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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. I think I need a little more practice with it as I misjudge some corners so much but I’m in.
  2. Greboth

    New World!

    I've finally pulled my finger out on this and 99.9% finished it. There is still a few little bits to clear up and test before I open it up to everyone but I'm trying to get it done this week
  3. I'll never turn down Full Homo love.....wait that sounds wrong I'm glad it worked better than previously though
  4. Holy thread resurrection batman! I’d missed season 3 of this started this week so I know what I’ll be watching tonight. I’m surprised there aren’t more posts in this as I thought a few people here would enjoy it.
  5. Between the extra RAM and patcg hopefully it runs smooth for you now. I wish people would hurry up with Ryzen 2 reviews as it is getting hard to ignore my upgrade itch.
  6. I was an xbox gamer last gen so have no experience with the PS3 but I would guess that a capture card is going to be the only way.
  7. Greboth

    F1 2018

    It was a great ending to the race, though while I appreciate the front is what people focus on I do wish they would focus on the midfield more as you see changes in position on the position graphic but you don't ever see the overtake live or a replay. It seems Red Bull have continued where they have been the last few years, close enough to the front to capitalise when something like a SC happens but not quite fast enough in pure pace.
  8. Nice to see that they are continuing to patch and update this. It is one reason I'm eager to get my new pc built is to try this out.
  9. I don’t know how much it costs to run these forums but that is a good idea and I’d be happy for some/all donations to go towards running this place.
  10. Interesting that you bring this topic up today of all days... I am 100% behind this though, it is fantastic way to feel good in FG. Unfortunately, as much I would love to, I don't think I can commit to a fixed amount every month but I will try to remember to donate at the end of the month if/when I can With respect to your list, in order 1) I never thought of it before as I just clicked the donate button. It has been a while since I've done so things may have changed but if you send it as a gift / to a friend or whatever it is called then there are no fees on it either end I don't think you can set it up to do it every month though. 2) & 3) I think these are a good point and maybe the most important ones. No-one should feel obligated to give more than they want or to every gift / collection. 4) I agree, you are the Commander in Chief of FG and as such should have final say.
  11. Name: Friday Night is Race Night Category: GTA V Date Added: 2018-04-12 Submitter: Greboth Highlights from Friday nights race night. It doesn't include all the races but the best bits from a few. Friday Night is Race Night
  12. It's done, I was waiting to see if I got more clips but as we may be racing again tomorrow night I'll get it uploaded and posted tonight
  13. Can you remember which speed you went for? or did you just buy the one the link takes you to? I'm trying not to compromise too much on the build but equally I don't have an unlimited budget so there has to be some. I think based on things like Star Citizen and that video editing and the 3d stuff all are better with more RAM that it is best to go 16Gb straight off. Speed is the other potential for a little compromise, 3200Mhz seems to the sweet spot of price where it isn't much more expensive than the lower speed but then you start facing bigger price jumps to get up to the higher clocks. Still 16Gb of 2400Mhz is still £30-£40 cheaper than 3000Mhz which isn't too be sniffed at. Either way it is going to be faster than my 1600Mhz DDR3 that I have currently, I think I need to look in to quite how much different RAM speed makes.
  14. That probably covers it, we hold a lot of personal information about a lot of people but in essence have just deleted a lot of data and rather than write or email everyone just put it on our website which we now direct people too if they want to read it.
  15. It is much more a horde game mode than the uprising which was more an objective/payload match. I don’t think it is anything bad though as it gives some variation as PvP is all about objectives and payloads. Playing last night for a couple of hours and it is a lot of fun. I really like the way it is done with moving along then the horde at the end though the difficulty steps up so much at the horde. I like the new ‘characters’ too, the sniper seems quite similar to widow but the Reinhardt/Bastion love child and Tracer/Genji assassins are something different. Though I do think the assassins do a little too much damage or have a little too much health. We tried both the story and any hero modes and managed to get it completed on legendary. We tried the hardest difficulty (expert?) and that is difficult. I do think with some more practice and a better idea of which characters to use the hardest any hero is possible.
  16. You spelt whinging as winning I'll be on but I won't make it until closer to 9pm.
  17. @GazzaGarratt Lee, after chatting to you last night about PC's it got me thinking about RAM. I was planning on going for 2 sticks but never hurts to keep my options open. Looking in your PC thread, this is the RAM Phil linked you to; https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B01DPSQOO4/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1515181570&sr=8-4&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=crucial+ballistix+sport+8gb&dpPl=1&dpID=41dqpRoIRaL&ref=plSrch Is this the stick you bought? Did you get the 2400Mhz or 2666Mhz? With the exception of Star Citizen how are you finding 8Gb for everything else? Of course I can't also ignore the most important question did you go for grey, red or white? white or grey look best but everyone knows red stuff goes faster
  18. Too late I know but they don’t really show any signs of dropping so I bit the bullet. Plus the cheapest I could find recorded of standard 1070 being is around £330-£340 so doesn’t seem too bad of a price of a better cooler and clocked card
