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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. Typically we used to the league race first but we can make it the second or whatever as you can’t miss every league race.
  2. Nice one Phil! It’s been a while and looking forward to this.
  3. To be honest whenever you want as you're always whitelisted 🙂 Though if you let me know when you're getting on, I'll probably be able to join in case you have any questions. Though the beginning of the game is vanilla as you need items from the end to get in to running vaults which you should be familiar with from the realm. From an actual mod point of view though there's not really anything too interesting as there aren't a lot of mods. The big thing are the vaults which adds an almost PvE aspect to the game, each one has different modifiers and the room generation is random so you never know what you're going to get.
  4. Having mostly completed Cuboid Outpost, it's time for a new pack, this time Vault Hunters - A dungeon crawler RPG modpack. You start off in a vanilla world with very few mods available to you but a few skill points to put in to skills and abilities as you like. The vanilla game needs to be completed first but once done you can start running vaults - a maze like dungeon full of random rooms, mobs, loot and if you're feeling brave a boss because if you die in a vault, or don't get out before the timer runs out, there's no way to get your items. Running vaults will allow you to earn and unlock more skills and abilities as well as start to unlock mods. To run a vault, you need a vault crystal and 4 random items so the more you play the more mods you unlock making life outside the vault easier while the vaults get harder as you level up. There's a website for the modpack which explains all the skills and abilities you can unlock. Vault Hunters VAULTHUNTERS.GG Build an amazing base, level up and spend skill points to grow stronger, conquer the vaults and complete the artifact puzzle! - Do you have... Modpack: Vault Hunters version 1.13.9L (Make sure it is the L, as there's 3 13.9 versions but the L has a couple of important bug fixes) Server IP address: The server runs a whitelist which I've whitelisted the people who have played before but if you want to access the server and can't, let me know. As normal, I've pre-generated the world to help with lag, about 1200 blocks (~75 chunks) in each direction from spawn. I've screenshot the map below in case you want to head off somewhere specific. I forgot to mark spawn, but it's the orange desert roughly in the middle of the image. I was going to note some tips and tricks but someone has already compiled a lot of information, linked below. GUIDE TO VAULT HUNTERS! - Google Docs DOCS.GOOGLE.COM Vault Hunters - a Guide! Made by Damnsecci, DawnRune, Cheeky43, GreatLakesGirl and Rebs2222. DISCLAIMER; If you would like to use... @Plumbers Crack @Misneach_ tagging you both so you know I've updated the server.
  5. tbh the footsteps are loud enough on MW2019 that you can still hear them while having a poo.
  6. The thing is I, and others, would like to go back to the OG MW2 style. Dead silence was a perk but there was a counter perk that made footsteps louder. So those running dead silence would be as loud as normal, while people not running it would be even louder. They quieter and louder footsteps were both perk 3. Which ties in nicely to my earier post. It allowed you to pick how you wanted to play and how you wanted to be stronger (quiet footsteps) vs how it would make you weaker (hearing other less easily). As for the footsteps on the beta, I think they’re louder than MW2019. However my time on the beta was mostly solo whereas almost all my time on MW2019 was in a party.
  7. It’s ludicrous to think 2 GPU generations ago I built a whole PC with a 2080 for less than these cost. Logically I can somewhat understand the price increases, there’s no getting away from the raw manufacturing costs have gone up 20%-30%. But the thought of spending that much 🤯 It’s a shame as I was considering a 40 series up grade but looks like I’ll be keeping my current card for a bit longer.
  8. IW comments: https://www.infinityward.com/news/2022/09/modern-warfare-ii-beta-weekend-one-community-update?fbclid=IwAR0zRZjLFqw22_Qy_tY20mhBVAH_S-BDtaWFNxvTcacT5hgihQfHViYDzkw The amount of flak they’re getting is quite funny. Though it is hard to claim your listening to your fans when doing the opposite of what most people want.
  9. I mean that's how the perk system works in MW2 too, you choose what perks you get and you know how to get them. The specifics are different; time vs kills, the number of additional perks you get but generally speaking both are methods for players having base perks and additional perks which they get during a match. I do agree with you it's a flawed system though I think it could be balanced to work rather than just scrapping it entirely.
  10. To be fair, as an idea I quite like the perk system. It kinda plays like the older CoD's where you earned more perks instead of killstreaks (I want to say it was called Specialist?). It's the balance of it I'm not so keen on - CoD to me has always been about making the choice of how you want to play and what compromises you want to make on your loadout. A great example that I keep changing between on MW2019 is Killchain where killstreaks count towards future streaks and EOD because of the grenade/RPG spam (especially in hardcore). It's the risk of being weaker against the chance of better rewards. But have an enemy team have a good start with UAV spam and your match is basically over as the enemy team know where you are the entire game with no chance of you "unlocking" ghost during the match. Thankfully I've only had a few matches totally snowball in to constant deaths due to UAV spam. However it still puts a massive advantage on the first team that gets a UAV because there's no counter until much later in the match.
  11. They haven’t. This seems to be like MW2019. Most often it is final kill but occasionally you get POTG instead.
  12. There's definitely some connection issues at the moment but hopefully that is just because of the reduced numbers on the beta. I really don't like the new perk system though, you choose 2 base perks which you have then you choose 2 additional perks; if you play well you get the first and then continue to play well you get the second. It doesn't sound too bad from the description except both cold blooded and ghost are in the additional perks. So if the enemy team has a good start to the match it's incredibly hard to pull back as you don't get enough points (or whatever the metric is) to get your additional perks so just die more to kill streaks and UAV spam. Thankfully it doesn't seem to happen too often but I have had a handful of matches that just end up a runaway game for the winning side. Another negative is Marksman rifles are shit! I want to love them because I'd rather be accurate and less shots than spray and pray but they're rubbish. They're one shot kill at close range but anything over, I'd guess 20 metres, is 2 shot and if you're going across map long shots even a head shot isn't a one shot kill. Assault rifles seem to have about the same damage drop off but the much higher fire rate makes them much easier or if you want the longer range, use a sniper then as they don't suffer the drop off. They're really the only big negatives in my opinion. It plays quite a lot like MW2019, which is good, and overall I'm quite enjoying it.
