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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. A man has to be true to his nature.
  2. That was me that closed the door on you lot. Also it wasn't a banana in the rafters, I was a ..... no better no tell you, I can use that spot again It is especially fun being able pick your taunts, calling out "that's a negative" (or whatever it says) when you see someone shoot the wrong things
  3. Those energy condenser will come in useful now if you need that much stone Looks awesome though, you should try and build it if you can. Also Happy Birthday for whenever it was.
  4. I think it depends on when you start using the collectors/condensors - I mined and made myself diamond armour and tools and made the repair totem (repair token?) so they wouldn't break. I also mined the diamonds/obsidian/iron etc. needed for the first power flower I built and I carried on mining after that to help build the others until I am where I am now with a Mk3 flower. However, while I can make a lot of stuff now, I am actually no further along than I was before starting along the path of making the collectors/condenser. Obviously if you duplicate the first diamond you find to make everything then yeah, it does detract somewhat from the game.
  5. Thinking about it some more after I posted above, to stop any confusion now or in the future can you answer the below; - The maximum condensors each of us can have - The maximum number of collectors each of us can have - Can these run all the time we're on or should we run them only as and when we need something. So is it only the creation of an object that is causing server issues or does the energy collection do the same? The answer to these could then go in server rules. I can appreciate that you don't want to tell people how to play but when it comes to things like this which effect how others can play. Then I'd rather you just be blunt (and plainly as I'm a noob ) and say this is what you can have and no more.
  6. No. I walked away from my PC to answer the phone and the call went on much longer than I expected. I thought I would have got AFK booted so didn't come back to my PC for a while. I'll try to remember to log off any time I walk away from my PC. I'm sorry, I've obviously not understood something here. I thought you said last night having a flower or 2 was alright but if that is still a problem they can come down. Are they only a problem when actually producing an item or are they a server drain even when collecting energy? As I can take stuff out of them so I only make something when I need it.
  7. I assumed it was a crash, it went laggy which I thought was just lag and kicked us all off the server which I assumed was a crash. Everything seems to be fine generally but it has done it 2 or 3 times tonight.
  8. @Sennex servers crashed a few times tonight, I'm wondering if it is due to having a number of power flowers on the go. Would they make a difference or should I knock some down?
  9. I think red matter is in the build version we are playing so should be able to go as far as a mk3. I would have thought though if they have removed it from more recent versions it would have been replaced with something else everything requiring red matter would stop working.
  10. What we got here is one them castle rustler folk! Thinking they can come here and steal cattle, our cattle! Well that there castle rustling is a crime and you deserve to be punished. For your sins you are sentanced to death by falling. So if you could kindly jump off somewhere high or jump off a few times until you're dead that would be appreciated.
  11. Exactly! So we should play a different mode on CoD In fairness, any objective game mode is going to be better than tdm but I think domination will always be my favorite.
  12. Nice one Crispy, one way to save a good chunk of cash.
  13. Greboth

    PC Tower

    It isn't a derailment, what screen you're going to use, where will you sit, can you kb and mouse etc. are all considerations to gaming on a pc. I think for me and maybe you fall in this too, I can't see me leaving consoles any time soon. They're what I grew up with and enjoy. However, I do like having a PC for the things a console can't do - like a proper racing sim, modded minecraft server, gmod etc. None of which really require the pin point accuracy of a mouse so you may be able to get away with a controller. I feel like I am being quite negative about you getting a pc and I don't mean to be. I just don't want you to spend a few hundred quid (or however much) with the idea of playing R6 or OW etc only to find that you can't compete.
  14. Agreed, it is a laugh playing a CoD again even if it is an older one. I'm still not convinced by S&D but I think I've only played 15 games or so of it so still early days. I just wish I was more consistent but I guess thats what you get for not touching a CoD for a long time.
  15. Thanks for looking in to it Lee. TBH it isn't that much of a pain as all the browsers I use remember my details so it's quick for me to log back in.
  16. As I understand it, it just needs someone on the server for them to run.
  17. Haha thats brilliant and done it so many times myself.
  18. That sounds like an auto generated structure so you should be fine to loot it. It is always definative but if there isn't a bed, torches etc then pretty good clues it isn't someones.
  19. @GazzaGarratt Oh yeah, there was a forever gaming file but that went with the change of server. The names have changed but the instructioms should still work with putting the files in the folders I said. I'm out most of the day but if you haven't sorted it out by tonight I can talk you through it. Haha yup @crispymorgan I can imagine it is quite noticable, especially having better draw distances/lighting etc.
  20. Since when has the server had an afk timer?
  21. Everything you need should be in this post: If I'm remembering this correctly you need to download the forge, the JSTR Modded and the Mod files. Follow the instructions in Bart's post regarding installation, unzip the files and then JSTR Modded files go in "resource packs" and Mods go in to the "Mods" folder of your Minecraft install.
  22. Get it built and get playing on it!
  23. Greboth

    PC Tower

    Kb and mouse isn't about being amazing it is just about being on equal footing. A mouse is so much more accurate so you will suffer badly. Just look at widowmaker, useless on console but useful on pc.
  24. Only if you can also get him to sign up to the forum too
  25. I know you can breed them, things just haven't fallen right to do so for me. I will have to look in to the energy collector and condenser though, they sound useful.
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