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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. Nice to see you getting your time down Phil. If you get down to a 1:40, next stop is 1:39’s I still need to put in a few laps to get a proper fast time. I might then do a few laps in high TC only, auto only and then both if I have enough time.
  2. My difficulty in locating the chest appears to be because you left it by the super smelter not the iron farm Which reminds me, I still need to finish that. Hmmmm to put all my iron towards a beacon or finishing the super smelter...... beacon! I can always mine more iron and faster with a beacon.
  3. Which chest did you leave the obsidian in as I can’t find it. I mostly worked on the nether today, dug out a space around the portal and slabbed it all so we shouldn’t have problems of things spawning there either. I started tunnels in the 4 cardinal directions and figured we can extend these or branch off as we need to.
  4. Having spent far longer than I care to admit playing today, I took killing 87 wither skeletons to the 3 heads needed for a Wither boss. One with boss down means beacon well the beacon-y part of a beacon, now just go get the 164 blocks required. Which to that end I then finished the iron farm and it is producing iron too, by a building it slighly out of town it is far enough away from the villager breeder for them both to work So if I add my iron, gold and emeralds to what the farm has produced we're at about 50 blocks already so almost 1/3 of the way to the beacon already Though a little heads up, if you go in to the iron farm watch out for zombies. It currently only has one wall and zombies love villagers so you may find zombies under the farm trying to get to the villagers. Edit: I forgot to add, to help towards the beacon I'm going to AFK at the iron farm so hopefully it should produce a reasonable amount or iron to put towards the beacon I've been going through the villagers as best as I can and still not found a mending villager The perfect one would be a cheap mending villager but at this point I'd take an expensive one. We do have a new librarian though so I'll unlock the trades and some point and keep hoping. Edit2: Damn There is an AFK timing that kicks you off eventually. Oh well guess there won't be much AFK'ing then.
  5. Actually I might not need any though that is a very definite "might". If I do though it would only be enough to build a nether portal or 2 so 20 blocks max I've started on the iron farm though working from memory so may have to check the design. I've built on the hill just outside the main spawn bit. I'll finish building it and make sure it is working before I do any decoration to it. Though going to need a lot of villagers for it, I think it works best with 48 villagers in it soooo yeah, go go villager breeder!
  6. I don’t think there is anything I actually need as I have chests full of stone to build with. Maybe only a little obsidian as I’ll build a nether tunnel to link spawn with the new builds. I’m thinking it would actually be more beneficial to have the iron farm in spawn and the villager breeder outside of spawn. So might do some swapping around.
  7. You’re still using manual gears? How are you getting on with then now? I tried the Ferrari 458 Gr.3 out. It drivers quite different than the 458 Gr.3 especially out of the slower corners. I also have a Gr.3 BMW to try out but I’ll have to try the 911 or the Lexus too. Got to find one I really like before really going for lap times.
  8. The little iron farms I understand how people figured them out. The huge farms like the Iron Titan, I have no idea how the logic and game rules for that were worked out. Though for the number of us playing, I think a small iron farm or maybe 2 small farms should be enough for what we need. Maybe that should be our next project as it can then start producing iron assp.
  9. Haha I know! I have one on the oter server I’m on. Though I didn’t go through the effort of getting it properly, I bought the beacon off someone for 32 diamonds and there is a MASSIVE public iron farm so iron is easy to get. Reminds me, I shouldn’t kill villagers we don’t want as they can go in an iron farm. I won’t be building a massive one but still free iron is still free iron.
  10. Oops! Yup 164 blocks so 1,476 ingots! As I said though the 164 blocks can be made of a mix of iron, gold, diamond and emerald blocks. There is plenty of time to stack up though as before we could make a beacon we’ve got to kill wither skeletens until we luck in to 3 heads which the odds are something stupid like 5% of getting a head when killing a wither skeleton. However then we have to fight the Wither itself to get a nether star. The Wither is a pain in the ass fight so I was hoping we could cheese it under the end portal but that would also mean getting to the end and killing the dragon too before getting a beacon. It’s quite the effot to get but look up some videos of haste 2 efficiency 5 mining and you will want a beacon
  11. Oh @Plumbers Crack I forgot to add, don’t trade your iron as at somepoint in the future you’re going to want 164 blocks of iron (though you can also use gold blocks, diamond blocks or emerald blocks - or a mix of them all) but iron is the easiest to get. There are other steps involved but basically then you can build a beacon which a haste 2 beacon with an effeciency 5 pick is intant mining. Though you can wear a pick out in minutes so we really also need to get mending tools and a good xp before then too.
