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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. Afternoon gents, I present you: POG HOG Episode 2. It took slightly longer than expected as I tried my hand at making a proper intro. Still not 100% about it but it is better than a rotating jpg Surprisingly not all of Crispy's are Bastion POG's
  2. Greboth


    Capped quite a few POG's but working on some of the extra things to bring the video quality up.
  3. I will have to see if I can pick it up cheap somewhere as I wouldn't mind playing this again. Private server + chatting rubbish + capture card = win!
  4. Greboth


    Thanks guys, I'm working on making the second one better DoubleD you should get it, it's such a fun game.
  5. I don't play enough Ana or Roadhog to probably notice their changes. DVa is a shame though being that I do like playing her and some videos I watched on it suggest the nerf has been too much. We shall see what actually gets released from the test server. Maybe DVa will only drop to 300/300 rather than the 400/200 currently being tested.
  6. I'm one of the new guys so no burned bridges here so welcome back! I've not played warframe but a friend plays it a lot and I only hear good things. I should give it a go one day.
  7. Nice I would add to it that damage and healing follows a specific order. Any damage received will first damage shield (blue) until empty, then armour (yellow) and then health (white). Obviously any character with a barrier ability (Reinhardt, Zarya etc) the barrier will take a certain amount of damage before breaking and then it follows the above order. As you said above shields regenerate if you get out of combat. However it is possible to have your shields healed also. Though any healing is done in the reverse order to damage. Healing will therefore fill health until full, then armour and finally shields. No characters healing, regular or special abilities can heal a barrier.
  8. Greboth


    Yeah, it is good to record some gaming as haven't in ages. I used to upload commentaries so first time I have tried actual editing. I will record more when I am too and make a part 2.
  9. Greboth


    Evening chaps, The compilation of FG POG's over the last week or so. Sound is a bit off in a few clips as it maxxed out but don't know why as no settings changed. Editing on my PC sucks but its fun to cap the plays so i'll carry on and make more of these. Enjoy.
  10. Greboth


    Haha close enough. Since coining the name I don't want to think how many years ago my music tastes have changed but I still fall in to the rock and metal genres mostly.
  11. Greboth


    It is why I answer to Crow due to their being too many Chris' in the family. As for the username, it is a portmaneau of Grebo and Goth hence Greboth. With one 'e' is my forum and gamer handle since I started playing online. Unfortunately though it was taken on PSN so added an 'e'. It has the added benefit of people bow pronounce it right too so bonus. Edit: Mong is also acceptable
  12. Greboth


    Yeah maybe it would have been useful to include that in the OP. These days I mostly play online FPS games like OW but I also have sunk a lot of time in to Destiny too. I have BF1 too but I haven't really played it too much since the Destiny DLC came out then playing so much OW recently.
  13. Greboth


    The callouts were confusing to begin with but I'm learning everyones 'alternative' names so it is making more sense now.
  14. Greboth


    Hi all, My name is Chris and I'm an alco....oops wrong forum. I have been playing Overwatch recently with a few members of this forum and thought it was about time I signed up. I know some of the OCUK guys are on here but for everyone else, my name is Chris though I equally answer to Crow or Greboth. I am from the UK and have been gaming for around 20-25 years starting with things like Atari's, Amiga 500's through most consoles through to today. I used to play PC too but that was mostly for my racing sim set up (LFS and iRacing mostly) but I sold it a few years ago due to not using it. I now solely rely on my PS4 and my PSN is Greeboth if anyone wants to add me. I think that is enough though so see you around.
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