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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. I really enjoyed the episode and certainly didn't feel like 80 minutes. I was starting to doubt Littlefinger was going to get it this then bam! I thought Cersei was going to die this season too but obviously not. I think she will at some point and my monies still on that it will be Jamie that kills her.
  2. Insta-death seems to be still there but I am reserving final judgment on it as there is a number of potential reasons it may have happened.
  3. If you're thinking communal then really two options; You can explore together - whether this in the overworld, nether or end doesn't really matter. Though with the end, for example, a group of us could kill the dragon and go end raiding. The other, arguably more common communal projects are builds of some sort like the railway project that is still in progress. The railway build though is fragmented due to it being a railway so once it leaves spawn it is everyone on their own. However, we could go for building something communal where we all contribute in the same area making it everyones. There is the obvious village or castle and surround villages but I've seen cool builds of upside down houses built to the roof of caves and overhangs, massive underground caves dug out and built in or under the sea cities etc. The limit is our imagination though it would need to a be communal idea / decision I think so people feel motivated to help out the build.
  4. So with the beta going live yesterday - what are peoples thoughts on it so far? For me there is the obvious things to instantly like - no wall running, no boost jumps it is a proper boots on the ground CoD but we pretty much knew that going in to it. The good; Graphics - I can't say I noticed any particularly fancy lighting or moment of wow that looks amazing but the graphics are clear, textures look good and currently there is no horrible colours (I'm sure neon pink and green supply drop weapons will change that though) Guns - I only tried a few out last night but they sound and handle differently - especially seeming to have more recoil than previous COD's so each feels unique. The guns feel like they have different ranges too - SMG's feel useless at range, rifles useless at close range etc. though this could just be me being rubbish. Mediocre Maps - For domination and TDM the maps seem to flow OK so far - not perfect but OK. I'm really not sure on the new mode though - when it comes to building the bridge there seems to be so many spots to look out from that it is difficult to clear them all. Bad Insta-death - What would a CoD be without insta-death. It hasn't happened often but already died a few times before I could even react. Head glitching - It isn't really a glitch but I don't understand the constant need to put objects in the world people can hide behind and have only part of their head sticking above. Surely these spots just encourage camping which is seemingly the opposite of what most people want. That is it off the top of my head but I've only played for a couple of hours so I'm sure my view probably change a little.
  5. Ahhhh Fatebringer - the only handcannon anyone ever needed. I said nothing above but thinking about Fatebringer - I'd quite like having the ability to equip 3 elemental weapons again.
  6. Indeed, there is now a number of bigger, blacker dicks in the FG deck. If anyone wants to see our deck: https://www.cardcastgame.com/browse/deck/4V4YD Hopefully the links works but if not search Forever Gaming or 4V4YD
  7. I voted to keep it though agree it should only be a temporary reprieve. With the beta coming this weekend and possibly (hopefully) the best CoD in a while in a couple of months we could see more activity. It is only a possibility though so like a few suggested I'd say give it a chance and if things odn't pick up nuke it.
  8. Nope, the only email I got was the confirmation of my order
  9. We'll have to wait and see where things fall but I think the changes are being made to the DM because it is OP. While it is great to have on our team, when you consider how much damage it can eat and how many ults too. Other barriers like Reinhardt's shield mitigates ults but rarely does it stop an ult or make one useless like DVa can. I'm not sure adding the rockets to her is such a good idea but with the nerf to her DM she would need some rebalancing else she would never get picked. DVa was great extremely close range but useless at any other range so could be useful having a ranged ability.
  10. I never got an activation code from Amazon I will have to get on to them then.
  11. I guess I'll keep my eye on my emails then as I pre-ordered from Amazon a few weeks/month ago so fingers crossed should get it today. I'm not sure I see the logic though of giving it out so late as PSN and XBL are going to get hammered with everyone trying to download it at the same time.
