I was scrolling through some of my favourite series on IMDB and looking at the recommended series looking for something new and it got me thinking – what is everyone’s favourite series? We can share our favourite shows and maybe find something new to watch too
For me, I’ll skip Game of Thrones although it is up there.
Band of Brothers – A mini series following Easy company during World War 2 and a very well made, well written and directed series. I’m not one for being too bothered about war films and it is easy to be dissociative while watching the actual episodes – it’s just Hollywood, special effects, make up etc. but at the end of each episode, they have the real soldiers talking about the episode and it brings it back to it isn’t Hollywood and it really happened and it hits you hard in the feels.
Billions – It focuses on 2 main characters Bobby a hedge fund manager who uses insider trading to increase profits and Chuck a District Attorney trying to prosecute him. It follows their scheming, dealing, double crossing, planning as they each try to out do each other to come out ahead. Plus Wags is brilliant so always worth watching for him.
West Wing and Newsroom….basically anything by Aaron Sorkin – West Wing follow the west wing of the whitehouse and the presidency while Newsroom follows a news anchor and the broadcaster producing actual news. Both are in Sorkin’s style of fast paced, dialogue heavy, witty writing with his usual camera style too. Both extremely well written shows and ones I’ve watched through multiple times.
The Marvellous Mrs Maisel – A comedy sitcom following Mrs Maisel as she aspires to be a female comedian in 1950’s New York. It didn’t appeal to me by the description but it got highly recommended to me so gave it a watch…..and ended up watching both seasons in less than a week. Currently there is only 2 seasons but there are more on the way.
4400 – One of my favourite sci-fi shows out there. Over the last 50 years or so, 4400 people disappear though only one at a time here and there. All 4,400 get returned at the same time and having not aged a day from when they disappeared. The series follows the investigation in to what happened to them and their re-integration in to society.
The Expanse – Set in the nearish future where we have colonised Mars, the asteroid belt and a moon of Jupiter. Mars want independence from Earth and events unfold the lead to a potential war but there is more going on than initially meets the eye. The show follows the crew of a small ship as they try to uncover the conspiracy and stop a war happening.
Counterpart – During the Cold War a crossing is discovered between this world and an alternate reality and series follows the UN organisation tasked to investigate and monitor the crossing as well as deal with people from the other side. A little bit of sci-fi and a little spy thriller and well worth a watch.
Better off Ted – A short lived comedy about a project manager in an office. Anyone who does or has worked in an office will appreciate it most but still an enjoyable series. If nothing else, it’s worth watching the Veridian dynamic commercials from the show.
Banshee – Fucking and fighting. There really isn’t anything else to say, a criminal assumes the identify of a small town sheriff and spends most of the time fighting or fucking. This is on my list not as well written or directed series but it is damn entertaining.
Star Wars Rebels – My favourite of the Star Wars animated series. It starts off not that great and a little kid friendly but by the end it gets darker and you really find yourself attached to the characters and their path in the Star Warsuniverse. Plus it puts some nice easter eggs in the new SW films (mostly Rogue One)
Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis – These get an honorary mention, as I grew up watching them. They aren’t amazing series but I still love them and can re-watch them repeatedly.