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Everything posted by jordie1892

  1. Hi All, With the Euros approaching in the summer, I figured we could hold our own set of international matches for the build up! I'm setting up a FIFA league, made up from teams participating in the Euros. I'll organize the fixtures (aiming for 1 or 2 a week if you can give me your thoughts), and keep an updated table. Obviously this is all for fun, but in order to keep everything fair I will be randomly generating fixtures for 3 placement matches. Based on the results (which I will ask you to send me privately) you will randomly be selected a team from one of the below tiers, with the better players being given more difficult teams. Again this is for fun, so I'm trusting everyone to try their best in these placement matches! There are a few teams left over, so in the event any more people want to join, we can do a reshuffle here. Tier 1 France, Germany, England, Portugal Tier 2 Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain Tier 3 Switzerland, Denmark, Austria, Poland Tier 4 Scotland, Turkey, Sweden, Russia There will be a custom FG FIFA trophy to play for, so it's all on the line! To get things going, can you please respond to this topic if you want to participate, I'm aiming to release the fixtures for the placement matches next weekend!
  2. Get the drinks in gents!
  3. Event Title: FG Friday - MW Remastered Event Author: jordie1892 Calendar: Community Calendar Event Date: 02/26/2021 08:00 PM Get the drinks in gents! FG Friday - MW Remastered N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
  4. I think the idea of a big and small partnerships is good, as long as everyone is comfortable with their players. Would be sick if you could share some of your builds, and perhaps a bit on how to cover passing lanes, since I always seem to play worse the bigger my player is! The reason I disagree with LM/RM positions, is because most of the attribute increases come in the form of defensive stats (which are still too low to be an effective defender), with the crossing and long passing being the main advantage. Being a winger gets you +4 acceleration and agility, and +3 balance and sprint speed, plus some minor boosts to dribbling and a few other stats. Just doesn't seem like a worthwhile trade off to me.
  5. Forward/Striker Recommended Positions: CF Height & Weight: 5’4/5’6, 119lbs Skill Points – Agility, Balance, Ball Control, Dribbling, Weak Foot, Skill Moves/Flair, Finishing, Pace You can see my build here: I’d highly recommend going with a CF over a ST, as ST’s tend to be suited to a target man style build, rather than a fast effective forward. Once again, small builds reign supreme up top. 5’4 119lbs is my recommendation here. It could be worth moving up to 5’6 to get on the end of a few more crosses, but ultimately, mobility is still the priority. For skill points again pace and dribbling/ball control/agility/balance are important. I’d still highly recommend 5* weak foot and skill moves, and then put everything else you can into your finishing. I personally struggle with the 'Macca specials' (finesse shots from range), but the finesse shot trait and curve could help massively if you wish to try these.
  6. Wingers Recommended Positions: LW/RW/CF Height & Weight: 5’4, 119lbs Skill Points – Agility, Balance, Ball Control, Dribbling, Crossing, Weak Foot, Skill Moves/Flair, Pace You can see my build here: When choosing a position here, it depends on whether you feel you will cut inside and play off the ST, or want to push out wide for the crosses. A CF will do the job nicely, with added shooting attributes, but I personally prefer the increase in agility, ball control, dribbling, balance, and crossing that a winger offers. Similar to a CAM, you want to make your winger as mobile as possible at 5’4, 119lbs. For skill points, putting all you can into pace and dribbling/agility/ball control/balance is a good start. I choose to run with 5* skills and weak foot to help create opportunities, as well as flair for the fun. Lastly I put points into crossing and curve for them beautiful driven crosses.
  7. Central Attacking Midfielder Recommended Positions: CAM/CF Height & Weight: 5’4, 119lbs Skill Points – Agility, Balance, Ball Control, Dribbling, Weak Foot, Skill Moves/Flair, Pace You can see my build here: Both the CAM and CF work brilliantly for centre attacking midfielders, with the former having an edge on passing, and the latter on shooting. For size, it is essential that you are as mobile as possible, so 5’4 and 119lbs is my preferred way to go. Strength shouldn't matter if the defenders can't get close to you! You have a few options for skill point allocation here, however I’d suggest pace, agility, ball control, balance and dribbling are a must have. I personally choose to run with 5* skills and the flair trait, however if you don’t think you will use them, there’s no point in getting them! 5* weak foot should be on your mind for all of your attacking builds, I also suggest the finesse shot trait, since it is only a few extra skill points. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to sacrifice some pace in favour of short passing and long passing, I’ve also chosen to put points into curve to help with long shots, crossing and free kicks.
