Thanks Stretch, it wasn't intentional to have a longer video. It just happened that way because of taking so long to make the intro clip. As above, I'm not 100% on the intro but it's only the second time I have animated anything so it will do. If people can think of something better or a different animation or just want the intro clip or 3D file I am happy to share. I can't remember who sugggested it tonight but will have to give the 360 degree spin gif a go, it should be easy enough.
Cyberninja, I'm not really sure about who is or isn't on here. I included all the ones from where we were playing as a group as we have often played with them even if they aren't on here. I do like Pharah but I am really not that good with her, I should play some quick play and get some practice. It is just the flying, boosting, aiming and shooting - just too much to concentrate on at the same time.