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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. Greboth

    Modded MC

    A little update on my world Though this will be the last update on my village ( ) as I've decided to move out of it. I like the basic set up of it but I already have planned to add at least 4 more buildings to the village to house stuff and that is before I start getting in some of the mods I've not played with which I'd guess will require even more buildings. So basically I've decided to build a new base/structures which will be better suited to house everything (as well as looking awesome naturally!). Rather than a village (as the buildings are too small) I'm going for more a city vibe with much bigger buildings to put all my stuff in. I just need to work on coming up with a pillar design and a floor design that I like then I'll be able to show off the first buildings of my new base.
  2. I saw this on facebook earlier, I guess that is the downside of playing hardcore though also the thrill of it. I'm not really sure how a baby zombie, skeleton and spider killed him though as decent diamond armour would protect for a bit even against all 3. Still, it's a shame and waaaaayyyyyy longer than I'd last.
  3. Well that was intense! I won’t say anymore for now.
  4. I was scrolling through some of my favourite series on IMDB and looking at the recommended series looking for something new and it got me thinking – what is everyone’s favourite series? We can share our favourite shows and maybe find something new to watch too For me, I’ll skip Game of Thrones although it is up there. Band of Brothers – A mini series following Easy company during World War 2 and a very well made, well written and directed series. I’m not one for being too bothered about war films and it is easy to be dissociative while watching the actual episodes – it’s just Hollywood, special effects, make up etc. but at the end of each episode, they have the real soldiers talking about the episode and it brings it back to it isn’t Hollywood and it really happened and it hits you hard in the feels. Billions – It focuses on 2 main characters Bobby a hedge fund manager who uses insider trading to increase profits and Chuck a District Attorney trying to prosecute him. It follows their scheming, dealing, double crossing, planning as they each try to out do each other to come out ahead. Plus Wags is brilliant so always worth watching for him. West Wing and Newsroom….basically anything by Aaron Sorkin – West Wing follow the west wing of the whitehouse and the presidency while Newsroom follows a news anchor and the broadcaster producing actual news. Both are in Sorkin’s style of fast paced, dialogue heavy, witty writing with his usual camera style too. Both extremely well written shows and ones I’ve watched through multiple times. The Marvellous Mrs Maisel – A comedy sitcom following Mrs Maisel as she aspires to be a female comedian in 1950’s New York. It didn’t appeal to me by the description but it got highly recommended to me so gave it a watch…..and ended up watching both seasons in less than a week. Currently there is only 2 seasons but there are more on the way. 4400 – One of my favourite sci-fi shows out there. Over the last 50 years or so, 4400 people disappear though only one at a time here and there. All 4,400 get returned at the same time and having not aged a day from when they disappeared. The series follows the investigation in to what happened to them and their re-integration in to society. The Expanse – Set in the nearish future where we have colonised Mars, the asteroid belt and a moon of Jupiter. Mars want independence from Earth and events unfold the lead to a potential war but there is more going on than initially meets the eye. The show follows the crew of a small ship as they try to uncover the conspiracy and stop a war happening. Counterpart – During the Cold War a crossing is discovered between this world and an alternate reality and series follows the UN organisation tasked to investigate and monitor the crossing as well as deal with people from the other side. A little bit of sci-fi and a little spy thriller and well worth a watch. Better off Ted – A short lived comedy about a project manager in an office. Anyone who does or has worked in an office will appreciate it most but still an enjoyable series. If nothing else, it’s worth watching the Veridian dynamic commercials from the show. Banshee – Fucking and fighting. There really isn’t anything else to say, a criminal assumes the identify of a small town sheriff and spends most of the time fighting or fucking. This is on my list not as well written or directed series but it is damn entertaining. Star Wars Rebels – My favourite of the Star Wars animated series. It starts off not that great and a little kid friendly but by the end it gets darker and you really find yourself attached to the characters and their path in the Star Warsuniverse. Plus it puts some nice easter eggs in the new SW films (mostly Rogue One) Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis – These get an honorary mention, as I grew up watching them. They aren’t amazing series but I still love them and can re-watch them repeatedly.
  5. Sounds like a plan, I only did two races but I didn’t set a qualifying time so started at the back. Managed to finish 8th the first race and 7th in the second which I don’t think is too bad.
  6. I went to give the time trial another go but just ended up racing the daily race instead - oops. It is a fun track though and so easy to make tiny mistakes that cost time.
  7. I thought the daily race was gr3? I’m more used to racing gr3 round here so it took some getting used to driving gr4. You can get on the power so much earlier and not have to worry about oversteer.
  8. I got in 11 laps before going out today and managed to squeeze in to the 1:35’s using the M4. I don’t feel like I left a lot in the table so don’t know how much faster I can go. I think I will try to get in some laps with other cars to see how they stack up.
  9. Maybe an SSHD? Quicker than a traditional HDD and cheaper than large GB/TB SSD’s/NVMe’s.
  10. Ep 1 and 2 are only 60 mins but Ep3-6 are all 70-80 mins long. So I think Ep2 will be another builder episode then the last 4 are going to be the big, exciting, epic episodes.
  11. Gaming history in general was sporadic of playing other peoples games. Gaming for me really took off when I got a OG playstation. Back then it was all about racing for me and I spent countless hours on Gran Turismo and Colin McRae Rally. I then switched to PS2 and continued my racing with more Gran Turismo and NFS. It was around the time of NFS, I think underground 2, I got a network adapter for my ps2 and tried online gaming. It didn’t work too well and was a laggy mess with everyone teleporting all over the place. I guess the infrastructure wasn’t really there so online gaming for me really took off with the Xbox 360. Project Gotham Racing, Forza 2, 3 and 4 and Halo, Halo, Halo and a little bit more Halo. I pretty much played Halo 3 from day of release until MW2 released. It was around this time I bought and built my first PC (rather than scrounging hand me downs off other people) which is why I joined the OCUK forum. The PC allowed me to really get in to my sim racing, mostly Live for Speed though also played NKPro, rFactor and GTR2. I joined several teams, took part in leagues and wasn’t all that successful. I’d finish mid table so better than some but I never had a chance of winning. I then set up my own team and ran than for a year or two before folding as I had lost interest in serious sim racing. It was around this time I started playing CoD’s and Forza’s with some of the OCUK’ers. Then came the PS4 and Destiny, that really got me in to gaming with the people from the OCUK forum. It was good fun as it is a huge community so it meant there was always raids and NF’s going on. Though generally played with the same small group. This is where I got to know Diddums and TehBlueBear and ended up here. The rest they say is history
  12. Whoops, I forgot to post a combo again. My memory is going to be non existent when I’m old Track: Red Bull Ring Class: Gr4
  13. Greboth

