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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. Be good to get raiding again, it's been ages since I've had any reason to put Destiny in.
  2. Bastion has already had a nerf on the PTR, his Iron clad was reduced from 35% to 20%. With the whole certification thing for patches on consoles, I think we will get the Bastion nerf in the patch that gives us Orisa. New characters are usually on the PTR for a few weeks so we should see Orisa in the next week or 2 at most.
  3. A notification of an update which should be going live on the PTR today and suggests big changes to Overwatch and team composition. Ana Biotic Rifle Damage decreased from 80 to 60 Biotoc Grenade Impact Damage reduced from 60 to 30 Impact Healing reduced from 100 to 50 Junkrat No longer hurts himself from his own explosions. (Effect added to current passive: Total Mayhem) Orisa Fusion Driver Magazine size lowered from 200 to 150 Supercharger Cost increase by 15% Sombra Stealth Sound effects and VO distance for entering and exiting Stealth reduced to 15 meters Translocator Cooldown reduced from 6s to 4s. Winston Barrier Projector Cooldown now starts when the barrier is placed, instead of when it ends. Zenyatta Orb of Destruction Alternate fire recovery reduced from 1s to 0.6s Orb of Discord Can now target enemies through barriers. So they are added another tank barrier with Orisa, reducing Ana's healing ability and buffing characters to help get through choke points. Is this going to be the end of the tank meta? I think for defending chokes a Reinhardt and/or Orisa (when released) will still be needed. However I am thinking if you Orb of Discord through a shield then a diving character could wreck the Reinhardt or Orisa or even Winston as his Tesla cannon goes through shields.
  4. I was trying to do it between games last night but setting it too small ruins the quality so will have a play around some more and see if I can get a smaller file size without too much loss in quality.
  5. Yup, same for me on the W/L/D. There must be some other factors in play other than simply how you play. I can accept that it looks at your previous rank as well as your placement matches but I don't get how that means we all placed lower. Well now begins the grind through the whole of gold to see if I can hit plat. What did you end last season at? Did you see about around a 100 point drop like the rest of us?
  6. I don't get any lag either on my phone but I can make the filesize smaller to see if that helps. I'll PM you with it Lee.
  7. Initial rumours seem to suggest a bit of a mixed bag performance wise with AMD scoring better in some respect and worse in others. One thing seems to be certain though, Ryzen CPU's will be cheaper than their Intel competition so performance per £ should be better. AMD certainly have had some false dawns though but with the NDA/Embargo lifting tomorrow it is going to be an interesting time. Overall though, if you need to include a monitor (what about other peripherals?) then that really limits your budget to spend on components. 3 options for this though, 1- wait to save up some more and get a kickass pc straight away, 2 - buy as much second hand or last 'gen' to save a little on each component (i.e. for the most part a 5th gen Intel CPU would be enough, you don't need a brand new 7th gen) or 3 - Spend the money on CPU, MB, RAM etc. and get a cheaper graphics card something like a gtx 1050, or one of the 900 cards as it would be enough for medium to high settings at 1080 (not sure what the AMD equivalents to these are). Then in a few months, a year or whatever you can quickly switch out for higher end card.
  8. The spawn delay sounds intriguing - not sure it is a good thing though. OW is a team game, if your surviving on the point in a 1 v 4, 1 v 5, 1 v 6 situation then surely you should be rewarded by delaying the opposing team? Even if you play the sacrificial pawn until your 5 team mates turn up it is a legitimate tactic. So seems a little counter intuitive to seemingly be punished for be able to survive while outnumbered. I guess we will have to wait and see until we have actually tried it to find out how it works.
  9. The single player missions and the online missions never cross over. Obviously though they are set in the same city and at the same time (I think from memory online is set at, or just before, the start of the offline story) so that is why you get missions from Lester, Trevor, Lamar etc. As for partying up - if you either drive/walk in to a mission on the map it will load the lobby. Alternatively, if you press option - online - jobs you can load any job up from there. Once in the lobby, you sometimes will get put in to an existing one or be host and you can pick the options. If you're host, you have options to invite players to the mission. Some of these are handy options like party members or friends playing GTA. If you are playing solo though you can auto invite or invite skill matched players which sends the invites to loads of random players. As Diddums said though, be prepared to get very frustrated with randoms. One thing on the property / garage front - It is worthwhile getting one as it opens up options such as the heists and ability to keep cars but you can own multiple properties (I assume you can also sell an old one if you want also) so it isn't necessary to instantly buy the most expensive/largest one. Something to note too, you can sell 1 car per day at the custom shops. Like owning cars, you can't just steal a high end car and sell it but any 'normal' car you can. It doesn't net much, only a few k, but it is easy and quick money.
