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datfroggieguy last won the day on February 8 2020

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    California, USA
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    Female froggies and Mike.

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  1. I accepted, unfortunately my email for that older gamertag expired due to inactivity leaving no way to recover the account.
  2. Man that banner is old. I need a new one that doesn't have the [|A|] on it lol
  3. If anyone wants to que up "babyspitter" on PS5. Im on on my days off only but you wont regret the wins. Usually play rebirth but I like the big map too.
  4. The COD game actually let me keep the "datfroggieguy" gamertag for some reason.. none the less, I need new regiment invites. Lmao
  5. Probably can't change it to an existing account.
  6. Well, it's official, the account is gone. I went back to my original account from middle school so that I didn't have to deal with a new email. So as I dont like my old PSN name "babyspitter", that is what I'm stuck with and starting over on COD. 😒
  7. Yeah, it will not let me use the same email as it has been used, tried. Lol
  8. That phone number doesn't work, no longer in service.
  9. So, as for the "reactivation" of the Yahoo email @GazzaGarratt, its a no Bueno. I called Yahoo (they are a major company that actually has a phone number for support services) and there is no way to reactivate the account. You just have to make a new one. The screen @RenFengge found (I dont have access the email for my activision account) link, doesn't work. I don't think they have updated it or something. Activision has an address in Santa Monica CA so since I live in CA I may just make the 2 hour drive (give or take with traffic) and pay them an office visit.
  10. Well, basically, it goes like this. I had an email account "gloverjohndavid1990@yahoo.com" and was deactivated by Yahoo due to inactivity... Meaning I hadn't logged onto it for quite some time but my phone and computer are both signed onto it... My Sony account used this email and I was able to contact them and get it updated to a new email. My activision account is also linked to this old email account but now they want me to sign into the account and I don't remember the password. I can't change the password because due to the email being deactivated, I can't access it to change the password. Needless to say, my account seems to be gone now. Activision has NO CONTACT NUMBER for me to call to fix things. Does ANYONE know what I can do? I have gone to the support site and followed the link "screenshot below" and it doesn't work. Please someone help, I think COD is a gonner for me. I'm not very computer literate but I've researched what I can. I've even called Yahoo to reactivate the email and they said it's gone, they can't help. I'm not starting over on COD so if I can't get my account back then I'm done.
  11. Congrats all! Those trophies look awesome.
  12. So far the way prestigeing works is you automatically prestige when you reach the lvl. You don't have the choice. There are currently only 3 prestiges. After your 1st prestige you start at lvl1 and keep going up from there to a current max of 100. When season 1 starts, they are adding 4 more prestiges. The season lvls themselves are separate from the prestige and will reset upon new season. Your prestige lvl with stay the same. You get nothing special except a couple cosmetic items and prestige keys which you can't use yet. Your gear unlocks do not reset upon prestige. Prestige keys will be able to be used in the store hopefully at the start of season 1. My issue is all this excess xp I have.... will it bleed over or am I waiting xp on challenges..... im currently 70%+ done onn challenges.....
  13. Well, we have an issue... it isnt allowing FG at all.....
  14. It only allows up to 4 characters.
  15. I am putting this topic here because although I know this is a Call of Duty thing, we are 1 and not just separated by games. I would also like to include anyone to make recommendations. As some of you may know, Call of Duty Cold War has listed the FG as offensive clan tag. So I want to get some suggestions on how we want to represent ourselves on the new COD platform. The clan tag allows 4 spaces to display your clan tag representation. From what I can decipher, it does not allow FG to be back to back letters. I have not tried different options yet but will as soon as I can. Im assuming there has to be another letter or symbol between the 2 letters. I am posting this now to start getting options and I'll try to make a poll to vote. What I do ask is that if someone posts an optionnand you like it, please leave a like on the option so that I can see its popularity. I'll then create a poll at a later date for votes for the top 5 or 10. Once I figure out what limits us I'll update on here limitations to rule things out. Some examples so far that have been suggested to me are (F.G.), (FG01), (F.G), etc. (NOTE: THESE ARE NOT ACTIVE OPTIONS TO VOTE ON, IF YOU WANT ANY OF THESE TO BE AN OPTION, LIST IT TO BE VOTED ON) Thank you all for your time and if you have questions, please ask. Stay safe.
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