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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. You’re going to hate me for saying this but I don’t like Keonigseggs. I can appreciate that they turn everything up to 11, the design and engineering behind all of that but the looks don’t do it for me. With the exception of the 720s, I find McLarens the same.
  2. I don’t know what’s next, as I said above I’ve got the dtm inspired mx5 but that was a model I started years ago. Though that isn’t one I can finish, I’ll probably have to re-model everything. So thinking of starting a different project instead but haven’t figured out what yet. Diddums suggested there Bugnotti Delahaye but no blueprints exist for it so I think it’s a bit beyond me to do right now.
  3. I wonder if the power brick is in the console again. It is pretty beefy but if the extra space is for cooling so it doesn’t sound like a jet taking off then I won’t complain too much.
  4. Welcome one, welcome all, Speaking with Phil the other day about AC I suggested running an AC time trial and Lee said he was thinking about reviving the GT Sport time trial. So in the immortal words; why not both! I'm thinking a similar format to how I did the GT Sport time trial before - a week running Monday - Sunday, I use a randomiser to select a car class and a track and fastest time wins. There will have to be a few differences with AC, as AC doesn't have Balance of Power that GT Sport does. So GT can be done by class and any car of that class can be used where AC will be specific cars. I can't see why AC on PC and PS4 would be different and as George should soon have my copy of AC, opens it up for him or anyone else to join in too. So, specifics - I'm thinking for each round GT Sport: 1 Track 1 Car class - open to any car of that class. Balance of Power (or BoP for short) enabled Everything else free to do what you want - set up, tyres etc. Assetto Corsa 1 Tracks 2 cars - Can't run classes really in AC unfortunately so will have to be specific cars. I'm thinking 2 cars as opens up for one car to be a challenge and the other to be a little easier to drive. As with GT Sport, everything else - set up, tyres etc. to do with as you want. I'm thinking round 1 to start on Monday 22 June but posting now to get peoples ideas if they want changes to above made or have something specific in mind? @phil bottle @GazzaGarratt @G_dub52 and anyone else that wants to join in.
  5. Standard AC is a great game - it's got everything a racing sim should; a decent selection of tracks with car spanning the years from road cars, to GT and single single seaters. Where AC really shines though is on the PC as you can mod it - Not all mods are free but a lot are and those you pay for are usually pretty cheap. It isn't only cars and tracks though they add a lot - mods have been created to effectively update the game - adding more varied weather types, better shaders and textures as well as hosts of other QoL stuff. AC:C is very similar to AC in look and feel but limited to only the GT cars and tracks of the Blancpain GT series. Currently this is only GT3 cars but there will be GT4 cars coming in the future. If you prefer your GT racing then ACC is the way to go.
  6. The issue has gone on for far too long and seemingly without any progress and this seems to be the straw that broke the camels back as they saying goes. So not to trivialise it but there are bigger issues that are and have the potential to effect millions or billions of people - ignoring global pandemics though that makes the list but genocides, global warming, nuclear proliferation etc. She also has a good point, we are all the same on the inside - the colour of our skin is different but we all bleed red. We are all made of the same things, we all involved in the human condition. So I agree with her that racism doesn't exist.... Wait, what, wtf? Nope. Stacey you're on your own with that one. You were almost on to a good post there but you took that down faster than a Germanwings pilot. I'm out.
  7. Some of the rumours, I think this might be accurate...
