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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. @Plumbers Crack Dave and I managed to get for a couple of hours last night to start our journey towards survival. We started out at Outpost 42, a standard outpost with the basics to survive. Including some basic power, a small amount of digital storage and a couple machines most notably a pulverizer and electric furnace. We spent out first few days and nights completing the first handful of quest steps; gathering some basic resources and a few drops from mobs. The world is a barren place with only snow and notsogudiam stone but thankfully the notsogudium can be smelted in to basic ingots allowing us to make some basic armour and tools. Running the notsogodium chunks we got from mining through the pulverizer not only allows us to double our ingot production it also allows us to get additional silica dust which I'm sure will be useful later. In hunting some mobs we have had a few small creeper incidents We thankfully got away with our lives, though myself only narrowly getting back in to the outpost with half a heart of health remaining. Dave survived the creepers too right up until he uttered his final words "oh look an Enderman" for the death message to appear that Dave was killed by said Enderman. The left most hole in the snow in the above is our mine where we've been gathering the notsogudium to make our tools and start to expand our machinery to make life at this outpost better. The outpost is located in a frozen ocean, so I dug down and placed some water so we could gather some squid which I know we'll need shortly. We had a few basic rations but those went quickly once we started to take damage from mob hunting so the water also allows us to hunt some fish which are our primary source of food currently. We have managed to add a little to our oupost though, adding a few furnaces allowing us to smelt more items and with the aid of a couple of hoppers, semi automate the smelting of the mined notsogudium chunks in to ingots. This allowed us to collect enough notsogudium to make a singularity that produces infinite quantities of notsogudium chunks. We've fed this directly in to a chest and in to the pulverizer and furnace combo to automatically produce ingots for us. Tucked in the corner is also a coal singularity that produces infinite coal. It takes gathering several hundreds of any resource to make a singularity so it's going to be a while until we singularities for other resources. Due to the collapse of our home planet, we've been left with basically no resources so for now we're limited to the outpost. But we're working towards brining back organic life and growing our first tree in this barren featureless snow covered world. Once we have access to wood, our lives should become easier as we get access to apples to eat and wood to extend our outpost. It also open up our ability to produce more resources as we move from surviving to thriving but that will have to wait until next time.
  2. You’re always whitelisted….well except the times I forget when resetting the server but lets gloss over that. You better get on early then as Matt @Misneach_ will have dug a huge hole, jankily built every machine in said hole and have the pack completed in roughly 27 minutes 😂
  3. This is the start event for the modded Minecraft server switch to playing Cuboid Outpost. A co-operative quest based modpack. Full details of the pack can be found in the thread:
  4. We have reached the end of the current modpack so the server will be changing over to a new pack. As it's a co-operative quest based pack I am posting up and will put an event up for anyone that wants to join at the beginning. The event will be 20:00 Monday 25 July and the server won't be available until this time. What modpack is it? Cuboid Outpost Luxury edition (version 1.1.2) https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/cuboid-outpost-le What’s the story of ‘Cuboid Outpost’? You’re stranded on a barren planet, life as you know it has come to an abrupt end, and you need to recreate civilization. There are a few twists and turns along the way of course! You start off at Cuboid Oupost 42, with minimal supplies but some decent equipment, only to find out that the Science Division at Cuboid Corp have accidently started a chain reaction that very shortly will bring about the total annihilation of your home planet. Effectively, you’re standard! Luckily there was just enough time for your supervisor to put together a digital survival guide to help you survive, restart life, and even travel to new dimensions. What sort of modpack is it? A beginner to intermediate tech pack with a lot of quests, that are shared and completed co-operatively, for those looking for something not too hard or expert. The pack features a slightly different start to most packs and has a skyblock like experience without the skyblock. How to install the modpack? Unfortunately most modpacks can no longer be download using MultiMC so need to be downloaded through the Curseforge launcher. The Curseforge launcher though, like MultiMC, does take a lot of the hassle out of modded like installing multiple versions of Minecraft, installing the right version of Forge etc. Installing packs is reasonably self-explanatory; on the link above click the orange install button which will install the Curseforge launcher. Once installed, select Minecraft and search for the modpack "Cuboid outpost" and make sure you install the luxury version. It should take a few minutes to download the pack. Before launching it, click the settings icon in the bottom left corner, select minecraft from the list on the left and increase the allocated memory to 6Gb (6,144 Mb) at minimum but recommended is 8Gb (8,192Mb). Hovering over the modpack you should be able to select play, this should open the Minecraft launcher and you need to click the play button in the middle. Any problems, I'm happy to help or go through it on Discord or even make a video for installing packs. This is a relatively small modpack but will still take a minute or 2 to load it. Server details; IP Address: The server runs a whitelist so if you want to join, let me know your username and I will add you to the whitelist.
  5. I just completed this quiz. My Score 33/100 My Time 214 seconds  
  6. I saw it posted earlier by Grian. He wasn't someone I watched but 23 is no age 😞
  7. Previous GTA race nights we've used the PS4 version.
  8. Count me in! Team Grebones FTW!
  9. 'Budget' isn't the problem though, the RRP of GPU's honestly isn't too bad with a 3080 only being ~£100 more than a 1080. Third party manufacturers have always been more but the problem is that even the "budget" ones are £150-£200 over RRP with some getting close to double RRP. Yet a lot of cards are out of stock because people are still buying them. So make an actual budget card, or price as such, when you can double your profit on all your cards.
  10. Quoted for the truth. SBMM has it's place but it shouldn't be the defacto matchmaking. SBMM was introduced as a way to increase enjoyment and stop noobs getting stomped but all it seems to have done is make sweatier lobbies. Sure in the (original) MW and MW2 days you'd get stomped occasionally but equally you would occasionally stomp too so it all evened out.
  11. I’m always going to suggest Gr. races but maybe have a Gr2 race if everyone has one? As there’s a lot more to choose from in this than Sport.
  12. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 186 seconds  
  13. Greboth

