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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. Greboth

    Fishing Mod

    Do fish give you anything extra other than meat to eat? If not, then honestly I don't care. So I suppose for the yay or nay vote, I abstain.
  2. @GazzaGarratt Plant tree outside house (and wait for it to grow) + craft some shears + shear some black sheep + stick black wool to tree = bearded tree!
  3. It makes sense to have anything like this also going through spawn. Thinking about it practially, spawn should probably be the main 'station'. So from your house to spawn then on whoever's house you want. Or if we could map everyones house, build the main 'station' roughly in the middle.
  4. Not a bad idea to have something connecting the houses, even if it is just tunnels. Though I have collected a fair few pieces of rail I found in a mine and have a few pieces of gold and redstone for the powered rails
  5. It's too late now, you have involed the wrath of Bart now! Be prepared for hell!
  6. Nice, I will have to remember to try and trade if I find a village again as I ignored everyone at the last one.
  7. Greboth

    Perma Bans?

    Has he left enough matches to be banned from any of the seasons? As Jeff's post suggest only those banned from multiple seasons will get perma banned. Though as you say is it fair? Maybe not. I suppose another option would be bring the season bans in a lot sooner but only ever make them season bans.
  8. Not me, my house is the closest I built to spawn.
  9. I know Bart is planning something for spawn but not sure he has finished mapping it out. Just go a reasonble distance out of soawn and you should be fine.
  10. TGIF! Indeed, just today and tomorrow then time off
  11. Press t to bring up the in game chat and type the command. You might be able to just straight type a / I'm not sure. My current house is x495 z1455 y66
  12. Wish I knew that the other night! That is the only reason I /home was when I ran out or torches and then couldn't find the cave again but /back would have been perfect. Oh well, the more you know Nice tip Crispy.
  13. A master list would be good, probably best to keep in the OP and just keep editing it as needed. So we can all find the list of what needs testing easily.
  14. As I understand treecapitator still takes the same 'life' out of tools as normal it is just quicker. So a 30 block tree with still take out 30 'life' out of your axe, the difference is you only need to cut down 1 block. Edit: Whoops didn't realise there was a second page.
  15. If I'm not, whatsapp me as it probably means I've lost track of timenon minecraft again
  16. I thought someone else would have test the building at spawn but I can try it when I get home tonight. I know I can't dig at spawn as I was trying to cut down grass for seeds and it wouldn't let me (I thought it was lag until I moved out of spawn and everything worked as normal) Lag - None that I have noticed. Treecapitator - Beautiful! So much nicer then having to chop every block. I've only tried on normal sized trees and all is fine. Otherdrops - Yup, I seem to be getting most of my other drops from sand but yeah seems to be working. MCMMO - I haven't actually used any but it is coming up with the "your sword it ready" etc. message so assume so. I will confirm later when I get home.
  17. I assume it is something like that, I'm level 40 is for mining but it still had a red 2 at the top. I was using a stone pick though so could be I need to use a different pick like an iron one. If I don't get an answer, I'll have a mess around later and try to figure it out as I have an Iron pick now.
  18. I had forgotten about torches on side, it was certainly useful on consoles due to the lack of commands. Oh well, it was a pretty big hole in the ground that leads to it so i'm sure we will find it again. Plus if we are having a resource world then it limits the need for mining our current world.
  19. This seems like best place to ask, how do unlock/rank up mining level? Going through the cave last night there were some blocks I couldn't mine. Normal blocks say at the top what they are, tool to use and mining level* with a number. Most blocks are level 1 but some of them are level 2 or 3. * May not actually be mining level, my memory is terrible but something like that.
  20. Greboth


    Yeah it looks good to me. We discussed the design but what sort of style are you thinking for the spawn? I tend to build minimalistic modern, rectangular houses with lots ot glass and light wood. Or old rustic style with lots of cobble and dark oak like this. I'm not saying it has to be either just I want to build my house in keeping so I don't have to rebuild.
  21. I did hence not knowing where the entrance was to go back to it.
  22. I found an absolutely massive cave system near spawn. Unfortunately it is one of those 'I wonder how deep it goes .... oh god how do I get out' caves. So I can't remember where the entrance was. Though if you find it, you'll know as there is a crafting table near the top as I needed to make some torches. I mined some stuff from it but mostly dug out paths to get around and torched it as far as I could go. I have decided to rebuild my house too, my little hut is nice but I feel like something grander. No real plan yet though but I'm sure I'll mess it up
  23. I can't see Imgur at work but from memory it should have an extra line and be 80+ mods loaded. Edit: Argh! beaten like a ginger step child.
  24. I'm not sure on the fresh install, I would have though deleting everything and starting again should create a completely new game. As for the FG.zip, yes you will need to unzip it and put the relevant resource, mods etc. files in to the mincecraft folders.
  25. Greboth


    Bart, as I said my time on over the next few days will be sporadic but next week I will have loads of free time. So if you want to leave a chest (or chests) of materials, you can focus on building spawn and I can continue laying out the road(s).
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