  8. The modifying of cars in 3d is nothing new but for me not really, the modded Alfa just came about because I happened to be talking to the old man about old racing cars; E30 M3's, Sierra Cosworths and Capri's and I got curious about what the Alfa would look with a massive widebody on. Plus, as I'm new to this sort of modelling, it was something I hadn't done so thought I'd give it a go. The first car I started modelling in this type of 3d was 5 or 6 years ago and was a DTM style kitted MX5 and one day I plan to finish that. Generally, though I'm more interested in recreating a design to try and be as close to the real thing as possible. I'd like to eventually get around to creating my own concepts but it's a whole new ball game from creating a model from blueprints and loads of reference pictures to trying to create a design from nothing. One day though.
  9. Yeah, it's no problem. As I said, I only bought it for the PS4 for the Hereford meet so it hasn't been touched since. PM your address and I'll sort out getting it posted to you 🙂 You don't have to give me anything for it so if you want to "pay" for it then send it to FG fund. It's weird switching between AC and GT but no reason we couldn't do both - then I kick all yo' asses in both 😄 WIth GT Sport I do miss a lot of what made GT, GT; the campaign and licences, buying and tuning cars to have a better shot at races. Even stupid things like the used car market. The tuning in GT Sport is just up a percentage and that's it you've got more power. I understand what, as it make balancing cars a lot easier but I do miss the tuning aspect. The turning in Forza was IMO one of it's strongest points - because you could change every part of the engine you got to choose your balance - massive turbo for massive power but equally massive turbo lag with no room left for chassis mods else you'll end up in the next class or do you do all the chassis mods and be monsterous round corners but slow on the straights. This sort of customisation would be awesome to see in a GT game.
  10. Oi! I’ve never cheated... I just know where all the short cuts are. I’ve enjoyed GT Sport but after spending so much time in Assetto Corsa recently it’s hard to go back to GT. Though I’ll still be keeping an eye on it as more details come out. @G_dub52 Thinking of getting assetto corsa on pc or ps4? The ps4 version is good but the mods available for pc make it one of the best racing sims you can get. If PS4 you're more than welcome to have my copy as I only play it on PC and only bought it on the PS4 for the Hereford meet up last year. After Phil said he tried AC last night, I suggested an AC time trial which I think could be good though with the GT Sport one it was really only Phil and I who took part so the more the merrier if we do an AC one.
  11. Ahhhh Katie McGrath - definitely a good reason to watch Merlin. She also turns up in Supergirl too though I don't know how much she's in it. Something else to add to my list - Person of Interest. Not something I'd heard of before but watched it all during the lockdown and a good show.
  12. With everytime - until the console digital market starts to reflect the pc digital market where prices are actually reasonable then disc everytime. Plus my consoles have always been my dvd/bluray player too.
  13. The one on the c pillar? It’s the quadrifoglia badge used on high end Alfa Romeo’s and their racing cars for years. It’s on the original car so I kept it though it does tie in the car nicely with history.
  14. So a complete change of pace from last week then 😄
  15. I’d agree about the best film Wahlberg has been in, it was a break in his comedy or action films and something I’d like to see him do more often. It’s a brilliant film overall though, I know it’s based on a true story but they keep the real life in by not only focusing on the good and glossing over the depression and despair that Dicky goes through. It isn’t an easy watch at times but it’s well worth watching.
  16. Sent these on whatsapp but thought I’d share with the whole class
  17. Absolutely hate you all!!! That is all 😆 No, great night and a good laugh. There were more of us than I thought so good banter all around. I can't believe some of the hands I lost but oh well, that's the luck of the draw. It was still a laugh, thanks for setting it up @LordBaguette and I look forward to it if we do another.
  18. So I finished this one a couple of weeks ago, just never posted it. So I present my complete Alfa Romeo 105 Giulia, I managed to model this one quicker than the Lancia above but I spent more time working out the specifics of rendering so this looks more "real". And of course, it's mandatory in these situations to add a massive widebody to any car modelled in 3d 😄 Somewhat inspired by the Zakspeed Capri and on Lancia Stratos wheels.
  19. Greboth

