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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. No, Plastic asked about enemies to defend against and we hadn't discussed about what mode though I had assumed it would be survival.
  2. I would have thought we are doing survival rather than creative but I'll go with whatever.
  3. I've got a hectic week or 2 but then have some time off so, if we have set up by then, I'll have loads of time to put in to it. So, where do we get it all from? I looked on Mojang site but I presume this will be for the latest version and it was suggested running 7.10 (or was it 10.7?). Though I (again) presume that if I buy it off Mojang site I can log in to any version. Mods/textures etc. some of this needs to be client side so where does that come from? Ps sorry for all the questions pps sorry not sorry
  4. That is good to know, I'm happy to join day 1 too though as I enjoy the building side. Going from a simple dirt hut from night 1 to bigger, grander and better defended houses. Though my design side is a bit lacking as I find it hard to make something look nice out of blocks.
  5. Well now that just makes me want to re-arrange my plans I have standing plans almost every Friday so gaming is always tough.
  6. All sounds good to me. I played a few hours on ps4 too as it's been so long I can barely remember the basics. One question about the server; when we connect to it we will all spawn in the same place? I'm just thinking it is fun to explore on your own but we could build a communal settlement.
  7. Unfortunately I can't make this one
  8. Morning chaps! Have a happy hump day all.
  9. Created the lobby anyway on the off chance others join. http://pyx-1.pretendyoure.xyz/zy/game.jsp#game=79 p/w: forevergaming
  10. @GazzaGarratt yeah sounds good, I'll be leaving in an hour or so, so should be home on plenty of time for games.
  11. I come back Monday but I shouldn't be late so sounds good. The game has to be set up at the time but happy to hop on earlier and set it up so I can post a link.
  12. I did warn you I'm a total noob That makes more sense than what I was thinking and sounds like a good way to keep things more fun as it acts sort of like an equaliser.
  13. For something as big as building your own mountain then yeah, a resourse world makes sense. I was more thinking, if the resource world has everything straight away, you could instantly have diamond tools etc. Which makes the game more like creative mode than survival.
  14. Sounds good to me. I generally mine down before strip mining so all the appears at the surface is a couple blocks missing. However, a resource world for building a fancy house or whatever would be useful though would be too easy to not play the game properly.
  15. Basically a chat program with text chat 'coversations' and a few voice channels on too. As far as I know there are no limits on the number of people that can be in a chat and best of all it's free.
  16. All sounds good to me, $15 should be easy with all of us. I'm happy to throw a lump sum in so we're covered for many months. That world looks interesting too, are the structures naturally in the world or have they been built by you? As for voice, I would have thought we could just use discord.
  17. As I said, I come from console which was the base game and nothing else. So I bow to your experience and opinions on mods/plugins/textures etc. if 7.10 is the way to go then 7.10 it will be. I'm just here for the company really, I enjoyed the single player survivor mode, especially building up everything to have a secure base and farm etc. but eventually running around on your own gets boring.
  18. Minecraft as a base game leans towards the fantasy anyway so my choice would be to stick to it. I presume mods have to be done server side but texture packs are done our end.
  19. I just checked, month and year work - it is just week that doesn't TBH I don't think there is any rush to sort it out, it is just something I noticed.
  20. Best leaving it where it is then Are you changing stuff within the top posters this week/month? As I've notice mine has said 1 post for the past few days but I'm pretty sure I've been spamming more than that.
  21. Can we make it Monday then?
  22. Morning all. TGI Friday! Hope you have a good one.
  23. Sounds like this might be a go. Coming from console though I have no idea about mods.
  24. The save all your money and do the stock market assisinations at the end of the game to earn billions? I thought it got removed but a quick google suggests people are still doing it.
  25. Sorry, I was keeping things short as I was on my phone. Basically, I already know I could donate monthly to it so I had moved on to how much would I be willing to donate to it. That is where I ran in to a problem as, having no experience of this, I had no idea if a server is a few dollars a month or a few hundred dollars a month and that very much affected whether I would, or wouldn't, be willing to donate. I can appreciate that it varies depending on the number of players we want (though hopefully this should reasonably scale) and the mods we want to run. However if you're looking at a ballpark-ish figure of a few dollars a month each then that doesn't sound too bad. I have run servers for other games many years ago so know the problem of people promising to and not paying so I don't think it is unreasonable, at least initially, to ask for 3-6 months worth.
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