We have reached the end of the current modpack so the server will be changing over to a new pack. As it's a co-operative quest based pack I am posting up and will put an event up for anyone that wants to join at the beginning. The event will be 20:00 Monday 25 July and the server won't be available until this time.
What modpack is it?
Cuboid Outpost Luxury edition (version 1.1.2) https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/cuboid-outpost-le
What’s the story of ‘Cuboid Outpost’?
You’re stranded on a barren planet, life as you know it has come to an abrupt end, and you need to recreate civilization. There are a few twists and turns along the way of course!
You start off at Cuboid Oupost 42, with minimal supplies but some decent equipment, only to find out that the Science Division at Cuboid Corp have accidently started a chain reaction that very shortly will bring about the total annihilation of your home planet. Effectively, you’re standard! Luckily there was just enough time for your supervisor to put together a digital survival guide to help you survive, restart life, and even travel to new dimensions.
What sort of modpack is it?
A beginner to intermediate tech pack with a lot of quests, that are shared and completed co-operatively, for those looking for something not too hard or expert. The pack features a slightly different start to most packs and has a skyblock like experience without the skyblock.
How to install the modpack?
Unfortunately most modpacks can no longer be download using MultiMC so need to be downloaded through the Curseforge launcher. The Curseforge launcher though, like MultiMC, does take a lot of the hassle out of modded like installing multiple versions of Minecraft, installing the right version of Forge etc.
Installing packs is reasonably self-explanatory; on the link above click the orange install button which will install the Curseforge launcher. Once installed, select Minecraft and search for the modpack "Cuboid outpost" and make sure you install the luxury version. It should take a few minutes to download the pack. Before launching it, click the settings icon in the bottom left corner, select minecraft from the list on the left and increase the allocated memory to 6Gb (6,144 Mb) at minimum but recommended is 8Gb (8,192Mb). Hovering over the modpack you should be able to select play, this should open the Minecraft launcher and you need to click the play button in the middle. Any problems, I'm happy to help or go through it on Discord or even make a video for installing packs.
This is a relatively small modpack but will still take a minute or 2 to load it.
Server details;
IP Address:
The server runs a whitelist so if you want to join, let me know your username and I will add you to the whitelist.