    PC Woes

    No, I don’t have the 1070 that came out of my PC but I do have an old GPU I can test with. Though the timing is of concern, I don’t have any problems associated with a gpu problem so I’m reasonably happy to rule it out for now.
  20. Registered 🙂 see you on the tables biznitches.
  21. Greboth

    PC Woes

    That was my thinking but I don't fancy the hassle of trying to RMA a MB with a weird intermittent fault. Also, touch wood it's been working fine since Monday evening and I've been deliberately turning it on and off throughout the day to test if it boots each time. I must be up to about 20 successful boots in a row now so i'm am starting to wonder if was something I had plugged in via usb is actually fubared rather than the MB itself. Annoyingly, if it is a usb devide then there's no quick way I know of to find out which one except plug one in, give it week or so to see if the problem re-occurs, if not plug in another and wait another week and so on and so forth. Even more annoying is, I realised yesterday, resetting cmos I lost my ram timings which took me so damn long to get stable at 3200Mhz 😞 oh well needs must.
  22. 😆 I actually had a thought about yours, next time I get in to my pc I can copy your caveman off and continue working on it on my laptop. I’ve run photoshop before on it and it’s worked mostly alright. It’s really only the 3d logos that are a problem as no way can my laptop run 3d software.
  23. Greboth

    PC Woes

    So as not spam the gaming logo thread with pc stuff it's best to give it it's own thread. So copy pasta from another forum; I was playing a game on Saturday and my mouse stopped working - a bit of investigating at the time and my mouse was working and it was some of my usb ports had stopped. However the game and PC continued to work fine. Restarted my PC to see if it fixed the issue and got stuck on the Asus splash screen with the motherboard displaying q-code b4 which is a usb hot plug error. I unplugged all usb, including internal usb headers, rebooted and still got the b4 error. Cleared CMOS, still B4. Fully power cycled inc. plug socket off and I can get the PC to boot - I get the error no kb or mouse plugged in and I need to do the bios set up which make sense as I reset CMOS. I plug in a keyboard and mouse and get in to BIOS, checking BIOS settings and it starts lagging before eventually locking up entirely. Repeat the above until I can get in to BIOS again - this time quickly checking boot drive and saving. PC restarts and boots in to windows fine. BIOS crashing is unusual so first though was temperatures - CPU in high 30's, GPU low 40's - perfect idle temps so certainly not overheating at idle. 20 minutes of running prime95 and Furmark see CPU in to low 70's and GPU in to low 80's - again perfectly fine. I've run both for an hour and while I melted having the PC kick out that much heat - the PC was fine. So I've ruled out temps - restarted PC several times over and all fine. PC continued to work fine for Sunday (watching tv, gaming and 3d rendering) and was on and off several times throughout the day. PC booted up fine at lunch time while I watched some TV but turning it on after work today and back to q code B4 again. Rinse and repeat above and I can again get back in to windows again. PC Specs: Ryzen 2700X Asus ROG X470 Hero 32Gb RAM Team Group Dark Pro 8 Pack (4 x 8Gb) Samsung nvme boot 1 ssd, 3 mech drives for storage. Corsair RM850x 850w psu. Windows 10 The PC has been running fine since I built it ~2 years ago. The only change to the PC recently was a GPU change on 29th May (1070 for 2080). It seems too coincidental that the problems should start after a hardware change though I can't see why a GPU would cause the above problems a week after being installed especially as there's been no other issues with gaming, rendering or stress testing it. Some extra info too; Current thinking is that it's one of the usb devices I have plugged in or the usb controller on the motherboard. I'm leaning towards motherboard as I get the usb error even with nothing plugged in (even front headers disconnected). Since getting it running ok on Sunday, I had plugged all my usb devices back in but obviously the problem repeated Monday. Since Monday, the only USB I have plugged in my keyboard and mouse and so far so good though it worked previously too so we shall see. I do have a wireless keyboard mouse combo that I can plug in should the problem repeat with my current mouse and keyboard. I haven't yet tried updating drivers or the bios yet though, it's on the list of things to maybe try but I don't see a system working for 2 years would start failing and the solution be a driver or bios issue but who knows. Diddums suggested swapping RAM sticks around which I said I couldn't do due to my CPU cooler, on actually inspecting my PC I think I might be able to get them out without needing to remove my cooler. Though as the PC runs fine when actually running I am leaning towards it not being RAM. GPU this is obviously a potential as it was only changed last week - though similar to RAM, as I have no issues with it when the PC actually runs, temps are fine, it passes stress tests I'm again leaning towards it not being the cause. Though I do have an old quadro card I can swap in to rule out if need be. Though for now focusing on USB related issues as that's my q code error. Windows itself - there's a potential it is just Windows itself has fubared or my nvme boot drive. The drive says it's error free but it could still be windows. Thankfully all my documents are stored on other drives so I wouldn't lose anything wiping but I'd still rather not as re-instaling all the programs is still a pain. Though still might do it as I tend to sit at atround 85% full so might take the opputunity to install a bigger boot drive too. I think that's all but I welcome any thoughts people have on this issue.
  24. Going off topic here but @Dan94 It is something I’ve tried as when it fails to boot it gets stuck at a usb error code. Even unplugging everything it still get stuck at the usb error. Which leads me to suspect it’s the motherboard usb controller failing rather than a usb device. I just want to rule out everything I can before trying to RMA an intermittently failing motherboard. @phil bottle It’s not that new anymore as I built it just over 2 years ago now. I didn’t realise it was that long though, time flies when you’re having fun.
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