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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. Was I being blind last night and not noticing or have they added another game mode? There’s now a mode where you start with no guns and pick them up off the floor.
  2. 100% agree Gary, I get the impression most people feel the same. The problem is that they only need a small number of people buying loot boxes to make them worth it. 1 person spends £100 on loot boxes, that covers the next 9 people that don’t and nets them more profit than they would make if all 10 bought a new game.
  3. It completely depends how they implement the loot boxes. I don’t really have a problem with loot boxes that don’t change the game. But them if you want to but there’s no cost to me for not buying them. It’s when they become Treyarch style of loot boxes and have OP guns in them that then ruin the game and there’s no other way to get those guns. I understand why they had to be OP guns though, they needed people to feel they got something good for the hundreds or thousands they spent on loot boxes. That’s great but it ruins the game and alienates people who can’t or don’t want to buy loot boxes. I suppose though it must make financial sense. If they’re making 800million in 3 months on lootboxes that is way more than they could make on releasing a new game and getting new customers. I know I’m building myself up for disappointment but I’m still hoping that they will be cosmetic only or stupid items that don’t actually affect the game.
  4. This is looking good, for the first time in a number of years I am looking forward to a CoD. Though I’m still waiting to find out how they will ruin it.
  5. Greboth


    Welcome aboard Lemmy! Good to have another racer on here, what racing games do you like to play?
  6. My times depends on car and track but I think I have someway to go to be on their level. I watch some of Super GT’s videos and I struggle to see what he does differently to me yet he is a second or 2 faster than I am. Currently I’m upper B and I’m trying to get in to A but I think S may be an impossibility. Plat is an impossibility too I think, I’ve had (I think) 5 race wins in 100-110 races. They were all as I climbed the ranks too so where I was racing slower people but since I’ve plateaued a little I can’t buy a win 😞 Still I’ve been getting more into racing again recently so maybe there is a little more speed to come. Edit: BTW, are you coming in October? I thought you were but couldn’t see your name on the list. Only ask as I’m planning to take my wheel so you could see if you could improve your times.
  7. I scare myself in a car so what could go wrong on a bike 🤣 There are some fantastic driving / riding roads in the Alps. I can recommend some beautiful places round there like Lake Annecy, Sainte Foy etc. but I’m not sure they’re a place for a few young fellas on bikes 😂
  8. I can’t think of anything specific that I’d like to see as most of it is covered already. Instead of specially being newest quiz’s, recent posts etc separately. Could you have a whats hot which lists the top 5 or 10 things going across everything? The only potential issue I see with that is how do you determine if a quiz or guide or more popular than a post or thread.
  9. Ahhhhh no, you’re put in to a random lobby depending on your DR (Driver Rating) and SR (Sportsmanship Rating). If we were all the same DR and SR then maybe. Though the chance of that happening depends on how many lobbies are created for each race which I don’t know.
  10. Unless I’m misunderstanding your question, yeah we could all enter the same online race. Not the official gt sport races but any public lobby or a private lobby we set up then yeah.
  11. Wheel! Wheel! Wheel! Wheel! Wheel! Wheel! Wheel! Errrrr I mean the decision is yours. To be fair, braking on most wheels is a little odd as they use a spring for resistance rather than pressure. You can get load cell pedals but then you’re getting in to silly money.
  12. I can understand that @GazzaGarratt I decided against doing the full sessions. Still going for half distance though so a decent number of laps to race. The frames look good and I’d love one but I don’t have the room for one. Still most wheels allow you to clamp them down to a desk which is what I do. It isn’t perfect and I can’t place the pedals quite where I’d like. However a wheel does add so much to racing games and it is easier to drive more consistently. If you’re interested in racing games then I’d recommend a wheel to anyone. I think the only difference between console and pc is graphical. I haven’t really looked at the console as I wasn’t really paying much attention to the game but it does look lovely on pc.
  13. Damn those laps look close. I guess it is a testament to how good track mapping has gotten these days.
  14. It really does add to the game and a wheel is far better than a controller but they aren't cheap and they do take up quite a bit of space especially compared to a normal controller. So a little more practice tonight, decided to go full on practice no driving aids whatsoever. I managed to get my Melbourne time down to a 1:28. something. I looked at the real qualifying times - 1:20! Hmmmmm I might have someway to go yet. I was looking at the career too, launching a pro career turns the ai up to 110!!!! I can't even keep up at 80 😢
  15. Have you been spying on me again? 🤣
  16. I don’t wholly disagree with your post but the don’t buy it does work. The problem is though is that people are still buying the games / loot boxes. If they weren’t then, by your own arguments as there wouldn’t be profit in it, they wouldn’t do it. I honestly feel we’re at a point where we need a huge change, a paradigm shift if you will, to have things better. I’m not disillusioned to think we could have amazing games for cheap prices or anything like that. However the more people that don’t pre order, that don’t buy day 1, that wait to find out of a game is actually a full game at release, that don’t buy loot boxes etc. Companies like EA, Bethesda, Blizzard etc. would have to change practices or ultimately face closing their doors.
  17. I assume the video you saw was Super GT’s? You do and you don’t have to be, coming in to heavy braking zones with all the downforce, you can stamp on the brakes no problem. It is as the downforce comes off and you turn in that you really need to be careful with the brakes. While just trying to learn Albert Park, I left TC and ABS on. Though I want to do a proper season so I’m going to try with no aids at all. A wheel you say, do it 😉 you know you want to, give in to your temptation 😉
  18. At least you didn’t talk about being sucked 🤣 Which track was that? The last I did was Mount Panorama which I love but I think that was a week or 2 ago now. You mean trying to win a race isn’t challenging enough? lol. I keep finding I qualify mid pack so think if I qualify a little better then I’ll have a chance to win. So set a better qualifying time and then somehow start further down the grid. I will have to try without abs at some point as to do the f1 career properly you can’t use abs.
