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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. Like with many things you can't say the Sennheisers are better because of x, y or z because there's a trade off and personal choice. Objectively speaking, the Sennheisers are an open back design so they come with the advantages of a more open and natural sound. As Phil said above too, they also help keep your ears cooler as air can circulate out of the cups. The open back design comes with a disadvantage though - they don't isolate you as much so outside noise will be heard more with open back vs closed back (like the Astros). The open / closed also applies to what you're listening to leaking out - open means more sound will leak for others to hear and closed are more isolating. I can't comment to newer A40's or A50's but way back when I bought mine, the PC360's used to review as one of, if not the, best gaming headsets available both in sound and quality and I can't imagine much has overtaken them unless you're talking silly money. Subjectively, I only got to try the A40's in a shop for fit and comfort and I much preferred the PC360's though I do accept I have an unusually large head so maybe that was something to do with it. I didn't get to try the Astro's for sound when I tried them on so I can't spead directly to their sound. However, even compared to very good closed back headphones I own, I much prefer the open back sound. The open backs give a feeling of openess (duh!) so they're more like having speakers close to you than having the sound in your head. I also find the sound quality of the open back much more natural and less bass heavy that a lot of closed back suffer from. I also find I can listen to music on open back headphones a lot longer than closed - this isn't a physical comfort thing of actually wearing the headphones, it's almost like an ear strain. I realise I probably sound like such an audiophile dick now though so I'm going to stop talking and go back to my 10 pairs of headphones 😆
  2. If you’re considering the sennheisers then i’d say just do it. I may be a little biased as I own a pair but they’re the best and most comfortable headset/earphones I’ve ever owned. They’ve got to be about 10 years old and still going strong.
  3. I’ve got no recommendation of what could be wrong with your current headset. As for what I’m running, a wired a40 mixamp with a pair of sennheiser pc360’s. Wireless is neater but I’m glad I’ve got wired if my headset breaks I can use any headset.
  4. A bit late to this but I wish Sony would fix the controller sitting on the L2 and R2 triggers. Too many times have I knocked them putting the controller down while watching a film. It's a minor thing but really one of biggest annoyances coming from an xbox pad. Though in saying that ergonomically speaking, I still prefer the xbox controllers.
  5. Admit it, you bought it just because of the name didn't you 😄
  6. I just completed this quiz. My Score 37/100 My Time 383 seconds
  7. I enjoyed this film when it came out but don’t think I’ve ever rewatched it so nows the time.
  8. Java is weird, it seems to be hardest program to make sure the correct version is installed. Every other program seems to go oh you're running a 64bit OS, i'll install the 64 bit version except java. Still, it's good to be getting somewhere. if you have 64bit installed, have youi tried manually poiting MultiMC to your javaw.exe ?
  9. I swear I put them in the OP but obviously not. I've updated it now but ease of reference Server details, use one or the other to connect: FGBeyond.minecraft-crafting.pro IP:
  10. When I had the issue and looking now - all the advice I can find for the error is not having 64 bit Java installed. Out of interest - do you also have 32bit java installed? It's maybe worth checking that MultiMC didn't automatically use 32bit. In MultiMC click settings then java then click auto detect, all my options show architecture as 64 - I'm wondering if one/all of yours is 32. If one is 32 select th 64 one and try again. Alternatively in settings, java - click the 3 dots to the right of java path and manually point MultiMC to your 64 bit java ( C:\ Program Files \ Java\jre (some numbers for your version number) \ bin \ javaw.exe If you manually point it to java make sure it's javaw.exe not java.exe
  11. This error is usually caused by either not running Java as an admin or not using 64bit java - Annoying, java seems to love installing only the 32bit so you have to make sure you download and install the 64bit version. Step 2 in this link shows how to run java as an admin: https://appuals.com/fix-could-not-create-the-java-virtual-machine/ and/or download 64bit java here: https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase-jre8-downloads.html#license-lightbox you want the one near the bottom, Windows x64 jre-8u251-windows-x64.exe Edit: Urgh! have to sign in for that link, also here: https://download.cnet.com/Java-Runtime-Environment-JRE-64-Bit/3000-2213_4-75317067.html
  12. Is it working? If it is, I'd be tempted to carry on. If it isn't, what error are you getting? Also you're whitelisted so if/when you should be good to join the server 🙂
  13. Strange, it should take more than the default RAM which from memory is only 1Gb. Are you running 32 bit or 64bit java? Also don’t forget to give me your username so I can whitelist you.