  8. Centre Midfielder Recommended Positions: LWB/RWB/CM/CAM Height & Weight: 5’6/5’8/5'10, 119lbs Skill Points – Stamina, Defending, Agility, Balance, Ball Control, Dribbling, Short Passing, Long Passing, Pace You can see my build here: Probably the build I had the most trouble pulling together, particularly because the role changes depending on the formation. What you require from a CM in 5-2-2-1, is very different to a CM in a 4-1-2-1-2. What I have built here is my best attempt at a box-to-box CM. In terms of positions, I've found CM to have the most complete stats, though a wing back or CAM would work for more defensive or offensive builds respectively. For height I’d recommend either 5’6, 5’8, or 5'10. You don’t want to be completely useless going back, but will still need some mobility here. For weight, either 119lbs or 149lbs should work here. We need to spread our skill points out across the board here, starting with a heavy investment into stamina. Defending is important, as is agility, balance, ball control and dribbling. Short and Long passing is essential. In my build I’ve decided to invest into long shots and an extra star in weak foot, though you could easily move these across to further increase pace or defending, or look at 5* skills and the flair trait.
  9. Central Defensive Midfielder Recommended Positions: LB/RB/LWB/RWB/CM Height & Weight: 5’6/5’8/5’10/6'0, 119lbs/149lbs Skill Points – Stamina, Defending, Agility, Balance, Ball Control, Dribbling, Short Passing, Long Passing, Pace You can see my build here: In choosing a position here, I would highly recommend RB/LB/RWB/LWB over anything else. With a CDM, what you gain in short passing, you lose massively in pace and agility. Wing backs have better dribbing, crossing, and agility, whilst full backs have better defensive stats. I'd suggest anywhere from 5’6 – 6'0 , with a smaller build helping you track runs, and a larger build allowing you to dominate headers. I find a middle ground of 5’8 works best for me. For weight, again either 119bs or 149lbs works depending on your play style and what you are trying to achieve with your player. In terms of skill points, I’d recommend investing into all your physicals, defending, agility, balance, ball control, short passing, long passing and pace.
  10. Full Back/Wing Back Recommended Positions: LB/RB/LWB/RWB Height & Weight: 5’4 /5’6, 119lbs/149lbs Skill Points – Strength, Jumping, Stamina, Defending, Agility, Balance, Dribbling, Ball Control, Crossing, Pace You can see my build here: The first thing to note with the full back positions, is that they are arguably the only position which require left footers for he left side, and right footers for the right side. Every other position either doesn’t pass/shoot too often, or should have 5* weak foot. The added dribbling and crossing stats from a LWB/RWB make them more appealing to me, however a LB/RB should work just fine here also. In terms of size, you need to keep up with wingers who often have up to 97 pace! Being a smaller player is essential, with it being your choice as to whether you want the increased physical and defensive stats that the 149lbs will bring you over a 119lbs build. For skill points, you will want to invest heavily into stamina and defending. Agility, balance, ball control and dribbling are all well worth investing into. I’d suggest putting points into your crossing (and by proxy curve), then spending everything you can on pace!
  11. Centre Back Recommended Positions: CB/LB/RB Height & Weight: 5’8/5’10/6’0/6’2/6'4, 149lbs Skill Points – Strength, Jumping, Defending, Agility, Heading, Pace You can see my personal build here: If you are confident in your ability to read the game, and feel you can track incoming runs, then playing as a CB would be perfect for you. Personally, I like to give myself a better chance of recovering from mistakes at the back, and find the added pace and agility from a LB/RB suits me well. There is the option of playing as a LWB/RWB, where you will lose out on defensive stats but gain dribbling stats, though I would only do this if you are trying to spread your builds out to cover the entire pitch. In terms of size, I personally think anywhere from 5'8 to 6'4 could be viable! Again, it depends on your personal play style. I would highly recommend however that you stick to 149lbs to get the best phsical and defensive stats out of your defender. For your skill points, you want to invest heavily into your physicals, though don’t really need the stamina advanced focus or second wind trait. I’d recommend grabbing everything in the defending tree. It is vital that you have good agility so invest on the eft side of the dribbling skill tree. I put a few points into my short passing, though this is low priority in comparison to other skills. For shooting I invested in the power header trait, though this is only necessary in attacking set piece situations. Again, this isn’t as high priority as some of the other skills. Lastly, putting everything you can into pace, to try and keep up with the tiny attackers!