  19. So I haven’t read anything really about this game and I don’t think we have a thread on it already. However as I got given it (on PC) for my birthday I thought I’d check it out. I feel I need to prefix this with I haven’t played an F1 game since first or second codemasters ones (2010,2011?) So I can’t do any comparisons to what is better or worse than last year or really what content has been added. First impressions are good though. It took some setting up on my wheel to get the wheel rotation to match and ffb and vibration to where it felt comfortable. Which does lead me to my first complaint - there aren’t many ffb and vibration options. You get vibrations when travelling at high speeds which is accurate I guess but the wheel clicking and banging is annoying. But the only way I could find to tone this down was tone down all vibrations so now I don’t much vibration even running over kerbs. Sometimes these things can be sorted out by manually editing the ffb files though so I might be able to work around this but more time and investigation is required. Outside that though the ffb feels nice and the option to boost the feel of understeer is a useful option to know when you’re pushing too much. On to races, I only did two 5 lap races so not much but first impressions are good. The game looks really good and even on mostly high settings I was easily maintaining 60fps. The ai are damn quick, I had the slider set to 80 (out of 100) and could barely keep up. I’m sure I’ll get quicker with more practice and as I get more comfortable with the game but I honestly don’t ever see me having the ai at 100/100. The ai drive as you would expect racing drivers to, they will block and defend corners if you’re close to them. They’ll try to take the inside to overtake but will also try the outside if you defend. Tyre wear is in the game as far as I know but I didn’t do long enough races to test this so will have to update once I have. I have to say though it is hard work racing the cars. Managing fuel levels, fuel usage, ers usage etc. while trying to drive takes so much effort. I regularly ended up sticking it in the wall trying to change a setting. I’m sure it will get easier though with more time. I think I will try a few more quick races but then will hoping in to the full career mode as that looks to be fun.
  20. The nether region? I believe you mean the shadow realm 😛 Nice one Phil, I’ve always found driving without ABS too much of a pain so kudos to you learning to race without it. Interlagos is a good track though one I’m not even close to being fast at. I assume you’re doing the daily races? How is your dr and sr coming along?
  21. @GazzaGarratt the complexity is more to do with having to write war and peace to explain the 17,653 different combinations of things. However if you want can give me access to it, I’ll post my ftb guides in there later.
  22. That’s my point, the latest titles may not be able to run at 1080p60 but that is because the devs made the games / game engines that way. It is a choice the devs made to run at lower resolutions and or lower frames. If the devs made a game / engine with the limitation of the consoles in mind and with the aim to run at 1080p60 then the ps4 and xbone are both capable.
  23. I think I covered most of the basics that I know of for the FTB mods. There probably are more I could add but they can start to get more complex. Though happy to re-post (of have the guides moved) in to the new section.
  24. To further Robs post on buzzwords, it annoys me no end when you see people post things like the current consoles can’t even do 1080p 60fps. Of course they can but the devs decide to turn the graphic settings up to 11 so they only achieve 1080p 30fps. The only difference is on PC you can choose the graphics quality but console it is locked. So to that end I’d like to see some control over the graphics settings. I don’t expect to have the fidelity of controls like PC but when the supposed I don’t think 4k is the majority yet and they’re talking of 8k. I’d like to see even a simple graphics option of 1080p 120fps, 4k 60fps or 8k 30fps for example. I believe that Forza did this on the Xbox One X but I’d like it to see it more widespread.
  25. For me, you have to breakdown open world games in to open world story games and truely open world games. By open world story games I am talking about things like Breath of the Wild, Assassins Creed, Fallout, Horizon Zero Dawn etc. Where they are open world but the open world-ness is limited to the route you take to get somewhere but they are still linear in the sense that you have to get to a checkpoint at a certain location which will move the story along. Take Fallout 4 for example, you could wander around the wasteland for hours but to progress the story you have to pick a home in one of a few certain locations, you have to visit Diamond city etc. Horizon Zero Dawn is another example, in the beginning you're limited to your little area of map and the only way to be able to get access to the whole map, the 'open' world is complete the story by going from mission at place a, to mission at place b etc. I think a lot of these fall in the time played = content when it doesn't. These type of games often appeal to me but ultimately never live up to the hype simply because of how fast they become repeatative. On the other hand what I consider more true open world games I do love. Now I'm thinking about it these are all survival games - I have and do play a lot of Minecraft simply because of the freedom it offers you. Though I do also include other survival games like 7 days to die here too. I presume The Forest and Raft are similar too but I haven't played them to know specifics. Where do you want to live? well wander the map and pick anywhere you feel like. What do you want to live in? A small house? A massive castle? an underwater base? a flying base? How do you want to protect your base - a simple fence perimeter? a giant hole? traps? a bridge? a button or code activated door? a drawbridge over lava? What food do you want to live on? Grow and harvest crops manually, breed animals manually or do you want to more extreme and build complex contraptions that automatically breed animals, kill them and cook the meat? Or do you want to take a break from the survival aspect? I've built all sorts of random things over the years - water slides, whole theme parks with rollercoasters, quiz shows. Simply because you can build whatever you want, whatever your imagination lets you. As for linear games - I do also love these. I see them as something similar to a TV series (I would say film but most linear games are longer than the typical 2 hour film). They're interactive unlike (almost all) TV shows but they are still a scripted story, designed to take you on a journey, for you to uncover things, find things out, experience the plot twists etc. Yes there's terrible ones out there as there are terrible TV shows but the good ones are so damn good - The Last of Us, Half Life, Bioshock, Deus Ex (to only name a few).
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