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Everything posted by J4MES OX4D

  1. Microsoft Flight Simulator system requirements have been released | PC Gamer WWW.PCGAMER.COM Here's what you'll need to explore the world on your PC.
  2. It's arriving sooner than planned - something to further rival Twitch apparently.
  3. I'm gonna see how far away the PC release is and then decide from there. The demo was pretty good but the framerate I found a bit uncomfortable. If the PC release is about a year away then I may just look to pick it up anyway during the summer. I'd also go for God of War - that's about 35 hours. Jedi Fallen Order is about 12-18 and you could probably fit that in at some stage too. Definitely GoW is the best for me out of those.
  4. Their takeover seemed pretty hostile but the state of the publications particularly Deadspin at the time had to lead to pretty rapid and ruthless action because of the damage being done. The old owners cut their losses as finances were obliterated and key advertising was lost. Kotaku and Deadspin in particular were becoming known for ignoring their focuses of Sports and Gaming and instead writers using the domains to write personally-driven political articles unrelated to their topics. G/O came in quite heavy-handed and gave them a simple ultimatum - do your job properly or resign. The Deadspin editor got sacked outright for their past performance and the Kotaku staff on the other side then all banded around against the people that were paying their wages throwing all sorts of crazy accusations and statements like ''How am I supposed to write about games and not mention politics'' Schreier was a bit of a baby at times especially on Twitter but he was probably the only staff on their books that did the job properly and got results for their work. Back in the 90's every videogame journalist used to operate to this standard but nowadays a lot of writers use their position to get personal and then don't like it when their bosses finally pull them up about it.
  5. I had Crysis day one and I remember how visually superior it was to any other game at the time. Even today, it still looks better than a lot of games from around 2015. It still holds up graphically and even in gameplay terms. and it has been used as benchmark framework for an eternity now so much so it's turned into a long running meme. I played Crysis 2 over Christmas which is almost a decade old and that game could also pass for being released a couple of years ago. This remaster could go one of two ways; either it's just a lazy port for the latest consoles aka cash grab or if they do it from the ground up and incorporate their latest technology, it could really be a sight to behold.
  6. A huge departure for the industry which could be the final nail in the coffin for Kotaku. Schreier was probably the most recognised gaming journalist out there and had some huge stories over the years including the Anthem exposure. He was also the only one at Kotaku who didn't use the site to peddle their personal political propaganda and actually went out of his way to do proper journalism rather than generate articles from source material on Twitter and from other rival sites. Videogame journalism has been going down the toilet for many years and he was one of just a few that did their jobs properly. He was able to break barriers to get big news and people involved in the industry felt comfortable in reaching out to him to air their grievances. It'll be interesting to see where Kotaku goes now - their owners G/O media are constantly battling their own staff to ensure articles are gaming related and don't drift off into political nonsense and without the one real journalist they had left, it could be a right shitshow.
  7. Oh boy
  8. Very funny montage
  9. A good 'pay what you want' bundle from 2K on Humble Humble 2K's Game Together Bundle WWW.HUMBLEBUNDLE.COM Gather the gang for a night of gaming and support charity!
  10. New spin-off XCOM game on the way April 24th with an entry price at 50% off of just £8.49
  11. Assassin's Creed 2 free on uPlay
  12. One thing I don't like about the newer Bond's is the amount of special effects. I watched a documentary a while back and the amount used even for basic things is just ludicrous and it makes the production look lazy. The work that used to go into the films from the Pinewood technical team was amazing especially seeing how creative they were from the foreground miniatures or to building ingenious rigs for set-pieces. I saw a thing about Skyfall where in one scene the room being used for the shot was 75% generated by computer - they couldn't even be fucked to get simple props in. Although I enjoyed the Craig films apart from Quatum of Shithouse, they felt over the top in places and way too artificial. This is where it all started going wrong for me
  13. It's a semi-serious sandbox with some very enjoyable gameplay and funny moments. I took a put with this game on the 360 and found it to be a real surprise!
  14. Steam price has just been revealed; £34.99😂 I was expecting free to play or £10 tops! It was literally bargain bin material a month after release so much so they were giving it away. Now because of some mediocre update, they a virtually re-releasing the whole thing.
  15. Independence Day Resurgence was on last night and I have to say that it is one of the worst films I have watched in years, on par with the god awful fifth Die Hard film. The original Independence Day was an absolute blockbuster film and bloody entertaining but I can't believe how badly they did with the sequel. It's sitting at about 32 on Metacritic and I'm just wondering how it managed to get such a high score😎
  16. Sounds like another design calamity. A microphone on a controller is completely pointless.
  17. Quality!
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