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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. Greboth

    How to pig

    There must be something wrong there as that clip actually makes you look decent Diddums.
  2. Wouldn't the logo just be the one at the top of the forum or the infinity controller? As this would fit in with current logo. The banner would require some work though as the FG logo doesn't fit a rectangular banner. I'll have a go at putting something together too. It is worth noting an end screen version of the logo is also good.
  3. Discord is a PC / Phone app and as far as I know there isn't a PS4 app so it would have to be seperate. Not a perfect solution but the best solution if there is more than 8 online. I still don't understand the 8 player limit but oh well.
  4. Greboth


    Welcome back Everyone has trouble at times balancing life and gaming but good to see you back. Also nice to see another FG'er planning on getting the new CoD.
  5. Whatsapp has been discussed already so not point me rehashing that. Small forums always suffer the catch 22 of people need to post for their to be activity except because there isn't any activity people don't post. Ultimately I think all you can do is keep posting and the people who want to be here will be around and will post and activity will (hopefully) lead to more activity. I do agree with @NCA-Paendrag that there hasn't been that one game to bring everyone together. I do feel since CoD's demise the whole gaming community has fragmented - there are people who I played CoD with every day for several years back in the day who I haven't played with in probably over 2 years now. Maybe it is just CoD being crap or just me getting old but to use a common phrase it just seems so much of gaming is toxic. I think, like a few in here, that Destiny 2 will restore some of what has been lost though - it is a very communial game so depends on but also can help build a community. I think most know I came over from OCUK and with the launch of D2 it opens up the possibility of some more crossing over or even with the clan features in D2.
  6. Benchmarks aren't the whole story but a quick Google suggest the G4600 originally suggested and the i3 6100 on Scan come out about the same in terms of performance. G4600 though is cheaper so has a much better performance per £.
  7. As questioning as I am of D2 I will most probably end up getting it so happy to try and get the FG clan to a better place. Well....once Bungie's site works well enough to actually allow me to join the FG clan anyway.
  8. Greboth

    Motoring art

    Yeah the number plate on the Honda is a bit odd but not sure why or how to fix it. I've never timed mysef but for the photoshop probably 50-60 hours if you include all the time to find donors etc. The 3D model is probably waaayy over 100 hours but thats learning a new program too. I do like the movie car posters and certainly something to consider on the wall of the man cave.
  9. I suppose it makes sense to mandate the odds are released, especially in game like OW where you by them, as it is in effect gambling. Stats and odds are horrible to work out but I get it to a 0.00003% chance but not sure it's right. Whatever though, statistically speaking it probably has happened a few times when you think of the number of copies sold and the amount of loot boxes you get. There must have been 10's of millions if not 100's of millions of loot boxes earned/bought. Edit: Or it could be a 0.0007% chance? I think I was right above though.
  10. Greboth


    Are the A40's / A50's closed back then?
  11. Hard is like normal just everything is more! The biggest difference is having 9 servitors rather than 3 so there has to be both more and clearer communication. Challenge mode I did once and vowed never again. It's like hard but with 100x the rage inducing, controller breaking, tv smashing moments. You can look up the specifics if you want but basically challenge an empowered has to slam one of the empty teleport pads before you can slam Aksis. The problem is that obviously where Aksis goes is random, which empty pad you have to slam is random and you know how tight the timing is to slam Aksis. The slight advantage is that everyone gets their super every teleport so with a couple of hunter tethers, titan WoL bubbles and warlocks viking funeral Aksis goes down so fast.
  12. Greboth


    I can't comment specifically about either the A40's or A50's as I use a PC360 headset with my mixamp so this is a bit more of a generic high end headset comment. However, I can highly recommend switching to a high (or higher) end headset with a mixamp. I went from a £50 Turtlebeach to the Mixamp/PC360 combo and the difference was insane! Sound alone it would have been worth it - I'm not a big audiophile to specifically explain the difference but there is nothing that would make me switch back. On top of that though, the build quality and comfort is another level - I can (and have) worn mine for 8-10 hours straight and they never become uncomfortable. The plus side for me has been that I got them for my Xbox 360 and they have remained compatible with the PS4 so I've had them for about 7 or 8 years now and still going strong. So basically - you may (understandably) wince at the price but once you put them on and hear the difference you will know they were worth it.
  13. Greboth

