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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. Ah I see, so more like a soft reset - keep the world and all that we have done but go back to basics. A few things though, firstly the mining world is not peaceful! The other day I accidently poured water in my mine and destroyed a load of torches and oh my god so many mobs. Just thinking about it is giving me nightmarish flashbacks I'm not sure what the difficult level is but it's certainly not peaceful. As for transporting blocks - if your digging in the mining world I'm happy for you to fill up chests there and I can do the warping back and forth to the communal build site. Well assuming I can keep my shulker boxes so I can transport lots of blocks in one go. Which also reminds me, I might go and see if I can find some more. D2 will eat a lot of time for us all I think but MC is a much slower paced game which will always be a nice change.
  2. Haha oh god! we must be in trouble. Having watched a few videos and playing around with redstone it is coming back to me but I'm far from a guru. By 'old school' do you mean mine all the blocks? We could do though I don't have a silk touch pick and Lee isn't going to start with at least (I don't know about you or anyone else) so even if we don't use the energy stuff I think we need an automatic / super smelter. These can be built in 'vanilla' MC though so I'd argue still fits in the 'doing it old school'.
  3. Haha oh yeah I forgot you had your 'toy' which could come in handy. I haven't managed to look for a place yet as I kinda got caught up in trying to build a bridge which I managed It took longer than I expected but I managhed to figure out how to build a double piston extender that is only powered on one side meaning the bridge can be 2 blocks wide. I'd still like it to be wider but there is no way for that to work as you can't power the middle pistons then. It also has to use gravel (or sand) due to it falling but the only other way is to have visible slime blocks which look even worse. If the whole floor is gravel (or sand) it also means the bridge is 'invisble' while retracted. Bridge down - 2 deep moat Bridge up - 2 wide bridge flush with the floor The redstone behind it isn't too complicated either really - the bottom pistons are powered straight away with a pulse extender to keep them powered long enough for the retraction when turned off. The top pistons are powered from the pulse extender with a pulse generator running off down the bottom for them too. The whole circuit could be made quite a bit smaller too but I find it hard to plan it out and keep it small. It's easier to plan big then make it small in my opinion and from looking at the screenshot, I think the pulse generator could site to the right of the pulse extender making the whole thing 10 blocks long though I think that could be cut to 8.
  4. I think the hardest part would be getting the screenshots accurate enough to keep it looking like everyone was actually in the same shot. It should be doable though and (I may regret saying this) shouldn't take too long to line them all up in photoshop.
  5. No, I split with her about.......oh you mean a thing with 2 wheels that you pedal. I do own a bicycle actually but fuck am I riding a 20 mile round trip, through Birmingham at midnight!
  6. It took me far longer than it should have to work out why would be raiding on 9th January Unusually for a Friday evening I will be free so I'm doing for a raid - One last hurrah of D1.
  7. As far as I know every placed block survives lava though the redstone itself doesn't if you have a leak as I found out to my dismay. I think a 2 wide bridge the best you could manage with double piston extenders as I can't think of a way to power the middle ones. A single piston would be easy to make as big as required but wouldn't look quite so good. I think I need to play around with some slime blocks and maybe a piston feed tape style is a better idea that coming out the floor. Yeah I can take a look around for something, I think it is safe to assume we will need a reasonably big area so will try to find somewhere that wont require too much digging, de-forresting etc. Does anyone have ideas for a rough design? More specifically what blocks we should use for the build? I'm thinking this as we will need a lot of blocks - to give some idea of numbers I think my current house is about 5 or 6 double chests of stone which is around 15,000 - 20,000 blocks, probably about the same in wood, a double chest or marble etc. I would assume a communal build is going to be bigger than my house so yeah, A LOT of blocks. The best builds seem to stick to 3, 4 or maybe 5 different blocks and if we can decide on them I can set up a few energy condensors as soon as I find a suitable area.
  8. A stupid broken car may have scuppered my plans for a midnight release Hopefully I can get it fixed before next Tuesday else I guess it will have to be early night so I can pick it up at 10am when the shop opens.
  9. I wasn't around for D1 with you lot but reading that I'm not sure I want to be for D2 Destiny is game that we haven't had in a while that can unite the console community and even more so now we can rise up and defeat the PC master race (ahem Crispy ahem ). The fact that is can do that means it unites people too - a lot of my psn friends list is from D1 and I know come release day almost everyone will be on D2 and I will be able to jump in any party and be good.
  10. Ex Nightwish and Sonata Arctica members together - I'm in! Loving this at the moment.
  11. It would be good to see but I have seen videos on youtube of people making portcullises (portculli?) so if we go with that I don't think it would be too difficult to make. I was testing out some ideas in creative and it is possible to have water/lava moat that pistons raise blocks out of so you can walk across them. I only managed to make a very basic system though and not sure it could be expanding to make it useful for an actual build.
