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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. So much to learn coming from the basic console version. Is the MCMMO why you get the pop up when looking at blocks that says something like 'mining level 3 required' ? The drops from drops sounds interesting and gives more of a reason to dig through the terrain. Regarding the F7 to spawn mobs, as you mentioned torches I presume mob spawning rules still apply? Though if you can choose where they spawn then seems an easy to create a mob farm.
  2. I'll be jumping on this evening to take a look around and can help with building and setting up a farm so we have a good base location. One thing, I thought of last night was; how do nights go on the server? Can you skip them? I presume the only way it could work would be the night only skips if everyone on the server goes to bed.
  3. I started with a Warlock and though I have had all 3 since House of Wolves I still prefer my Warlock so I think I will stick with him. It is a shame to loose self res, it can be a crutch and an auto pick for raids but it was fun knowing you can be less careful and run in to situations and, if it all goes tits up, just res and carry on.
  4. Morning guys!
  5. I didn't realise you were replying to me either so I just deleted it. It came up with an error with a list of items that would be removed and continuing loaded the game like normal and it seems to have continued working. TBH I'm not really to bothered, single player was only to help me get used to pc controls before the server came live.
  6. I've played a few hours of single player and got a base set up with crops and setting up a farm too. So not that far in to it or tried to do too much but not noticed any problems yet. Not sure if mine says anything under resource packs but I will check when i'm home.
  7. I presume deleting it will just remove any witchery stuff from my game? or will I need to start single player again?
  8. I can't be bothered with the bullshit of it anymore. Win 5, loose 5 with medals every match and a couple of career bests = my worst ever placement.
  9. I take it from your annoyance they are usually set up a lot faster than this one is? Who knows where a year will take us but it would be good having the knowledge that it will be up for a year without having to worry about renewals (presuming others do donate)
  10. I assume you mean the game rather than server. If so, taken from here:https://help.mojang.com/customer/en/portal/articles/325948-minecraft-system-requirements Minimum Requirements: CPU: Intel Pentium D or AMD Athlon 64 (K8) 2.6 GHz RAM: 2GB GPU (Integrated): Intel HD Graphics or AMD (formerly ATI) Radeon HD Graphics with OpenGL 2.1 GPU (Discrete): Nvidia GeForce 9600 GT or AMD Radeon HD 2400 with OpenGL 3.1 HDD: At least 200MB for Game Core and Other Files Java 6 Release 45 Recommended Requirements: CPU: Intel Core i3 or AMD Athlon II (K10) 2.8 GHz RAM: 4GB GPU: GeForce 2xx Series or AMD Radeon HD 5xxx Series (Excluding Integrated Chipsets) with OpenGL 3.3 HDD: 1GB Latest release of Java 8 from java.com
  11. Well go have some coffee then, caffiene makes everything better! I was being dumb, I just tried to grab something out the menu and while it says 64 like I could add it to my inventory, I can't. So just looks like the interface
  12. @GazzaGarratt Just Minecraft as far as I know. You can get cheaper ones on ebay but from as per Sennex's advice I got it directly from Mojang for £18. If you go on their site it directs you to the official minecraft site to buy it. Then just download the 2 files Sennex posted, install Forge and then install the mods. I followed this guide: http://minemum.com/installing-mods
  13. Downloaded and installed and everything seems to be working fine. Though I have a couple of questions; 1. Does Ovus rustic redemption in the resource packs folder need to be unzipped? As jstr universal is already in the FG zip file but the ovus zip isn't 2. I quickly launched in to a survival to check everything works. I get all the names of things, whether I can mine it etc so assuming everything is fine. Though when I go in to my inventory I have everything, every block, weapon, item etc all selectable on the right hand side. I assume this is one of the mods but can it be disabled? or is it just a case if its there just don't use it.
  14. So basically just the crash junctions, that in itself isn't a bad thing as it was the most challenging part for in the burnout games.
  15. I can try it later or over the weekend once it's approved. Do I need to do anything else or just download it and install it? Like be running a specific version of Minecraft or whatever.
  16. Yuhuh, yeah, yup, makes sense.........nope no idea what you're talking about
  17. Cool, I look forward to it. Thank you for sorting it all out and answering my nooby questions @Sennex, I'm sure there will be more to come I was messing around on single player and hit some luck, world spawn was right next to a village so plenty of carrots and wheat for me
  18. Oh I see, no reason you can't have both the experience of the raid and get the drops though.
  19. The problem you have is that at 387, normal mode raids only drop up to 385 so you're looking at hard mode raids which could be quite a shock for your first raids. I don't think Crota or Oryx are too bad as they are more forgiving than VoG or Wrath of the Machine. However, any drops you get from any part of the raid should see a boost to your light levels. 387 is fine for Nightfalls too and this weeks is quite easy so sure we could get people through that.
  20. Looks good, I did enjoy the early Burnouts though so not so much the later ones. You can't complain at £9 though so will have to see about getting it. Have you got it yet Lee? what's your opinion?
  21. Sounds like a good idea, I haven't been recording or editing for the past couple of weeks or so as I am having trouble with my PC. So it will be Tronic for now until I get to the bottom of my issue. As for how to get the clips, youtube is probably going to be the easiest. Upload directly to youtube and there are a number of websites that allow you to download videos from youtube.
  22. Brilliant Sennex, it seems you have thought of everything. Nice one Lee, donation made.
  23. Whooooo our own personal minecraft wiki The only question I have so far; is there a way to have a crafting menu like on consoles? For example, on console you simply select a door and you craft it rather than having to remember that you need to put planks in 2 x 3 grid to craft a door.
  24. I don't really know - I looked on ebay but some of the things said on the few I looked at made me question them. Checked Amazon and it is the same price as direct from Mojang so thinking I might just get it from Mojang.
  25. It's only in GTA that I may have killed certain people repeatedly! Which may or may not be related to GTA is the only game you can kill your friends It is something I didn't actually think about in Minecraft but now you've mentioned it So with the installing, I'm fine buying and installing the base/standard game while we are still sorting out the server and mods? As I don't think it will be that different from console but would like to have some time to get used to using a mouse and keyboard.
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