    F1 2017

    I still have mixed feelings abiut this season, Hamilton v Vettel, Mercedes v Ferrari is great for the sport. However the cars a terrible - they were made faster for the 'show' but the show has actually suffered as, unless you have a massive speed advantage, you have no chance of overtaking.
  14. Warpriest hard mode isn't too bad to do but I'm not sure we're a well enough machine for Aksis challenge but always fun giving it a go.
  15. Oh my bad, that makes more sense though and yeah it would be nice. However Bungie seem all about the grind so probably not. Depends what you want from it, doing raids enough to get a full sets take at least a few runs through on normal and then the same again on hard.
  16. Better raids would always be welcome. I agree with the mystery even with little things like the Outbreak Prime quest with a large part of the community trying to find them all, work out what they are all for. This could apply to the normal game too like with the Blank Spindle. Not everything has to go somewhere or do something but reward exploration and players being inquisitive. I'm actually the opposite to you regarding year 1 weapons. Some of the weapons were brilliant and it is good they have brought them back for one last hurrah! However, I am quite looking forward to having an empty vault to start collecting again. Though that does remind me, I would like for them to bring back elemental primaries, even if they carry on being exotic's like now. I agree with the vault actually, that's another one for the list of 'done outside the game but should really be in the game'.
  17. Morning all, So with more information coming out this week (think its the 18th) about Destiny 2, what is on your wish list? Destiny 1 with a few tweaks or something completely different?w For me, vanilla Destiny had its faults which weren't really improved in the early DLC but by The Taken Kind and Rise of Iron things were much improved. So I would like to see something similar to Destiny 1 but with a few tweaks; Night Fall and Raid matchmaking - It effectively already exists with the likes of LFG and r/fireteams so why not include it in the actual game. Maybe add some simple filters to it like light level as it is so important for raids and night falls. Though any limits would need to be carefully applied so we don't end up in a 'you have to have gjallahorn to raid' like early Destiny. Include the Lore / Backstory in the game - It has always seemed an odd choice to me that to learn the backstory and history you had to look outside of the game. Again this seems to be an issue that has somewhat been fixed with the more recent expansions but I would still like to see more of it being included actually in the game. Better social arrears and more social functions - Destiny is supposed to be this 'FPS MMORPG' except it, well, it isn't. I can appreciate the limits on the game, especially as Destiny 1 was on legacy/last gen consoles too. However currently we are limited in the tower to waving or dancing at each other unless your message them or invite them to party chat but not have this in game? Obviously it would be unworkable to hear everyone all the time but something simple like everyone is muted but when you R3 to inspect you can 'unmute' them. This especially applies to the 'social' areas on planets - go to Court of Oryx or Archon's forge and there is no easy way to communicate or team up. More Variety and customisation - Destiny has possible hundreds of weapons now and to me it all feels too crowded. There is a limited number of archetypes but because there are so many weapons you get drops and it often feels like well that just like this gun or that gun. Very few guns actually feel special to have and to use and I think it would be good to have guns the are special, that feel more unique even if it means less guns in total. Included in this, I would like to see more clan customisation (yes, I know I still need to switch to FG ) like custom emblems, logos, shaders. Maybe even go as far as being able to apply your claim logo to your armour and weapons. Better story / campaign missions - Bungie got better at this but even in the most recent expansions it wasn't great. Each missions too easily falls in to one of two categories; stand and defend a door/area from waves of enemies or stand around an area shooting at bullet sponge bosses. I don't think this is helped by having to run through the same areas over and over to get slightly different parts of the map for each mission. I could understand this more if, when we landed on each planet, we were in a base or some sort of safe zone but its just a random part of the planet. Further more, replayability is seriously hampered by there being no variation to the enemies - you know going back in to a mission you will face the same enemies, from the same doors, at the same time each and every time you play.
  18. It was indeed, certainly something to play for a round or two before moving on to other games. Definitely the more the merrier though, it was fun havin some from OCUK but I think everyone really needs to be chatting together.
  19. The extra cards are added through cardcast but don't know where they get the decks from. We can come up with some and I can have a look about actually adding them.
  20. Yeah, you can burn through heavy and special so quickly that I think by the end we were all only using primary. Chaos dogma is great for it though due to amount of bullets you get back with triple tap and double triple tap.
  21. Good point about free sync, I hadn't thought of that.
  22. I was thinking of arranging one for na evening soon but tonight works. Though I wont be bringing beer, whisky FTW!
  23. HAHA its always good to break you Lee
  24. I think the 1060 would be too much, around the price of the rx470 new then even second hand you're looking around the gtx980. Though I'm not right up to date with the gpu market so don't know how a 980 benches against a 470.
  25. Yeah if you have any funny clips, there were plenty of times people were laughing and swearing but I couldn't see what was going on so didn't include them.
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