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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. I used the fishing nets when trying to catch a puffa fish for a potion. However, I only used the nets due to getting fed up with all the random stuff I was getting from aquaculture By the time I was making potions I had the condensor so after that I didn't use either so won't miss them if they go.
  2. Oh haha, yeah I built it then got a little carried away with the decorating and making it overgrown I think the whole thing only took maybe an hour and a half, though some of that was spent running around trying to find vines to make some mossy cobblestone. I don't think they are too far removed from medieval though, as quick google suggest medieval houses were usually timber framed with wattle and daub, clay infill or if high class then stone. Obviously on a scale of 8x6 blocks we can't detail the builds too much but that is basically what we've built
  3. Maybe Bart logged on and did some pimping? I built a new house next to yours as I didn’t want to touch your designs as I didn’t know what you had planned. As long as we don’t build too many together then we can keep the right feel going on the build. Also, on a plus, going with this design things like oak and cobblestone are easy to get when starting out so perfect for starter houses.
  4. Sorry Bart, I wasn’t moaning or anything like that as I completely understand why we can’t Well, maybe not completely understand why but I can wrap my head around the principle of mob farms = high server load and high sever load = bad. To quote south park; Farms are bad mmmmm’kay As the preference seems to be keep mods then I was really just voting to keep the energy mod so we have a similar ‘end game’ as if we could build farms. Nice Dave, is that 8x6 the dimensions of the walls or the inside dimensions? I’ll try and hop on the server to take a look later
  5. I've said it before in one of these threads but normal vanilla end game you can build massive mod farms and automatic farms but I accept due to server limitations that isn't really possible. So I would like to keep the energy mod (or something similar at least) that we can work towards rather than mine clean the resource world over and over and over. Also out of interest, what was the difficulty level or this world? I'm guessing it was on easy or normal due to some people being new to MC but wondering if we should increase it.
  6. I’m a little late to this though Bart and I have spoken about it in the past. I am happy to go with whatever and the consensus is for a reset so my vote, for what its worth, is a reset too. I’m not too fussed about loosing items, a couple hours mining would have the important stuff back. As for my build, I like it but there’s a number of things I’d change, I just didn’t want to tear down half my build to do it so fresh start ftw. Starter houses tend to me quite small so maybe plan out spawn with some plot on to limit build size and we can build our starter houses together to make a small village / town. There’s no reason why people couldn’t then build bigger out in the world but it would potentially give us a nice spawn area. As for what we do in terms or mods etc. for the reset. I still don’t understand a lot of the mods, what goes together, what doesn’t or what the server could cope with. However, for the record, I am happy to go with the same mods, more mods, less mods or even no mods.
  7. In a few weeks I’ve got a couple weeks off so should have plenty of time to spend on the MC server. Either to take a look around and do a few bits I want to on the old build or start doing stuff for the new one.
  8. Whoops a little late but Happy Birthday mate, hope you had a good day.
  9. I don’t think I’ve posted in here so; 1. Reinhardt 2. Tracer 3. D.Va 4. Soldier They’re the characters I’m best with but I can also play Pharah, Lucio, Bastion and Orisa. I don’t play these often enough though to feel that confident picking them in comp.
  10. Breed whatever colour sheep and dye one of them black using ink sacs from killing squid. You might need to dye the sheep white first (I can't remember) if so you can do that with bone meal. I can't remember what bee's I have but feel free to take any from my base/storage if you want more bees.
  11. Anyone sends me, tags me in or lets me know it’s shared on their psn account then I’ll make a compilation video. This goes for fortnite, OW or any other game.
  12. Shulker boxes (made with 2 shulker shells and a single chest) when placed on the floor you can store items in it like a single chest. However unlike a single chest, you can break a shulker box and carry it in your inventory with all the items inside of it. Then when you place it down you can access your items like normal, pick it up and walk off again. It isn't so useful for creative but survival it means you can carry soooooo so soooo much more stuff. I don't know what Bart means with the purpur trees though unless he is talking about the Chorus tree/plant but never heard is called a purpur tree.
  13. No worries mate, with warping it somewhat removes the need for a need to elytra for fast travel. However yeah, maybe something to consider if/when we reset.
