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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. Obviously you glide with the Elytra but with the newer versions you can use rockets to power and you can fly with them. I thought they got added with the Elytra but the rockets were added later (I want to guess 1.12).
  2. I meant using the rockets to fly with the Elytra. I've had that error but I can I fly, well glide, with my Elytra
  3. I suppose getting the 3 staffs could be done with 2 players but that would be a shit ton of enemies to deal with single handed. The baths you have to charge all 4 plates so short of a glitch I can't see how you could have less than 4. Though timings may be too tight so you might have to have the extra 2 players being runners either side. The rest I don't know yet. Certainly for some of the secret stuff you do as 6 levers need to be pulled with specific timing.
  4. Morning guys, I thought we could have a thread to discuss the actual raid for those of who have attempted it. Just to be sure; *** SPOILERS BELOW! *** *** YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! *** So the raid - oh my god! how huge is it!!! Just loading in to the raid and seeing it in front of you. Whoever this raid is bigger than D1 may not be far wrong! We got through the first room pretty quick though the baths caused us some problem in working out the exact mechanics. Eventually we got the mechanics down and then a few more tries got it done. Due to the rotation of players it seems a fight that goes more and more wrong the longer it goes on so thankfully we managed it in 2 damage phases. We then got up to the dogs and tried to work out the mechanics but by this time it was a later so then spent a lot of time exploring the underside. I wont say how to do or where to go exactly but if you go under the spawn there are rooms with levers which open secret doors - the problem is all you get on screen is "the way is open" so no idea where some of the doors are! We managed to find one though and you go through the tunnels, pipe, up lifts, down drops, jumping puzzles etc. and there are chests in there which seem to require keys from the raid. It also seems a way to skip certain fights as you can get out of these tunnels in to the baths or straight to the dogs which could become useful. A lot of the doors have symbols on like the crossed axes, cup, dog etc. so we were thinking they open once you have done certain bits of the raid or maybe something to do with challenge mode but we couldn't figure it out. Overall, from what I played and explored last night I think it is a very good raid and it will take some time before we know all the secrets of it. Drop wise - I managed to get the raid pulse rifle which is alright actually. All the other drops I got were normal engrams so nothing raid specific. It did boost my level nicely though taking me from 285 to 290 so I can't complain too much.
  5. I popped on the server last night while the Destiny servers were down. I didn't get much done but oh my god that is some rather large holes you have dug! No wonder there are so many chests on the surface!!! I've always found mine works as long as it is in your inventory, it doesn't need to be in your hot bar unless you want to open the bag.
  6. I had completely forgotten about the fireworks I made a bunch of fireworks for my Elytra but that wasn't added until a later version so thought I'd put them to some use. I must have built it just before you went away. Did you manage to fix it though? If not, I can pop on and take a look
  7. In the first game you could join one of three factions - Future War Cult (FWC), New Monarchy(NM) and Dead Orbit (DO). Lore wise each faction came about for varying reasons which off the top of my head I can't remember. In Destiny 1 , you join a faction and you gain xp for it and each time you level up you get given some armour or weapons. There used to be differences in the armour they gave as to what stats got boosted, for example FWC used to speed up super and grenade recharge at the cost of slowing down your melee charge. This got removed later on in D1 and each faction offered varying stats on their armour which, to me at least, it then became irrelevant which faction you were part of (short of it you were trying for a specific weapon like Hung Jury). I was FWC early in D1 purely because to me, super and grenades are more useful to me than a melee. As above though, once this got removed though, I stopped caring about factions short of trying to get some of their specific weapons. I hope they have brought back some differences in the factions so I'll wait to see if/what they are before aligning myself with one. If there is no, or very little difference, then I'm leaning towards DO or NM as their shaders were cool in D1 and FWC always looked shit.
  8. That is good to know that solo counts too as we can contribute even levelling up alternative characters too. I am really impressed how quick we are smashing the weekly clan target, even with the servers being down we're still over 50%. I haven't Lee, I had a quick search this morning but everything says you get 500xp if you do public events in a fireteam. I'm hoping it was just a quirk of the servers coming back online and getting hammered rather than any bug as public events are an easy way to get clan xp.
  9. Yes, it pops up as others get clan XP. if it just says '500 clan xp' then it is others. It says something like '500 personal clan xp' when it is you doing it. As I understand it, to earn clan xp you need to be in a fireteam on which at least half is your clan. I'm not sure if you do stuff solo whether this counts though.
  10. I'm a scout rifle guy for PvE so getting the Mida relatively easy is perfect for me. I haven't found an auto rifle I like yet though seem to get on with all of them alright in crucible. Outside of that though, loving me 'Berender's Memory' grenade launcher as the grenades stick to enemies. Get a pack of dogs, stick one and watch them all die
  11. It's a bummer about the 100k limit thought I suppose the limit makes sense else the huge clans would be max level in the first week. As for helping out, I'll tend to ask when I come to do stuff but generally will be working through missions etc. but if anyone wants specific help with something like the NF just ask
  12. Good job man! We would have done it on that run you disconnected. In the end I completed the NF 5 times and I don't know how many attempts. I'm looking forward to this weeks just for a change in mission
  13. A different strategy taken from another forum; When you're going up the lift and he stands at the top ignore him. Immediately kill all of the turrets on the platform behind him. He'll then jump into the centre between the two platforms. If the arc burn is active all 3 players (if hunters ofc) should then stunlock him into oblivion with arcstrider. We melted him in about 15 seconds with 8 minutes to spare. I'm sure you can replicate the above with any other combination of supers. However, the key thing is that all 3 players use the same burn.
