I've played a couple of hours so far and it's an amazingly beautiful game however I don't think it is very good at all. I'm hoping things will change but I fear there are too many problems built into the core design of the game. This is Doom by name but not by nature - for some reason they've made ammo very sparse which means you can't go in all guns blazing. Instead you have to conserve ammo and trickle bullets to trigger a glory kill on practically every enemy. The AI is insanely brutal and a complete mess - you can be overran from every direction in places and your health shredded with no hope of defending yourself. The melee function is so weak its pointless and the game seems to want you to use the chainsaw which is hopeless against 10+ enemies and also require fuel. I spend a lot of time evading and scavenging rather than shooting.
The environments are stunning but bland, and there is now a newly added emphasis on platforming which adds nothing other than more jumps and less open areas. The story is non-existent, the hub is horrible and the user interface is one of the worst I have ever seen - it's more colourful than a rainbow and looks like it's been ripped out of a game from the mid 2000's. Key information is not presented clearly or where you can see it mid-combat. The menus are not intuitive in the slightest and a lot of the story is played out through text logs which further takes away from any action. The game also has so many upgrade systems in play that it's now bordering on being an RPG. I can't believe this game has been given so much praise from the media as it's a terrible Doom game and an awful FPS in its own right.
The developers have basically tried to innovate Doom 2016 but have inadvertently just created another generic modern shooter we've seen so often in recent memory. Why the hell they couldn't have kept it as a traditional FPS is beyond me. Everything about this game feels off, flawed or just underwhelming.