  12. The technical side of the game interests me as I’m lazy. It is really only the tool smiths, weapon smiths, armourer and librarians that need to be fully unlocked. They’re the only one that might sell anything useful but it usually takes a number of villagers of each one to find any that sell something useful. As for why they don’t get out, they’re just not programmed too. Any animals, villagers, mobs you get in a minecart or boat won’t get out on their own. If you want to grow more crops, feel free to use the crop area thing I built. Plant the crops then when they’re grown flick the lever and the water will harvest everything for you
  13. Out of interest, what aids does everyone use? I’m thinking of doing some laps with auto gears, traction control set higher etc to see what the time difference is.
  14. Not a bad time to start with and if you can improve by a second already that would be excellent. I didn’t know you could have a ghost car though, I must have turned mine off and not realised.
  15. Villagers aren’t like animals as you can’t breed them, you can only give them the conditions and they breed themselves. The condutions being they need food and be in a village with not enough villagers. I can’t remember all the villager mechanics but basically there are 6 villagers on farm land and one underneath with some doors. The villager underneath is a detector villager, it sees the doors and creates a village. The villagers on the farm land can’t see the doors so aren’t counted to the villages total number of villagers but are in the village. This tricks them in to constantly thinking they need to breed and will infinitely breed. The best bit, farmer villages will harvest and plant crops and pass them to other villagers meaning they always have food too. That is the simplest explanation I can think of but I’m there are videos by technical youtubers like gnembon or ilmango who explain all village and villager mechanics. As for the different types, it is just random. There probably is odds of each one but I don’t know them and there is no way to control it. So it is just a case of letting them breed and killing all the ones we don’t need. Villagers only have 2 or 3 trades unlocked but unlock more as you trade with them so always worth finding what all their trades are before giving them the chop. What I envisage us ending up with is 2 or 3 farmers to trade crops with for emeralds. Maybe a couple tool smiths if we find any with decent tools for sale. Then a bunch of librarians selling various enchanted books. A librarian selling mending books is the primary aim but getting the ither good enchants would be nice too.
  16. Villager breeder now has a water elevator, a viewing platform if you like to watch and a bowchickawowwow sign I think I need to build a bigger room to store them in though mostly have farmours and butchers. Only one librarian so far which does sell a looting 3 book but it’s expensive at (I think) 36 emerads. If you need books though, the easiest way is trade with the farmers for emeralds, buy book shelves from the librarian and break them with your axe. I’ll keep trading with them to unlock all their trades but may have to say goodbye to some of the farmers.
  17. Nice, let’s make this a tight competition for the top spot
  18. I know the track quite well as it is a popular choice online but I’ve never driven it with a gt3 car. What cars did you try? I could use the Jaaaaaag I used before but fancy trying something different.
  19. So a basic villager breeder is up though I forgot the bowchickawowwow signs It’s an ugly build and stands out as I had to build it in the air if it was to be near spawn. I’ve built it near spawn so it’s active more often but once we have a decent selection of villagers I’ll move it further away so it isn’t an eye sore.
  20. Yeah, spawning is quite slow with a single spawner but it the best we have so far If you have a sweeping edge sword, wait until there are a good number of them and you can kill them in all one swing but still not the fastest. The problem with spawners is that you have to be within a certain number of blocks for them to be active (I think 16 but don't quote me on that) so you can't have another spawner unless you luck in to finding 2 close together. There are faster XP farms out there - Guardian farms, Pigmen gold farms, Ender Enders - which would be useful once we have mending tools as you can repair fully worn tools in a couple of minutes. The problem is they are either huge farms or a pain to build but certainly something we can work towards. As for the drops, I'll double check but I think the right most column of chests has no filter so anything that isn't bones or arrows will end up in there. You will get mobs with armour on though - sometimes leather, sometimes iron and sometimes gold. However they dont' always drop the armour they're wearing when they're killed sadly Though on a side, if you get any gold armour you can smelt it in to gold nuggest and craft them in to gold ingots
  21. Yeah the last combo was tricky but I'd prefer that over a track that is really easy. I remembered on the way to work this morning that I had forgotten to post the combo yesterday oopsie. So - Round 4 Car: Gr.3 Track: Dragon Trail - Seaside
  22. I don’t know how reliable it is but I’ve seen some articles quoting Twitter that none of these shows will be picked up by the Disney streaming channel. If true then it makes the decision to pull them from Netflix even worse. I know reviews for Iron Fist and Luke Cage weren’t great so I can somewhat understand Disney not wanting to continue them. Jessica Jones was a mixed bag so I’m on the fence about it. However Daredevil was brilliant, some of the best superhero tv around and I’d even put it above some of the movies.
  23. Yeah the online is fun, most of the races I find are pretty good though occasionally come across an asshole or two. I’m aways up for some online racing, I’ll try to remember to make an event later. See if we get a few of us on for some racing and banter as well as make a change from time trialling all the time.
  24. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 112 seconds
  25. This is a pig of a track, I don’t know what idiot chose it.....oh wait it was me I am anything but consistent on this combo but I did some laps last night and got down to 1:30.94. I think I could get it down to maybe a 1:30.5 but I don’t think I can be bothered to do the laps to get my time down.
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