  14. Nope, I can't get them to work and reading about elytra on the wiki says rocket propulsion was added in 1.11.
  15. Once you kill the dragon a dragon egg should appear, from memory it appear on top of the pillar in the middle of the portal. If the console version is anything like the PC though you can't pick it up as it will teleport if you try to break it. If you have some blocks, piston and redstone block on you can block up the portal and use the piston to push the egg off the pillar and then you can pick it up like normal. To respawn the dragon you need to place 4 ender crystals, one on each of the flat sides of the portal, which will re-create all the pillars etc. and respawn the dragon. In creative you can just pick up an ender crystal though in survival you would need to craft them - each on takes 7 glass blocks, 1 ghast tear and 1 Eye of Ender (the eye of ender can be made from an ender pearl and blaze powder). On the server, I set a warp point at the stronghold portal with a chest full of ender crystals in case anyone else wants to respawn and kill the dragon. The shulker boxes that Plumber mentioned - you get them from killing shulkers in end cities. When you kill the dragon somewhere near the island a floating portal should appear. The portal isn't big enough to walk through though so you have to enderpearl through it. This will randomly take you to an island on the edge of the end (you will need to remember where for later). You can walk around and there will be lots of islands around and after some searching you should find end cities - basically giant pink buildings. They are full of shukers which you need to kill and drop shulker shells. With 2 shulker shells and a chest you can make a shulker box to store your items on the move (a shulker box takes up one space in your inventory but holds a single chests worth of stuff). If you find an end city with a floating boat you can also pick up a dragon head off of it (though be careful it doesn't drop in to the void). You can also pick up an elytra which replaces your chest armour and will allow you glide when you fall from a high place - on pc you activate it by pressing jump while falling and I assume it is the same on console. The reason I said remember where the portal is as, as far as I know, it is the only way back to the island you killed the dragon on and the only way to get back to the overworld (by walking in to the portal) unless you want to bridge thousands and thousands of blocks back to the middle. The server is on an earlier version so we have elytra which allow us to glide and that is it. As the console version is the (presumably) the latest version you can make rockets (gun powder and paper (paper is made from sugar cane)) and use them to boost your flight.
  16. @Plumbers Crack @GazzaGarratt If people want a reset to go with a different seed, different mods or even a no mod 1.12 vanilla etc. I am happy to go with whatever. However while we keep this world, I don't think we should mothball the project as, even if we started fresh, the first thing I do (and I think others do) is plan out a build. From experience that build for me, always turns out to be waaayyy too big for what I need and massive time sink so I'm happy to put that time in to continuing the communal build. Hell, I haven't even managed to finish building my house yet Some of the problem I have with building large projects though is that while I have an overall view of what it should be, I'm not all that good at building it especially when it comes to what to put inside builds. Just look at my personal build, I had the idea for the quad with the water and tree but, with the exception of the storage in the basement the house is empty and I've yet to come up with a window design I like. In single player worlds I've always made loads of farms which takes up a lot of space but would probably crash the server so I think we will need to stick to normal decorating which I hope others would help with. I am sorry I haven't been on much the last few months; that goes for MC as well as other games and the forum. I used to be home from work, grab some food and be ready to game by 6:30 - 7pm but that's been more 8:30-9pm recently and honestly most nights I just cba by that time. I do need to make the effort though to be on games more and get involved on here more also. Things are finally changing at work and I'm trying to find a new job also so hopefully it wont be too long until I do have some more free time.
  17. For some reason my email decided that my PM notifications emails are junk So I only read your message earlier. I'm only leave for a couple of days so hopefully I'll get to spend some time working on the house though I think getting it complete before the new year is a little ambition I've build a piston door at the back so just walk over the pressure plates and it should open, walk over the other set and it should close I'll try and find the video I found explaining how to get around the redstone bug of building furnace arrays and try and get one built in one of the downstairs wings and work on the windows too.
  18. Is that why you were talking about the 3d logo? Let me know what you want (pm is probably best) and I'll try and make it.
  19. I haven’t played anything to record anything but I’ve got some captures I’ve not looked through so I’ll check them.
  20. I planted a specific area but I think it has expanded to just be everywhere
  21. Shit man You're more than welcome to take anything from my store room if you need it. As for location for a build, it seems we all went north of spawn for some reason so lots of room to the south.
  22. I was thinking to re-gen our build areas more if we mined where there wasn't one of our builds it could be 'put back' ready for someone else to mine. Shame it doesn't work all that well though and sorry to hear about your build
  23. Nice Surely that is even more reason to get rid of the mining world then as, if we mine where no-one has built, you could re-gen that chunk so it could be mined again by someone else.
  24. Are you talking about the map that's in game, top right of your screen Dave? The Dynmap is the one you can access in your browser. I don't know if they are related though.
  25. How do people use Dynmap for exploring? To see where they are or where to go? I'm wondering if a screenprint of the map would work with some gridlines marked on for co-ordinates. It obviously wouldn't be a live map like Dynmap is but would still give us the information on the general layout of the world while taking some load off the server.
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