  12. Quick Links Centre Back Full Back/Wing Back Central Defensive Midfielder Centre Midfielder Central Attacking Midfielder Winger Forward/Striker Intro This is a short guide containing information to help you get the most out of your Pro Clubs player. It isn’t intended to force you to play a certain way, rather to give you my personal opinions at to what works best for each spot on the pitch. There are three main elements which make up your pro, which are position, height/weight, and skill points. I will give my recommendations on these for each spot on the pitch (excluding the GK). Player Position To support of these recommendations, I went ahead and created a fresh pro on the PS5 version of the game, to get an idea as to the base attributes of each position. I then created this spreadsheet, which shows the differences in stats across the positions, for a player who is 5’10 and 99lbs. These stats will increase naturally as you play more games but should give a general idea. It is important to note, these stats can change dramatically with height and weight (for example a CB is the weakest at 99bs, but the strongest at 249lbs). Height & Weight Obviously, the taller and heavier your player, the better his physicals but the lower his pace. Whilst it is possible to play with a larger build (just look at James), most players will struggle. On the subject of height, your stats change with every 2” you add/decrease. There is no benefit to being 5’11 over 6’0 for example as your stats will be the same, but you will be losing an inch (and who can afford that?). Always make sure your pros height ends with an even number! Throughout the guide, I’ll be recommending ither 119lbs or 149lbs on each build. There is no difference from 99lbs to 119lbs, and from 121lbs to 149lbs however. Skill Points You will earn skill points simply by playing games, up to a cap of 110. Your stats will continue to grow naturally after you hit the cap however. Second Wind I did want to leave a note regarding second wind here, before I get into the builds. The trait increases energy at the end of a match. If you are consistently finding yourself with no stamina at the end of a game, it’s worth considering throwing this trait on. Whilst I feel I can effectively manage my stamina without it (and therefore don’t include it in my own builds), it can be a life-saver for some!
  13. It's been a couple weeks, figured we could do with some GTA! Grab some beers, get some races in, then head to Wreckfest/FIFA/Overwatch/Battlefield etc.
  14. Event Title: FG Friday - GTA Races Event Author: jordie1892 Calendar: Community Calendar Event Date: 02/19/2021 08:00 PM It's been a couple weeks, figured we could do with some GTA! Grab some beers, get some races in, then head to Wreckfest/FIFA/Overwatch/Battlefield etc. FG Friday - GTA Races N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
  15. I think what Macca touched on is the important thing to remember, with a few builds you can essentially cover the entire pitch. You can have a CF at ST, LW at RW etc with no negative effects. If you look at the difference in attributes, it's more often than not better to play out of position! Personally I'm now using: CF (ST/CF/CAM) RW (LW/RW/LAM/RAM) RB(CDM/RWB/LWB/RB/LB/CB) CM GK I think it's really worth taking the time to look at the changes in stats between positions/height/weight, and what you are trying to achieve with your builds. Some hot takes: I don't see the point of a ST unless you're a target man, CF can do most things better! I also don't see the point in LM/RM. LW/RW have better pace and dribbling, which are far more important than defensive stats increase. I've changed my mind since earlier in clubs, and now run a RB over a RWB. I'm trying to be more disciplined when in defensive positions, and therefore don't really need the better crossing/dribbling. 1 less pace is unfortunate, but the physical and defensive increases are worth it IMO. The majority of attackers are 5'4/99lbs, and therefore low strength. I dont feel the extra strength in a CDM is necessary, and would rather have the massive pace, agility and balance increases that a RB provides. I personally don't invest in stamina in anything other than my CM/RB. If you are smart with your runs going forward, you should last the full 90 no problem. Those skill points can be really handy elsewhere. I'm interested in knowing what height/weight you guys are running with across your builds?
  16. Another great write up pal! Think mastering CB is my new goal😁
  17. I haven't been paying close enough attention to really have any decent predictions. Can see The Fiend coming back, think Edge and Daniel Bryan are the favourites to win. It's going to be a really weird rumble without the crowd pops though 🙃
  18. Had a go at doing an edit on my lunch break. Quickly realised I don't have the time or patience for Youtube...
  19. I've had a look around, this definitely looks the way to go. The Arctis 9's are on the way! Appreciate the recommendation!
  20. After hearing my terrible mic quality in a few videos, figured it was time for a long overdue upgrade. Have a budget of around £200, though if there's something cheaper that's really good value all the better! Anyone have any recommendations?
  21. I just completed this quiz. My Score 66/100 My Time 111 seconds  
  22. I think the Ashoka episode topped this one for me, still brilliant nonetheless. The show hasn't really missed so far. I'm interested to see where they take it. Having Boba Fett, Ashoka, Luke opens things up massively. I'm assuming it's not the last we'll see of Mando and Baby Yoda together, as Baby Yoda has been a huge draw for casual viewers.
  23. Congrats to all the winners, big props to @GazzaGarrattfor pulling this together!
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