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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. I can make the 3d easily enough As above though it would be missing the detailed pieces as they take the time to model but for working out an overall design we like I don't think we need the details. Also, as I found in doing those blueprints, the design is symmetrical so you only need to make the left or right half and mirror it I can try and get a version 1 modelled this weekend.
  2. I've got no cash but can offer you some Minecraft diamonds and emerals I didn't add the stairs as in doing the blueprints I had a few thoughts about it but wanted to check the 'basic' design was down before going any further. The main thing I thought was that the two wing squares could be bigger to fill the area as long as there is the gap up in the middle. So Wing 4 can move down, W1 moves left and W2 up so the outside walls sit on top of the ground floor walls. Though obviously it will have to be the wing square that scales up in size rather than moving the individual wings. This would also give us a bigger atrium so plenty of room to fit the stairs in. The problem with this though is what do we do about W4 and W8 as the 'outside' wall would then be against C1 and C2 unless we make C1 and C2 ground floor only. But then if we make C1 and C2 ground floor only what do we do about the roof? If it is an apex roof that would still block W4 and W8, if it is flat then does it become a big balcony area for those two wings? If we make it a balcony area could give access to them from somewhere else like the stairs in the entrance? Though on a side note, it just occurred to me that trying to picture a 3d object from 2d blueprints isn't easy and if we remove all the fancy things like the castleated walls, gables etc. then it is really just boxes so would be quick to create a 3d model. Dave was suggesting we remove those corridors and move the wings to the outer walls as it would mean that the wings then have an outside wall so everyones wing can have windows in rather looking in to a corridor.
  3. I finally got my first piece of armour at level 19 though it did take getting 3 of the same auto rifles rifles first though I signed my titan up to DO as the armour looks really tank-y. Though I tried the DO shader and I definitely made the right choice in NM for that.
  4. I've started making some proper blueprints and couldn't resist doing them bank job style If we're all happy with this layout I'll start working out things like doors and make a ground floor and 1st floor plan too as well as start adding some rough block measurements. This is following Nick's plan but I have also labelled the front two community rooms as C1 and C2 so we can know what we're talking about.
  5. If I am understanding you right that would work out quite well as it would give each wing views of the central atrium and, due to being on the first floor, external walls for windows. I like the idea of a glass top to the atriums too as a subtle dome on the top could work really well. Though, again this is assuming I've this right in my head, if the arches are under wings 3 and 5 lead to the atrium then the stairs to the minstrel gallery would need to be effectively in the atrium so leaves the area under all the other wings free to do something with.
  6. I've been mostly leaving the building to you as you have more idea of what designs are best for 7 day zombies and I am quite happy cutting down trees and digging holes. We seem to have built a reasonable store of food but it makes sense for the garden to be as protected as possible too.
  7. It was mentioned as a possibility in another thread but good to have it confirmed. It is annoying though as I think I'm around level 15 already and haven't had any armour drop though have had the same sub-machine gun drop 4 or 5 times FFS! Worth knowing though about the shaders too, I want to apply the NM shader to everything so do need a lot of shaders
  8. I agree that the corridors don’t really need to be that wide so we can go for that. Though I would increase both by one to 5 and 9 blocks wide. As an odd number means things like lights can be placed in the middle of the corridors then. Saying that though, if we’re building any sort of apex roof then it is usually means using stairs and then the width for these has to be an even number of blocks. One of the features of these houses is the high ceilings and tall windows so I would think 5 block (with the ceiling on the 6th block) would be high enough giving that, for scale, we are only 2 blocks high. I’m not sure I quite follow you with respect to the wings though. Are you talking something similar-ish to my build that the ground floor leads in to the central green area then you have stairs on each side of the green area to take us to the wings?
  9. Yeah I like that idea Nick How big do we think our personal wings need to be as deciding this really will dictate the overall size of the build. I think the corridors around the wings only need to be maybe 5-10 blocks wide with the central one (that runs front to back between the wings) being maybe double-ish that at 15-20 blocks. The front communal rooms I don't know about, maybe decide that once we have the entrance+stairs bit sorted as they will need to be at least that big. If we can decide on the rough sizes I can make a draft blueprint document which we could iterate until we're all happy. I'm thinking this way if we have some solid plans written down we can all contribute to the build as we will literally be working from the same page.
  10. I didn't really have time to play but joined the server for a few minutes to have a look around and you have done a lot of work! I assume we need to spikes or something in the bottom of the pit as when I logged on zombies were just walking freely around the outside of our base.
  11. On the subjkect of Uriel's gift, look at this New Monarchy shader kicking the ass of your shitty DO or FWC shaders
  12. To be honest it is like most games, the actual game is secondary to the community aspect of it. When I tried out then singleplayer I was far from convinced but having you host a server and now a proper servee it is much more enjoyable for me. I think you’re right about the garden though, if we’re going for any sort of sustainability then we need to stop it being destroyed. I do need to go the trader, I think it will have to be the first thing I do next time I’m on. I only visited the trader to complete the introduction quest thing but haven’t done any trading.
