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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. Damn why did you do that?! I was looking forward to putting a box of unbreakable bedrock round his build or blowing it up with tnt
  2. I have admin rights already I’m just assuming that not everyone that joins will have admin rights so need transport for those mortals Working from home today so hopped on a lunch and dug out most of the hole for the other half of the kelp farm. I set up 2 furnaces as well to start making the dried kelp but they’re just a starter as even half the farm produces faster than they can smelt. Once the full farm and full smelter is up and running it shouldn’t take long to produce enough fuel to runs itself then free fuel
  3. I guess that is part of admin commands. I’d build anything close enough or with a way to get to it for those without admin commands. I’m just conscious that loading lots of farms will stress the server and I don’t know how powerful the server is. Though most farms don’t need to be loaded or running all that often. Price? It’s only resources I’ve mined to build with I’m protective of. Anything the farms produce is free for all
  4. I understand most of the logic to the redstone circuits but most farms I build are from youtube tutorials. Most of the bigger youtubers spend the time making the farms as fast and efficient as possible so I’m happy to copy them. Though are some designs like tangotek’s Iron farms, almost all of Ilmango’s designs that go over my head. I am quite enjoying building the farms as we played modded before there was no need to build the farms so makes a nice change Though I might build some of them further from spawn to give everyone’s PC and server a rest from having to load all the farms all the time.
  5. I thought about putting my items in a trapped chest which if opened would detonate TNT in the main suspects build. However I thought better of it so gone for a sign for now. Edit: Still managed to build half of the kelp farm which produces kelp sooooo much faster than the original version and that is only half of it! Next step will be to build an auto smelter to turn it in to dried kelp but that is for another day.
  6. Yeah - let me get in to the 2:15's before you try manual On a serious note, it will take some getting used to if you aren't used to manual gears but practice and stick with it. You might be slower to begin with but you will be faster once you're used to manual gears. As a general rule you want to do all your downshifts in the braking zone and not while turning. You want to change down pretty quick while braking but not too quick else you will lock your wheels, finding the balance comes with practice both at using manual gears and the specific car you're using. Finally, you don't always have to change gears - the advantage to manual is sometimes you can hold a gear so you don't change up right before a corner or use 2nd to get out of a hairpin rather than 1st to avoid some wheelspin etc.
  7. So I guess the kelp farm is delayed again as nearly all my netherquartz has disappeared ..... again
  8. There’s so many ways to play the game that there isn’t a right or wrong way just a preferred way. I just like getting automated farms up and running so when I explore later on I’m always coming back to everything I need so I can out exploring again. Sounds like you found an abandoned mineshaft. Usually quite a good place to find ore’s too and maybe a spider spawner or 2.
  9. Naaaa that sounds like a terrible idea
  10. There are some interesting things about 1.14 though I wish there was more of a villager update. You only have to look at Tangoteks what if villager mod to see what could have been. As for the server, who left an emerald in my chest? Also did someone take my nether quartz as I can’t find it. Still went and mined plenty more so a decent chunk through gathering the resources to rebuild the kelp farm. Hopefully it shouldn’t take too long to do then probably will produce enough free fuel for us all to use
  11. I haven’t played in a long time so I think it is better to say I own a guitar rather than can play one 😛 I used to play quite a bit though only from tabs and not any proper training on chords/scales etc.
  12. Yeah but I’ve focus more on the funner things like the farms. Now comes to grindy part of trying to mine enough diamonds to make a full set of tools and armour
  13. There is a stats button on to Esc menu that shows time played I have just over 12 hours on this realm. The rest of the time is split between a single player world I created when 1.13 came out as I wanted to try the new features and another multiplayer server I joined last month. Though as above, I think quite a bit of that is afk fishing or just waiting for things to smelt.
  14. Holy shit! Out of curiousity I just looked at my play time since version 1.13 dropped - 6 days 17 hours! Admitedly some of that is AFK'ing for one thing or another but still
  15. I didn’t think of it, it’s a design that has been around in minecraft for a long time. I believe it does work for pigs and sheep too but cows are useful to get the leather to make books for the enchanting tables. I was messing around in creative and designed a way to auto kill and cook the steaks too so will add that at some point. As we have the chicken farm already I think I’ll rebuild the kelp farm first. I’d like to build an iron farm too but I hate transporting villagers long distances.
  16. The technical side of minecraft is far more interest to me than the mining or building. So I’ve watched lots of videos on things and spend quite a but of time in creative getting redstone circuity to work. As for how quick, I did it all in survival but not that quick. I think I already have 12 or so hours play time on this server 😮
  17. There is the chicken farm by my house which you can take from. I also have a cow farm too by the nether portal but you would need to breed them first. Flick the lever and the cows will bob in the water breed them and flick the lever to stop them bobbing. All the babies will fall underneath and you can go down the ladder under the trapdoor.
  18. The down one works by the water at the bottom stopping your fall. You just need to dig a hole all the way down, place a sign and a bucket of water above the sign. The sign stops the water running out and the water breaks your fall. The up elevator takes a bit more work, dig a seperate hole all the way down again. Place signs on the wall to stop the water running out. If you don’t have blocks around you can use fence gates too. Then place a bucket of water at the top block of the hole so it runs all the way down. You’ll then need to grab some kelp from the kelp farm, place it at the bottom of the solid water column and place kelp every block up the water column. This will turn the running water in to water source blocks. Then go back to the bottom and destroy the bottom of the kelp and it will break the column of kelp. Finally, mine the block at the floor level of the solid water colum and replace it with soul sand. This will create a bubble column which shoots you up quickly.
  19. Try the one behind my house by the kelp farm. Drop down the hole in the ground and walk in to the water column to get back the surface much easier than stairs.
  20. At level 20, dunno whose that is as mine is around 12. Though I’m all for sharing a mine as there is only a few of us ever going to be on. If you want to dig a water elevator for your mine though feel free to take the soul sand from my house
  21. Gave it a few more laps this afternoon, got my time down to a 2:16.441. Though all my best sectors together make a 2:15.6 so I doubt I'll ever get such a perfect lap but maybe high 15's is possible.
  22. You’ve got to work quick but don’t worry I don’t think any of us have done that much digging to plenty for you to dig still
  23. Nice time Phil, is that still with automatic gears or have you switched to manual? I guess I know what I’ll be playing today as it would be a shame it someone were to beat your time
  24. So with the help of Alex, there is now an enchanting house. It has all the nexessary book shelves for level 30 enchants and I’ve dropped a stack of lapis in there too. I’ll add an anvil later but don’t have anywhere near enough iron for that yet. I finally found some soul sand in the nether as well as a nether fortress. So I built the water elevator to the mine I dug. If you want to use it, it is behind my house by the kelp farm. Drop down the hole to get to the mine and walk in to the water column to get back out I did a bit more mining and have some more resources so I’ll probably rebuild the kelp farm next. It’s producing but not fast enough if we all want to smelt with kelp.
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