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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. I meant to give it a go the weekend but got roped in to moving furniture instead I just realised though this is the class with the vulcan in it. I feel it is the fastest car in the class but it was such a handful around Maggiore.
  2. From the discussion on Overwatch coaching I thought we could have a tips and tricks thread. Whether tips you’ve picked up from playing a character a lot or from videos etc. Share them here and I’ll keep this post updated by hero for them all. As I’ve played a lot of Rein and watched a few videos I’ll post Rein first Reinhardt;
  3. To be honest I think we could do some of own coaching first. With the change to playing OW on pc too I watched some tips videos and picked up a few things I had never thought of. Not all had something that useful but still picked up a few tips that I’ve been trying to implement. I also think we could do some of our analysis as it’s much easier to think I could have done x, y or z there outside the heat of battle.
  4. Nice one Phil, it’s been an ordeal but should be a pc to last you a long time. It will be interesting to see how much the extra cpu grunt helps you in games like star citizen.
  5. Out of interest Dave, why don’t you want to go down the route of building yourself? It’s been 15+ years since I last had a prebuilt pc so I was looking at the markup of chillblast last night against the price if the parts. I have no idea if that’s the going rate for prebuilts over diy but peaked my curiosity of why you want a prebuilt.
  6. Yup, the whole mountain section is tricky but when you hit all the corners just right it’s a fun track. I did it a lot the last time this combo was up and really got in to the grove of the track but couldn’t get the flow yesterday. Think I need to do a couple more races on it this weekend....then maybe give the time trial a go
  7. Went to give it a go then noticed sport race os gr3 at mount panorama and got distracted
  8. If this is true then a definite buy for me. Halo 1-3 are some of my favourite gaming memories and 3 is up there as of my all time favourite games.
  9. To answer as best as I can For your budget running things at high shouldn't be a problem for some time to come. Air cooling is the simplest and you can have air cooled and reasonable quiet too. GPU wise a non-blower card is your best bet - yes they vent the hot air in the case but with reasonable case airflow you shouldn't have any problems. CPU cooler wise - this is a bit trickier. I would honestly say find a case you like, fits where you want it, has enough hdd bays, optical bays etc. before picking your cooler. Some of the best CPU coolers out there are massive and it does limit your case choices. Twin displays is always good, I use a TV a second monitor and it handy to have around when I want to watch tv while doing PC things. You'll probably find your graphics card will have an HDMI our but probably more display ports. It will be your monitor that you'll have to check the spec of more though I think most decent ones will come with at least a display port and one HDMI. With monitors I'd say there's several things to consider; 1) Resolution: This is the same as with TV's though there's more resolutions for monitors especially if you're considering ultrawides. Generally I'd probably say stick to 1080p (1920 x 1080) monitors or QHD / 1440p (2560 x 1440) monitors. You can increase upto 4k monitros (3840 x 2160) but honestly I don't think this is worth at the moment as we're really only now getting GPU's powerful enough to run games at decent frames at 4k. 2) Refresh rate / FPS / Hz - Both the same thing. I think even cheap monitors run at 60Hz which is what you want at minimum though if you're considering you might want to play shooters then you might want to consider 120Hz or 144Hz monitors. 3) Panel type: Different panel types have different strenghts and weaknesses. As a generalisation IPS has better colours and wide viewing angles, TN have higher refresh rates but smaller viewing angles. There's other things to consider to like VA panels, LCD, LED etc. but the best thing you can do is have a rought idea of what monitor you want and read reviews. As for size, if you're going to be at a desk I'd say you're probably looking at the 24" - 30" range unless you're consider ultrawides. Honeslty I'm not sure there's a wrong choice right now as Intel and AMD are pretty equal these days. There's somethings Intel will be better at but things AMD will be better at too. Are you only planning to game on the PC? WIll you be doing anything else? If you're not doing multithreaded workloads then it pushes you towards intel but with AMD's resurgance we're starting to see more games go multithreaded. Plus AMD have said they will keep the AM4 socket until 2020 (Ryzen 400 / Zen2+) so potentially gives a small upgrade path whereas Intel change sockets more often. Though as above, if you're not in a massive rush I'd consider waiting to see what Ryzen 3000 / Zen2 is like as it's apparently releasing Q2 this year. As for overclocking - turbo boost technology is pretty damn good these days with CPU's boosting close to their maximum clock speeds automatically. If you're chasing every last % you will get better performance manually overclocking but the difference between automatic clock boosting and manual overclocking is smaller these days. Finally on RAM - again depends on if your pc will be used for other things. If you're only/mostly gaming then I would say 16Gb is all you need for now. As long as you're not going small form factor then most motherboard will have 4 RAM slots and 16Gb most commonly comes as 2 x 8Gb so if you ever need more you could. Yes just a case of where you plug you're usb. I have mine plugged in to the front of my ps4 so it is quick and easy to unplug and in to the front of my PC.
  10. I’m not sure how viable this would be. Maybe it depends on capture card but my Elgato has a delay on the capture window. I don’t know what the delay is but it is certainly too much to game on the capture window.
