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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. I'm glad I waited and watched the episode in HD as the quality apparently sucked on the leak. What an episode though! It makes me more sure that Littlefinger is going to die soon and I'd guess it will be Arya with the dagger. I also think at least one dragon will get killed at some point as they are so OP, they need nerfing quickly.
  2. For me in D1 it always went Warlock -> Titan -> Hunter in terms of preference. I had a hunter as they had their purpose but, whether through personal play style or something else, I never really enjoyed the hunter. It makes sense that the gaps between each class could / would expand though as going in to D1 it was said the Hunter was high agility, low armour whereas a Titan was low mobility, high armour and a Warlock was somewhere in the middle. I know that is simplifying it but to me these were never noticeable differences - they had different jumps, grenades, supers and melees but felt the same past that. They could have all been subclasses of a generic 'guardian' rather than 3 different classes. I put the vast majority of my hours in to my Warlock but I never felt quicker and squishier as a Hunter or slower and tankier as a Titan. I didn't play the Hunter or Titan in the beta but if they have exaggerated these differences then I am for it.
  3. The only thing I think that will be missed is where a group of 6 raids and then splits off in to 2 groups 3. Though on the flipside, at the launch of the game and DLC's it was never hard to get a fully party of 8 which would work nicely for PvP - though I don't think it has been confirmed that we will be able to make custom game modes so no FG v FG
  4. Morning you sexy lot! TGIF! Hope you all have a good one. Lee will you also be trampolining? Should we expect you to be falling asleep tonight
  5. The Windows 10 thing is understandable even if a little annoying though it certainly opens up the possibilities and player base of MC. WIth the use of servers I do like the idea of being able to play on PC or relax with a controller and play the same game. I do agree about Sony too, the more that crossplay opens up the more switching to Windows 10 or getting an XB1 appeals to me. I think there are certain games types / modes that will never work in cross play - mostly multiplayer FPS though co-op campaigns could be cross play. Irrespective of that though MC as well as many other games work fine and should be cross play across all platforms.
  6. You mean my idea for a storage area which I built after pinching your idea for a storage area
  7. Thanks man I need to finish bits of it off still but it's getting there. Next time you're on I might even show you its secrets
  8. Good morning all, hope you all have a good day.
  9. Greboth

    Server Rules

    I could do and the block swapper method is arguably pointless, definately more complicated but most importantly is soooo much cooler Having dirt during the day and seeing the blocks swap out when as the sun sets is just plain cool and that is reason enough for me*. * Unless it actually causes server problems then yeah your idea might be best.
  10. Greboth

    Server Rules

    That sounds like a plan then, if it starts showing in the server logs or anyone has problems it is just a few pieces of redstone to remove and the whole system will stop working.
  11. Greboth

    Server Rules

    I think I know the answer to this by my experience but how does the server cope with redstone circuits? I ask as I've built a few (5 or 6) block swappers in the ground outside my house which is triggered by a day / night detector and swaps a block of dirt for glowstone at sunset and visa versa at sunrise. For the half a second / second when all the pistons fire I get drop in FPS and lag so I'm guessing, by the way you've said MC works with hoppers and such of having to calculate where each block is and it moves etc. that this redstone circuit hits the server hard? It's a cool circuit and one I was looking to expand but if it is that bad for the server, I can remove the redstone and just leave the glowstone dotted around.
  12. Destiny is an FPS but what sets it apart in my opinion is the puzzles in it. Going blind in to a new raid trying to figure out what the hell is going on, working out the mechanics of the fight, how to beat the bosses. Strikes can have some of the same elements too - was it the Restortative Mind strike with the placing the energy balls in the little tower things to get the boss to move around? Even patrol with things like the skyburner beacon which has you going around the Dreadnaught. Give us something to begin with and less us figure out the rest. Basically I don't want to stand there shooting bullet sponge bosses, I want puzzles and fights to have different mechanics to them.
  13. I did enjoy the game mode and I think with 4 or 5 a-side it would be mental as the targets are so small. Though not sure I'd play that slope map again as the technique does seem to be land early and roll as slowly as possible down to the 5. Races are always fun when there is a group, especially being as the more we play the more cunty we all become Though not sure how me and Tam (sorry @Diddums, Tam and I) always seemed to end up on the same bit of track so often.
  14. Got mine today Lee tried it on and fits like a charm. I'll have to do some modelling of it for you lot
  15. Greboth


