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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. I have to say I am struggling to think of a good design for this house. I have lots of ideas for bits of the house amd some of the grounds but the general shape of the house I don't know about. It is easy for a normal house as you can build it square or sort of square but if we need a house with 6-8 wings so evevryone has one then it becomes much harder. The obvious is we want 8 wings we could build it as an octogon but that would mean 4 people have diagonal wings which I'm not sure is ideal. The only other design that I have come up which I think could be a possibility but I'm not sure I really like it as below. With a main house with big corridors off of it that lead to quads which could be the 4 wings then with the two offshoots would give us 8 wings. Happy for anyone that has any better ideas though.
  2. Now actually playing this I suppose I should give some sort of update on here. I have to say it is great having a server so we can hop on any time we want to (thanks again Rich). Obviously we have moved now and the new place is so much better - well the 'house' isn't yet but the area is. I'm not sure what resources we left at the old house but I've been keeping busy just collecting as much as everything I can. Clay is so easy to come by now, I dug around for a bit and ended up with about 20,000 clay! If only wood and stone was so easy to collect. Though I realised last night there is a radius around the house that had no trees in so I've planted about 60 or so near the house. I planted them close together and in rows again so once they are fully grown it should be quick and easy to cut them all down. Crispy found a swimming pool in just inside the city so I re-filled all our water too so now we have 100+ water again.
  3. Do it Nick, join us....one of us, one of us If you have any design ideas for this build feel free to post them There are creepers on the server but Bart set it up so that they do player damage but don't destroy blocks.
  4. I like this idea. I'm not one for headwear due to never finding hats the fit my apparently abnormally large head. However t shirts, stickers, mugs etc are cool I quite like the idea of having some big designs with the full FG shield and maybe other stuff and some under-stated maybe with only the infinite controller or something.
  5. But ... but I want a pink wall I was thinking that design as I like pillars and sideways stairs to give the castlated look. I was thinking maybe all cobblestone or maybe cobblestone pillars and base with the stairs being wood to tie it in to the house.
  6. That's a good idea mate about the folly, keep that weird magical stuff out of the main house I was thinking the wall from my gatehouse could mark the perimeter so we could make grounds as big as we like so we could have all sorts of extra stuff in the grounds.
  7. How about here for a locatoin? I was hoping to find somewhere further from spawn but I couldn't find anywhere that I thought was suitable. It is near a village though so handy for trading with (or even kidnapping to make out own village). I haven't given any specific co-ordinates as I think this build is going to be huge so anywhere around there should be fine. I've also worked on the gatehouse too making it suitably epic for our build You can see in the last screenshot there is now a door too so you can climb the hidden stairs to get on top of the arches. It is still only an idea now and the materials could can change to suit our build but this works for demonstration purposes. What do you think of it? Happy to change bits of it if you think some of it doesn't look right etc. Next step, plan a rough idea for the house so we can start mapping it out ready for building.
  8. I liked all my ideas and you picked country house so we're going with it I'm not sure on how we are going to build the actual house yet but we have a but of time on that yet. Now I'm not half asleep theres a few things that need changing on the gatehouse but the overall design I quite like. I never designed a way to get up to the top but I'm thinking if we widen the pillars between the main arch and smaller arches. It would be wide enough to fit single block wide stairs inside the pillar and I think there would be just enough space to pull it off. No worries dude, as much as you try you can't be doing everything all the time. You're busy in MC with your son and family time is important.
  9. Will do mate Feeling too sleepy tonight to go exploring so thought I'd do some designing. What do you think of this style for the gatehouse? I quite like the idea of having a triple archway with some sort of house/guard post built above it. This is really a style choice as there is a number of things I don't like about the design but that's what you get for designing as you build. I also came up with another idea too but that will remain a secret as if I can pull it off then it will be a surprise for everyone
  10. I was hoping that other people would give their opinion on the type of build and contribute. I don't think I have too much going on this weekend though so will scope out some potential sites and hopefully actually start building something.
  11. Greboth


    So so much is the deal with redstone, more than I could type here and far more than I even know. Basically it is like electricity, stuff can be turned on or off using it with the different things powered using redstone dust which is the equivalent to wires. There are logic circuits you need to know like an 'and' or an 'or' gate etc. up to more complex circuits like pulse extenders and clocks to t flip flops and rising or falling edge monostable circuits. Now these wont mean anything to you yet but you can start piecing them together to create more complex circuits as a pulse extender in a pop up bridge is the same as the one in a mob spawner. If you get more in to it you will find that you stop thinking in terms of I need some redstone dust, 4 pistons, 3 blocks, 5 repeaters etc. and start thinking I need a t flip flop to power this pistone but also power a pulse extender which goes into an inverted falling edge monostable circuit. The video my opening post really does do a good job of explaining the basic of redstone though expect to have to watch it several times, I did and I've played around with redstone in the past. As for things to build, the most useful for any minecraft is semi or fully automated farms. These can be simple food farms which allow you grow and harvest food very fast through to bigger animal farms or even massive mob farms. Automatic sorters are useful too especially for big mob farms so all your zombie flesh goes in one chest, bones in another, gunpowder in a third etc. without you needing to do anything.