    Modded MC

    So gone is the capacitor bank in my basement and replaced with an auto crafting system. All my refined storage is in my house so I thought I’d keep it all together. This is the first time I’ve played with the auto crafters and I wish I had earlier! It is so nice to be able to click and say you want x number of something and not need to have to think about the crafting you have to do make it.
  14. Greboth

    Modded MC

    Oh god yes! It’s the Chaos Guardian, it’s a bit like the normal dragon but stupidly more powerful. Even with fully upgraded and powered draconic armour, fully powered tools, golden apples and all the regen you can make - you’ll probably die still The Chaos guardian is so stupidly overpowered it can even kill you in creative mode!
  15. Greboth

    Modded MC

    I’m building towards the draconic evolution armour and tools. Which alone takes stacks of materials and billions of RF (yes, with a ‘B’). For example, just to make 4 awakened blocks which is only part of the recipe takes 350 million RF. Nevermind all the RF that goes in to itber draconic crafting or all the power required getting the nether stars, draconic ingots or that goes in to making high powered solar panels, reactors, generators etc. Then once you’ve made the armour and tools, it takes 500+ million RF to charge them all. So you see why I built a powerful but exploding reactor before I think I’ll take things slower and safer this time though. I don’t want to rebuild a third time! Yeah modded is a little more complicated than vanilla. It’s why I like it, it is more involved and interesting this way.
  16. Greboth

    Modded MC

    A little tour of my world so far
  17. Greboth

    Modded MC

    Hahaha no, it didn't contain anymore caffeine than I'm used to - stronger yes but it's a smaller can When you mine destabilized redstone, you get the flow of liquid redstone that should disappear but you should also get a destabilized clathrate too (kinda looks like dark red flint). It gets pushed away by the flowing redstone but you should be able to find it. I think you get at least one destablized clathrate per destabilized redstone ore mined (or more if you have fortune / luck on your pick). If you then put the destablized clathrate in a magma crucible you get destablized redstone out of it You can then put this destablized redstone in to a fluid transposer to convert things. For example, put a snowball in a fluid transposer with destablized redstone and you get blizz powder There are loads of recipes though, sandstone + liquid ender pearls gives you endstone, regular brick + lava gives you nether brick etc. etc.
  18. Greboth

    Modded MC

    After talking to you on Friday, I had a look at my stats and I’ve played this mod pack for over 7 days! Admittedly some of that is afk’ing but still, I should have some idea what I’m talking about. As for destabilized redstone, it won’t hurt you to stand in it though you can drown in it.......not that I’ve almost done that.....honest! It is worth mining too as it should drop clathrate (or something like that) which if you liquidate it in a magma crucible and then you can use the liquid in a fluid tranposer to covert items. I don’t think I’ve actually made a pure obsidian pick though, only ever used it as a modifier. It is durable but from memory not that fast? Something worth point out with Tinkers tools, you can swap bits out rather than make new tools. So say you want to swap your obsidian pick head for a cobalt one. Put your obsidian pick with a cobalt head in a tool builder and you can swap the pick head while keeping your xp/levels/modifiers. Same applies to bindings and tool rods too.
  19. Greboth

    Modded MC

    So didn’t really get any time to play the weekend due to being out Saturday and having to deal an engineer Sunday due to a broken boiler Still, I managed to upgrade my extreme reactor (the non exploding kind) to just over 4 times the size so it now produces about 75K Rf/t. I’m currently only using 10-15k RF/t so I’ve set my reactor to turn off when its buffer is over 80% full to save fuel. I also built a 450 million RF capacitor bank to act a buffer. Though I’m going to need the power as I’m building a big mob farm that by a bit of googling will draw 50k+ RF/t when flat out. I also started working on making some of the solar panels. They’re powerful but so damn expensive to make! I think I’ve already gone through several thousand glass so got to wait to smelt some more sand before I can upgrade them further.
  20. Well if you haven’t watched yet, let me tell you what happens ....
  21. IT’S BACK!!! Bit of a slow episode but the last few seasons openers have been about putting the pieces in the right places. Got a few laughs from me and I’m excited to see where it goes.
  22. Greboth

    Modded MC

    Oh you did ask and I forgot to answer, It isn’t you, you can’t sleep in the mining world. I’ll be hopping on in a few minutes to do some building so I’ll be a discord if you’re on too.
  23. That is a perfect description of Lee tbh
  24. Philmeoldchina Phil the Guvna PhilPhiPhoPhum Lee should be named after the Tenacious D song; Leeleeleeleeleeleeleeleeleeleeleelee
  25. Greboth

    Modded MC

    Just what you need at 11pm - a shot of adrenaline Except for that creeper how are you finding it so far?
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