  13. I'm happy for you to do the folly, though maybe not wholly line it with obsidian I was thinking you could use obsidian though to break up all the stone or whatever block gets used for most of the folly.
  14. It's a lot like Minecrafts map in that it uncovers only for the areas you have been. The map gives a 'real time' aerial view so buildings etc. show up on it too and it is easy to see from the map whether it is a green area, desert, dead zone etc. Where 7 days differs though is that you have a compass direction at the top of your screen in which your bed, other players and any waypoints show up so you can easily walk towards those locations without needing to keep referring to the map.
  15. Wow you don't ask for much do you though you forgot communal storage I'm like to think I am alright at designing and building stuff but I struggle how to do the insides of builds as in reality you don't need that many rooms in MC. So I'm happy if I design the outside and you do the inside
  16. I did think of that but didn't think it would look very good with the wings sticking out that far from the main house. Though, as you pointed out, the picture I posted has this and it looks alright so I think that will be the general shape to go with. If no-one can think of anything better then I'll sketch up a few designs for the house then we can start building
  17. In D1 they would drop at a fixed max irrespective of your level. So the fact they drop at useful power levels is nice. As I said I'm guessing (as I haven't read anything tou confirm it) that this was to address D1 complaints where people had 1 or 2 bits of gear massively lower than the rest. So you ended up raiding hoping just for 1 piece of armour. To a point this system actually makes it easier to level up though still means most legendary engrams are trash.
  18. I have to say I am struggling to think of a good design for this house. I have lots of ideas for bits of the house amd some of the grounds but the general shape of the house I don't know about. It is easy for a normal house as you can build it square or sort of square but if we need a house with 6-8 wings so evevryone has one then it becomes much harder. The obvious is we want 8 wings we could build it as an octogon but that would mean 4 people have diagonal wings which I'm not sure is ideal. The only other design that I have come up which I think could be a possibility but I'm not sure I really like it as below. With a main house with big corridors off of it that lead to quads which could be the 4 wings then with the two offshoots would give us 8 wings. Happy for anyone that has any better ideas though.
  19. Now actually playing this I suppose I should give some sort of update on here. I have to say it is great having a server so we can hop on any time we want to (thanks again Rich). Obviously we have moved now and the new place is so much better - well the 'house' isn't yet but the area is. I'm not sure what resources we left at the old house but I've been keeping busy just collecting as much as everything I can. Clay is so easy to come by now, I dug around for a bit and ended up with about 20,000 clay! If only wood and stone was so easy to collect. Though I realised last night there is a radius around the house that had no trees in so I've planted about 60 or so near the house. I planted them close together and in rows again so once they are fully grown it should be quick and easy to cut them all down. Crispy found a swimming pool in just inside the city so I re-filled all our water too so now we have 100+ water again.
  20. Do it Nick, join us....one of us, one of us If you have any design ideas for this build feel free to post them There are creepers on the server but Bart set it up so that they do player damage but don't destroy blocks.
  21. I like this idea. I'm not one for headwear due to never finding hats the fit my apparently abnormally large head. However t shirts, stickers, mugs etc are cool I quite like the idea of having some big designs with the full FG shield and maybe other stuff and some under-stated maybe with only the infinite controller or something.
  22. But ... but I want a pink wall I was thinking that design as I like pillars and sideways stairs to give the castlated look. I was thinking maybe all cobblestone or maybe cobblestone pillars and base with the stairs being wood to tie it in to the house.
  23. That's a good idea mate about the folly, keep that weird magical stuff out of the main house I was thinking the wall from my gatehouse could mark the perimeter so we could make grounds as big as we like so we could have all sorts of extra stuff in the grounds.
  24. How about here for a locatoin? I was hoping to find somewhere further from spawn but I couldn't find anywhere that I thought was suitable. It is near a village though so handy for trading with (or even kidnapping to make out own village). I haven't given any specific co-ordinates as I think this build is going to be huge so anywhere around there should be fine. I've also worked on the gatehouse too making it suitably epic for our build You can see in the last screenshot there is now a door too so you can climb the hidden stairs to get on top of the arches. It is still only an idea now and the materials could can change to suit our build but this works for demonstration purposes. What do you think of it? Happy to change bits of it if you think some of it doesn't look right etc. Next step, plan a rough idea for the house so we can start mapping it out ready for building.
  25. I liked all my ideas and you picked country house so we're going with it I'm not sure on how we are going to build the actual house yet but we have a but of time on that yet. Now I'm not half asleep theres a few things that need changing on the gatehouse but the overall design I quite like. I never designed a way to get up to the top but I'm thinking if we widen the pillars between the main arch and smaller arches. It would be wide enough to fit single block wide stairs inside the pillar and I think there would be just enough space to pull it off. No worries dude, as much as you try you can't be doing everything all the time. You're busy in MC with your son and family time is important.
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