    GT 7

    That is good news! Now my hand is mostly better I’ll be getting back on this and fancied trying to gold the Nord.
  14. I was planning on getting on in a but anyway so count me in. I cba to redo everything so will be on console again.
  15. Nice! I hoped on for 5 minutes the other day just to check everything was up to date and I could remember the controls etc. and then spent 30 mins just flying around in space blasting asteroids 😄 We'll have to arrange a day sometime to see if we get a group of us on. I don't think everyone is on PC so think the limit is 8 people for consoles but should still be good if we could get 8 of us.
  16. I enjoyed Motorsport Manager on mobile for a bit. It is (was) quite simplistic in some respects though and I lost interest eventually. Hopefully this been a fully fledged game it will have more detail and more nuance. I’m surprised at the trailer though, if it‘s due out in the next few months that it would involve some actual gameplay.
  17. I played this quite a bit when I got my VR. It’s great what they made the game in to though it does get lonely doing it all single player. It would be cool to get together to try multiplayer at some point. In multiplayer, I believe so.
  18. Completely forgot to reply to this. Depends on date but yes, I’m interested. I can’t do the weekend of 24/26 June or the last 2 weekends of July but so far free the rest of the time.
  19. Greboth

    GT 7

    It was a good night of racing and I think we had 9 or 10 racing so a good field 😄 We definitely smashed it, like Paul did to the walls around Tokyo 😄 I’ll arrange another one in a couple weeks or so, give everyone time to practise 🤣 I have a new found respect for the circuit experiences. 25 million credits from all the ones I’d done. Then went and spunked a lot of it on the Gr2 CLK and McLaren F1 GTR. It’s great seeing more Gr2 cars in this over sport. We’ll have to have a Gr2 race at some point.
  20. I’ll have to give you some 1 on 1 training so FG can beat the other forum that cannot be named 😄
  21. Tyre and fuel usage updated for race 2.
  22. No more sexy time? 😭 Sadly though car, insurance, tax and server renewals have all alligned for me this month so no new games for me. I do want to get it at some point so will have to see about joining the next event 🙂
  23. Sorry Lee, I will try not to swear again. I think it goes without saying though, as clean as everyone tries to keep it accidents do happen now and then.
  24. I'm trying to organise a GT7 race night over on OCUK (another forum boooo 😛 ) so thought I'd post it here too. Hopefully between here and there we can get a good number together for a private race. Race 1 Gr3 Trial Mountain BoP enabled, no set ups Soft tyres (no tyre wear) 8 laps Race 2 Gr4 Sardegna Layout A BoP enabled, no set ups Any tyres Tyre wear x4 Fuel x5 12 laps And for more of a while card Race 3 PP500 limit Tokyo Central clockwise Any tyres, set up, etc. 5 laps
  25. From Faze to FG, you're going up in the world 😄 Nice to see you on the forum mate.
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