    Haha I know! I think I've watched the video 2 or 3 times and still not sure I have actually retained much of it. Some of his other videos are crazy as he goes so fast though I think builds are aimed at much more advanced redstoners than ourselves. Still, it is the best summary explanation of redstone that I have found so far.
  16. Greboth


    Morning all, I have been playing around with trying to build some redstone contraptions but frankly I'm terrible at them. The only thing I have managed to build is a flush piston door but that was only after following a video guide and even then getting it wrong several times still. So is anyone here good at them? Obviously we're limited to what we can build and the size of the builds on the server but I tend to plan builds out in a single player creative world so skies the limit there. I thought this thread could be useful for anyone trying to learn redstone, having troubles with a redstone circuit or just to show off a redstone build. For those looking an introduction, I found this video qute useful as he explains what the different things do and how they work etc.
  17. Greboth

    Need PC help

    Why would have you have to buy windows 10 again? you can re-use the activation code multiple times before it wont activate windows. Though then you just contact Microsoft and they will give you another code which will work. It doesn't sound like a RAM problem though, they tend to manifest in random lock ups or BSOD's if and when the bad sector is used. If you have access to another computer you can download memtest which will rule out RAM. If it happens every single time you boot and you're getting in to Windows it sounds more like a software problem. Either a Windows process or some other process that starts only after booting. I presume you can still boot in to safe mode in W10, in which case I'd try that as it will load only the basic windows files. You wont be able to do much in it but if it is software it can help narrow down what it is.
  18. That's always the way with me - I will wait and see, I won't get excited - oooooooooooooooo shiney! I want it! I want it! I WANT IT NOW!!!
  19. Happy Tuesday all, hope you lot have a great day.
  20. Greboth

    More mods?

    Cool, thats what I thought
  21. Greboth

    More mods?

    Afternoon all, Before anyone gets the wrong impression I'm not asking for more mods on the server. I'm happy with that as it is. Having been reading up on stuff it lead in to the all machines and things you can build with guides mentioning stuff from other mods which obviously we can't use. Some of these look like they could be fun to try out but would obviously need to be done in singleplayer. Can we add additional mods to the this build or do the mod lists have to match to connect to the server? Alternatively, I can see having a completely different version would be best to avoid any possible mod conflict. This is a long way off as I still have done so little on the server but I was thinking about it so thought I'd ask.
  22. Missandei Melisandra is the red priestess. PTPRSD In fairness what other option did he have, fighting would have been death to them both.
  23. Whether it lives up to your expectations or not is completely personal and subjective. However with the Destiny 1.5 comments, I'm not sue what people expected. Something like CoD or even Final Fantasy, they're iterations or stand alone but games like Destiny that are story driven the sequels are always more like DLC packs. So for me, it isn't a question of is Destiny 2 going to be different to Destiny 1 because when it comes to mechanics, lore, premise etc. that isn't what I want. I want Destiny 1 with a few tweaks, more of a story like the later DLC's than the vanilla game and, as it costs the same as a new game, a huge chunk of content. Maybe Destiny Chapter 2 is a better name for it being that is what it is rather than a 'new' game.
  24. In reality one good player can't carry a team, we suffer with it but we don't tend to focus fire. Were you on the night when we got badly beaten as there was a good Genji on the other team. The next round though we got matched with the same team, focused fired Genji until they changed character and we won. That isn't to say the matchmaking is perfect because it isn't, I just don't know enough of how it works to provide any constructive criticism.
  25. Congrats man, enjoy the day. Morning to the rest if you too. Game of Thrones already watched which means time for work
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