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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. Hi and welcome to the forum 🙂 As Plumber Dave said, Discord is great when playing on PC and for discussing Minecraft things. There's a link to the FG discord at the top of the forum so you should be able to click that and join our discord server 🙂 As for Minecraft, we have played a skyblock (Sky Factory 3) but, again, as Dave says we're currently playing FTB Revalations. There's a couple of threads in the Minecraft section about setting up mods and the server details. Unfortunately I'm rushing out right now but I'll find the links to the specific posts later. If you can post (or pm me if you'd prefer) your minecraft username I will get you whitelisted on the server.
  2. Damn! I didn’t even realise he was ill. Such a shame, like you I enjoyed Black Panther and the few other times I’d seen him in stuff. Far too young to go.
  3. I think you're right about the quests Lee, I need to do more to get my levels up some more. Though I unlocked the perk last night to get more meat from animals so now I get, I think, 11 off of a chicken or rabbit. So I think I need to spend an evening doing some hunting to see if I can build up our food reserves a little. Good work on the base building though guys 🙂 It'll be nice when our supplies are safely tucked away and Lee proof 😄 I see from the sceenshots, it's day 13. Did you leave it at day 13 or did you get as far as horde night?
  4. Literally answered this question on a different forum earlier today so I’ll copy paste that answer. They also asked about if a belt driven wheel is better and it is something to consider so I’ve left it in. Some of the pros attributed to belt driven wheels is simply because they're a better (and more expensive) wheel. For example, most (if not all) belt driven wheels have a higher peak torque than gear drive wheels - higher peak torque is a good thing but this is down to the manufacturers choice of gear/pulley ratio and motor(s) to use rather than being specifically attributable to a belt is better. With that said, gear driven wheels and belt driven wheels work on the same principle of a small motor with a small gear or pulley driving a larger gear or pulley attached to the wheel. This means they suffer most of the same cons; lower FFB torque, slower rotational speeds and some tiny torque inconsistencies due to gear lash and belt tension when FFB oscillates. As said though, these cons apply to both though so can't really judge which is better on these. There is one advantage belt wheels have; smoothness and as a consequence, noise. Because of gear lash (the small gaps between the gear teeth) when the FFB engages and closes this gap there can be quite a clunk noise and over something like a kerb that causes oscillation of the FFB it causes a rattle. As a belt pulley is designed differently, there isn't the requirement for this lash and so are quieter in their operation. With respect to your specific question, objectively the T300RS GT is a better wheel; as above it's belt driven so will be quieter (though the fan on the TM still makes some noise), a quick google shows the peak torque being almost twice that of the G29 (3.9Nm v 2.1Nm), the T300 is 1080 vs G29's 900 degree rotation, there's more customisation options with the TM as you can change wheels rims if you want as well as being able to expand the TM to include a h pattern shifter (which is superior to the Logitech offering) and a handbrake/sequential shifter if you want one too. Finally, the t3pa pedals are better than the Logitech offering too - this is arguably subjective rather than objective but it's hard to find someone that says otherwise so I'm counting this as objective too. How much 'value' you attribute to all of that is your personal opinion and somewhat governed by what you like to race. In my opinion though, while the price difference isn't insignificant, it is worth it. TL;DR - The G29 is a good entry level wheel but a T300 is better and worth the extra.
  5. I feel you need a new title, maybe Lee the Destroyer? Lee the Resource Remover? 🤣 There was some good stuff in them but nothing that we can't get again 🙂 I agree though it was a fun night with a number of us on 🙂 Definitely need to play more 7DTD.
  6. Yeah man, I’ve mostly been playing some ACC recently but I do love some Mugello. I’ll be around both days ao just drop me a message when he decides which day(s)
  7. As good as some of the rumours are sounding about the RTX3090 I'm having a tough choice deciding what to spend my money on; An RTX3090 or my own private island with change left over for a few cars and a helicopter.