  12. No worries though I don't think many people RSVP'ed to the last ones yet had so many people turn up anyway.
  13. With the dogs is that you need people to know where they are going so if you call trees, rocks etc. or even when you go for a damage phase how to get to their dogs. The problem is that if you're running around on the floor it is hard to see and so can be hard to know where you're going at first. A few tips though; - Once you have killed the stuff in the room, the next part of the fight doesn't start until you pick up the crystals and so gives people time to walk around getting a little familiar with the layout. - If you're on the floor stick together in a group, hopefully at least one person on the floor knows the arena well enough. - Those who are up top with the crystals will be directing and can, if need be, use the crystals laser thing as a pointer to mark a 'go here' - Don't kill the dogs! This is important, once you kill a dog the timer is much shorter so you are best getting them all weak then killing them all in the same round. The mechanics of the fight are; - You split up in to 2 groups, 2 stay up top with the crystals and take left flowers or right flowers and use the light things to charge the crystals - The group of 4 run around in a group on the floor collecting the pollen buff without being seen by the dogs - 2 of the 6 flowers will glow which the 4 on the ground have to get to and once there one of the people with crystal shoot the flower to give the buff - After this 2 yellow bars spawn (I think Centurions) which those with the crystals will need to kill - Repeat this with the next flowers to increase your damage buff - Damage the dogs and then run back to centre room (not sure exactly how much time you have) The way I did it was following the above; - Assign a dog to each player, the ones up top are best getting the furthest away ones. - Aim to collect a x24 or x36 buff (2 or 3 flowers) then go to designated dog and damage it. Best bet for damage is throw a grenade them super, swords or the exotic fusion rifle (I forgot its name) but importantly don't kill your dog! - Run back to the centre room to begin round 2 of the fight. You have a bit of time here so you can discuss damage done to your dog. - If you have them all low enough, to the same as above then kill all 6 dogs, if not repeat as a damage phase again then on the 3rd round kill the dogs. I believe you can one phase it but you need a high buff, I think x 60, so you need to get 5 flowers which is difficult.
  14. Oh my dear god Lee! But yeah, take it as it comes with people accepting the calendar invites but I'm as happy to run in an experienced group as I am to help the newbies through.
  15. That is the one thing I'm not sure on is how it counts kills. D1 only counted if you got the final blow on them though I'm sure I've seen D2 give me double kill notifications even when I've only damaged them and someone else kills them. It is hard to tell exactly while playing so plan on recording a match and watching it back at some point.
  16. I don't know what the knockouts is but Opp. Def. - Opponents defeated so basically your kills Streak - Longest killstreak Damage - I think this is self explanatory Efficiency - is your kill death ratio
  17. Nice I love it when you think you're having an average game then you see the scoreboard at the end and it's a holy shit! moment I don't seem to be able to get the long streaks like I used to though I want to blame Destiny's PvP but I think my reactions are just getting slower
  18. I agree but the thing is I don't see why anyone thought it would be anything different. Bungie originally announced the Destiny is a 10 year plan with regular content updates coming in the form of big updates in sequels and smaller updates as DLC. It was then clear from the information available pre D2 that, timeline wise, it was going to pick up shortly after the end of Wrath of the Machine.
  19. Oh yeah, I understand that and peoples raid progress is all over the place but first dibs should be to the 'original' 6 or at least anyone that will get the benefit of the CP.
  20. I have already done the dogs so wont RSVP as I'd rather leave it open to those who haven't done it. Though I'll probably be around if you don't get enough people.
  21. Yup, regular engrams are capped to the max 265 light until you pass 271 then they start dropping 6 levels below your maximum light (so at 272 they drop at 266, 273 drops 267, 280 drops 274 etc.). It seems a method introduced to get around the frustrating problem of D1 where your lowest item could be 20+ light lower than your average. The only things that will drop higher than your current level are the powerful gear you get from completing the milestones (hold the touch pad to bring up the director and hold L2), exotic engrams, the raid and trials of the nine.
  22. To expand on that, your food has to be full to regain your health. The best way to get food is to make farms with the quickest and easiest in the beginning is a wheat farm so you can make bread. Bread isn't the best but it will keep you alive until you have a chicken/pig/cow farm up and running.
  23. Nice to meet you Mike I'm Chris but most people call me Greboth still as there are a lot of Chris' on here. The more the merrier for Destiny 2 though.
  24. Name: FG Plays Rainbow 6 Category: Montages Date Added: 2017-09-16 Submitter: Greboth A compilation cut together of you lot playing R6. I only used about half the video clips for this video so keep an eye out for part 2 FG Plays Rainbow 6
  25. As FG grows it is something that could be done though it would have to be done carefully. For now though I don't think we need it, we chat often enough on here, game party's, whatsapp etc. that it would be easy enough to let everyone know without the need for a dedicated thread/section.
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