  12. I didn't think to record any of my beta games sorry mate
  13. It's a mixed bag for me - I love spoilers and knowing this early but when you come to play the game (or watch the film etc) it's always a disappointment as you spend most of it going knew that already, yup that too, knew that twist before I started. I really want to watch all the videos but being this close to the release I am doing my best to resist all videos so I go in the D2 as fresh as possible.
  14. I will have to make sure I have you all on PSN, I think I still have you from OCUK raid nights Bluebear and not sure I've got you on my friends list Dave.
  15. Having played it as much as time allowed over the weekend - the usual problems seems to exist the most frustrating being too many headglitching spots around the maps and connection. It is always easy to blame some BS for your death but some matches I was dying before I even got a bullet off. That aside though, I actually didn't find the game that bad and it was certainly good to not have crazy jumps, wall running and flying around of the previous few games. The problem I have is that while I didn't find it that bad I equally didn't find it that enjoyable either. I've cancelled my pre-order for now and I'm not sure I will be picking up day 1.
  16. I pre-ordered from GAME as I had some vouchers and they are doing a midnight release If the install and inevitable day 1 patch don't take too long I'll be playing a few missions before bed. Though as I have booked next week off work I shall also be playing it all day too - ahhhh the joys of no adult responsibilities like kids
  17. I don't think you could have a drawbridge in the traditional sense. Though it would be possible* to have some form of retractable bridge or one that rises out the moat. Some bridge designs could be tested out though without too much trouble. * by possible I mean possible in MC not necessarily that any of us could work out the redstone circuitry Edit: Also yeah I'm in. Even with D2 I'll still be on as its nice to have a more relaxing pace to a game. Edit 2: Thinking about it something simple would be to have a lake of water (or even lava) 1 or 2 blocks deep around the build. Then a double piston extender would raise a bridge out of it which would be 1 block above or level with the water/lava. I think this would work I'm just not sure how the water/lava would flow as the blocks lift up but could be something to test.
  18. I really enjoyed the episode and certainly didn't feel like 80 minutes. I was starting to doubt Littlefinger was going to get it this then bam! I thought Cersei was going to die this season too but obviously not. I think she will at some point and my monies still on that it will be Jamie that kills her.
  19. Insta-death seems to be still there but I am reserving final judgment on it as there is a number of potential reasons it may have happened.
  20. If you're thinking communal then really two options; You can explore together - whether this in the overworld, nether or end doesn't really matter. Though with the end, for example, a group of us could kill the dragon and go end raiding. The other, arguably more common communal projects are builds of some sort like the railway project that is still in progress. The railway build though is fragmented due to it being a railway so once it leaves spawn it is everyone on their own. However, we could go for building something communal where we all contribute in the same area making it everyones. There is the obvious village or castle and surround villages but I've seen cool builds of upside down houses built to the roof of caves and overhangs, massive underground caves dug out and built in or under the sea cities etc. The limit is our imagination though it would need to a be communal idea / decision I think so people feel motivated to help out the build.
  21. So with the beta going live yesterday - what are peoples thoughts on it so far? For me there is the obvious things to instantly like - no wall running, no boost jumps it is a proper boots on the ground CoD but we pretty much knew that going in to it. The good; Graphics - I can't say I noticed any particularly fancy lighting or moment of wow that looks amazing but the graphics are clear, textures look good and currently there is no horrible colours (I'm sure neon pink and green supply drop weapons will change that though) Guns - I only tried a few out last night but they sound and handle differently - especially seeming to have more recoil than previous COD's so each feels unique. The guns feel like they have different ranges too - SMG's feel useless at range, rifles useless at close range etc. though this could just be me being rubbish. Mediocre Maps - For domination and TDM the maps seem to flow OK so far - not perfect but OK. I'm really not sure on the new mode though - when it comes to building the bridge there seems to be so many spots to look out from that it is difficult to clear them all. Bad Insta-death - What would a CoD be without insta-death. It hasn't happened often but already died a few times before I could even react. Head glitching - It isn't really a glitch but I don't understand the constant need to put objects in the world people can hide behind and have only part of their head sticking above. Surely these spots just encourage camping which is seemingly the opposite of what most people want. That is it off the top of my head but I've only played for a couple of hours so I'm sure my view probably change a little.
  22. Ahhhh Fatebringer - the only handcannon anyone ever needed. I said nothing above but thinking about Fatebringer - I'd quite like having the ability to equip 3 elemental weapons again.
  23. Indeed, there is now a number of bigger, blacker dicks in the FG deck. If anyone wants to see our deck: https://www.cardcastgame.com/browse/deck/4V4YD Hopefully the links works but if not search Forever Gaming or 4V4YD
  24. I voted to keep it though agree it should only be a temporary reprieve. With the beta coming this weekend and possibly (hopefully) the best CoD in a while in a couple of months we could see more activity. It is only a possibility though so like a few suggested I'd say give it a chance and if things odn't pick up nuke it.
  25. Nope, the only email I got was the confirmation of my order
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