  8. Damn Phil you’re fast at this combo. I tried the S2000 and the McLaren but couldn’t get close. So I tried the Ferrari but still only squeezed a 1:16.8. I tried the AC combo out and got BMW 1:41.257 Lotus: 1:40.4
  9. I don’t know how you do it Phil, I can’t face turning my pc or ps4 on in this heat. To be fair with the walls, I think it depends how you hit them whether it would gain or lose you time.
  10. My hands are very close on size to yours and I have the 502 and would recommend it. Which probably isn’t all that helpful as James has recommended the 403 😆 To be honest, I don’t think you can go wrong with either. Both are really good mouses so I’d make your decision on if you want the extra buttons.
  11. The original roll was N100 but that would have been flat out the whole way round this loop so re-rolled to N600 which seems far more challenging.
  12. I don't know about anyone else but I struggle to race in this heat! But that doesn't stop the combo's coming GT Sport: Car Class: N600 Track: Tokyo Expressway Central Inner Loop Assetto Corsa Car 1: Lotus 2Eleven Car 2: BMW M3 E30 Group A Track: Nurburgring Sprint
  13. I think you’re bang on with the PS5 though I think the xbox will be £449. Or more accurately £449.95 or £449.99 as they’ve got to creep it under the whole pound. I think MS will want the market share back so will undercut Sony but equally MS have the more powerful console so I don’t think it will be that much cheaper.
  14. It really doesn't make sense why there were such quantities of amonium nitrate were stored in such a way especially in such a built up area. I guess it probably happens alot though and we only hear about it when things like this happen. The crazy thing is the damange caused but from a military perspective the blast wasn't that big. There's conventional bombs that are 5+ times the size and that's without going nuclear which can be 1000's of times larger.
  15. 😱 I’d never condone cheating....unless you can get away with it 😂
  16. Well I didn't pick them, thank the randomiser for that 😄 Though yeah, agree the 86 is great, turn up the differential locking and you can hang the back out so much 😄 Driving last night, I knocked a few tenths off and got my ae86 time down to 2:04.065. Though my theoretical best is a 3.7 so might give it another go some point.
  17. Glad you said that as I’ve got the Peugeot down to a 1:19.082. My perfect lap would only be a 18.986 so don’t think I made too many mistakes and so don’t think there’s much more time in it for me.
  18. See now I’m conflicted, I want you to beat me in one of these rounds but now you are I just want to go do more laps and beat you 😆
  19. So I tried out the AC combo this week and the cars are so different. The AE86 is a blast to drive, if you overcook it the back comes out but it's very controllable. Though as ever highlights my need to practice my heel and toe more. The P1 is just mind bendingly fast, the brakes on it are better than the AE86 but you have to brake so much earlier for corners just because of the speed you build up. Still, got a 2:04.485 with the AE86 and a 1:41.999 with the P1. My theoretical best time for both is faster though so I think there's more time to be found.
  20. I don’t think the VGT is faster anyway, managed a 21 something with it as my best lap in 10 laps but got a 1:20.455 with the Peugeot on my second lap.
  21. C-c-c-c-combo breaker Round 5 GT Car: Gr1 Track: Autodromo Da Interlagos AC Car 1: McLaren P1 Car 2: Toyota AE86 Tuned Track: Zandvoort
  22. 1. Destiny - Don't play it these days but that's me not the game 2. Horizon Zero Dawn - One of the best SP games I've played 3. Overwatch - So many great (and frustrating) nights playing this 4. CoD Blops 3 - 5. GT Sport 6. No Mans Sky - Say what you want about it at release, it now is a brilliant game 7. 8. 9. 10. I'm sure there's more so I'll think of the other 4 and update my list.
  23. It probably doesn't help that you also bought the game twice 😆
  24. I doubt we'll get free tracks as the problem with new tracks is that the tracks are the one used in the Blancpain GT Series and the GT4 series uses the same tracks. So unless ACC gets licence for JGTC (for example) I doubt well see new tracks but then it'll be sold as a JGTC pack. But tbh they aren't taking the piss with the number of dlc packs and the prices have been good value so I'm more than happy to buy the dlc is this continues.
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