives throughout from what I could see this week. 1st and 2nd (@Greboth @JBR-Kiwi ) was kind of dictated by strategy mess ups so for me the stars were the middle of the pack with Clive @Teenwolf25 and Crispy @crispymorgan having their best drives since me, James @Lurch and Paul @slamminbones really struggled to keep the car quick and on the track. I think Clive just edged it for me, however there's no doubt Crispy will be a driver of the week over the next few weeks if he can avoid my utter rotten luck 😄 There might be a race report up soon to give more detail but for now let us know what you think if you saw or raced in it! Poll closes in 7 days
  13. A little work to do to get back up from Division 4 so lets see if we can get a few seasons in and back up to Division 2! GGFGFC!
  14. Happy birfayzzz Gary!! @techno ! Hope you enjoy the day shooting aliens in the face with a beer!! 😘❤👍
  15. Better late than never eh?! Forgot to put a poll up for March's Goal of the Month A few uploads of some of the FGFC crew courtesy of @Macca89 ❤️ As per February's one, poll open for 7 days, pick a winner and write in the comments below if you have any thoughts about them! If you want to find the goals, go and take a look at the FIFA FG GOTM - March 2021 Video Collections. You'll find these on the FIFA Game Hub Homepage and highlighted in on the Video section on FG. And while you're at it, take this as the pre-warning for getting April's Goals in before the end of this month on FG 😄
  16. Game comes out July 16th this year for PS4 and PS5. I'm interested for the first time in years because of our great races on GT Sport. Anyone else interested?
  17. You have the Pulse 3D one? Yeah my Astros now uses 2 slots because the stupid optical port has been removed 😤
  18. First BF5 FG Friday was a huge success so let's go and do it again tonight!! This is up for the 9th April so plenty of time to grab a copy of Battlefield 5 if you haven't already - £15 on most websites, or accessible via EA Play for £3-4.99 pm. Lets see how big we can make a huge war....i'm watching you FG snoopy snipers!
  19. Which one do you only like?!!? I mean, the fact you love GT and Motorsport, you should be giving this one a listen....its kind of iconic, especially to the F1 fans out there (most of the end bit of the song btw!)
  20. I recently bought a hub for my PS5 for the first time as the lack of open ports is utterly frustrating on these consoles. You need them for extra storage, camera, and support for headsets that optical support (because they also removed the optical port too) and now we need them for charging. I feel like PlayStation just kind of ripped up the rule book with most of the stuff they learned over the years and just put it out there with all the raw power and said to consumers 'you'll buy it anyway', which is a fair point. I'll try the rear ones...although i don't use rest mode much at all becuase when i turn it back on it doesn't seem to like the WiFi connection the next time it is on.
  21. Yeah I noticed that the animation had changed but I just assumed it was charging! It is a little frustrating that it seems to not really charge the controllers in rest mode now though. What settings do people have to make it work, if its possible?
  22. Awww man! His developer updates were awesome! Somehow this didn't come up on my feed so i'm unsure how much he is actually had involvement on Overwatch 2 but you immediately start to worry for it as he has been the face of the first game for many years now. Lets hope that it was already down the line of development whereby his stamp on it would've got through as he has certainly brought some good to the franchise. The game for me now needs OW 2, as the PvP side of things is pretty much what you see is what you get.
  23. You must've felt awesome to see the number drop below 200 Doc?! Well done mate, worked hard and earned that reward 😎 @Docwagon I don't think I could get near 2.5 hours, let alone 25 minutes for 5k!
  24. I actually think MK would be a fantastic series to create but you never know with films on how far they will go in terms of the overall story. I was always a Sub Zero fan more than Scorpion and the backstory does have him as a good guy, however after you find out that he kills Scorpions family because he thought Scorpion killed his. Whether they follow this in the movie i'm sure we will see how it pans out. As MK has 5 realms it also means that they can have characters come back in different forms that is perfectly acceptable to understand. Lets hope it can actually deliver a good story alongside a great action packed film!
  25. You mention Fleetwood Mac and now I have to stick this on a loop in the background for a bit 😄
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