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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. Greboth


    I just got lucky, as it happened again. It is like you get in to bed and everything dims but you never get out of it.
  2. Greboth


    As we were talking about on the server, out of that list it could be teleporting. Especially wih a few of us as that is probably at least 6 locations being stored. The other is animals, there does seem to occasionally huge groups of animals. If I count mobs too, there is about 30 round me currently.
  3. Greboth


    Yeah hit the bug a few times that I seep then don't get out of bed. I thought it was because my bed was between two chests which I moved. This worked but I've only slept once though so it could just have been luck.
  4. I've hit this a few times in the resource world but didn't think much of it as I managed to walk out of jt after a few seconds.
  5. Mobs only spawn in the dark so as long as you put enough torches down then nope. The cave is now mob free.
  6. I'd actually argue the contrary somewhat, obvious we will be a in a better position but compared to when we started? anyone new is sorted. The spawn chest has beds, tools, armour etc. in so they will be set up straight away. I know we started in peaceful but it isn't like anyone new joining is defenseless when they join.
  7. Greboth

    Nether portal

    If you /spawn and walk towards the teleport book for the resource world you should see a staircase and it is up there.
  8. It was a perfect combination for me, MC server went live while I was off work with nothing to do mixed with getting a silk touch pick meant I could mine and instantly build. This time around, I've played a lot but nothing like the time I did the first week mixed with having to smelt everything is adding extra time. At a rough estimate, since the new server has gone up I've collected about half the resources I had and done no building. This isn't a complaint, just highlighting that it would be silly to wait until everyone is back where they were. F7 function? I just tried it and it did nothing. Edit: Googled it, ohhh I never knew yu could do that.
  9. I'd say turn them on anyway, for me to get back to last server is going to take a week or two more of collecting resources to even begin building. Nevermind how long it will take to collect enough resources to finish the build. As for anyone that hasn't joined being disadvantaged. I don't think so really, it's a community server and I am happy to share my spare resources with anyone. Especially as I made the repair talisman last night so I wont need to keep making tools.
  10. I can understand why glass isn't completey clear as it would make it difficult to work out if its there. Though I do agree, having the lines does spoil views somewhat. The other option is just leave it empty. Though this depends on exactly where it is and the chance of mobs getting in.
  11. I'll be around for this
  12. I've not done much trading, does it matter what the villager / merchant is? At a guess a baker traders wheat? butcher meat? etc. As for spawn; if done right I think it could look good.
  13. Oh yeah, I know that. I thought you meant generally.
  14. How do you skip a night then without a bed? I do think I have cotton seeds and hoes but don't need a bed anymore.
  15. It was the first night and we needed beds Mines a really rubbish cave at the moment with couple of chests, a bed and a crafting table.
  16. Is that the one I took the beds from? I think north if spawn? I'll post the co-ordinates of my literal hole in the wall as I'm collecting resources to build my proper house.
  17. I'm pretty sure mine was nothing to do with Minecraft it has been locking up occasionally for the past few weeks. I thought I had it fixed but it's done it twice in the last week again. I didn't get any lag or anything, just froze and there is nothing I can do to get out of it.
  18. haha don't worry about it, it was just bad timing. Nothing to do with Minecraft but my PC locked up again so I just turned it off and went and got some lunch. I'll be back on in a little while
  19. I'm in and all seems to be working. Only question is; Can we no longer search the craftable items? I type in the bottom but it doesn't filter the right hand side list.
  20. Good to know, Once we have set up again and done some exploring then I might ask you for something to help rebuild.
  21. I've grabbed plenty of screenshots so I can rebuild so I'm good to go whenever. Out of curiosity, Bart; I presume you will still have the creative game mode ability / access to everything in game?
  22. I have built quite a bit and others have and it will be a shame to lose it all. However scrapping it all for a better experience is worth it. I just need to grab some screen shots of my build so I can rebuild it.
  23. Sounds like a good idea, I will have to leave my building behind and actually play the game more. As building out of stone and wood is going to be the same on both.
  24. I tried single player on 1.12 and works fine me too running on an i7 3770, 8Gb RAm and GTX1050Ti. Though it is weird now playing it without the map, treecapitator etc.
  25. One of the pros Bart listed is the newer version is easier to run so it shouldn't be a problem but it never hurts to double check.
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