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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. I know the track quite well as it is a popular choice online but I’ve never driven it with a gt3 car. What cars did you try? I could use the Jaaaaaag I used before but fancy trying something different.
  2. So a basic villager breeder is up though I forgot the bowchickawowwow signs It’s an ugly build and stands out as I had to build it in the air if it was to be near spawn. I’ve built it near spawn so it’s active more often but once we have a decent selection of villagers I’ll move it further away so it isn’t an eye sore.
  3. Yeah, spawning is quite slow with a single spawner but it the best we have so far If you have a sweeping edge sword, wait until there are a good number of them and you can kill them in all one swing but still not the fastest. The problem with spawners is that you have to be within a certain number of blocks for them to be active (I think 16 but don't quote me on that) so you can't have another spawner unless you luck in to finding 2 close together. There are faster XP farms out there - Guardian farms, Pigmen gold farms, Ender Enders - which would be useful once we have mending tools as you can repair fully worn tools in a couple of minutes. The problem is they are either huge farms or a pain to build but certainly something we can work towards. As for the drops, I'll double check but I think the right most column of chests has no filter so anything that isn't bones or arrows will end up in there. You will get mobs with armour on though - sometimes leather, sometimes iron and sometimes gold. However they dont' always drop the armour they're wearing when they're killed sadly Though on a side, if you get any gold armour you can smelt it in to gold nuggest and craft them in to gold ingots
  4. Yeah the last combo was tricky but I'd prefer that over a track that is really easy. I remembered on the way to work this morning that I had forgotten to post the combo yesterday oopsie. So - Round 4 Car: Gr.3 Track: Dragon Trail - Seaside
  5. I don’t know how reliable it is but I’ve seen some articles quoting Twitter that none of these shows will be picked up by the Disney streaming channel. If true then it makes the decision to pull them from Netflix even worse. I know reviews for Iron Fist and Luke Cage weren’t great so I can somewhat understand Disney not wanting to continue them. Jessica Jones was a mixed bag so I’m on the fence about it. However Daredevil was brilliant, some of the best superhero tv around and I’d even put it above some of the movies.
  6. Yeah the online is fun, most of the races I find are pretty good though occasionally come across an asshole or two. I’m aways up for some online racing, I’ll try to remember to make an event later. See if we get a few of us on for some racing and banter as well as make a change from time trialling all the time.
  7. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 112 seconds
  8. This is a pig of a track, I don’t know what idiot chose it.....oh wait it was me I am anything but consistent on this combo but I did some laps last night and got down to 1:30.94. I think I could get it down to maybe a 1:30.5 but I don’t think I can be bothered to do the laps to get my time down.
  9. The only real use of emeralds is to buy enchanted books or enchanted armour from villagers....or make pretty green blocks Once the villager breeder is up and running, I'll filter out any villagers with good trades for us to use I've also built the skeleten spawner - the room isn't pretty but it works which is the most important. I've marked it with signs but to find it, drop in to my mine (the hole in the ground behind my house and by the kelp farm). Walk down the 2 wide coridor and near the end you'll see a tunnel on the left surrounded in mossy cobblestone and I've put up a couple of signs too. Go the end of that tunnel and you'll find the XP farm - there is chests underneath to collect the bones, arrows and other drops which you can take as you need. To use for XP though, go up the little stairway and stand on the block of granite - the skeletons will drop in front of you on top of the half slab. The farm is designed so they take a lot of fall damage (one more block fall they would die automatically) so they only take one punch to kill so you don't need to even use a sword. Though if you have a sword with sweeping edge on you can wait until there's a few of them and kill them all in one swing. It is far from the fastest XP farm you build in minecraft but it is the fastest way to get XP that we currently have.
  10. I think the mods we were playing added extra villagers but the concept is the same. The villagers start with a few trades but unlock more as you trade with them. Mostly you are trading to get emeralds but there are a couple you can spend emeralds with.
  11. Naaaa I heard it has been moved to next weekend.
  12. You’ve done some villager trading on the old server and it is basically the same. You can trade with most villagers for emeralds, what you trade depends in the villager. Farmers trade wheat, potatoes, carrots, melons etc. Cartographers trade for paper and othef stuff I can’t remember. Tool smiths trade coal for emeralds. Their trades are somewhat random though sometimes they sell reasonable armour which you buy for emeralds. Librarians are the best though as they sell enchanted books-the holy grail to be get a mending villager for cheap so you can repair tools and armour with xp.
  13. So today was a good day - first I did some mining and found a decent amount of iron for the smelter but most importantly I came across a skeleton spawner That means we can finally get some sort of XP grinder going. It is a single spawner so it won't be massively quick but hey it is better than nothing. And secondly, the nearest village is really near! So I built a simple nether tunnel to it and there are 3 villagers in minecarts in the tunnel. I'm leaving them there until I have a proper home for them in spawn so please don't break their minecarts else they will escape.
  14. @phil bottle You just have to keep reminding me don't you! I need to get on and start levelling up again, probably won't be until after the weekend now though.
  15. So round 2 times 1. Greboth - 2:15.205 2. Spacedeck - 2:15.359 3. Philbottle - 2:17.742 4. GazzaGarratt - 2:21 Nice This track is a pig of a track, I can do one quick lap but then next 10 I screw up. I've managed to shave some time off mine above but I know I can go faster still ..... as long I can keep it on the damn track.
  16. Fixed that for you It was crazy difficult but it was fun, survival games are supposed to be a challenge. Some of the new mechanics take some getting used to but I think once we are it shouldn’t be too bad playing on max difficulty. Though running during the day may have been a little excessive.
  17. Inno3D do a single slot 1050ti but the most powerful one I know of the GTX 1070 Katana https://www.techspot.com/review/1417-galax-gtx-1070-katana-single-slot/
  18. I just realised I haven’t updated the leaderboard for the last round. I know my time and Spacedeck’s but @phil bottle and @GazzaGarratt what time did you set in round 2? I also didn’t realise that this rounds ends on the FG awards weekend so if there’s no objections I’ll extend this round by a week too.
  19. I’ve not tried them either, when I’ve made it on GT I’ve been doing laps for the time trial. Though I really only want the Jag and Subaru so I might buy them and just wait to collect the others as free cars.
  20. Only 2? Have you been practicing?
  21. I’m so going to have to put up a “bowchika-wow-wow” sign next it now
  22. Cool, thanks. I’ll book my tickets tonight
  23. Count me in, it’s a good laugh especially with people in discord.
  24. Not that zany, nether travel is far quicker than the overworld and who doesn’t love free iron. I was thinking a small one which still generates a few stacks an hour. No way am I going to try and build something as huge as the titan and really I don’t think we need that much iron. Though for an iron farm you need quite a few villagers so will have to build a villager breeder too On the positive side, if I come across any good enchantment trades I’ll filter them out for us to use.
  25. So as l still need to book my train ticket, for those that have been before - do you book to Manchester or to Bury?
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