  19. My GPU is the 1050Ti so it has 4Gb VRAM instead of the 2Gb on the standard 1050 which I think does give me some leeway. I'd probably guess overall though our systems aren't too dissimilar in terms of performace. I think you're right though about a new system though, it isn't necessarily needed right now but there is little point spending money now to upgrade my current PC then spend money in a year or whenever buying a new PC. WIth Ryzen2 (or Ryzen+ or whatever they call it) coming out soon I think I might wait and see what that brings before going for a CPU Motherboard combo. If the price/performance is decent over an OG Ryzen then I might as well but if not, hopefully it leads to a drop in OG Ryzen prices. Either way I went would mean a new PSU so I've picked up an 850W PSU ready and verbally agreed to buy an EVGA GTX1070 SC 8Gb ACX3 card. it is second hand GPU but with GPU prices as they are its almost a £500 card and the guy agreed at £330 so hard to say no to that! No way will a card that size fit in my current case without taking a HDD out but I'm tempted to do it just to see how fast it runs
  20. Nice, I started cutting the clips yesterday but the more perspectives the better.
  21. @Diddums @GazzaGarratt @LordBaguette @tronic44 @MrBiron I'm missing someone but can't remember who but if you saved any clips from GTA last night can you send to me please. I recorded it all but lots I didn't see and the video shouldn't be only from my perspective anyway.
  22. Definitely looks like something that could be fun but we'll have to try it as I find some of the modes in GTA a little hit and miss.
  23. A budget is always a consideration else I'd be speccing up a Threadripper build with multiple Quaddro cards but as I don't have £10k+ down the back of the sofa to spend on a PC things need to be kept a little more reasonable It isn't really a budget question though, it is a question of is it worth sacrificing some CPU power for additional GPU power? which is a question that could be asked on any budget. I do accept it is more complex though due to it being vastly different CPU's between the 3770 and Ryzen. My budget is enough though for the build in my OP with a GTX 1070 which should hit 60fps on most, if not all games, at 1080p. My dilemma is that for the same budget, I could stick with my 3770 and have a 1080 which would give the same gaming performance (as capped to 60fps by my monitor) but better 3D/Rendering performance but that comes at the cost of being stuck with EOL hardware with no upgrade path. The 1050Ti has performed well and was bought originally just for some light PC gaming and playing older titles like Gmod, Minecraft etc. but even Minecraft can cause my FPS to drop below 60 if enough is going on, Stellaris does too when in bigger ship battles in the mid to end game. I've been looking at upgrades too with the switch to Windows 10 to play more of the xbox games (Sea of Thieves, Black Flag was better,, Forza etc.) and speaking to Phil and watching some videos, Star Citizen looks good too. That isn't a bad build though, I'll have to look in to that some more as I specced a Ryzen 5 1600x system to not much less than that build and that is Ryzen 7.
  24. Keeping it sort of realistic, A Mazda RX-7 FD. An old car now but the design still looks new and having been a passenger in a modified one damn rapid too. The 13B is a bit a problem though so maybe an Nissan Pulsar GTIR, not very well known but comes with an SR20 DET so plenty of bits for it. Or a JZX100 Toyota Chaser with the jz-ge swapped out for jz-gte for a silly fast saloon fun. Unrealistic: Any of the newer McLaren's. Total fantasy: Jay Leno's garage.
  25. Morning FG, I thought I'd post a what would you do regarding a potential PC upgrade as I have a dilemma. My current PC is a m-itx build; Intel 3770 (not a K), 8Gb DDR3 1600Mhz RAM, GTX 1050Ti, 60Gb SSD for OS. I use it for gaming but also for Photoshop, 3D modelling and rendering and a little video editing (hopefully more when I pull my finger out - sorry Lee ) It is worth noting that I only game at 1920x1200 at 60fps and I'm reluctant to change my monitor as it is a colour accurate monitor. I was looking at around a £1000 for an upgrade and I have been looking at building a whole new system, Ryzen 5 1600, 16Gb DDR4 3000Mhz or 3200Mhz RAM, 256Gb SSD, GTX 1060 or 1070 and upgrading to Windows 10. The other option is put that money in to a new PSU and GPU (probably 1080 maybe 1080ti) and maybe try to find 16Gb RAM for my current system. So to the dilemma; If I stick with my current m-itx system then I am quite limited in that I'd need to get creative with my HDD placement to fit bigger GPU's in my case. I've run out of sata ports on my MB which is an annoyance so potentially could change MB too though this would require a new case (though if I change to an ATX case this cost could be offset for lack of a better word as the case could be used for builds in the future). All the non-gaming stuff I do loves RAM so it would be nice to change to 16Gb but being m-itx I have only 2 DIMM's so it means a wholesale swap rather than adding more sticks unless I do go for the change in MB too. I would like to change to Windows 10 too for the reasons above and would like a bigger SSD while I'm at it. On top of all this, I'd also have to get a new PSU. So basically; sticking with my current system actually means new ram, new GPU, new PSU, new SSD and new OS with maybe a new case and new motherboard. This big pro would be a nice performance increase to everything but it feel like a lot of effort and change to still be running on a 6 year old CPU, EOL RAM etc. The GPU would be overkill for effectively 1080p60 gaming but the 3D side of things is GPU accelerated so I would see some benefits. A whole new Ryzen based system would be an upgrade but having looked at numerous benchmarks the single threaded performance and even multithreaded, a Ryzen 5 1600/1600x doesn't score much higher (if at all) over my 3770. However a whole new system does come some advantages, it is all newer hardware; DDR4 RAM is much faster than DDR3, AMD have said they will support the AM4 socket for a while (2019 or 2020 I think they said?). Even with a lower GPU in this build I should still easily hit 60Hz of my monitor on high settings but in 3D and rendering the small gain in CPU performance would be offset but the loss in GPU performance. It seems illogical to me to upgrade to a whole new Ryzen based system for very little gains in performance but it seems equally as illogical to go through that much change and be on 'old' hardware. So FG WWYD?
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