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Everything posted by J4MES OX4D

  1. This is incredible news! The original Resident Evil trilogy is being brought back by GOG with the original releasing today and Resident Evil 2 and 3 launching soon. GOG is bringing the original Resident Evil trilogy back from the dead, and to digital PC storefronts for the first time | PC Gamer WWW.PCGAMER.COM Feeling pretty itchy tasty right about now. Resident Evil Bundle on GOG.com WWW.GOG.COM Includes: Resident Evil Resident Evil 2 Resident Evil 3 Resident Evil 2 and Resident E £8.99 each or £20.99 for the collection. I seriously cannot wait to revisit Resident Evil 2 again!
  2. Dr Disrespect finally confirms the reason for his lifetime Twitch ban, admits to messages with a minor that were 'in the direction of being inappropriate' | PC Gamer WWW.PCGAMER.COM The streamer said the 2017 DMs were a "mistake," but that he's not a "predator or pedophile."
  3. This has all resurfaced spectacularly in the last couple of days and we might finally have a conclusion incoming after it seemingly being brushed under the carpet after 4 years of legal wrangles. An ex-Twitch employee leaked that DrDisrespect was banned for supposedly messaging a minor and trying to meet up with them at a convention. This was denied by the Dr in a very vague and legally-leaning Tweet which didn't sit well with anyone. Just when it looked to be another rumour, it seems like damning evidence will be released shortly and this news reached Doc during his stream yesterday in which he then went into full panic-mode and said he was wanting to quit for good. To add further weight to the situation, Doc has also been sacked from his very own studio he co-founded. They appear to have spoken to 'all parties' involved so for them to take this action speaks volumes:- Dr Disrespect fired by the game studio he co-founded: 'It is our duty to act with dignity on behalf of all individuals involved' | PC Gamer WWW.PCGAMER.COM Days after allegations that he was banned from Twitch for inappropriately texting a minor, Dr Disrespect says he's taking a 'vacation' from streaming.
  4. Shocking performance from England today. Lucky to get a draw and were even worse than the first game. Just look so lacklustre in everything we do. The pitch didn't help but that didn't stop Denmark delivering a solid performance.
  5. Game released today in early access and it looks quite rough.
  6. MAG was a pretty decent and highly ambitious title but its reliance on needing 250 players a server whilst the game was competing massively with Modern Warfare 2 was just asking way too much. Bad Company 2 and Black Ops really added insult to injury and then Battlefield 3 finished it off almost. There is quite a few games that you can't get (legitimately) anymore which are bloody iconic - No One Lives Forever, Project IGI, Black and White and Battlefield 2142 are just a few. Games like the OG GTA trilogy have also been replaced with the Defective Edition and ones like The Sims 1+2 have been placed with the newer releases. I also think overwriting CSGO and Overwatch were terrible decisions especially the latter which completely replaced a legendary game for a hugely inferior sequel built purely on greed and silly decisions. A full legacy version of CSGO should've been left behind but now all traces of it have been removed essentially minus a watered-down backdoor version. Thank god for emulation!
  7. Perfect Dark on the 360 was a monumental disappointment. I think they should've remade the original but I'm still interested to see what a new game will bring.
  8. Last year I replayed the first two games which was nice. I played 3 back in the day but don't remember much about it but 4 was disappointing. I did enjoy 5 but I'm not sure the open world benefitted it all that much when compared to more linear-based missions. This will be interesting especially as a prequel which is definitely a good narrative choice as I don't think they could've done another one as a continuation.
  9. Did not expect a new Doom game!
  10. Grand Theft Auto IV (2008)
  11. Absolutely. It's not just about footballers abilities but what they bring to the dressing room and Grealish has been involved in the setup for years, has played with the likes of Stones, Walker and Foden for club and country and carries a huge presence off the field. His absence will surely be felt in more ways than one. If our midfield is as bland and limited as it looked the other day and it costs England then Southgate will be toast. I personally feel that we are going into this tournament with so many unproven players and whilst Maguire's absence is unfortunate and Maddison out of form, to drop someone like Grealish could be fatal.
  12. J4MES OX4D


    Just been released on Steam in early access and is another one of those photorealistic shooters like Unrecord. Not really interested but I hope one day a major developer utilises such aesthetics and makes a proper military-type sim out of it. We'll probably see more of these bordering on asset flips and whilst it's encouraging to see the potential, I think many will struggle to deliver a worthwhile concept over the visuals.
  13. England 0-1 Iceland A pretty shambolic way to go into the Euros especially with so many bad individual performances as well as a team collective. It's only a friendly but to lose a game like that with a big tournament a week away is not encouraging. I think we are really going to miss Maguire and Phil Foden also has to step it up like he does for club. For all his critics, Pickford is also a key player. Dropping Grealish is such a massive call especially when he maintained Henderson for so many years so that could come back to haunt Southgate.
  14. Crazy how 19 voted in favour of it. I think Wolves should've changed their approach and instead requested it be suspended and overhauled rather than it being outright removed. It's a wake-up call though but I hope this unanimous vote doesn't mean they can carry on like previous.
  15. My point is they will need to claw back the deficit on revenue of unit sales lost from players choosing the pass instead of paying full whack. So instead of getting $70 for a sale, they may get $1 for an install. That's probably another three extra bundles they'll factor in just to mitigate the difference there. Then will also need to reassure the shareholders that the product will make even more money than the previous outings especially with a racially new business model so I'd expect even more content padding thrown in for good measure. Not only that, they have paid off Bobby about $300,000,000 and they somehow need to start chipping away at the $70bn they blew on the merger. So sure, they could probably even afford to pay people $70 to play the game and still make billions but that isn't going to claw back the money lost at retail. Even though Microsoft print money for fun, the recent brutal layoffs, sweeping cut-backs and dismal growth numbers of their gaming division still demonstrate its ran as a typical business so it will be very interesting to see how this change will impact each aspect. Losing potentially $1bn at retail right off the bat is not a good start.
  16. They've spent the last decade covering up negatives attributed to active players and total unit sales and as they've got this down to a tee, I can't see them needing to do it again. I reckon they (Microsoft) are simply willing to take a monumental financial hit at launch in a bid to prop up game pass figures and then bleed what players are left even harder down the line to recoup any lost revenue. No matter how many more sign up to the pass just for this game, it wouldn't come anywhere close to had those prospective players bought it outright. They can also play the 'we have 25m players' card even thought they just count people who try the game once and aren't considered active players. I can see it going the same way as Starfield especially in terms in it failing to grow the pass and instead having existing pass holders getting a free ride. Bethesda thought they could get 100m users on board across 1bn devices and in the end they got about 10m players and new game pass subscriptions practically flatlined. Microsoft will need about 220m game pass subscribers every time they plug an in-house AAA title yet I don't think they've reached 40m yet and like the Epic Game Store, it ain't growing. Black Ops 6 is more a Gulf War game so it may have more modern elements and there's rumoured to be a mission surrounding 9/11 so the early 90's to 00's could very well be the setting.
  17. Dortmund 0-2 Real in the Champions League Final. First half was very entertaining and Dortmund were excellent but you always knew those missed chances and overall dominance would come back to haunt them. Took Real 70 minutes to get going and once they got the first one it was game over. Should've never taken off Adeyemi for Reus as that's when their attacking threat was erased and Reus is basically the Harry Kane-luck equivalent when it comes to winning things. Dortmund must really hate Wembley now - two Champions League finals and two defeats to Spurs there in 11 years🤣
  18. Chivalry 2 FREE on Epic until June 6th.
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