  13. It’s cross play when it comes to multiplayer so different generations can play against each other. I’ve not been able to find details on if you can play together if cross gen. I’d assume we will be able to but probably through Activision ID’s rather than PSN’s.
  14. Yeah cause those 5 button presses to cancel an Amazon order are so arduous. I'll still cancel it if it's shit but it costs me literally nothing to get a couple extra days with the beta so why wouldn't I?
  15. I know how that goes! Cobra Kai is definitely a bingeable show. I've not watched S5 yet but shall be catch up on it later this week.
  16. I hadn’t pre-oredered so thanks for the reminder. It’s a bit late but hopefully I can still get the early access beta.
  17. For the modded server, I download the world before changing pack. Assuming the realm has the option Matt could download the world so it could be restored if we want a server in the future. I don’t generally play on the realm but it would kinda be sad to see it go being it’s the only one everyone can get on. Though if it isn’t being used then it’s understandable if it goes. After 3 years (or 4years?) of the modded server it is getting harder to find new packs without basically playing the same packs. But as long as I can find packs or people want to play, the modded server shall be up 🙂 As for the rest, I still haven’t tried Valheim but know I should. Also, even though I know there’s the list, I didn’t know we had a vanilla 7 Days server. But I find 7 Days has it’s peaks and troughs so if no-one plays it maybe get rid until there’s more interest again.
  18. ‘bout fucking time you got your introduction done. We can now officially say welcome to the forum.
  19. I am a royalist but have never had much interest in the royals. So i’m quite surprised at the impact this has had. It kinda feels like the whole nation has lost its grandmother. She did a lot for this country and dedicated her whole life to the service of the country is something to admire. She was such a constant for so long that not having Queen Elizabeth is going to be weird. Even little things like can you imagine a tenner without the queens face on it? The Queen is dead. Long live the King.
  20. I can post on OCUK to see if anyone wants to join as the more the merrier. We could use the in-game time trial for this but post results here to keep track of our times. In sport mode there’s a time trial that, I think, runs for 2 weeks at a time. It pays out quite well too and, given it’s a sport mode, you can rent a car so there’s no concerns about someone not having a car/class of car.
  21. Like you have to ask if I’m in. I’m pretty flexible on timing and days so will leave that up to people who aren’t.
  22. It's easy to say today that it's not impressive as it isn't hard to make a geared machine that provides an analogy to our solar system. To do that 2000+ years ago however is crazy! Just tracking the moon or sun a day or week in advance is impressive. Veritasium did an interesting video on mechanical computers which includes the Antikythera mechanism and others
  23. I know a lot of people like WaW and the original Blops but neither ever clicked for me. MW2 has to be the top dog I think though only narrowly beating Blops2 for me. So my top 3 would be MW2, Blops 2, Cod4. Though equally I could put MW3, Blops 3 or MW2019 in third place.
  24. @Plumbers Crack Dave and I managed to get for a couple of hours last night to start our journey towards survival. We started out at Outpost 42, a standard outpost with the basics to survive. Including some basic power, a small amount of digital storage and a couple machines most notably a pulverizer and electric furnace. We spent out first few days and nights completing the first handful of quest steps; gathering some basic resources and a few drops from mobs. The world is a barren place with only snow and notsogudiam stone but thankfully the notsogudium can be smelted in to basic ingots allowing us to make some basic armour and tools. Running the notsogodium chunks we got from mining through the pulverizer not only allows us to double our ingot production it also allows us to get additional silica dust which I'm sure will be useful later. In hunting some mobs we have had a few small creeper incidents We thankfully got away with our lives, though myself only narrowly getting back in to the outpost with half a heart of health remaining. Dave survived the creepers too right up until he uttered his final words "oh look an Enderman" for the death message to appear that Dave was killed by said Enderman. The left most hole in the snow in the above is our mine where we've been gathering the notsogudium to make our tools and start to expand our machinery to make life at this outpost better. The outpost is located in a frozen ocean, so I dug down and placed some water so we could gather some squid which I know we'll need shortly. We had a few basic rations but those went quickly once we started to take damage from mob hunting so the water also allows us to hunt some fish which are our primary source of food currently. We have managed to add a little to our oupost though, adding a few furnaces allowing us to smelt more items and with the aid of a couple of hoppers, semi automate the smelting of the mined notsogudium chunks in to ingots. This allowed us to collect enough notsogudium to make a singularity that produces infinite quantities of notsogudium chunks. We've fed this directly in to a chest and in to the pulverizer and furnace combo to automatically produce ingots for us. Tucked in the corner is also a coal singularity that produces infinite coal. It takes gathering several hundreds of any resource to make a singularity so it's going to be a while until we singularities for other resources. Due to the collapse of our home planet, we've been left with basically no resources so for now we're limited to the outpost. But we're working towards brining back organic life and growing our first tree in this barren featureless snow covered world. Once we have access to wood, our lives should become easier as we get access to apples to eat and wood to extend our outpost. It also open up our ability to produce more resources as we move from surviving to thriving but that will have to wait until next time.
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