  10. I suppose it is only fair that I annoy the opposing team as much as I annoy you lot It has been a while since I played Tracer properly though so will have to have a few quick play games with her before the season starts.
  11. I think it is more our tactics that let us down rather than team comp. However always good to be able to play a selection of characters. I need to get some practice in with DPS characters as I have been playing tanks too much recently. A Reinhardt is an insta-pick for payload maps but I think going forward I might start using tracer again on the capture the point maps. Nothing more fun than jumping around in an enemies back line picking off healers and tying up 2 or 3 players as they try to kill you
  12. it was funny playing that game, stretch all confident of getting the PoG only to be stolen by Crispy. Send your clips over, I record the games but obviously can only ever record the PoG's. I'm sure there are plenty of good plays that don't make the PoG but are good enough for a video.
  13. Thanks guys I am thinking for season 4, keep the POG HOG's going but make some compilations too. As I am sure there are some good plays happening that don't make POG's so get saving your clips
  14. This is certainly interesting, I still wonder if the hero is going to be Doomfist. As i understand it, whomever has the gaunlet is Doomfist. By the signs in Munbani there has been 3 already. So maybe this is the fourth Doomfist. Maybe also, being that we know the new character is related to the little girl (Eli? Ela?) maybe it will be an Omnic Doomfist. I may be well off base though as I haven't been keeping up with the lore or the teased information.
  15. Evening chaps, POG HOG Episode 3 with a lot of Bastion. Hopefully with the PTR changes Bastions POG's might be a little more varied. Enjoy Greboth.
  16. Evening, Watching a video on youtube the other day made me think about this - How did your season 3 go? Did you manage to get to where you wanted? Play the characters you wanted? etc. For me, I think it went quite well. I think have played more this season the others combined. I placed a little low which hampered me a little but had some nice win streaks on the way. I would like to have made it in to platinum this season. I think being honest I am only a high gold / low plat player and even though I hit a new career high this season it was only ~10 points higher and still gold. I don't think my placement matches helped either as I got placed low gold, so hopefully with season 4 coming up, some good placement matches will see me at least high gold. Thus making it a little easier to get in to platinum. To end on a more positive note, I played a much wider variety of characters this season. I started off mostly solo queue playing DVa but by the end my most played was Reinhardt. In previous seasons I only played Reinhardt as he is a must play for payloads but I have become a lot more comfortable with him. I still feel quite inconsistent with him though so that will be something to work on next season. Greboth.
  17. This close to the end of the season I wouldn't really worry about it. Hopefully you get some good placement matches next season and can plce higher.
  18. I might be the only person that did but I enjoyed NMS. I keep meaning to go back to it since the big update too but you lot keep me playing OW instead
  19. Interesting bits of extra info, I don't have a pre-order in at the moment as I planned to wait for reviews. However getting closer and closer to release date it is getting hard to resist the temptation.
  20. Wow that is a good night. It would be nice to hit plat before the end of the season but not sure it will happen. I plan on giving it a good, some of it will probably be solo queue so depends so much on randoms. Which means the other team will be reasonable and my team will all be billy no thumbs.
  21. Played a few solo queue matches when I got home tonight and lucked in to some decent team mates. Highlight was coming back on Lijang Tower from 0-2 to win 3-2 Now only about 100 points below my season high. It will be good to do some new placement matches to see where I come out but I don't think it will be that different to where I am now as I have been high gold every season so far.
  22. So one weekend to try and claw my way into plat before the season ends. Works out well though, no competitive while i'm off should mean less temptation to play.
  23. That is quite peaceful though can't help but think add some war drums to it and it could be in Halo
  24. Finally got on to the social club and don't have an invite so requested to join the FG clan instead
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