  12. Morning y'all! On the build up to the weekend already have a good Thursday all.
  13. I accept I might be in the minority here but I don't care about fps* - there I said it Side by side I can tell the difference, play one game at 60fps and change to one at 30 I notice a difference. However any difference I notice is temporary at best and I need to have that comparison. If I load straight in to a 30fps game so don't have the comparison or once I'm engrossed in a game I really don't notice what the fps is. That doesn't mean I think Bungie or Activision (or anyone else) should be lazy with the games or game engines but I can accept that, especially with the limited power of consoles, there is always going to be a compromise between graphics and fps. * as long as they are fixed, fluctuating fps does my tits in!
  14. until

    Not sure yet I can be home for 8 but if you're still playing I can join mid game
  15. Without derailing this thread too much - SP and MP can be the same or offer different experiences. I have an SP world which I'm deliberately not playing in the same way as MP. Due to server load it isn't possible to build the 10,15, 20 or more farms required to automate everything so I'm keeping that to SP while enjoying MP for everything else.
  16. It is certainly going to be interesting to see how it all works out. For one reason or another we have struggled to complete some raids but I do hope with more players and more time being put in to it we can get through the new raid easily.
  17. You're off? Explains the smell Good morning everyone Hope you're all having a good day....or as good as you can on Monday.
  18. If you're looking for things to do - have a go at building the medieval castle from the book? Have you killed the 'bosses' of MC? Especially the Dragon then you can end raiding and find some shulker boxes, see if you can find an Elytra etc. This is my first multiplayer MC so all the single player stuff is still in my head - I still run away scared from creepers, I still look for the hole in the ground etc. If you get an enchanted sword that set mobs on fire (Fire Aspect?) if you kill an animal with it, it will dropped cooked meat rather than raw. Regarding the water thing - if you fire it in to the sky it will start raining and the lava version will stop it raining. Also don't fire the lava one in to the sea - you will create massive holes which take considerable time to re-fill with water. Energy Condensor - I'm not sure they are cheesy - well no more cheesy than other options. By the time you have the resources spare to build them if it was vanilla, especially single player vanilla, you could be building the different types of farms which amount to the same thing.
  19. I agree - nothing. There will be things I will miss from D1 but I'd prefer new stuff. Obviously the underlying things will be similar - chest armour will still be chest armour, it will still have grenade, melee, weapons perks etc. but I'd prefer if D2 was all new stuff.
  20. Yeah man, I'm up for it still. Going by some posts I'm guessing we're going with sat only and stay over sat night? should be good still as can fit in drinks of something sat night. I'm good with whatever though.
  21. Morning all. Lee you can't go on holiday?! What are we going to do? How will we cope without you Sounds good though bud, you deserve a break so enjoy. I'm counting down the opposite way, 2 and a bit more weeks of work then a week off.
  22. Whoa whoa whoa there! I never said HtTYD was 'not good' I only said not as good as some people made it out to be. I know some people who put it in their top films but not me, it was good just not that good. I do agree with you there Big Hero 6 is ace! Still cracks me up when he's taping the holes up in the police station
  23. Correct. Depending on your exact case is going to determine the difficulty as they can be tucked away in some hard to reach places. However in simple terms it should be a case of disconnecting them from your motherboard and detaching them from the front of the case and then the reverse to fit the new ones. Hopefully you don't break anything too badly so if you get stuck you can still post pictures
  24. It was always going to be difficult to follow last weeks episode and I don't think it was anywhere near as grand but some pretty interesting things were revealed and put in motion Just a shame that I don't think some are going to be finished this season though I am feeling more confident on calling Littlefinger's death this season.
  25. Logan meh? Lee I may just have to disown ever knowing you! Even Cinema Sins couldn't hate on Logan! I agree it was obvious but as it was based on the Old Man Logan comics we knew where it was going before the film even released so it was always going to be about the journey. The best X-men film in my opinion and a fantastic way for Hugh Jackman to retire from the role. I hope it was to retire the role of Wolverine too, to cast anyone else will be weird - Jackman is Wolverine. I watched How to train your Dragon 1 & 2 - Not as good as some people made it out to be but a still a good fun film. It doesn't bridge the child adult gap that some animated films do but still worth a watch it you haven't seen them.
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