To put all this in one place so I can just link all you fucks to it in the future.
Minecraft Verions
Minecraft currently has 2 verions
Minecraft: Java Edition - this is the OG PC only version. It can only be played by PC with other PC players (don't know about Mac's before Elliott asks.)
Minecraft; Otherwise sometimes called Bedrock edition or Better together - this is ALL other platorms - mobile, ps4, xbox one, switch and also the Windows 10 version. As all versions are the same then anyone playing this version has the potential to cross play. To avoid confusion for the rest of this post I shall refert to this as Minecraft:BE.
Multiplayer and Cross Play
This is where things get annoying and a little complicated but to break it down by what people play on.
Before I do though, there's 2 types of mutliplayer servers available. The first is an external server and loads of companies offer this. FG currently rent one fo the modded version of mincreaft, we also have one for Conan too (this is also the one hosting the Bedrock server). The other type is Realms - realms are basically private servers you can rent from Microstroft directly and are available to rent in Minecraft itself. Both external servers and realms are persistent worlds and can be connected to 24/7.
So on to the different verions;
PC - PC's on Java edition can only connect to Java edition servers. and only other PC master race players can join. PC, if running Windows 10, can play Minecraft:BE and can connect to any server that is hosting Minecraft:BE. Again, anyone else on PC using Minecraft:BE can connect too. PC's can also connect to realms.
XBox one and Switch - These are both also running Minecraft:BE though due to limitations put in place by MS and Nintendo they can't connect to external servers. This means if you want to play multiplayers you're limited the standard ones or to rent a realm.
PS4 - PS4 is currently running Minecraft:BE however, due to only having been updated to Minectraft:BE recently, there are no servers available. This feature will be added at some point but currently there is no official ETA on when this update will be released. It is presumed by almost everyone that Sony will also follow suit and block access to external servers so multiplayer on ps4 will the same as Xbox and Switch. That is the the standard ones or to rent a realm,
Consoles generally - You can invite friends to your world and host multiplayer that way. However this is hosted on your console and so a) comes with the performance limitations of it (cpu power, internet speed etc.) and is also only available while your console is online.
How to know which version I have
Consoles, mobiles, VR (basically anything but PC) - these should have all updatred to Minecraft:BE automatically.
PC: When you buy Minecract on PC you have a choice whether to buy Java Edition or Bedrock Edition so buy the right version.
If you already own it and you dont' know - when you log in and see the main screen it should say either "Minecraft Java Edition" or just "Minecraft" at the top.
If you bought Java edition before October 18, 2018 you can download the Windows 10 verions (so Minecraft:BE) for free. To claim the free versions - Log into, and under the “My Games” heading you will find a button to claim your gift code. If you purchased Minecraft: Java Edition after October 19th, 2018, the button will not be there, so if you’re unsure of when you purchased Minecraft: Java Edition, that’s a good way to check. Pressing the button will generate a token and send you to a Microsoft redemption page.
Can I play Minecraft - PC Specs
For standard / vanilla, these are the specs directly recommend;
Minimum Requirements:
CPU: Intel Core i3-3210 3.2 GHz / AMD A8-7600 APU 3.1 GHz or equivalent
GPU (Integrated): Intel HD Graphics 4000 (Ivy Bridge) or AMD Radeon R5 series (Kaveri line) with OpenGL 4.4*
GPU (Discrete): Nvidia GeForce 400 Series or AMD Radeon HD 7000 series with OpenGL 4.4
HDD: At least 1GB for game core, maps and other files
- Windows: Windows 7 and up
- macOS: Any 64-bit OS X using 10.9 Maverick or newer
- Linux: Any modern 64-bit distributions from 2014 onwards
Internet connectivity is required for downloading Minecraft files, afterwards offline play is possible.
Recommended Requirements:
CPU: Intel Core i5-4690 3.5GHz / AMD A10-7800 APU 3.5 GHz or equivalent
GPU: GeForce 700 Series or AMD Radeon Rx 200 Series (excluding integrated chipsets) with OpenGL 4.5
HDD: 4GB (SSD is recommended)
OS (recommended 64-bit):
- Windows: Windows 10
- macOS: macOS 10.12 Sierra
- Linux: Any modern distributions from 2014 onwards
Modded Minimum Requirements:
For modded Minecraft, the specs become a little higher and I'd say the minimum specs for modded are the recommend requirements above.
Modded Recommend Requirements
CPU: Intel 6th series i5 or i7 / AMD Ryzen
RAM: 16Gb
GPU: GeForce 900 Series (not sure what AMD equivalent is, will update once known)
OS 64-bit
- Windows: Windows 10
- macOS: macOS 10.12 Sierra
- Linux: Any modern distributions from 2014 onwards
Installing and Setting up Multi MC
Installing and initial set up of Multi MC 0:00
Setting up a vanilla game 1:00
Installing a mod pack 2:45
Installing custom mods: 5:45
Determing maximum RAM for assign 8:50
So I think that answers everything but any questions post them up.