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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. The more the better it is though I’m not sure how many of us have it but hopefully more join in the future. I generally find that making a mistake ruins your time on all tracks But Suzuka does have some trickier corners than most tracks. I don’t think I’ve done many, if any, laps of Suzuka on this game so it is going to be quite the learning experience for me too. I’ll try and do a few laps tonight and post my preliminary time to see how slow I am
  2. Good man, that’s the spirit! Though if you’re racing already I think I need to stop Densitying.
  3. Round 1 (Ends 14/10/2018) - Car Class: N600 Track: Suzuka Cicuit Less of the talking more of the racing! Update OP with some rules and all that and post first combo. I'll run the others to their 2 week deadline but thought the first one could start a little earlier. @GazzaGarratt@phil bottle@techno and anyone else that fancies this - get driving!
  4. Recently came across Band-maid and quite enjoying it.
  5. The time trial ones are great though I don’t generally replay them once I have the gold so always good to have more reason to play. I think switching cars is key, I’ve driven so much in the Gr4 class I’m pretty competitive at tracks I don’t know but absolutely rubbish in any other car class. In short yes. I had GT2 - GT4 but then switched to the xbox 360 so only had Forza. However I’d say it is the most enjoyable console racing game I’ve played. There are things I miss, especially from Forza, like the car customisation. Performance mods, body mods, custom paint jobs are better in Forza in my opinion. However they are all ancillary to the actual racing which is good and mostly the online racing is pretty clean too.
  6. It is indeed a great game. I usually stick to racing Gr4 or Gr3 cars so this is a good way to force me to use other cars. Hopefully a few other people will be interested as I can only kick your ass so many times
  7. Afternoon, With Phil derailing the Forza Horizon 4 thread with Gran Turismo posts. I’m not sure how many FGer’s have GT but it got me thinking if anyone fancies a time trial competition. Basic premise I was thinking, every couple weeks I can generate a random track and car class. You post your best time to see who wins each week. It could be for a bit of fun or if you want a little more competition each round scores points so we have a championship table. UPDATE Time Trial Rules: - Each time trial will run for 2 weeks beginning Monday and ending on a Sunday (time set to GMT) to give everyone enough time to a lap. - I will use an online randomiser to generate each car class and track combination. I will generate each one on a Sunday evening and update this OP and in a new post so all can see. - When completing your laps, you must also use Balance of Power (BoP) to keep things as competitive as possible. - Any available set up changed that BoP doesn’t like. This includes tyres so be sure to change tyres to the fatest tyre available. This seems to be always be Racing Super Soft from what I can tell. - You can do as many laps as you like, just post your quickest time in the thread. If you post and then set a quicker time, please edit your post so it is easier for me to collate the times each round. I don't think it is necessary to post screenshots for verification of times but if your feeling particularly confident, post a video of your lap so we can all see your lines, braking points etc. - Driving aids such as ABS, Traction Control as well as the Racing line indicator, cone markers etc. are all up to individual choice. - Points will be awarded each round based on where you finish. Points will be awarded as per Formula 1 ( 1st place - 25 points; 2nd -18; 3rd - 15; 4th -12; 5th - 10; 6th - 8; 7th - 6; 8th - 4; 9th - 2; 10th - 1 ). If you don't know how to enable Balance of Power (BoP), when you have loaded the time trial and you're at the screen with the track in the background and the Start, Replay, Car Settings etc. at the bottom. Go in to Car Settings and on the left handside, under your car, you should see Balance of Power which by default is set to off - turn if on. Depending on your car it will slightly tweak your power and/or weight to balance all cars of that class. If this doesn't make sense, I can post screenshots. Round 1 (Ends 14/10/2018) - Car Class: N600 Track: Suzuka Cicuit Round 2 (21/10 - 04/11/2018)- Car Class:Gr.3 Track: Kyoto Driving Park - Yamagiwa + Miyabi Round 3 (11/10 - 25/11/2018)- Car Class:N400 Track:Brands Hatch GP Round 4 (26/11 - 09/12/2018)- Car Class: Track: Leaderboard: 1st Greboth - 25pts 2nd Spacedeck - 18pts 3rd Phil Bottle - 15pts 4th GazzaGarratt 12pts
  8. Last night was the first time I played gambit so I haven’t seen first hand how prevelant it is. I agree that exotics, all exotics, should be in their own way overpowered. Though I think they should only feel overpowered in their own weapon type / class. The issue seems that the Sleeper has crossed over in to D1 Jellyhorn territory and it isn’t just OP for that weapon type, it is OP even against other exotics.
  9. For the last time, wearing a belly dancers outfit doesn’t make you ‘exotic’ Welcome welcome though, always nice to see a new face. Hopefully I’ll catch you online at some point
  10. It is confirmed! I shall be there
  11. I don’t think Jagerbombs are the shots they’re talking about I should be able to make it but I’ll confirm for definite tonight.
