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Everything posted by jordie1892

  1. I've booked the 26th off work to play. It's been way too long since I've had a day-long gaming session, feel like this is the perfect game to treat myself to!
  2. Yo! I'm actually at a house party tonight, and a school reunion tomorrow. Probs easiest for me on weekdays these days! I'll try and grab a copy over the weekend 😉
  3. He's been my Avatar forever! Never changing 😂 Hey! Real life is going well! I've had a pretty major promotion at work, I'm now the UK Marketing Manager, so that's keeping me busy! Still at the gym most weekdays, then partying weekends, so can't complain 😂 I played about half a season last season, though decided I just wasn't feeling it like I used to. Something about being hungover in a cold field on a Saturday morning wasn't appealing to me 😂 How have things been with you? It's probably a jealousy thing. It's fine, I understand 😉😂
  4. Wassup y'all? I realised its time for my yearly appearance on the forum to say hi! For those that don't know me, my name is Jordie, I'm 23 from the UK. I joined this forum back in 2013, though have been involved in this wonderful community since 2009. I haven't been gaming much (at all) over the last few years, nor participating on the forum, instead taking some time to focus on the real world. Regardless, it's always nice to come back seeing familiar names. I don't want to make any promises that I'll be a super active member, nor that I'll be online too often, but with Fallout and Red Dead 2 coming out, I'm more likely now than ever 😂. How are you all doing?
  5. Defo man, I was down this past Monday, so I think it'll likely be December when I'm next down. I didn't really get into Destiny 1, I'm sure we'll game at some point 👍 And the 2.0 of course
  6. Definitely man! I'm at 230 right now, so I've still got some grinding to do... How are you finding being vegan? I think a change of diet is way harder than going to the gym!
  7. Cheers bud! Yeah, I'm still at the publishers, though my roles changed quite a bit since I was last here. Was lucky enough to represent my company at the British Book awards earlier in the summer which was pretty cool. There's actually some talk of a management position opening up soon which could be interesting... How are things your end?
  8. Literally all the hangovers. All of them. Now driving a 2010 Scirocco TSI, bit of a step up from the Mini I played some games at the start of the season (even scored a cheeky lob) but realised I'd much rather be in bed on a cold saturday morning. I've been going to the gym religiously over the last 5 months, managed to go from 156lbs to 170lbs, but still have some way to go. I never took 'before' images, but the below will give a rough idea at where I'm at. I never stick to PPR's, but it could be a good way to track fitness goals... The imaginarium looks sick, take it you're doing that with work?I tend to head down to London for work once a month or so, so I'll definitely head over if I get the chance!
  9. Cheers for the welcome guys! Long time no speak! Life's good! New car, gotten a lot fitter, suffered way more hangovers than I thought was possible! I do have steam, though know nothing about 7 days to die. I'll go check it out.
  10. It's not the first time that's been a problem I've picked up Destiny 2, been playing that over the weekend. Just need to grind out my power level a little bit before I can think about raids etc. I'll probably go ahead and pick up CoD on my lunch break. May also need a new headset... What sort of times do people head on these days? I can probs head on after the gym around 9ish?
  11. Hey Y'all! It's been well over a year since I last showed up around here, or have been involved in the community as a whole! I kinda left without much explanation, which I apologise for, but I had to focus on the real world for a little while. For those who don't know me, my names Jordie, I'm 22 from the UK. I've been a part of this little corner of the internet since around 2009. I've barely been gaming over the last year, just the odd match of FIFA really, however with Destiny 2 and Call of Duty being out now, I figured it'd be a good time to get back into things! As a side note, I'm guessing the WhatsApp is still going? I've had a different number for quite a while now and need to get back on it!
  12. I usually avoid the radio like the plague, but I came across this today (and I'm late to the party). Dude can sing his ass off.
  13. I can't comment on bread, but Drifters beard is on point.
  14. I will buy it, I will die in it, but I will conquer it.
  15. I work in Sywell, Northamptonshire, over 50 miles away from Oxford, and it rattled the windows in our office. We thought there was an explosion nearby
  16. Looks sick Rich! Once again insanely jealous of your job . I've never touched a Final Fantasy game before, but I might have to give this a go...