  11. I’m not so sure the budget is that ridiculous. Mine was bumped up by 32Gb ram and an expensive monitor and I picked up a few bits second hand and built it myself but didn’t need to buy ssd’s, hdd’s, kb/mouse etc. and I was close to that budget. However I agree with Didds (never thought I’d say that! ). There’s always something new round the corner but Ryzen 3000 series (Zen 2) is rumoured to be a step up over the 2000 series (Zen+) and to be coming out in the next couple of months. That isn’t to say definitely go AMD but with the potential launch being just outside your 4-6 week window I think it would be worth waiting to see. I’ll post a more in depth response later when I’ve finished work.
  12. I've got my weeks confused somewhere, new combo then; Car: N800 Track: Autodromo Nazionale Monza
  13. I was surprised it wasn’t a k so good to know it actually is. A hex core at 5Ghz should be enough for a while. Shame you didn’t fancy jumping to the red team though
  14. The thing is a PC becomes ‘old’ the same way consoles do. The only difference is your pc isn’t good enough vs a new console generation stopping you playing the latest games. Either way you’re looking at an upgrade to carry on gaming. PC’s do cost more initially but then they (can) last longer, games are cheaper and not to mention all the other things PC’s do. Nice one Phil, any reason you didn’t go k this upgrade? I thought intel chips still clock quite well.
  15. Hey mate, I didn’t know you ever joined up over here but nice to see you back. Have you seen that CoD modern warfare remastered is a ps+ game?
  16. Tourist Information is done All co-ordinates are in the old enchantment building in spawn but for reference I'll post them here too. The co-ordinates are the actual co-ordinates if you want to walk to them or tp to them. Some also say things like "East 110" which means if you down the East tunnel in the nether to co-ordinate 110 it will be the tunnel leading to the farm too. Also worth noting here that 1) The farms are operational but the buildings haven't been finished so depending on where you go / time of day you may have a mob problem and 2) The all mob mob farm and creeper/sugar cane farm has an AFK spot. There's a water elevator up to it and an item in an item frame. Should you ever want to AFK at them, right click the item in the frame and unplug your mouse - it will keep rotating the item and keep you logged on to the server. Guardian XP Farm 918 25 -800, East 110 Gold Farm - Above the guardian farm, go to the guardian farm and there is a water elevator All Mobs Mob Farm 360 63 -680, North -85 Creeper/Sugar Cane -102 63 1295, South 161 Iron Farm 155 68 -125 Ice Farm 925 74 1310, South 161 Slime Farm -390 64 -410 (tp only at the moment as I've not built a nether portal yet) Super Smelter 350 71 -267 Bulk Storage 135 63 -195 Village trading hall 285 64 -230
  17. Can’t have you getting lost can we I’ve put signs up in the nether but will put up the information all in one place so you can tp to them too if you want
  18. A bitty weekend of being on and off the server but a few updates; The ice path tunnel to the guardian farm is done...sort of. The cardinal direction tunnel is complete but the stair path down to the nether portal needs building still. I’m thinking a similar design to the main tunell but not sure yet how to build it on stairs. I took all the villagers out the breeder as they were a lot backed up. I think we al the villagers we need so the whole breeder can come down. I figure we can keep a few spare around in case we ever need another breeder. I’m also thinking that as we have a big sugar cane farm at the creeper farm we don’t need the little on above the villager trading hall. So probably worth removing the pumpkin and melon farms too as we could build bigger ones elsewhere. It also means the villager trading hall would be a better proportioned building. So thinking at some point finish building a few more levels to the sugar can farm. Add a big pumpkin and melon farm at the creeper farm. Then maybe transport a couple of farmers over to make an automatic carrot and potato farm. I also had the idea that we could turn the old enchanting house in to a tourist information. So signs up with co-ordinates of where the farms are to save having to remember them all.
  19. For me, getting lost in what to do is what I enjoy about minecraft. The fact there is no story in the traditional sense so you can log on and dig a big hole, do some building, trading, technical farms / redstone, go boss killing etc. I don’t know what minigames there are but ai’d be up for trying them out. At some point we should kill the dragon too which could be something good together.
  20. Nice video explaining the changes to health, armour, shield etc in more depth
  21. From memory Phil has (had?) a 4770k. A bit shit it’s broken but you’re wrong, you don’t need food but you do need a new PC
  22. I didn’t realise it had been this long since I had been on. I finished off the creeper farm and started building a sugar cane farm around the perimeter. It is only 2 levels at the moment so not producing too quickly but I’m thinking a few more levels should sort that out. Storage is currently only there to collect while I’m building but it will need a proper set up built at some point. I think once the sugar cane part is built I need to focus on actually building things as a few farms I’ve built are just farms and are ugly. The same applies to the nether tunnels too - get them built for what we have so far before building more farms.
  23. I gave this another go and gave the Toyota gt86 and it is much easier to drive than the 4C. So I sold my soul to the devil and set a 1:48.666
  24. Haha yup, the 4C is a little tail happy. I think for a fast time on this track you have to really pay attention the the lines you take. The left, right, left at the beginning of the lap you can cut the kerbs quite a lot (aim for the red sausage kerb to go between your wheels). You can then get on the throttle soon after the right and hang on through the left giving you good speed all the way down to the hairpin. After the hairpin, take a tight line through the left to give you a normal out-in- out racing line through the right and left. With left also being a corner you can really use the kerbs on to keep your speed up.
  25. I didn’t realise there was more to the patch than just the map. Not sure quite what difference the changes to armour and health will make but handy to know.
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