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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. I use the same intro and transitions of the FG logo and I can upload them if people want them. I still have all the models of the FG logo so if can animated / render it if people want something different.
  2. I’d be up for this as I couldn’t make it last time.
  3. It sounds like a good idea getting PC guys together I only have 7 days, Minecraft and Stellaris but could branch out to other games. My not so great PC spec rules me out of some games but there is always the itch for an upgrade or 2
  4. D2 undid a lot of the good work Bungie put in to turning day 1 D1 from an alright game in to a good one. However they did it once they can do it again, I'm not getting my hopes up or expecting these updates / DLC to turn it around but I do think it worth keeping an eye on in case they do. Especially as I've already bought the DLC so I might as well see what I bought This "update" might only be adding some of the things back from D1 but it shows Bungie are trying to listen to fans and improve the game. Will this bring me back? probably not as from what little I've seen of this it seems aimed more at the PvP side of things. I played some PvP in D1 but Destiny was always about the PvE side of things for me so I'm waiting for QoL improvements / more content to bring me back. I do hope they can save Destiny 2 though as I don't think there has been any other game on PS4 to bring everyone together like D1 did.
  5. Greboth

    New World!

    You won’t see the walls, floor or ceiling of this hole when I’ve finish so nope. They can stay the horrible looking stuff they are in this picture.
  6. Greboth

    New World!

    Have you ever wonder how big a 21,000 block hole would be? well wonder no longer It took far longer than I expected but I can finally start building the actual thing I posted above. And before anyone asks; yes I am regretting building this underground
  7. I don’t mind the controller so much, I’m much more of a console kid than pc. The only thing I noticed was the look speed, I’m so used to pc now being about turn 180 in an instant and it is soooo slow on console. As for creepers, they are just horrible in any version. They are just not quite so bad since Bart turned off their block damage or whatever it is called on the server. I don’t know if you can have an always on server on the console versions but you can open up your world for friends to join. Assuming things haven’t changed, the problem is then 1 person hosts it and for you to play on that world they need to be online too.
  8. I checked earlier and I don't have it downloaded so I've redownloaded it for whenver. I had forgotten how different the console version is in looks and sound and on top of that it is vanilla too. Though could be nice having a vanilla game on console and mods on pc version
  9. I have it on the PS4 too though I haven’t played it since getting in on PC. There’s no reason to not play it on both though.
  10. Greboth

    F1 2018

    It is good to have F1 back It is hard to judge from one race but it seems Mercedes still have the edge over the others. Ferrari looked strong too, especially race pace though it is hard to say how much Hamilton was cruising once out front. Red Bull, I think they are there at the front but it was far from a great weekend for them. McLaren looked good too though Alonso’s 5th was slightly flattered by both Haas retiring. Up until that point though Haas were the bug surprise to me. They looked good in testing but appear to be the best of the rest at the moment. Their performance has been up and down in the past so we’ll see over the next couple races.
  11. Yeah I’m good for Friday
  12. Greboth


    All I read in all of that was Forza, cars and photography and I think I'm in love Welcome to the forum mate
  13. Was this the 'lying down riding a motorbike' Lee or the 'never played a video game before' Lee It was fun having everyone on playing together though someone locked the drawbridge up so I couldn't get back in to the base to drop my brass off. I put it in the motorbike that is between the 2 drawbridges.
  14. I know what you mean mate, I've looked at upgrading mine but it does everything I want it to do reasonably well. So I've so far resisted the urge to upgrade but it is hard to resist....must resist! On topic though, my second game is going terribly! The first system I survey has pirates which made my research ship go MIA and destoryed my 3 starter Corvettes too. I've done some rebulding but I also have some very close neighbours which could stop me expanding too much and to top of it they don't particularly like me either. I'm going to carry on playing this and see how it goes but if things don't improve I might build the bigest fleet I can and declare war just to see how that goes.
  15. That happens to everyone though, look at any PC and you can find a shinier and faster PC and then you find yourself looking at a £20k PC Ever thought of getting a desktop / new laptop?
  16. I saw the processor being a third gen (Ivybridge?) and thought that is the same gen as mine, then I read the 1.9Ghz bit I guess having a desktop has its advantage as the base clock of mine is 3.4Ghz. The clockspeed would hurt but I'm guessing that being a laptop Dave you might only be running integrated graphics too??? which is what I'm guessing really hurts your gaming performace Though for me too as I just lost my first game as pirates destoryed everything. Time to start again but this time with bigger fleet
  17. Nice Lee I downloaded it last night and only meant to have a quick go which turned out to be several hours - oops! It is going to take a while to get used to it all and keep track of it all as there is a lot going on. Especially keeping my ships busy, I kept finding my science and construction ships were doing nothing so I need to monitor them closer. I think the only thing I can say so far is the tutorial could be a bit better, especially right at the beginning, as it tells you to do stuff but gives no indication of what menu or sub-menu to go in to or shortcut key to press.
  18. Thanks for the that @J4MES OX4D it sounds like the vanilla game is good enough to be getting on with for now then and the DLC can be picked up later. Have you not bought it yet Lee? It was the cdkeys offer I was looking at too. I know there is a multiplayer in it too which could be good to try if there is a few of us. Though I'm not sure how it works being that the game could go on for hours and hours? Like, does one person host it and we would have to arrange a time everyone could make to continue it? Even if we don't go multiplayer, a few of us learning it all at the same time would be good
  19. I’ve watched a few videos on this and it looks good. It’s been a long time since I played any sort of strategy game. Are guys playing the base game or with the DLC’s. I’ve read a lot of comments saying the DLC’s really add to the game but buying the game and all the DLC is quite a chunk on a new game.
  20. Greboth

    New World!

    Well you never know but it actually helps me out as something happens as you move around so disabling it means I don't constantly trigger it as I'm building other bits No worries dude, though a sign you need to finish building your house
  21. Greboth

    New World!

    It took faaaar longer than I care to admit to work out how to do it but should be good. The first part of it is built, I built that last week. This screenshot is the second part of the build But you’re right it wouldn’t do you any good as I disabled the first past of the build incase anyone was curious
  22. Greboth

    New World!

    Can you guess what it is yet? After spending most of the last week testing ideas, rebuilding, trouble shooting, failing, building and more trouble shooting it finally works Now I just have to rebuild the whole thing without any mistakes on the server
  23. I’m good for making videos, I just need the clips. I haven’t been proactive in looking on the forum for them or chasing people but with Rich out the game i’ll get on it.
  24. Greboth

    New World!

    I've started building something East of spawn. From the outside it will just look like a hole in the ground with a fence around it. I've put a sign up as well so you know it is definitely my build. I'm only mentioning it as I would kindly ask that you don't climb down the hole until I have finished the build - all I will say is it is something communal but it will work best as a surprise so no peaking
  25. Haha yeah I know but by the pictures a lot of places near Dave look like people renting spare rooms as BnB’s so picked some options based on what acually looks like a hotel.
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