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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. Sitting on my ass watching tv? You’d never catch me doing such a thing 🤣 I’m in and a good choice for the first film. It’s been years since I watch lock stock.
  2. Every time I hear this song I’m reminded of this story. These funny conversations took place between air traffic controllers, pilots and air crew around the world. Pilot: "Boeing Tower, Cessna 761 Uniform Alpha for a Mercer Departure at Alpha Niner with information X-Ray." Tower: "Cessna 761 Uniform Alpha cleared for takeoff, runway 13 right, fly the Mercer departure." Pilot: "Cessna 761 Uniform Alpha cleared for takeoff, is rolling." 45 seconds later... Co-Pilot: "Boeing tower, please be advised, there is a flock of seagulls near the south end of runway 13 right at 400 ft." Tower: (singing) "And I ran, I ran so far away... I just ran, I ran all night and day... I had to get away.." Pilot: "Cessna 761 Uniform Alpha has humor..." Tower: (hysterical laughter)
  3. Sort of, CD:PR got permission from the original author to use the characters, the basis of the story etc. However the games are set after the books/series and the story of the games aren’t canon. The TV series is based on the books and is canon. I finished watching this the other night and overall enjoyed it. I haven’t played any of the games or read the books so went in almost blind. I didn’t realise there were flashbacks and it wasn’t until ep4 or 5 (the wedding episode) that I realised. It was an interesting way to tell the story though, having read about the series since, it really didn’t do a good job of showing the passage of time as years pass between certain scenes. Ciri’s storyline was meh too, I appreciate why they needed to introduce her but it was mostly her just walking around and it didn’t really add anything to this series.
  4. But where’s the fun in that? Half the fun is sniping Didds in the face as he is too far away to use a shotgun 🤣
  5. Your mum is a crappy joke. Well someone had to say it 😆 To actually contribute MW and MW:R GTA V (PS4) GT Sport 7dtd (PC) R6 Siege Probably more but will add to this as I think of them.
  6. Did I never send you this one with the rotating FG logo? End Card FG New.mp4 WWW.DROPBOX.COM Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again!
  7. - Settlers of Catan board game. - Money towards going to Goodwood. - A photography tour of a widelife park (includes special access to animals, a guide photographer giving tips on taking snaps of specific animals etc) - Couple t shirts - Tickets to see the Dead South - Whisky samplers - The usual smelly stuff, chocolate and sweets etc.
  8. Regarding the intro and outro - My skills are limited but if you or anyone has an idea for a different one then I’m happy to try and render it.
  9. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 177 seconds
  10. I don’t understand how you can impeach a president and nothing come of it. I appreciate that it is because it will get blocked in the house but still it’s like a Judge telling you they found you guilty then letting you go.
  11. I have liked what I’ve read so far. I think it’s a good place for longer interesting posts than ones that require a discussion like a normal forum post. I can’t think of anything to add at the moment but if I think of anything then I’ll be sure to let you know.
  12. Heresy! Heresy! Burn the Heretic! This is the worst game ever, it’s so bad just holding the case gives you herpes and cancer and kills your whole family. They have literally taken the ashes of Hitler and Stalin and turned them in to a disc. P.S. I’m actually enjoying it too.
  13. @Spacedeck Just came across these that I saved years ago. Might be helpful for you Human Scales IMGUR.COM Post with 1 views. Human Scales
  14. I’ve watched some Jazza videos though mostly ones where he is messing around rather than any tutorial stuff. If you want to do character design then most are humanoid-ish so I’d recommend looking in to how to draw people and proportions. The one book that always gets recommended for that is Andrew Loomis - Figure drawing for all it’s worth. Loomis has other books for specific things too but that one covers general drawing, proportions, size etc. The other thing that can help is draw every day. It doesn’t have to be for long, detailed or very good but getting in to sketching something every day is a great way to learn, practice and come up with new ideas. 🤣 I’m a jack of all trades, there’s lots of things I can do alright but very few things I do well. I just like to learn new things all the time, keeps things interesting. So currently learning to 3d model in Blender then I’ll need to learn to make textures. I’m following a tutorial for it at the moment but it’s a massively long tutorial so will be some time before I can post any results.
  15. Rather than fully repost, here’s a link the ones I posted in my ppr the other week as Elliott asked. Do you have anything you want to draw @Spacedeck Maybe I can point you at some books/tutorials/vidoes on the subject. Sticking with it is the key to success, I hate that it is and I know it’s what everyone says but it is unfortunately true. The black Honda in my link is probably my best work but I’ve been drawing cars properly for over 10 years now. I look back at my early stuff and it’s terrible :lol: I’ll see if I have any early stuff so you can see how terrible I was.
  16. I know I’ve posted some of my photoshop stuff before but I’m currently on a bit of a binge of photoshop and 3D modelling again recently. So with @Impulse posting in his introduction about photoshop too, I thought I’d start this thread up to see who else FG has an artistic touch and somewhere for people to post ip their work too. I can re post some of my stuff but looking forward to seeing other people’s work too 🙂
  17. So dug out my FoS photos 🙂 All in all, I took about 1,500 so whittled down quite a lot (though a good number were bursts so lots of repeats) In no particular order as Flickr put them in a random order
  18. You’re like a bloodhound Dave, someone says Minecraft and Boom! Dave outta nowhere 🤣:
  19. Highlights from last Friday's GTA Race night which was @Shucker first GTA Friday but plenty of action all over.
  20. Highlights from Friday nights race night.  It doesn't include all the races but the best bits from a few.
  21. I’ll keep an eye out for you then as I’m planning on going next year again. If you’re taking your camera a few pointers; - Get the stand pass with your ticket. If you’re going for the full 4 day, being able to sit down is nice and they’ve got covers so even better if it’s raining. They are also tiered so gives you some height to see over the barriers. - To that end, I’d recommend a long lens if you have one. I think all my actual hill climb photos were with my 55-300mm lens. Assuming it is the same as this year, the best places I found for photos was (starting at the bottom of the hill) - On the inside of the corner opposite Hill Pavillion. - In the Park Grandstands opposite the house or anywhere along the barrier up to the bridge. - Molecombe corner grandstands. - Anywhere after the flint wall as you walk up to the rally stage. - You can get some nice shots up by the top paddock too as the cars park up there. Plus all the rally car pits are up there to look around.
  22. A compilation cut together of you lot playing R6.  I only used about half the video clips for this video so keep an eye out for part 2
  23. Oooof! I’ll be in my bunk! Those are beautiful and rare cars too. I will have a read up of the more detailed links later. Thank you for posting 🙂
  24. Nice 🙂 Yeah the VR is amazing. After trying Crispy's PSVR, I picked up one cheap and can use it on PC too. It isn't the best but then my PC wouldn't run the high end headsets anyway. GT3's you say, you'll fit it nicely 🙂 certainly my favourite class and Phil likes it too. Have you tried AC:C? I'm tempted to buy it but hoping it goes on sale at some point. What cars do you build? restorations? restomods? etc. I'd be interested to read more, see pictures of the cars you've built.
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