  17. The Championship is the division below the Premiership. Every year, the top 3 championship sides get promoted into the premiership, and in turn the bottom 3 premiership sides get relegated into the championship. Believe it or not, Leicester were a championship side just a couple of years ago!
  18. Scousers are similar to Sampson. There's a reason we lost our strenth when the 'tashes left! Our next two games are Tottenham home and Borussia away. Depending on which Liverpool turns up, it'll either be two good battles or we'll get spanked twice in a row The Borussia game on the 7th of April (20:05 UK time) will have an absolutely electric atmosphere. Liverpool might get wrecked, but it'll be a hell of an occasion.
  19. Damn straight! Anyway.... jordie1892's super long post on why you should support Liverpool! Founded in 1892 (hence my name), Liverpool is a team steeped in history. The second most successful team in English history, we've been through the lowest of the low (look up the Hillsborough disaster and the Justice for the 96 campaign), the highest of the highs (1962-67, 77-85, the 2005 Champions league etc.) and are currently in a time of great upheaval. Our team is definitely not what it used to be, with none of the current squad holding a candle to the likes of Suarez, Gerrard, Dalglish, Rush or other legends. We do however have some promising talents (we have the second youngest team in the prem) with Coutinho, Firmino, Sturridge and Origi leading the line. We're in rollercoaster form this season, having beat Man City 4-1 and 3-0 , Southampton 6-1 and Aston Villa 6-0, it's clear we can rack in the goals. We have however had the complete opposite with embarrassing losses like 0-3 against Watford, 0-3 against West Ham, and 0-2 against Newcastle. This inconsistency can be put down to our new, fast, exciting style of play called "gegenpressing", or heavy metal football. Introduced by our much loved new manager Jurgen Klopp (a reason by many to support Liverpool on his own), we apply constant pressure to the opponents, never giving them time on the ball. This allows us to nick the ball, counter quickly and hopefully score some goals. Very similar to blitzing in Hand Egg. You can see an example below. Our passionate new manager Jurgen Klopp, is a character loved by nearly all football fans. With the summer transfer window appearing in a few months you can expect him to attract some top signings. Despite all of this, my top reason for being a Liverpool fan, is that Liverpool fans are fucking awesome (and I'm not just saying that). Lot's of tongue-in-cheek scouse humour, passionate singing, beer bellies and bald heads! Bonus Videos Time: In my bias opinion, the greatest comeback in sporting history. Liverpool overcome the odds to claw back from 3-0 down at half time, to beat a star filled AC Milan team in the 2005 Champions League Final, often called the "Miracle of Istanbul" To follow on from the last video, Liverpool fans singing "You'll Never Walk Alone", whilst 3-0 down at halftime in Istanbul. This is passion. Our style of play analysed by the great Alan Shearer: Klopp!
  20. I wish I could use the bow.... or throw weapons. I'm terrible at range with anything other than the rifle or blowdart gun My rule with F.U.N.C is to only use it on airdrops, or health if desperate. Only after I've got good gear will I try my luck with blue boxes
  21. Right now I'm just using the random air drop and calling in as many as possible to unlock them all. For me a match goes something like: Backpack, sneaky perk thing, 10% movement speed perk Spawn Craft a blowdart gun and knife (and turn the knife into a spear asap). This is usually enough to put up a good fight at the early stages. Hoard all of the FUNC I can. I put almost everything in the recycling machines that I find, as well as collecting FUNC canisters on the edges of the map. If I see an unnaware, easy target I'll jump on them. Otherwise I avoid conflict initially. Call in the airdrop as soon as possible. I find drops with the rifle and pistol to be the best so far. Continue to circle the map, gathering FUNC for ammo and looking for a better melee weapon and med items. Continue to pick off weak targets. Eventually run to the middle and try to survive... The odds are obviously against you every game, but this has helped me win a few times so far
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