  14. I've done it already but happy to help out anyone tonight that wants to give it a run. Best tips I can think for this NF is to; Run a mix of all burns. So if you're running a arc subclass have solar and void in your energy/power weapons slots. Same applies for void and solar subclasses. If possible too make sure there is no duplication of burns - so the fireteams energy weapons will be 1 void, 1 arc, 1 solar with the same on power weapons. So basically it doesn't matter what the burn is someone always has weapons for that burn. If it is a burn you have weapons for then focus on yellow bars as you will melt them, if you don't then use your kinetic weapons on the red bars. This is obviously perfect world though which you might not have the weapons for currently. Run through sections you don't have to kill enemies in. At the beginning you get outside the first room and have to fight the enemies outside. Eventually the ship leaves and you will be able to pick up the solar energy ball thing - whoever picks it up can run and dunk it without killing any of the Fallen. This will open the shield and you can run inside which spawns 2 or 3 yellow bar Cabal - you have to kill these for the next checkpoint to come up. From there you can run through everything else until you get outside again at which point you can get on your sparrow and blast through all the way through to the tank. At the section ignore this tank - activate the 2 screens and bring the lift down with the second tank. From this point on you need to shoot you way to the final area with the boss. If all goes well you should have ~5 mins left on the clock when you start fighting the boss. I did it with 1min 30 secs left but we were all ~275 so if you're in the 260's you will prob need this extra time. Final tip - with the war dogs they tend to run in a group and you can kill them all with one grenade from a launcher if you have the right burn. It can save a few seconds in killing them individually and can easily add 10-20 seconds too.
  15. I enjoy twitch shooters but my real introduction to multiplayer FPS was the Halo series and being used to OW more recently the long TTK doesn't bother me. I have only had maybe 10-12 matches but can't say I've noticed the CoD problem (well except when using a pulse rifle but pulse rifles suck balls!). I do wish they would add a hardcore mode though - maybe same amount of health but no shields. Or even something more fun like SWAT from Halo (basically headshot only with scout rifles) which I used to love as it relied on accuracy but it was so fast paced too.
  16. I'm running the raid at release with my 'old' non FG raid team (sorry Lee) but will be down for FG raids too.
  17. Thanks for this, I hit 280 earlier and was going to grind to see if I could get exotics to boost my level 1 or 2 more. However I might as well just grind the powerful gear from milestones on Tuesday in preparation for the raid. As Lee said basically, there is a milestone this week for contributing 5k which gives you a powerful engram. The clan hit the 100k limit for the week which means everyone in the clan gets a powerful engram. On the subject of clan XP though it is character unique not account. So now I have started levelling up my second character I could contribute 10k a week. Obviously with a third this would be 15k a week.
  18. I've been neglecting this (as well as almost everything else) for D2. Though Destiny is always more manic at the beginning when trying to get raid ready in a week. The raid releases this week though I should be busy again but after that I should have some more time for this project.
  19. The story telling aspect of D2 is far far superior to that od D1. I really enjoyed the story telling in this version, with the cut scenes and doing different things for different people building towards the end. I do agree about the mehness when it comes to Dominus Ghaul though. He is supposed to be this big bad guy which you only see in one mission and that is the mission you kill him. Generally the 'boss' of each chapter of Destiny has been the raid boss so maybe we will see him back? Though I'm not so sure as 'leviathon' doesn't really fit but we shall see.
  20. There is a weekly mission that drops powerful gear for hitting the personal max contribution of 5k. So it worth doing as powerful gear can drop above the normal legendary cap.
  21. You got to do what you think is best in the end. I wasn't around before Lee took over but by all accounts he has done wonders but you're still an important part of this place.
  22. It is still early days so keeping it brief and spoiler free - Honestly it feels like what Destiny 1 should have been all along. It looks good, runs well and plenty of cut scenes and voice overs to tell the story.
  23. For something like Destiny, I would have considered digital. The only reason I didn't in the end was because I got given vouchers for my birthday so thought I'd use them instead.
  24. Right - Design Ideas Everyones input is needed for this as for it to be a communal build it needs to be something everyone wants and is willing to contribute too. As it will be a community, I quite like the idea of us having a centre piece - a large central building the ties everything together. I was thinking this centre building could be our communal building too - it could have a large storage area where everyone could put excess stuff, enchanting area, potion brewing area etc. We could also include farms in them - obviously we couldn't go too big. Basically all the things that make builds big could be in the big central communal building meaning our personal builds outside fo this could be kept small. This is only an idea though so some of the ideas below don't feature this central building. First Idea - A medievil fortified town We could have a large castle stucture built in the middle with our smaller builds around the outside. We could also build perimeter walls, moats etc. to add to the defensive nature of the build. The central castle / build could also be raised in the centre so it really stands out - something like Edinburgh Castle does: Second idea - A country home Similar to the first idea in that we have a large communal build with the enchanting, potions, farms etc. but we build it slightly bigger and don't have our own smaller houses. Something like a very large country house and we could even extend it to have grounds, gate house etc. The style of the building could change but to give a visual idea of what I mean, something like this; Third idea - Project Eden Basically like the Eden Project - we could have a large central dome with smaller ones off of it for our personal areas or one giant glass dome. Again like the others above, this would allow for central storage, enchanting etc Fourth idea - The hillside homes Moving away from the central communal area ideas above we could have a build where we all have our own houses but we build them close together to still get the community feeling. Just because it makes the design a little more interesting I thought why not on the side of a hill. Plus this design would also mean no flattening of large area of the world which is always a bonus. For the visual, I was thinking something like this; Fifth Idea - Grove Street Basically the idea above but we build it flat - the idea for this was from Grove Street on GTA but obviously the build style is open we could build it like suburbia with the picket fences, modern clean houses etc.
  25. Nice one mate If all goes well I should have some free time to put in to this tomorrow and hopefully find a nice location for our build. I've got some ideas for a rough design as well so will get some sort of plan made too.
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