  12. I finally got around to watching Mollys Game last night. Based on the true story of Molly Bloom who ran a high stakes poker game in America until the Russian mob joins and she gets arrested. I wasn’t too convinced by the trailer but it’s Aaron Sorkin so that convinced me watch it. It is very much in the style of Sorkin being very character and dialogue driven. The story and dialogue held my attention, well worth a watch 8/10.
  13. Greboth

    Yo yo!

    Welcome welcome, always good to have another OCUK'er join the FG fold. Even better I already have you on PSN so less work for me
  14. Hi Rob, unfortunately the D5100 is a cropped sensor though shipping to the USA wouldn't be cheap anyway. As for my prime, it is a Nikon 35mm 1.8DX.
  15. @Spacedeck I’m out at the moment so can’t check the box but looking at Manfrotto’s site. I think it’s this one (If it isn’t, it’s one extremely similar). https://www.manfrotto.co.uk/compact-action-aluminium-tripod-with-hybrid-head-black Edit: I'm home now and can confirm it is this one.
  16. I can’t say I know of any to specifically recommend as it depends on what comes up for sale. All I can say is go for a branded one and not some cheap one. I had a cheap one when I first started but it wasn’t all that stable and it has quite limited adjustment. My current one was about £60 new and is far more stable and much better quality. I’m more towards specific photo trips though where possible I’ll always take my camera just in case.
  17. @Spacedeck From memory, all the bird ones are cropped except the duck one. All the others are as taken. Though depending on the photo some have sight level adjustments etc.
  18. Sort of, as a general rule DSLR’s will just take better quality photos regardless because of the larger sensors in them than standard cameras / phones. However where DSLR’s have a massive advantage is changable lenses. In none of the bird photos was I actually stood that close, I simply was using a zoom lens. Equally changable lenses are also what makes DSLR’s a pain.
  19. So now comes the showing off bit 😛 these have been taken over a number of years but they are some of my best and favorite photos; DSC_0350 by Chris Roe, on Flickr DSC_0289 by Chris Roe, on Flickr DSC_0016 by Chris Roe, on Flickr DSC_0050 by Chris Roe, on Flickr DSC_0409 by greboth_666, on Flickr DSC_0034 by greboth_666, on Flickr DSC_0244 by greboth_666, on Flickr DSC_0201 by greboth_666, on Flickr DSC_0252 by greboth_666, on Flickr DSC_0327 by greboth_666, on Flickr DSC_0351 by greboth_666, on Flickr DSC_0972 by greboth_666, on Flickr DSC_0394 by greboth_666, on Flickr DSC_0417 by greboth_666, on Flickr
  20. Hi all, With Spacedeck joining and talking about his interest in photography it has spurred me to make this thread as it is also an interest of mine. I'm sure there are others on here too so I thought I'd create this thread to show off you photo's, talk about them or for anyone looking for advice on camera's to composition. So I guess as I started this thread I should go first so I've been into photography for years finally upgrading to a DSLR about 10-12 years ago. A few different ones until getting to the kit I have below. Though I am thinking of making the change to a 7000 series Nikon but that is more of a shiny new toy itch rather than any actual need. My preferred photography is landscapes or people though as you'll see I take a lot of pictures of birds (the flappy flying kind not the female kind ) My kit currently consists of; Nikon D5100 Nikon 18-55mm kit lens Nikon 55-200mm zoom lens Nikon 35mm Prime lens Manfrotto Tripod Yongnuo Speedlight Skywatcher Star Adventurer star tracker Various remotes, reflectors, ND filters etc.
  21. It was a good night, it took my a few races to get my groove back. Especially as I hadn’t raced some of them before
  22. That is a nice entry level camera and a nice selection of lenses You should be able to get some nice pictures with it. It is cliche to say but it really is a case of going out and taking pictures and finding what you like. I went on holiday earlier this year and took about 400 photos but there is only (I think) 16 that I was happy to post. I keep meaning to create a photography thread on here and it would be good to see some of your when you feel confident enough
  23. I’ve done the same as Phil, pre-ordered on Amazon just to get the beta code. Short of the beta being fucking amazing which let’s be honest - it won’t, I’ll be cancelling it.
  24. I’ve never had a problem with it though I’ve really only used it in the last few years. I was rendering on a 3770 so not massively more powerful but maybe working with already compressed files helps. I really don’t know that much about video files. @Diddums how did I know you were going go link to that one! Forget that though, go full spec with dual socket threadrippers or xeons, a couple quaddro cards Can the FGFG fund stretch to £50k+?
  25. Nice introduction! I’m far more into my cars than bikes but anything with an engine and wheels is an interest so good to have more petrolheads on here. You seem to have a hood selection of games which overlaps with most if what we play. I’ll try to remember to add you later on PS
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