  14. Good Afternoon you beautiful people So following on from @BO7H B4RRELS PPR asking for the FG Minecraft server info, Plumber Dave and I spoke and thought it would be a good time to reset the server again so we all start together. With the lockdown in place, what better time to start a new world too. FTB Revelation is a general pack so there should be something for everyone. Taken from the description page - "Revelation is not a themed pack nor a focused pack, it’s a pack designed to cater to a large amount of players, whether you like tech mods, magic mods, exploration, building or all of those then this pack is for you." If you want to join, reply with your username or pm it to me and I'll get you whitelisted. Server details, use one or the other to connect: FGBeyond.minecraft-crafting.pro IP: @Spacedeck @Diddums @GazzaGarratt Tagging you as you've said about joing before so just to make sure you don't miss it. @crispymorgan I know you've said about Alex wanting to join before but we've never actually sorted it out so let me know if he wants to join. Modpack link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/ftb-revelation Download link for zip file: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/ftb-revelation/download/2818181 Installing and setting up guide can be found in the video in this thread but if you still need any help let me know and I'll help sort you out.
  15. If you haven't already, I'd recommend looking in to Harmy's despecialised trilogy or Project 4k77, Project 4k80* and Project 4k83. Harmy's trilogy is 1080p HD while the obvious named project 4k are 4k. They're both taken from the original original trilogy film reels - so no added scenes, CGI bullshit, Han shoots first etc. - and cleaned up, colour corrected etc. * Project 4k80 isn't complete yet but the others are.
  16. A fall out remover dissolves small metal particles that embed themselves in your paint and come from your car being manufactured, any industry near where you live and yours and everyones brakes. That disappointing, anyone who likes their vehicles know they need a good bump and grind every now and then. Maybe even a twerk or two 😆
  17. I'm not sure why screen size changes your turning circle but - You didn't say size so 24" - LG 24GL600F or AOC 24G2U 27" - Iiyama G2730HSU-B1 At your budget it's going to be hard to find a monitor without some drawbacks but those get mostly positively reviewed.
  18. Completely understandable - half...well most of the reason I like using snowfoam is the fun of using it. Though you clay barred you truck then waxed it? Sounds like you missed a few steps; fall out removers, tar removes, compounding, polishing and jewewlling. Now go back to beginning and do it properly this time 😛
  19. Well that looks amazing! It's crazy to think of the amount of work that must have gone in to making this! Yeah it's free, if you go to youtube there's a link taking you to download it. I'm not 100% sure how you go about setting it up but I can't imagne it's that complicated. I'm also now wondering if it's a single player experience or if it would work on a server hmmmmm
  20. Understandable mate, some of my clips looked rubbish too so I think I’ll start capturing properly again.
    Brilliant video Rich, loving the shots on the beat. Also Cals pistol 5 feed 😱
  21. Glad to hear you’re enjoying it. The episodes do get longer with the last couple, if memory serves, being 50 minutes long. You don’t really need to know the history of the Mandalorians. It’s enough to know they’re dispersed and in hiding which the show explains enough of. A brief history though if you want it; There’s some stuff I’ve missed out as it comes up in the series but it would be worth reading more on it after you’ve finished the series.
  22. Your mum. I’m up for playing whatever, if I got the game I’ll play it. Edit: Except Warzone or other BR’s.
  23. Netflix site shows it though I don’t have an account so don’t know if there’s any restrictions or whatever.
  24. We missed a few weeks but with more and more people social distancing and staying in, what better time to re-resurrect the film of the week. So this weeks; Bad Boys
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